Control over array with bitmap - c

I've now created an array with 64 spots for 8-byte blocks.
How do I implement a bitmap that checks if these spots are used?
I created the array with 64spots with this uint64_t array[64]

Since this is (untagged) homework, I won't give code, but:
First: what's a bitmap? It's using the values of individual bits in a variable individually, rather than interpreting the value as a whole. So, if you need a bitmap to indicate which of 64 blocks are in use, you would need 64 bits - a 64-bit type would do well for this. If you need a bitmap for each of the individual bytes in a "block", the same idea holds, but you can use a smaller size map (one byte bitmap) and more of them, obviously.
Then, you need to access each bit individually - there are bitwise operators that make this easy. Bit 0 would indicate the state of block 0 (unset, or 0 = unused, 1, or set = used), bit 63 would indicate the state of block 63. A bitwise AND between a value that has the bit of the block you'd like to check, and the bitmap, will return whether that block is being used. It can be easy to visualize bits in a data type by opening up calculator programs and setting them to "programmer" mode.
Setting a bit is easy - you can bitwise OR the set bit. Unsetting is a bit trickier if you're not familiar with it, but easy once you've grasped the concept of bitwise operations.

Assuming you are numbering the bits 0 .. 4095.
Then 6 bits represent the index into the bitmap bytes and 6 bits represent the bit within the array element.
if you have
unsigned int bit ;
unsigned int index = (bit >> 6) & 63 ;
uint64_t mask = 1 << (bit & 63) ;
if (array [index] & mask)
// bit is set


Is bit masking comparable to "accessing an array" in bits?

For all the definitions I've seen of bit masking, they all just dive right into how to bit mask, use bitwise, etc. without explaining a use case for any of it. Is the purpose of updating all the bits you want to keep and all the bits you want to clear to "access an array" in bits?
Is the purpose of updating all the bits you want to keep and all the bits you want to clear to "access an array" in bits?
I will say the answer is no.
When you access an array of int you'll do:
int_array[index] = 42; // Write access
int x = int_array[42]; // Read access
If you want to write similar functions to read/write a specific bit in e.g. an unsigned int in a "array like fashion" it could look like:
unsigned a = 0;
set_bit(a, 4); // Set bit number 4
unsigned x = get_bit(a, 4); // Get bit number 4
The implementation of set_bit and get_bit will require (among other things) some bitwise mask operation.
So yes - to access bits in an "array like fashion" you'll need masking but...
There are many other uses of bit level masking.
int buffer[64];
unsigned index = 0;
void add_to_cyclic_buffer(int n)
buffer[index] = n;
index &= 0x3f; // Masking by 0x3f ensures index is always in the range 0..63
unsigned a = some_func();
a |= 1; // Make sure a is odd
a &= ~1; // Make sure a is even
unsigned a = some_func();
a &= ~0xf; // Make sure a is a multiple of 16
This is just a few examples of using "masking" that has nothing to do with accessing bits as an array. Many other examples can be made.
So to conclude:
Masking can be used to write functions that access bits in an array like fashion but masking is used for many other things as well.
So there are 3 (or 4) main uses.
One, as you say, is where you use the word as a set of true/false flags, where each flag is just indexed in a symmetric manner. I use 'word' here to be the piece of discrete memory that you are accessing in a single operation. So a byte holds 8 bit values, and a 'long long' holds 64 bits. With a bit more effort an array of words can be used as an array of more packed flags.
A second is where you are doing some manipulation of the value, but still consider the word to hold one value. There are many tricks like setting or clearing bottom bits to ensure alignment, or clearing top bits to get a modulus, shifting to divide or multiply by powers of 2.
A third use is where you want to pack lots of smaller-ranged values into a word. Each of the values is a particular meaning in context. This may either be because you need to communicate with a device that has defined this as the protocol, or because you need to create so many objects that the saving in space in each object outweighs the increase in code size and code speed cost (though that might be contrasted with the increased cache misses causing slowdown if the object were bigger).
As a distinction the fourth case is where these fields are distinct 1-bit flags that have specific meanings in the context of the code. Data objects tend to collect a number of such flags, and it is simply more convenient sometimes to store them as bits in a single location, than to use separate bytes for each flag. Generally testing a particular fixed indexed bit, or a fixed masked bit is no more expensive in code size or speed than testing the whole byte, though writing can be more complex. The storage savings are clear, so often programmers will declare an enumeration of bit masks by default when faced with creating a number of flags in a structure, or when writing a function.

