Slow OMP vs serial - c

I'm trying to optimize a C subroutine called from R that takes up ~60% of the computation time for a problem I'm trying to solve. This is down from 86% when coded purely in R. The vast majority of the execution time in my C code is taking place in a nested for loop and so this seems an obvious candidate to try and parallelize using OpenMP. I've tried doing so with variable results – at best the elapsed time is fractionally worse than not using OMP, at worst the performance scaled inversely to the number of threads. The code for the fastest version is below:
#include <R.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <omp.h>
void gradNegLogLik_c(double *param, double *delta, double *X, double *M, int *nBeta, int *nEpsilon, int *nObs, double *gradient){
// ========================================================================================
// param: double[nBeta + nEpsilon] values of parameters at which to evaluate gradient
// delta: double[nObs] satellite - buoy differences
// X: double[nObs * (nBeta + nEpsilon)] design matrix for mean components (i.e. beta terms)
// M: double[nObs * (nBeta + nEpsilon)] design matrix for variance components (i.e. epsilon terms)
// nBeta: int number of mean terms
// nEpsilon: int number of variance terms
// nObs: int number of observations
// gradient: double[nBeta + nEpsilon] output array of gradients
// ========================================================================================
// ========================================================================================
// local variables
size_t i, j, ind;
size_t nterms = *nBeta + *nEpsilon;
size_t nbeta = *nBeta;
size_t nepsilon = *nEpsilon;
size_t nobs = *nObs;
// allocate local memory and set to zero
double *sigma2 = calloc( nobs , sizeof(double) );
double *fittedValues = calloc( nobs , sizeof(double) );
double *residuals = calloc( nobs , sizeof(double) );
double *beta = calloc( nbeta , sizeof(double) );
double *epsilon2 = calloc( nepsilon , sizeof(double) );
double *residuals2 = calloc( nobs , sizeof(double) );
double gradBeta, gradEpsilon;
// extract beta and epsilon terms from param
// =========================================
for(i = 0 ; i < nbeta ; i++){
beta[i] = param[ i ];
epsilon2[i] = param[ nbeta + i ];
// Initialise gradient to zero for return value
// =========================================
for( i = 0 ; i < nterms ; i++){
gradient[i] = 0;
// calculate sigma, fitted values and residuals
// ============================================
for( i = 0 ; i < nbeta ; i++){
for( j = 0 ; j < nobs ; j++){
ind = i * nobs + j;
sigma2[j] += M[ind] * epsilon2[i];
fittedValues[j] += X[ind] * beta[i];
for( j = 0 ; j < nobs ; j++){
// calculate reciprocal as this is what we actually use and
// we only want to do it once.
sigma2[j] = 1 / sigma2[j];
residuals[j] = delta[j] - fittedValues[j];
residuals2[j] = residuals[j]*residuals[j];
// Loop over all observations and calculate value of (negative) derivative
// =======================================================================
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, ind, gradBeta, gradEpsilon)\
shared(gradient, nbeta, nobs, X, M, sigma2, fittedValues, delta, residuals2) \
for( i = 0 ; i < nbeta ; i++){
gradBeta = 0.0;
gradEpsilon = 0.0;
for(j = 0 ; j < nobs ; j++){
ind = i * nobs + j;
gradBeta -= -1.0*X[ind] * sigma2[j]*(fittedValues[j] - delta[j]);
gradEpsilon -= 0.5*M[ind] * sigma2[j]*(residuals2[j] * sigma2[j] - 1);
gradient[i] = gradBeta;
gradient[nbeta + i] = gradEpsilon;
// End of function
// free local memory
nObs is order 10000.
nBeta is in the range 20 – several hundred.
nEpsilon = nBeta and is not currently used.
After searching through this site and an afternoon googling and trying different things I don't seem to be able to make any further improvement. My first thoughts were false sharing – I've tried various things such as unrolling the outer loop to set 8 elements of gradient[] at a time to creating a temporary padded array to store the results in. I've also tried different combinations of shared, private and firstprivate. None of this appears to improve things and my fastest execution time is marginally worse in parallel than in serial. This leads to two questions before I spend any more time on this:
Is my problem (repeating ~9000 of the same set of calculations 20 - 900 times) too small to make it worthwhile using OMP?
Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
I suspect it's the latter as I'm relatively inexperienced when using C and OMP. Any help / thoughts would be appreciated.
(For info, I'm running on SLED11 server with 16 cores and 192GB of memory and using GCC 4.7.2 to compile my C code). Other users are using the server but the relative performance of OMP vs serial code seems independent of the other users.
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: For info the compile command I've used is
gcc -I/RHOME/R/3.0.1/lib64/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/usr/local/include -fpic \
-std=c99 -Wall -pedantic –O3 -fopenmp -c src/gradNegLogLik_call.c \
-o src/gradNegLogLik_call.o
Most of the flags are set by the R CMD SHLIB command - I've added the -O3 -fopenmp manually.

It may be useful to give some context to my question above before giving my answer to what I've done to speed up my code (although this has been achieved without using OMP).
My original C function was written to calculate the gradient of a log likelihood function to be used with the R optim() command and the L-BFGS-B method. For each call of optim my log likelihood and gradient functions are each called ~100 times as optim finds the best solution. As a result, these two functions take up the bulk of my execution time, as expected and reported by Rprof, and so were the two targets for converting to C to improve the efficiency of my code.
Converting my two functions to C and optimizing that code has resulted in my calls to optim reducing from an average elapsed time of 1.88s per call to 0.25s per call. This has reduced my processing time from ~1 month to a few days. The change that had the biggest impact (beside calling C) was changing the ordering of the nested loops. The original order was chosen due to the way R stores matrices and chosen to avoid having to transpose my matrices for each call of my C functions. Recognizing that the transpose only needs to be done once for each call to optim(), and not each C call as I had originally coded, this is a small overhead to pay compared to the impact / benefit of changing the order in the C functions.
Given this increase in speed it's had to justify spending any more time on this. The final version of my gradient function (as per my original post) is given below.
Note that whilst I've changed from using .C to .Call in R (hence the change to the function arguments etc) this in itself doesn’t account for the speed increase.
#include <R.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <omp.h>
SEXP gradNegLogLik_call(SEXP param ,SEXP delta, SEXP X, SEXP M, SEXP nBeta, SEXP nEpsilon){
// local variables
double *par, *d;
double *sigma2, *fittedValues, *residuals, *grad, *Xuse, *Muse;
double val, sig2, gradBeta, gradEpsilon;
int n, m, ind, nterms, i, j;
SEXP gradient;
// get / associate parameters with local pointer
par = REAL(param);
Xuse = REAL(X);
Muse = REAL(M);
d = REAL(delta);
n = LENGTH(delta);
m = INTEGER(nBeta)[0];
nterms = m + m;
// allocate memory
PROTECT( gradient = allocVector(REALSXP, nterms ));
// set pointer to real portion of gradient
grad = REAL(gradient);
// set all gradient terms to zero
for(i = 0 ; i < nterms ; i++){
grad[i] = 0.0;
sigma2 = Calloc(n, double );
fittedValues = Calloc(n, double );
residuals = Calloc(n, double );
// calculate sigma, fitted values and residuals
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
val = 0.0;
sig2 = 0.0;
for(j = 0 ; j < m ; j++){
ind = i*m + j;
val += Xuse[ind]*par[j];
sig2 += Muse[ind]*par[j+m];
// calculate reciprocal of sigma as this is what we actually use
// and we only want to do it once
sigma2[i] = 1.0 / sig2;
fittedValues[i] = val;
residuals[i] = d[i] - val;
// now loop over each paramter and calculate derivative
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
gradBeta = -1.0*sigma2[i]*(fittedValues[i] - d[i]);
gradEpsilon = 0.5*sigma2[i]*(residuals[i]*residuals[i]*sigma2[i] - 1);
for(j = 0 ; j < m ; j++){
ind = i*m + j;
grad[j] -= Xuse[ind]*gradBeta;
grad[j+m] -= Muse[ind]*gradEpsilon;
// return array of gradients
return gradient;


(Computational fluid dynamics) Problem with arrays. Why is my C program outputting -1.#IND00

I have a problem with a program i'm writing in C that solves the 1D linear convection equation. Basically i have initialized an two arrays. The first array (u0_array) is an array of ones with the arrays elements set equal to two over the interval or 0.5 < x < 1. The second array (usol_array) serves as a temporary array that the result or solution will be stored in.
