ng-repeat store separate values - angularjs

I want to store the users vote's inside a cookie, the problem is that inside the ng-repeat I have a value called session.upVoteCount. But it is supposed to be a separate value for each event list item. Is it possible to store each upVoteCount separately and then retrieve them separately again?
<li ng-repeat="session in event.sessions | filter:query | orderBy:sortorder" class="span11">
<div class="row session">
<div class="col-sm-1 well votingWidget">
<div class="votingButton" ng-click="upVoteSession(session)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up"></span>
<div class="badge badge-inverse">
<div class="votingButton" ng-click="downVoteSession(session)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down"></span>
and in my controller I have this:
$scope.upVoteSession = function(session) {
$scope.downVoteSession = function(session) {

First, I don't recommend to use term 'session', but 'votes'. However, it's your call.
I simplify your problem in this example
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.votes = {};
$ = function(key, val) {
$scope.votes[key] = $scope.votes[key] || 0;
$scope.votes[key]+= val;
<li ng-repeat="no in [1,2,3,4,5]">
{{no}} : {{votes[no]}} <br/>

Hi guys I solved it myself, I could not get it to work with JSfiddle so I have uploaded the entire thing. Click on server.bat and browser to localhost:8000/eventdetails.html and you will see it working.!1d9yiYiA!zTzdztLAmhVDVYOvvVLINETI2bo_WjxCBteWYm2VUKc
function EventController($scope, $cookieStore, eventData) {
$scope.sortorder = 'name';
var ape = eventData.getEvent();
ape.then(function (banana) {
$scope.event = banana;
angular.forEach(banana.sessions, function (value, key) {
var storecookie = ($cookieStore.get(;
if (typeof storecookie !== "undefined") {
value.upVoteCount = storecookie;
$scope.upVoteSession = function (session) {
$cookieStore.put(, session.upVoteCount);
$scope.downVoteSession = function (session) {
$cookieStore.put(, session.upVoteCount);


Angular - Filtering data based on bootstrap dropdown selection

I'm trying to filter a list based on a selection from a bootstrap dropdown, but cannot seem to get it to work. Here's my code:
<div class="toolbar-wrapper" >
<div class="btn-group container" role="group" ng-controller="filterController">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li ng-repeat="severity in severityLevels">{{severity}}</li>
<div class="logMessages" ng-controller="logController">
<div >
<li class="message" ng-repeat="logData in data | filter: filter | limitTo: quantity">
{{logData.timestamp}} : {{logData.severity}} : {{logData.message}}
var app = angular.module('UnifyLog', []);
app.controller('filterController', function($scope) {
$scope.severityLevels = [
$scope.filter = '';
$scope.resetFilter = function() {
$scope.filter = '';
$scope.changeSeverity = function(severity) {
$scope.filter = severity;
.controller('logController', function ($scope, $http) {
$http.get("https://clock/settings/get_log_messages", {}).then(
function (response) {
$ =;
function (response) {
console.log("fail:" + response);
I know you can use ng-model data binding with a select directive, but I want to use a bootstrap dropdown.
The code above is updating the scope.filter variable but the list of log messages does not filter.
The http request is getting back a json array with log data objects containing message, timestamp, and severity fields.
Try calling $scope.apply():
$scope.changeSeverity = function(severity) {
$scope.filter = severity;
Look here for more information, and consider another approach (use real data-binding instead of a custom callback):$scope.$apply()
I would create a customer severity filter like so:
.filter('severityFilter', function () {
return function (input, severity) {
var out = [];
if (input && input != []) {
angular.forEach(input, function (thing) {
if(thing.severity === severity){
return out;
Then apply it like this:
ng-repeat="logData in data | severityFilter: severity | limitTo: quantity">

How to pass the values of a list as arguments of function in angularjs

HTML code
In the second controller when I am trying to show the values in "itemBought List" on click of button its rendering empty string for name and quantity while I have data for the same in itemToBuy.itemList".
It seems the datas for name and quantity are not passed into the addItemToBoughtList() function. How to achieve that.
<!-- To Buy List -->
<div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="ToBuyController as itemToBuy">
<h2>To Buy:</h2>
<li ng-repeat="item in itemToBuy.itemList"> Buy {{item.itemQuantity}} of {{item.itemName}}
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="itemToBuy.addItemToBoughtList()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Bought</button></li>
<div class="emptyMessage">Everything is bought!</div>
<!-- Already Bought List -->
<div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="AlreadyBoughtController as itemBought">
<h2>Already Bought:</h2>
<li ng-repeat="item in itemBought.items">
Bought {{ items.quantity }} of {{ }}</li>
<div class="emptyMessage">Nothing bought yet.</div>
Javascript code
(function (){
'use strict';
angular.module('ShoppingListCheckOff', [])
.controller('ToBuyController', ToBuyController)
.controller('AlreadyBoughtController', AlreadyBoughtController)
ToBuyController.$inject = ['ShoppingListCheckOffService'];
function ToBuyController(ShoppingListCheckOffService) {
var itemToBuy= this;
itemToBuy.itemName = "";
itemToBuy.itemQuantity = "";
itemToBuy.itemList = [
{itemName : 'cookies', itemQuantity : 10},
{itemName : 'napkins', itemQuantity : 15}
itemToBuy.addItemToBoughtList = function () {
ShoppingListCheckOffService.addItemToBoughtList(itemToBuy.itemName, itemToBuy.itemQuantity);
AlreadyBoughtController.$inject = ['ShoppingListCheckOffService'];
function AlreadyBoughtController(ShoppingListCheckOffService) {
var itemBought = this;"";
itemBought.items = ShoppingListCheckOffService.getItems();
function ShoppingListCheckOffService() {
var service = this;
// List of shopping items
var items = [];
service.addItemToBoughtList = function (itemName, quantity) {
var item = {
name: itemName,
quantity: quantity
service.getItems = function ()
return items;
Pass Item to your addItemToBoughtList function
<li ng-repeat="item in itemToBuy.itemList"> Buy {{item.itemQuantity}} of {{item.itemName}}
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="itemToBuy.addItemToBoughtList(item)"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Bought</button></li>
and receive it in your function in js
itemToBuy.addItemToBoughtList = function (item) {
ShoppingListCheckOffService.addItemToBoughtList(item.itemName, item.itemQuantity);
I have created a plunker with your code. It is working fine, have a look