How to write and read specific bit of a 32 bit register [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I set, clear, and toggle a single bit?
(27 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm new to bit operations and trying to experiment little bit.
let's say I have a 32 bit register which is constructed as follows:
Bit 31:12 RESERVED
Bit 11 CONFIG1
Bit 10 CONFIG2
Bit 9:0 DATA
There exists already a Function to write data into the register:
#define WR_REG_32(address, value) (*((volatile u32 *)(address)) = (value))
I would like to write the value 0x0 at Bit 10 (CONFIG2). The value should be in the format like for example:
So, how to know what hex value to use in order to write to Bit 10 the value 0x0 without touching the other bits?
Also, what is the easiest way to read from the 32 bit register only the values from bit 0 - 9 ?
You need to read first the register to write the same bits, except the bit 10 forced to zero.
To force a bit to zero, bit 10, you have to use the bitwise AND between the current value and all-bits-to-1-except-bit-10 (zero)
newValue = currentValue & ~(1<<10)
The ~ operator invert bits. & is bitwise AND. Using the macro,
value = RD_REG_32(address) ; To read the current value
WR_REG_32(address, value & ~(1<<10))
RD_REG_32 to read the current value.
To read the bits 0~9, set the others to 0
(read value from register)
value &= 0x3FF; // keeps only the first 10 bits, from 0 to 9
Read also Eric's comment below. Your architecture might impact the way you can deal with 32 bits values.

Getting the negative integer from a two's complement value Embedded C

I know that many had similar questions over here about converting from/to two's complement format and I tried many of them but nothing seems to help in my case.
Well, I'm working on an embedded project that involves writing/reading registers of a slave device over SPI. The register concerned here is a 22-bit position register that stores the uStep value in two's complement format and it ranges from -2^21 to +2^21 -1. The problem is when I read the register, I get a big integer that has nothing to do with the actual value.
After sending a command to the slave to move 4000 steps (forward/positive), I read the position register and I get exactly 4000. However, if I send a reverse move command, say -1, and then read the register, the value I get is something like 4292928. I believe it's the negative offset of the register as the two's complement has no zero. I have no problem sending a negative integer to the device to move x number of steps, however, getting the actual negative integer from the value retrieved is something else.
I know that this involves two's complement but the question is, how to get the actual negative integer out of that strange value? I mean, if I moved the device -4000 steps, what I have to do to get the exact value for the negative steps moved so far from my register?
You need to sign-extend bit 21 through the bits to the left.
For negative values when bit 21 is set, you can do this by ORring the value with 0xFFC00000.
For positive values when bit 21 is clear, you can ensure by ANDing the value with 0x003FFFFF.
The solutions by Clifford and Weather Vane assume the target machine is two's-complement. This is very likely true, but a solution that removes this dependency is:
static const int32_t sign_bit = 0x00200000;
int32_t pos_count = (getPosRegisterValue() ^ sign_bit) - sign_bit;
It has the additional advantage of being branch-free.
The simplest method perhaps is simply to shift the position value left by 10 bits and assign to an int32_t. You will then have a 32 bit value and the position will be scaled up by 210 (1024), and have 32 bit resolution, but 10 bit granularity, which normally shouldn't matter since the position units are entirely arbitrary in any case, and can be converted to real-world units if necessary taking into account the scaling:
int32_t pos_count = (int32_t)(getPosRegisterValue() << 10) ;
Where getPosRegisterValue() returns a uint32_t.
If you do however want to retain 22 bit resolution then it is simply a case of dividing the value by 1024:
int32_t pos_count = (int32_t)(getPosRegisterValue() << 10)) / 1024 ;
Both solutions rely in the implementation-defined behaviour of casting a uint32_t of value not representable in an int32_t; but one a two's complement machine any plausible implementation will not modify the bit-pattern and the result will be as required.
Another perhaps less elegant solution also retaining 22 bit resolution and single bit granularity is:
int32_t pos_count = getPosRegisterValue() ;
// If 22 bit sign bit set...
if( (pos_count & 0x00200000) != 0)
// Sign-extend to 32bit
pos_count |= 0xFFC00000 ;
It would be wise perhaps to wrap the solution is a function to isolate any implementation defined behaviour:
int32_t posCount()
return (int32_t)(getPosRegisterValue() << 10)) / 1024 ;

