naming owl ontology in protege - owl

I am using Protege 4.2.0.
When I write a new ontology, I can save it to a local file on my machine, e.g.,
If I now want to import that ontology into a new ontology, I can find the file on my hard disk using the Active Ontology tab, Ontology imports panel (lower panel), Direct Imports +, "Import an ontology using a specific file"
The GreatNewUpperOntology imports properly, but shows up with a name like:
untitled-ontology-93 (
QUESTION: Is there a way for me to save my ontology to the site with the descriptive name I gave the file on my own computer, e.g., "GreatNewUpperOntology"?
Thank you!

A colleague helped me with this one....
Open the file in Protégé and go to the Active Ontology Tab, if I’m not mistaken you’ll see the “untitled-ontology-93” in the Ontology IRI field. Replace that field with whatever you want the name to be and you should be all set.
That works!


save an .owl file where opened from url in protégé

I downloaded dron ontology using protégé "open from url".In it's .owl file is just a series of urls that protégé using these urls to load them from internet.
I'm saving the project but the only thing that is saving is the original file(the file witch contain urls) and every time I should get all of data from the internet.what should I do to save complete file on my computer disk?
Save a copy of the ontology and of each imported ontology to the same folder. Next time you open it in Protege, a catalog.xml file should be created, and Protege will use the local copies.
This should work as long as the ontology IRI for the imported ontologies matches the import IRI in the main ontology - i.e., if the ontology IRI matches the URL for the ontology document. If that's not the case, Protege won't be able to know which ontology is at the remote site without downloading it; in that case you have to follow AKSW's comment and change the import axioms.

D2RQ default mapping scheme

What is the default mapping scheme for D2RQ?
Is it triple-based mapping, value-based mapping or object-based mapping?
The documentation says:
The generate-mapping script automatically generates a D2RQ mapping
from the table structure of a database. The tool generates a new RDF
vocabulary for each database, using table names as class names and
column names as property names. Semantic Web client applications will
understand more of your data if you customize the mapping and replace
the auto-generated terms with terms from well-known and publicly
accessible RDF vocabularies.
The mapping file can be edited with any text editor. Its syntax is
described in the D2RQ language specification.
The DR2 Server Tutorial gives a bit more detail, although it uses a non-default mapping file. You might begin by working through the tutorial, examining the mapping generated by the script, and then comparing it to the one provided for the tutorial.

Couldn't Load OWL file using OWLAPI

I’m trying to load .owl file using owlapi thorough net beans to insert individual and its data properties using the code listed in owlapi documentation but it couldn't load the file, but when I converted the .owl file to .rdf format it was loaded successfully and i was able to insert the required data. I need to manipulate .owl file not .rdf format
Following is the code I have used to load the .owl without succeed
File fileBase = new File("src/java/ontology.owl);
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
OWLOntology ontology= manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(fileBase);
but when i have used the rdf fromat as shown below it was loaded succefully
File fileBase = new File("src/java/ontology.rdf);
So how can I overcome this issue and load the .owl file?
Is the following command is the best command to save the axioms to ontology file?
I would suggest you checking your OWL file. If it can't parse the ontology it will throw an exception. You need to catch and read the exception. Most probably is a parsing problem. Your commands are totally fine.
Saving the ontology by your command is fine, but the best way according to OWL documentation is to "apply changes" after each change. Something like:
Its an issue with the .owl file of yours. Use the link below to validate your ontology file

Write Microsoft Project file

I have a requirement to export to Microsoft Project from my company's program. As far as I've seen there are a few options:
Use one of the interchange formats, e.g. xml, mpx, mpd
Use the COM object model and automation to write the file
Buy a library that can write the files
The interchange formats have the problem that they will give you an import dialog when you open them, and if you want to save in a different format you need save as, and you need to select the file format before opening them. I.e. it's not a smooth experience for the customer.
Automation requires everyone who exports from our program to have MS Project installed, which is not acceptable.
The only library I could find was Aspose.Tasks which only writes into the Project XML format.
Does anyone know of any library that can write native mpp files? I've seen a post from Microsoft that they have no intention of documenting the file format, but there are some Project Viewers out there so someone must have done something with it? (Although reading from it can be done with an OleDB provider now that I think about it).
Anyone? Write MPP files?
The .NET Framework has the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject set of classes. You could use them directly if your app is .NET, or write a dll in .NET and then reference that from your app.
I have never had reason to import or export Project files in non-native format but for kicks I just created and exported a simple Project in .XML format. Sure enough, when I open that file using the user interface I have to decide if I want to:
a) open as a new file,
b) Append the data to the active project or
c) Merge the data into the active project.
But, if I open the file using a VBA statement:
FileOpenEx ("Project1.xml")
I'm not troubled by the multiple-choice exam. If the default option provided by FileOpenEx is appropriate you could concoct a very simple procedure to which you could direct your users. I'm not sure if this meets your need?

Using database for Internationalization & Localization

The CakePHP book has a section on Internationalization & Localization. Bascially what it says is Cake will generate a pot file and we have to create a .po for different language file from the pot file.
My problem is I want the user to be able to edit these localized text so instead of storing the localized text in the .po file I want to store them in the database.
So how can I store the localized text in the database?
There's a Behavior for that.
Personally I find the TranslateBehavior to be rather inflexible though, so I usually just go with a separate table connected to the main model via a belongsTo relationship which contains all the translations. I then pick the one to display in the View.
