Loading angular in IE from file system - angularjs

I have an angular app that has to be loaded from the file system, by IE, and will be shipped to clients (so I can't override security configurations)
The error I am getting has to do with trying to ng-include templates and getting an Error: Access is denied. in IE.
Searching the web, I found the perfect solution in the form of Mark of the Web.
I added <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> to the second line of my index.html, but that didn't remove the error.
I know another possible solution is to add all my templates as <script type="text/ng-template"> and load them from the templateCache, but this will be a large app and I don't want to have all my html written in one file.
Is there anything i'm missing? Any possible solution? Why is my MOTW tag not working? Appreciate any idea, i'm desparate!


Using Angulartics, Google Tag Manager and Analytics, with dynamic codes

I'm working on an Angular (1.6.8) app in which we've implemented the Angulartics library in combination with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager extensions. This is all working quite well when I follow the instructions that are provided.
But we seem to have a bit of a special situation, the application that we're building is going to be used by multiple people, and based on who is visiting we fetch user settings from our api (using url parameters to know who is visiting at that time).
These users can manage their settings in a different Angular app, it's in this second app that they provide us with they Tag Manager tag, and their Analytics code.
Now comes the hard part (for me at least), Google Tag Manager requires a script tag in the head of our html, but at that time the user settings have not been loaded from our api yet, so we can't provide Google's script with the correct Tag Manager tag (this format: GTM-XXXXX).
Does anyone know of a way to load these scripts correctly when we have dynamically loaded tracking codes? Or is this just not possible?
Thanks for anyone who can provide some insights.
Alright it's been a while and I've figured out a solution that does the job (a while ago), I'll display how I got there in case someone else stumbles upon my question.
It ended up being quite simple, I have the following in my html
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<script ng-bind-html="googleTagManagerScript"></script>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
And then in my app.js I fetch the settings through an ajax call and when I have the results I do the following
$rootScope.pixels.tagmanager = value; // store the retrieved Tag Manager code in a variable
$rootScope.googleTagManagerScript = $sce.trustAsHtml("(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','"+$rootScope.pixels.tagmanager.code+"');");
$rootScope.googleTagManagerNoScript = $sce.trustAsHtml("<iframe src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id="+$rootScope.pixels.tagmanager.code+"' height='0' width='0' style='display:none;visibility:hidden'></iframe>");
So basically I put the entire Google script in a variable as soon as everything is available, and ng-bind-html takes care of the rest.
I hope that makes sense.

Editing the body tags on specific Joomla articles

I need to add Call tracking for a Marketing campaign on my site that is currently housed in Joomla. It requires a certain script to be added inside the <body> tag only on designated pages.
I know I can add the script tag to the template but that would make it apply to every page. I am still new to Joomla, so can you tell me if there's a way to apply the script below to only the pages we want to track calls from? It needs to go before the </body> tag.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.callrail.com/companies/808848127/e001797b95eaf41026e7/12/swap.js"></script>
The easiest way to add a script to selected pages is to use an extension such as the professional version of the EasyScript plugin, the Flexi Custom Code module or similar.
It looks like you could also do this with Blank Module which is free. Publish the module to a non-display module position such as "debug" or similar and enable the module only on the required pages by selecting these under the Menu Assignment tab.

how to load all user js files after #RenderBody() complete in MVC single page application

When I generate a MVC5 app using AngularJs, the _Layout.cshtml has the #Scripts.Render at the end of the file after the #RenderBody(), #Scripts.Render contains some animation related script, these script should execute after #RenderBody() elements loaded. Now all scripts are included into page before #RenderBody() elements loaded completely, so my script is not applying to my DOM elements.
I'm new to MVC & AngularJs Single page application. Please help me to achieve this.
What is the correct approach?
Thanks in advance!

Google plus one button not showing

I'm trying to add a Google +1 button to my website.
I have followed the instructions here:
This the code for my webpage:
Why won't it appear?
<!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
Example title
<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render -->
<g:plusone size="tall" href="http://www.example.com/"></g:plusone>
As you can see, I've followed their instructions exactly, and yet it does not appear. I've tried it on Chrome, Firefox and IE8 (all on Windows XP). I'm just opening the webpage from my local system.
Interestingly I can see it working here http://www.satinbow.co.uk/xxtest.html
Can anyone solve the mystery?
Update / clues
When the page is stored on my system locally, it doesn't work (hard refreshing didn't fix it either.)
But I've put the page here: dl.dropbox.com/u/6920023/test2.html and it seems to work there.
It would be really cool know what's going on :)
I think it's because when it's local (not webserver) browser block the JS script (that's hosted externally) to prevent security breach. That's why it doesn't work
Link: http://ejohn.org/blog/tightened-local-file-security/
Another thing to check for is whether you have any ad blockers active. These can disable the +1 button and move the iframe containing the button out of the screen.
Working on my open source project, http://code.google.com/p/gwt-socialmedia,
i have discovered another reason that can cause the +1 button not to render: You forgot to define the "URL to +1": It must be a valid URL to an accessible website (so http://localhost won't work for i.e.).
Indeed, the PlusOne API seems to connect to the site URL, in order to get some metadata about it (like the description, title, etc)
If you don't define the URL, Google will send you an error HTTP 400 (Bad Request), with the internal message : "The requested URL was not found on this server. "
and the button will not appear...
Hope it helps!
Due to browser security(as mentioned in one of the answer) it would not display the button. Still to display google plus buttons when your file is local use local web server(WAMP/XAMPP) or you may use PHP local server https://www.sitepoint.com/taking-advantage-of-phps-built-in-server/ to host your file on your computer and you will see the button displayed in your file.

setting up Google Webpage Optimizer where text and conversion pages are the same

I have a site where both landing and thank you page are index.php page with different content loaded dynamically. As I'm generating the javascript and trying to validate it, it gives me an error saying that JS is not installed on the thank you page, which makes sense, because its content is not loaded yet. I was wondering how I can circumvent this issue? Any suggestions?
You will need to do the offline validation of the conversion page, follow these instructions.