The problem i am running into is the nested for loop at the end of my code. This loop applies the update equation required to calculate the next point, to each element in the array. When i run my script and try to print the results the output i get is just -1.IND00 for each iteration of the loop. (I am following Matlab style pseudo code which i also have attached below) I'm very new with C so my inexperience shows. I don't know why this is happening. If anyone could suggest a possible fix to this i would be very grateful. I have attached my code so far below with a few comments so you can follow my thought process. I have also attached the Matlab style pseudo code i'm followed.
# include <math.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <time.h>
int main ( )
//eqyation to be solved 1D linear convection -- du/dt + c(du/dx) = 0
//initial conditions u(x,0) = u0(x)
//after discretisation using forward difference time and backward differemce space
//update equation becomes u[i] = u0[i] - c * dt/dx * (u0[i] - u[i - 1]);
int nx = 41; //num of grid points
int dx = 2 / (nx - 1); //magnitude of the spacing between grid points
int nt = 25;//nt is the number of timesteps
double dt = 0.25; //the amount of time each timestep covers
int c = 1; //assume wavespeed
//set up our initial conditions. The initial velocity u_0
//is 2 across the interval of 0.5 <x < 1 and u_0 = 1 everywhere else.
//we will define an array of ones
double* u0_array = (double*)calloc(nx, sizeof(double));
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
u0_array[i] = 1;
// set u = 2 between 0.5 and 1 as per initial conditions
//note 0.5/dx = 10, 1/dx+1 = 21
for (int i = 10; i < 21; i++)
u0_array[i] = 2;
//printf("%f, ", u0_array[i]);
//make a temporary array that allows us to store the solution
double* usol_array = (double*)calloc(nx, sizeof(double));
//apply numerical scheme forward difference in
//time an backward difference in space
for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++)
//first loop iterates through each time step
usol_array[i] = u0_array[i];
//printf("%f", usol_array[i]);
//second array iterates through each grid point for that time step and applies
//the update equation
for (int j = 1; j < nx - 1; j++)
u0_array[j] = usol_array[j] - c * dt/dx * (usol_array[j] - usol_array[j - 1]);
printf("%f, ", u0_array[j]);
For reference also the pseudo code i am following is attached below
1D linear convection pseudo Code (Matlab Style)
Instead of integer division, use FP math.
This avoid the later division by 0 and -1.#IND00
// int dx = 2 / (nx - 1); quotient is 0.
double dx = 2.0 / (nx - 1);
OP's code does not match comment
// u[i] = u0[i] - c * dt/dx * (u0[i] - u[i - 1]
u0_array[j] = usol_array[j] - c * dt/dx * (usol_array[j] - usol_array[j - 1]);
Easier to see if the redundant _array removed.
// v correct?
// u[i] = u0[i] - c * dt/dx * (u0[i] - u[i - 1]
u0[j] = usol[j] - c * dt/dx * (usol[j] - usol[j - 1]);
// ^^^^ Correct?
What you probably want is in matlab terms
for i = 1:nt
usol = u0
u0(2:nx) = usol(2:nx) - c*dt/dx*(usol(2:nx)-usol(1:nx-1))
This means that you have 2 inner loops over the space dimension, one for each of the two vector operations. These two separate loops have to be explicit in the C code
//apply numerical scheme forward difference in
//time an backward difference in space
for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
//first loop iterates through each time step
for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
usol_array[j] = u0_array[j];
//printf("%f", usol_array[i]);
//second loop iterates through each grid point for that time step
//and applies the update equation
for (int j = 1; j < nx; j++)
u0_array[j] = usol_array[j] - c * dt/dx * (usol_array[j] - usol_array[j - 1]);
printf("%f, ", u0_array[j]);

Why is FFT of (A+B) different from FFT(A) + FFT(B)?

I have been fighting with a very weird bug for almost a month. Asking you guys is my last hope. I wrote a program in C that integrates the 2d Cahn–Hilliard equation using the Implicit Euler (IE) scheme in Fourier (or reciprocal) space:
Where the "hats" mean that we are in Fourier space: h_q(t_n+1) and h_q(t_n) are the FTs of h(x,y) at times t_n and t_(n+1), N[h_q] is the nonlinear operator applied to h_q, in Fourier space, and L_q is the linear one, again in Fourier space. I don't want to go too much into the details of the numerical method I am using, since I am sure that the problem is not coming from there (I tried using other schemes).