constructing key by bit shifting 3 integers in C

I want to construct a key composed of 3 values by using bit shifting operations:
According to my understanding, the C statement code I am starting from creates a hash table by constructing its keys from certain data variables:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | c->isize;
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits
of c->pos, which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
But I am not sure if that is the case, and maybe the | pipe operator
has a different meaning when applied to bit shifting operations.
What I want to do next is to modify the way key is constructed and
include a third c->barc element into the variable. Given the number
of possibilities of c->barc and c->isize, I was thinking that instead
of building key with 32+32 bits (pos+isize), I would build it
with 32+16+16 bits (pos+isize+barc) splitting the last 32 bits between
isize and barc.
Any ideas how to do that?
What I think you need is a solid explanation of bitmasking.
For this particular case, you should use the & operator to mask out the upper 16 bits of c->isize before shifting it up, and then use the & operator again to mask the upper 48 bits of c->barc.
Let's look at some diagrams.
c->pos = xxxx_xxxx_....._xxxx
c->isize = yyyy_yyyy_....._yyyy
c->barc = zzzz_zzzz_....._zzzz
x, y, and z are bits.
note: underscores are to identify groups of 4 bits.
If I understand correctly, you want a 64-bit number like this:
As you already know, we get the upper 32 x's by doing
|-----32 bits of pos----|---32 0 bits--|
(uint64_t)c->pos<<32 = xxxx_xxxx_...._xxxx_xxxx_0000_...._0000
Now, we want to bitwise-or that with the following:
|----------32 0 bits----|
To get that number there, we do this:
((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
c->isize & 0xffff gives
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
and then we shift it left by 16 to get
|--------32 0 bits------|
Now, the final part, the
|-------48 0 bits-------|
is the result plain and simply of
(c->barc & 0xffff) =
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
So we take all of these expressions and bitwise-or them together.
uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)c->pos << 32) | ((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
| (c->barc & 0xffff);
if we diagram it out, we see
or 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz
The "pipe operator" is actually a bitwise OR operator. The code takes two (presumably) 32-bit integers, one of them shifts left by 32 bits and combines them together. Thus you get a single 64-bit number. See Wiki for more info about bitwise operations.
If you want to compose your key from three 32-bit integers, then you obviously have to manipulate them to fit them into 64 bits. You can do something like this:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | (c->isize & 0xFFFF0000) | (c->barc & 0xFFFF);
This code takes 32 bits from c->pos, shifts them in the higher 32 bits of the 64-bit key, then takes the higher 16 bits of c->isize and finally the lower 16 bits of c->barc. See here for more.
I wouldn't do it. It is not safe if you are not designing whole thing by yourself. But let's explain some things.
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits of c->pos,
Generally, yes.
which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
No. You know nothing about size of type of pos andisize, it is cast onto uint64_t it might be any type that allows such a cast.
My bet is that both values are 32-bit. 1st value is being cast onto 64bit type, because bit shift equal to or greater than the width of the type is undefined behaviour. So to stay safe it is widened.
The code probably packs two 32bit values into a 64bit one, otherwise it would loose information.
Moreover, if it wanted to construct key from values which would overlap it would most probably use xor rather than or. Your way is not a good approach, unless you precisely know what are you doing. You should find out what types your operands are and then choose a method for creation keys out of them.

Bitmask for obtaining the value in between X and Y bits

I have a char pointer which points to 16 bytes of an array (Therefore 128 bits).
These bits contain some valuable information for my task and I need to parse the values from their fixed locations. For example, there is a time information in between 23rd bit and 12nd bit. I know that I need to have bitmask to retrieve such data but I couldn't manage it.
Could anyone tell me how I can get this information?
Finally, I need to convert those retrieved bits to integer but this is already the easy part of the task.
A general approach would be to select the byte inside the square brackets, then mask off the bits you care about using the single &, and then right shift the byte by the number of bits it is from the lsb, then you have the integer value.
int i = (int)((a[1] & 0x6) >> 1);
This will get the value of 2nd and 3rd least significant bits of the second word and put the value in an integer.
More specifically for your question:
23rd bit and 12nd bit
int i = (int)((a[1] & 0xF0) >> 4) || (((int)(a[2])) << 8);
Another approach in C/C++ would to define a packed struct with bitfields.