AngularJS nested loops - how do i get to not display an item when a condition fails in an inner ng-repeat loop

Say I have a nested loop like the code below
<div ng-repeat="m in masters">
<h3> {{}} </h3>
<div ng-repeat="i in items">
<a ng-if="m.url === i.url"> {{}} </a>
</div> </div>
How do I get to not have line 3 <h3> ... </h3> display the name when the condition
<a ng-if"..."> ... </a> fails and return nothing.
use a function to test whether the child condition exists -- so in your controller add a function like:
$scope.itemsHasUrl = function(url) {
for(var i=0;i<$scope.items.length;i++) {
if($scope.items[i].url === url) return true;
return false;
then in the template
<div ng-repeat="m in masters">
<h3 ng-if"itemsHasUrl(m.url)"> {{}} </h3>
<div ng-repeat="i in items">
<a ng-if="m.url === i.url"> {{}} </a>
you may also want to look into filters as you may be able to use the same function to limit the items checked in the interior loop, or using angular-filters groupBy method to avoid a double-loop at all.
good luck!
You can add a function in your controller to check if one of the items has the given url
$scope.checkUrl = function(url, items) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].url == url) return true;
return false;
in your template
<h3 ng-if="checkUrl(m.url, items)"> {{}} </h3>
To entertain my original comment, and derelict's answer, here is a .filter() way of doing this.
<div ng-repeat="m in masters | checkUrl:items">
<div ng-repeat="i in items | checkUrl:m">
var app = angular.module("myApp", [])
.filter("checkUrl", function () {
return function (items, checkValues) {
return items.filter(function (item) {
if (typeof(checkValues.url) === "string") {
// single item check
return item.url === checkValues.url;
// else multiple items check
return checkValues.some(function (value) {
return value.url === item.url;
.controller("myCtrl", function ($scope) {
// controller code here ...

I keep on getting TypeError: v2.CurrentTaskForce is not a function

Left hand side of the page is displaying list of task force.
On click of the list item related data is to be displayed on right hand side.
When I click on the list item, first time it works fine. It displays the task force name as a header in right hand side panel. When I click on another list item it gives TypeError: v2.CurrentTaskForce is not a function
var VirtualDir = GetVirtualDirectory();
.controller('TaskForceController', function ($scope, TaskForceService) { // inject taskforce service
$scope.TaskForceList = null;
//$scope.CurrentTaskForce = {}
TaskForceService.GetTaskForceList().then(function (d) {
$scope.TaskForceList =;
}, function () {
$scope.CurrentTaskForce = function (item) {
angular.forEach($scope.TaskForceList, function (value, index) {
value.IsActive = false ;
item.IsActive = true;
$scope.CurrentTaskForce = item;
.factory('TaskForceService', function ($http) { //here factory is created which is a populer way to create and configure services
var fac = {};
fac.GetTaskForceList = function () {
return $http.get(VirtualDir + '/TaskForce/GetMyTaskForce/');
return fac;
<div class="container-fluid" ng-controller="TaskForceController as tf">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar">
<ul class="nav nav-sidebar" >
<%-- <li class="active">Overview <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></li>--%>
<li ng-repeat="item in TaskForceList" ng-class="{active: item.IsActive == true}" ng-click="CurrentTaskForce(item)" ><a href="#" >{{item.TaskForce}}</a></li>
<div class="col-sm-9 co-md-9" style="left:20%">
<div class="panel panel-default" ">
<div class="panel-heading">
<p class="panel-title">{{CurrentTaskForce.TaskForce}}</p>
<!--ng-repeat="curritem in CurrentTaskForce"-->
While copying item to CurrentTask force instead of
$scope.CurrentTaskForce = item;
I used
angular.copy(item, $scope.CurrentTaskForce);
It is happening because CurrentTaskForce is defined as a function and a variable in same controller. Please use a different name for either.

AngularJS determine filter in controller

How would I go about setting the filter property on an ng-repeat dynamically?
Here is my template...
<div class="list-group">
<div ng-repeat="article in articles | activeFilter">
<a href="#" class="list-group-item">
<h3 class="list-group-item-heading">{{ article.title }}</h3>
<h4 class="list-group-item-text">{{ }}</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">"{{ article.blurb }}"</p>
Where "activeFilter" is a property I want to set via the controller...
$scope.activeFilter = 'someFilterType'
And the filter looks like this...
.filter('someFilterType', function () {
return function (items) {
var rv = [];
for (var p in items) {
if (items[p].myFilterProp === false)
return rv;
I would think I could dynamically change the ng-repeat's filter in this way, but it doesn't seem to be working and I'm not sure why.
Try something like this:
ng-repeat="article in articles | filter:activeFilter[filter]"
$scope.filter = "name1";
$scope.activeFilter = {
name1: $scope.someFilterFunction,
name2: $scope.someOtherFilter,
name3: $scope.andAnother
$scope.someFilterFunction = function() {
var rv = [];
for (var p in items) {
if (items[p].myFilterProp === false)
return rv;