My code is actually quite simple. Here is the beginning, where basically I declare variables, allocate memory and create the plans for the FFTW routines.
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <fftw3.h>
# define pi M_PI
int main(){
// define lattice size and spacing
int Nx = 150; // n of points on x
int Ny = 150; // n of points on y
double dx = 0.5; // bin size on x and y
// define simulation time and time step
long int Nt = 1000; // n of time steps
double dt = 0.5; // time step size
// number of frames to plot (at denominator)
long int nframes = Nt/100;
// define the noise
double rn, drift = 0.05; // punctual drift of h(x)
srand(666); // seed the RNG
// other variables
int i, j, nt; // variables for space and time loops
// declare FFTW3 routine
fftw_plan FT_h_hft; // routine to perform fourier transform
fftw_plan FT_Nonl_Nonlft;
fftw_plan IFT_hft_h; // routine to perform inverse fourier transform
// declare and allocate memory for real variables
double *Linft = fftw_alloc_real(Nx*Ny);
double *Q2 = fftw_alloc_real(Nx*Ny);
double *qx = fftw_alloc_real(Nx);
double *qy = fftw_alloc_real(Ny);
// declare and allocate memory for complex variables
fftw_complex *dh = fftw_alloc_complex(Nx*Ny);
fftw_complex *dhft = fftw_alloc_complex(Nx*Ny);
fftw_complex *Nonl = fftw_alloc_complex(Nx*Ny);
fftw_complex *Nonlft = fftw_alloc_complex(Nx*Ny);
// create the FFTW plans
FT_h_hft = fftw_plan_dft_2d ( Nx, Ny, dh, dhft, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
FT_Nonl_Nonlft = fftw_plan_dft_2d ( Nx, Ny, Nonl, Nonlft, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
IFT_hft_h = fftw_plan_dft_2d ( Nx, Ny, dhft, dh, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
// open file to store the data
char acstr[160];
FILE *fp;
sprintf(acstr, "CH2d_IE_dt%.2f_dx%.3f_Nt%ld_Nx%d_Ny%d_#f%.ld.dat",dt,dx,Nt,Nx,Ny,Nt/nframes);
After this preamble, I initialise my function h(x,y) with a uniform random noise, and I also take the FT of it. I set the imaginary part of h(x,y), which is dh[i*Ny+j][1] in the code, to 0, since it is a real function. Then I calculate the wavevectors qx and qy, and with them, I compute the linear operator of my equation in Fourier space, which is Linft in the code. I consider only the - fourth derivative of h as the linear term, so that the FT of the linear term is simply -q^4... but again, I don't want to go into the details of my integration method. The question is not about it.
// generate h(x,y) at initial time
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
rn = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX; // extract a random number between 0 and 1
dh[i*Ny+j][0] = drift-2.0*drift*rn; // shift of +-drift
dh[i*Ny+j][1] = 0.0;
// execute plan for the first time
fftw_execute (FT_h_hft);
// calculate wavenumbers
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) { qx[i] = 2.0*i*pi/(Nx*dx); }
for (i = 0; i < Ny; i++) { qy[i] = 2.0*i*pi/(Ny*dx); }
for (i = 1; i < Nx/2; i++) { qx[Nx-i] = -qx[i]; }
for (i = 1; i < Ny/2; i++) { qy[Ny-i] = -qy[i]; }
// calculate the FT of the linear operator
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
Q2[i*Ny+j] = qx[i]*qx[i] + qy[j]*qy[j];
Linft[i*Ny+j] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*Q2[i*Ny+j];
Then, finally, it comes the time loop. Essentially, what I do is the following:
Every once in a while, I save the data to a file and print some information on the terminal. In particular, I print the highest value of the FT of the Nonlinear term. I also check if h(x,y) is diverging to infinity (it shouldn't happen!),
Calculate h^3 in direct space (that is simply dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]). Again, the imaginary part is set to 0,
Take the FT of h^3,
Obtain the complete Nonlinear term in reciprocal space (that is N[h_q] in the IE algorithm written above) by computing -q^2*(FT[h^3] - FT[h]). In the code, I am referring to the lines Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*(Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] -dhft[i*Ny+j][0]) and the one below, for the imaginary part. I do this because:
Advance in time using the IE method, transform back in direct space, and then normalise.
