Angular ui.bootstrap.modal and mousedown - angularjs

I've checked the Angular UI modal window implementation and don't see that it's swallowing up the mousedown event anywhere, though I'm no javascript guru, and it might be I overlooked it. It binds to the keydown event, but I saw no mousedown binding.
I cannot get the modal to be draggable using this native Angular draggable directive from the Angular site. The directive is being invoked when the page loads, but the directive's mousedown handler never fires when I try to drag the window around.

Angular UI modal has its own template inside which your template (i.e. that you pass to $modal({template:"xyz"}) ) is transcluded .
you can open angular-bootstrap code and see it.
So for drag and drop to work you will have to use that directive on the template of $modal


Angular UI Bootstrap - Cannot delete popover when triggering element is removed from DOM

I am using a javascript library that will add/remove elements to the DOM when some data is updated.
To add a new element to the DOM it calls a template function returning an element. In my case, the template function is defined inside an angular directive and returns something like return $compile(html)(scope)[0]; because I need to use the UI Bootstrap Popover directive inside the added element.
For the Popover, I need to use popover-append-to-body="true".
My problem is, if the triggering element is removed from the DOM, the popover is never removed. So if we add a new triggering element, a second popover will be appended to body, etc.
Here is a simplified example :
Clicking on the "Click" button opens the popover, clicking "Remove" removes the "Click" button, clicking "Add" re-adds the "Click" button and clicking "Click" again adds a second popover to the DOM.
How can I remove the Popover directive when the triggering element is removed from the DOM ?
I need to totally deletes it, not only hide it/remove it from the DOM (I can hide it with popover-is-open but when this is set back to true, I see the popover still exists).
Is there a way to call destroy on the Popover directive of the element that will be deleted ?
You shouldn't do DOM manipulation in you a controller, both in JS and HTML, that's why directives are for, and for your case there were a couple of built in directives you could have used.
you should have kept an array to represent your buttons and popover states
you should place all you JS code in your controller, and used ng-click to bind click events to functions in your controller
don't use onclick when you have ng-click
The angular API works completely different then vanilla JS and even jquery, so don't mix them, use what Angular provides you, refer to the docs for help.
Here is your "revamped" code

bind unbind dynamically $document click event in angular JS custom directive

I want to bind body click event to custom directive. I have created a custom directive for drop down. My functionality is I want closed the option list when the user clicks on the body. The html code for drop down is created by using <ul> and <li> tag. I have used the directive several times on the page. but the page now became slow as the no. of usage of directive increased on the page. So i want to know how to dynamically bind and unbind body click event inside the directive. i used $document.bind('click',function(){//function body}); syntax to bind click event. Please help. Thanks in advance
Instead of using JQuery, you can use the link method to manipulate DOM elements and add listeners
See : the AngularJS doc
I hope it may help

How Angular detects Kendo on-click events?

Can someone please explain the logic behind angulars ability to detect Kendo's on-click events inside the scope without ng-model on the button?
<kendo-button on-click="clickWithoutNgModel()">Button</kendo-button>
$scope.clickWithoutNgModel = function () {
alert("Clicked without using ng-model on the button");
} // this works - how?
It's the other way around, actually. AngularJS doesn't detect the click event, but the Kendo widget calls the AngularJS controller method.
When creating the Kendo widgets, the Kendo code will bind the clickWithoutNgModel function as an event handler for the click event in the Kendo Button widget. For that, it uses $scope.$eval to get the function from the scope and then calls it when the click event is triggered.

How to trigger Angular-Strap modal with event other than click event?

Angular Strap V2's modal seems to have lost some functionality of V1, and I'm struggling to work out how to achieve what was fairly straightforward with V1 (using angular-strap's $modal service).
The documentation only shows an example where the modal is attached to a DOM element like a button and seems to be automatically wired to the click event. However I want to use other events eg SwipeLeft is a common convention for deleting something, but I'd like to pop up an "Are you sure?" modal prompt for this action. Is this possible?
Is there any way to use the V2 modal with any event other than the click event?
Looking at the source code, it looks like you can bind your own events, or use the default click event.
It should work if you add a data-trigger='myEvent' to your markup.

Is their a better way for a controller to 'call' a directive

I have a directive that creates and manages a bootstrap modal dialog.
Currently I have the directive watch a boolean held on the controller. The controller can then set this to true to have the modal dialog display.
This seems kinda messy. Is there a better way?
The directive in action:
<modal trigger="shouldDisplayModal" title="{{modalTitle}}"
message="{{modalMessage}}" positiveclick="okClicked()"
positivelabel="Ok" negativelabel="Cancel"/>
The watch in the controller of the directive:
// watch the trigger value. expected to be boolean
$scope.$watch('trigger',function(newValue, oldValue){
if (newValue)
// enable any disabled buttons
// show the dialog
// hide the dialog
Here is a working example:
UPDATE: Here is a fixed up example that corrects some issues with multiple directives on a page:
I was going to suggest using ng-show inside your directive's template (this what the dialog component on the directive page does, along with a visible attribute that is just like your trigger attribute), but then I saw that you also need to enable some buttons before modifying the visibility.
So, I think what you have is fine, and I don't see it as messy. Either your directive has to $watch for something, or you could create the dialog when an event happens -- this seems to be what the $dialog service does that #pkozlowski mentioned in the comments. The latter would not need a trigger attribute.
I blogged about working with angular and bootstrap modals just a couple weeks ago.
My solution involves a service, all of the hide/show magic for the modal is handled by bootstrap's javascript, and angular just worries about the data.