Here is the code:
for(nt = 0; nt < Nt; nt++) {
if((nt % nframes)== 0) {
printf("%.0f %%\n",((double)nt/(double)Nt)*100);
printf("Nonlft %.15f \n",Nonlft[(Nx/2)*(Ny/2)][0]);
// write data to file
fp = fopen(acstr,"a");
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
fprintf(fp, "%4d %4d %.6f\n", i, j, dh[i*Ny+j][0]);
// check if h is going to infinity
if (isnan(dh[1][0])!=0) {
return 0;
// calculate nonlinear term h^3 in direct space
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
Nonl[i*Ny+j][0] = dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0];
Nonl[i*Ny+j][1] = 0.0;
// Fourier transform of nonlinear term
fftw_execute (FT_Nonl_Nonlft);
// second derivative in Fourier space is just multiplication by -q^2
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*(Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] -dhft[i*Ny+j][0]);
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*(Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] -dhft[i*Ny+j][1]);
// Implicit Euler scheme in Fourier space
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
dhft[i*Ny+j][0] = (dhft[i*Ny+j][0] + dt*Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0])/(1.0 - dt*Linft[i*Ny+j]);
dhft[i*Ny+j][1] = (dhft[i*Ny+j][1] + dt*Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1])/(1.0 - dt*Linft[i*Ny+j]);
// transform h back in direct space
fftw_execute (IFT_hft_h);
// normalize
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
dh[i*Ny+j][0] = dh[i*Ny+j][0] / (double) (Nx*Ny);
dh[i*Ny+j][1] = dh[i*Ny+j][1] / (double) (Nx*Ny);
Last part of the code: empty the memory and destroy FFTW plans.
// terminate the FFTW3 plan and free memory
fftw_destroy_plan (FT_h_hft);
fftw_destroy_plan (FT_Nonl_Nonlft);
fftw_destroy_plan (IFT_hft_h);
return 0;
If I run this code, I obtain the following output:
0 %
Nonlft 0.0000000000000000000
1 %
Nonlft -0.0000000000001353512
2 %
Nonlft -0.0000000000000115539
3 %
Nonlft 0.0000000001376379599
69 %
Nonlft -12.1987455309071730625
70 %
Nonlft -70.1631962517720353389
71 %
Nonlft -252.4941743351609204637
72 %
Nonlft 347.5067875825179726235
73 %
Nonlft 109.3351142318568633982
74 %
Nonlft 39933.1054502610786585137
The code crashes before reaching the end and we can see that the Nonlinear term is diverging.
Now, the thing that doesn't make sense to me is that if I change the lines in which I calculate the FT of the Nonlinear term in the following way:
// calculate nonlinear term h^3 -h in direct space
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
Nonl[i*Ny+j][0] = dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0] -dh[i*Ny+j][0];
Nonl[i*Ny+j][1] = 0.0;
// Fourier transform of nonlinear term
fftw_execute (FT_Nonl_Nonlft);
// second derivative in Fourier space is just multiplication by -q^2
for ( i = 0; i < Nx; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < Ny; j++ ) {
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]* Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0];
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]* Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1];
Which means that I am using this definition:
instead of this one:
Then the code is perfectly stable and no divergence happens! Even for billions of time steps! Why does this happen, since the two ways of calculating Nonlft should be equivalent?
Thank you very much to anyone who will take the time to read all of this and give me some help!
EDIT: To make things even more weird, I should point out that this bug does NOT happen for the same system in 1D. In 1D both methods of calculating Nonlft are stable.
EDIT: I add a short animation of what happens to the function h(x,y) just before crashing. Also: I quickly re-wrote the code in MATLAB, which uses Fast Fourier Transform functions based on the FFTW library, and the bug is NOT happening... the mystery deepens.
I solved it!!
The problem was the calculation of the Nonl term:
Nonl[i*Ny+j][0] = dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0];
Nonl[i*Ny+j][1] = 0.0;
That needs to be changed to:
Nonl[i*Ny+j][0] = dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0] -3.0*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][1]*dh[i*Ny+j][1];
Nonl[i*Ny+j][1] = -dh[i*Ny+j][1]*dh[i*Ny+j][1]*dh[i*Ny+j][1] +3.0*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][0]*dh[i*Ny+j][1];
In other words: I need to consider dh as a complex function (even though it should be real).
Basically, because of stupid rounding errors, the IFT of the FT of a real function (in my case dh), is NOT purely real, but will have a very small imaginary part. By setting Nonl[i*Ny+j][1] = 0.0 I was completely ignoring this imaginary part.
The issue, then, was that I was recursively summing FT(dh), dhft, and an object obtained using the IFT(FT(dh)), this is Nonlft, but ignoring the residual imaginary parts!
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*(Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] -dhft[i*Ny+j][0]);
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]*(Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] -dhft[i*Ny+j][1]);
Obviously, calculating Nonlft as dh^3 -dh and then doing
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]* Nonlft[i*Ny+j][0];
Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1] = -Q2[i*Ny+j]* Nonlft[i*Ny+j][1];
Avoided the problem of doing this "mixed" sum.
Phew... such a relief! I wish I could assign the bounty to myself! :P
EDIT: I'd like to add that, before using the fftw_plan_dft_2d functions, I was using fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d and fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d (real-to-complex and complex-to-real), and I was seeing the same bug. However, I suppose that I couldn't have solved it if I didn't switch to fftw_plan_dft_2d, since the c2r function automatically "chops off" the residual imaginary part coming from the IFT. If this is the case and I'm not missing something, I think that this should be written somewhere on the FFTW website, to prevent users from running into problems like this. Something like "r2c and c2r transforms are not good to implement pseudospectral methods".
EDIT: I found another SO question that addresses exactly the same problem.

Loop Tiling Optimisations

I've been attempting to optimise one of my loops in my C code in order to make it use the cache more efficiently. I have a few issues. I'm not 100% sure if I'm even writing the code correctly to loop block due to the fact that I am seeing no increase in speed in the run time of my programme. Here is the code:
for(int k = 0; k < N; k+=b){
for (int i = k; i<MIN(N,i+b); ++i) {
a1[i] = 0.0f;
a2[i] = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
x = x[j] - x[i];
y = y[j] - y[i];
2 = x*x + y*y + eps;
r2inv = 1.0f / sqrt(r2);
r6inv = r2inv * r2inv * r2inv;
s = m[j] * r6inv;
ax[i] += s * x;
ay[i] += s * y;
I also have another issue. How do I go about choosing a correct block size? I understand that you want to load in enough to fill the l1 cache.
Thanks for the help in advance.
What you are doing is rather pointless, because i goes from 0 to N-1 in your code, just in a slightly more complicated way. So you benefit exactly zero from your attempts at tiling.
What is more critical is the array y, so that is what you should be tiling (if N is large, and if the speed isn't limited by the division and square root). For every value i, you make one complete pass through the array y. You can also easily save a few floating point operations for each j, and since r6inv is symmetrical between i and j, only half the values need to be calculated.

How to implement summation using parallel reduction in OpenCL?

I'm trying to implement a kernel which does parallel reduction. The code below works on occasion, I have not been able to pin down why it goes wrong on the occasions it does.
__kernel void summation(__global float* input, __global float* partialSum, __local float *localSum){
int local_id = get_local_id(0);
int workgroup_size = get_local_size(0);
localSum[local_id] = input[get_global_id(0)];
for(int step = workgroup_size/2; step>0; step/=2){
if(local_id < step){
localSum[local_id] += localSum[local_id + step];
if(local_id == 0){
partialSum[get_group_id(0)] = localSum[0];
Essentially I'm summing the values per work group and storing each work group's total into partialSum, the final summation is done on the host. Below is the code which sets up the values for the summation.
size_t global[1];
size_t local[1];
const int DATA_SIZE = 15000;
float *input = NULL;
float *partialSum = NULL;
int count = DATA_SIZE;
local[0] = 2;
global[0] = count;
input = (float *)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
partialSum = (float *)malloc(global[0]/local[0] * sizeof(float));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
input[i] = (float)i+1;
I'm thinking it has something to do when the size of the input is not a power of two? I noticed it begins to go off for numbers around 8000 and beyond. Any assistance is welcome. Thanks.
I'm thinking it has something to do when the size of the input is not a power of two?
Yes. Consider what happens when you try to reduce, say, 9 elements. Suppose you launch 1 work-group of 9 work-items:
for (int step = workgroup_size / 2; step > 0; step /= 2){
// At iteration 0: step = 9 / 2 = 4
if (local_id < step) {
// Branch taken by threads 0 to 3
// Only 8 numbers added up together!
localSum[local_id] += localSum[local_id + step];
You're never summing the 9th element, hence the reduction is incorrect. An easy solution is to pad the input data with enough zeroes to make the work-group size the immediate next power-of-two.

Doing FFT in realtime

I want to do the FFT of an audio signal in real time, meaning while the person is speaking in the microphone. I will fetch the data (I do this with portaudio, if it would be easier with wavein I would be happy to use that - if you can tell me how). Next I am using the FFTW library - I know how to perform 1D, 2D (real&complex) FFT, but I am not so sure how to do this, since I would have to do a 3D FFT to get frequency, amplitude (this would determine the color gradient) and time. Or is it just a 2D FFT, and I get amplitude and frequency?
I use a Sliding DFT, which is many times faster than an FFT in the case where you need to do a fourier transform each time a sample arrives in the input buffer.
It's based on the fact that once you have performed a fourier transform for the last N samples, and a new sample arrives, you can "undo" the effect of the oldest sample, and apply the effect of the latest sample, in a single pass through the fourier data! This means that the sliding DFT performance is O(n) compared with O(Log2(n) times n) for the FFT. Also, there's no restriction to powers of two for the buffer size to maintain performance.
The complete test program below compares the sliding DFT with fftw. In my production code I've optimized the below code to unreadibility, to make it three times faster.
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <math_defines.h>
#include <float.h>
#define DO_FFTW // libfftw
#define DO_SDFT
#if defined(DO_FFTW)
#pragma comment( lib, "d:\\projects\\common\\fftw\\libfftw3-3.lib" )
namespace fftw {
#include <fftw/fftw3.h>
fftw::fftw_plan plan_fwd;
fftw::fftw_plan plan_inv;
typedef std::complex<double> complex;
// Buffer size, make it a power of two if you want to improve fftw
const int N = 750;
// input signal
complex in[N];
// frequencies of input signal after ft
// Size increased by one because the optimized sdft code writes data to freqs[N]
complex freqs[N+1];
// output signal after inverse ft of freqs
complex out1[N];
complex out2[N];
// forward coeffs -2 PI e^iw -- normalized (divided by N)
complex coeffs[N];
// inverse coeffs 2 PI e^iw
complex icoeffs[N];
// global index for input and output signals
int idx;
// these are just there to optimize (get rid of index lookups in sdft)
complex oldest_data, newest_data;
//initilaize e-to-the-i-thetas for theta = 0..2PI in increments of 1/N
void init_coeffs()
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
double a = -2.0 * PI * i / double(N);
coeffs[i] = complex(cos(a)/* / N */, sin(a) /* / N */);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
double a = 2.0 * PI * i / double(N);
icoeffs[i] = complex(cos(a),sin(a));
// initialize all data buffers
void init()
// clear data
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
in[i] = 0;
// seed rand()
oldest_data = newest_data = 0.0;
idx = 0;
// simulating adding data to circular buffer
void add_data()
oldest_data = in[idx];
newest_data = in[idx] = complex(rand() / double(N));
// sliding dft
void sdft()
complex delta = newest_data - oldest_data;
int ci = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
freqs[i] += delta * coeffs[ci];
if ((ci += idx) >= N)
ci -= N;
// sliding inverse dft
void isdft()
complex delta = newest_data - oldest_data;
int ci = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
freqs[i] += delta * icoeffs[ci];
if ((ci += idx) >= N)
ci -= N;
// "textbook" slow dft, nested loops, O(N*N)
void ft()
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
freqs[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
double a = -2.0 * PI * i * j / double(N);
freqs[i] += in[j] * complex(cos(a),sin(a));
double mag(complex& c)
return sqrt(c.real() * c.real() + c.imag() * c.imag());
void powr_spectrum(double *powr)
for (int i = 0; i < N/2; ++i) {
powr[i] = mag(freqs[i]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const int NSAMPS = N*10;
clock_t start, finish;
#if defined(DO_SDFT)
// ------------------------------ SDFT ---------------------------------------------
start = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < NSAMPS; ++i) {
// Mess about with freqs[] here
if (++idx == N) idx = 0; // bump global index
if ((i % 1000) == 0)
std::cerr << i << " iters..." << '\r';
finish = clock();
std::cout << "SDFT: " << NSAMPS / ((finish-start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " fts per second." << std::endl;
double powr1[N/2];
#if defined(DO_FFTW)
// ------------------------------ FFTW ---------------------------------------------
plan_fwd = fftw::fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftw::fftw_complex *)in, (fftw::fftw_complex *)freqs, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
plan_inv = fftw::fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftw::fftw_complex *)freqs, (fftw::fftw_complex *)out2, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
start = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < NSAMPS; ++i) {
// mess about with freqs here
if (++idx == N) idx = 0; // bump global index
if ((i % 1000) == 0)
std::cerr << i << " iters..." << '\r';
// normalize fftw's output
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)
out2[j] /= N;
finish = clock();
std::cout << "FFTW: " << NSAMPS / ((finish-start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " fts per second." << std::endl;
double powr2[N/2];
#if defined(DO_SDFT) && defined(DO_FFTW)
// ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
const double MAX_PERMISSIBLE_DIFF = 1e-11; // DBL_EPSILON;
double diff;
// check my ft gives same power spectrum as FFTW
for (int i = 0; i < N/2; ++i)
if ( (diff = abs(powr1[i] - powr2[i])) > MAX_PERMISSIBLE_DIFF)
printf("Values differ by more than %g at index %d. Diff = %g\n", MAX_PERMISSIBLE_DIFF, i, diff);
return 0;
If you need amplitude, frequency and time in one graph, then the transform is known as a Time-Frequency decomposition. The most popular one is called the Short Time Fourier Transform. It works as follows:
1. Take a small portion of the signal (say 1 second)
2. Window it with a small window (say 5 ms)
3. Compute the 1D fourier transform of the windowed signal.
4. Move the window by a small amount (2.5 ms)
5. Repeat above steps until end of signal.
6. All of this data is entered into a matrix that is then used to create the kind of 3D representation of the signal that shows its decomposition along frequency, amplitude and time.
The length of the window will decide the resolution you are able to obtain in frequency and time domains. Check here for more details on STFT and search for "Robi Polikar"'s tutorials on wavelet transforms for a layman's introduction to the above.
Edit 1:
You take a windowing function (there are innumerable functions out there - here is a list. Most intuitive is a rectangular window but the most commonly used are the Hamming/Hanning window functions. You can follow the steps below if you have a paper-pencil in hand and draw it along.
Assume that the signal that you have obtained is 1 sec long and is named x[n]. The windowing function is 5 msec long and is named w[n]. Place the window at the start of the signal (so the end of the window coincides with the 5ms point of the signal) and multiply the x[n] and w[n] like so:
y[n] = x[n] * w[n] - point by point multiplication of the signals.
Take an FFT of y[n].
Then you shift the window by a small amount (say 2.5 msec). So now the window stretches from 2.5ms to 7.5 ms of the signal x[n]. Repeat the multiplication and FFT generation steps. In other words, you have an overlap of 2.5 msec. You will see that changing the length of the window and the overlap gives you different resolutions on the time and Frequency axis.
Once you do this, you need to feed all the data into a matrix and then have it displayed. The overlap is for minimising the errors that might arise at boundaries and also to get more consistent measurements over such short time frames.
P.S: If you had understood STFT and other time-frequency decompositions of a signal, then you should have had no problems with steps 2 and 4. That you have not understood the above mentioned steps makes me feel like you should revisit time-frequency decompositions also.
You can create a realtime FFT by choosing a short time-span and analysing (FFT'ing) just that time-span. You can probably get away with just selecting non-overlapping timespans of say 100-500 milliseconds; the analytically purer way to do this would be using a sliding-window (again of e.g. 100-500 ms), but that is often unnecessary and you can show nice graphics with the non-overlapping timespans without much processing power.
Real-time FFT means completely different from what you just described. It means that for given N and X[N] your algorithm gives Fx[i] while incrementing value i. Meaning, proceeding value does not compute until current value computation completed. This is completely different from what you just described.
Hardware usually uses FFT with around 1k-16k points. Fixed N, not real-time computation. Moving window FFT as described with previous answers.
