Deployment of new pages from Local to Production - dotnetnuke

I've a copy of DotNetNuke website on my local machine in which I've added few pages and created new modules.
I've to move these new pages to production so have copied the pages to respective folders. I know there are few database entries that are also to be made on production database to recognize these pages and modules on production.
Please tell me how I can register these pages on production website
I searched on Google but may be I'm not getting the right keywords to search. Currently I've to restore my local db to production to run those pages. I'm using version 7 of DNN

This isn't something that DNN handles very well, publishing from a local environment to production.
The most common way (Besides backup/restore of the database) is to use page Templates. You can "Export" a page in DNN, that will generate an XML document with the modules and content referenced into the portals/#/ folder (where # is the portal id)
You can upload that file to your production site (same path) and then create a new page based on that page template.

Your question implies that you are creating .aspx files and copying those to the production server. That really isn't the way that DNN works, and you probably are creating a real mess.
How did you create the pages on your local site? Did you use the DNN functionality to create new pages, add modules to those pages, etc.? Or, did you do something else?
Use the built-in funtionality to create pages on your local installation and, as Chris

To add modules - Go to your web site in production, login as super user, and install the module, then go to the page in the web site and add it. The same as you would do with 3rd party module. This will properly add the info to db.
To add pages - You could do it within the code, using the
To create DNN page (the tab):
TabController tbc = new TabController();
//...populating the page's info
To create ascx control as global (meaning doesn't belong to any module) ModuleControl.
var moduleControl = new ModuleControlInfo
... populate the fields


Migrate views in drupal 7 easily - D7

I want to migrate all views from my local site to another site.
I know there is a module "Migrate" which allows you to do data migration but I don't know how to use it.
Can you give me some tips?
Thanks in advancej
Not sure what you mean with migrating views to another site. In Drupal, the migration concept is usually associated with actually migrating data - a view is actually just a way to query and display this data.
Typically moving a view to a different site, assuming data structures are the same in both can be accomplished by either exporting the view (one of the options while browsing the views on admin/structure/views) or, if it's not just a one of, by featurizing it which is a process that takes a few more steps.
It's only applicable for drupal site to drupal site
First download features module and enabled in both sites.
Go to admin-structure > features > create feature.
In that you can see General information(left side) and Components(right side). The General information provide some name in the name fields and you can see views in Components. You just select what are all views are needed for that site.Click the Download feature button.
It will downloaded!!!
After that copy the downloaded file to new drupal site which has drupalroot > sites > modules.
Go to your "new drupal site" as (Admin-Structure > feature). You can see the folder name as list in that. Enable the folder name list and click "Save settings". After the save setting finished as good then deselect the folder list, click "save settings" and delete the downloaded folder in module folder.
The folder name list should not state as conflict. If it presents, then click the recreate button.

dotnetnuke how to copy pages programatically

I have thousands of pages which i need to export from qa to production. I have seen the export page function but is there a way to do this in batch? I have found code to create pages but not to extract them. All permissions and settings must also be copied.
You could use the Portal Templates (export) feature found under the Host/Sites page.
That will generate a template for the site, then you could transfer that to production (that would be a couple of files) and "apply" that template to your existing site.
The other option would be to backup/restore the database, that is how most people handle changes between staging/production. Though that assumes any changes already made in Production exist in Staging.

Keep content from database when updating database.

I have a website live on the web. I've been working on the re-design for the site. I duplicated the entire site and database and worked on a test site. Now the test site is ready to go live. However, the current live site has been up for the last few weeks and content has been added as usual. How do I upload my new look for the site, with the changes I've made in the test database but at the same time not overwrite any content changes made in the current live database that were made over the past few weeks?
I want to keep the site content in the database but overwrite any module or theme data with the data from the test database.
My site is built on drupal
1) Upload new theme - this will apply themes changes and keep content in the live DB
2) If you have added any new content types, blocks, fields etc to your dev site then install the features modules. This will allow you to export your new features to a module, and then you can add this module to the live site to import your new features.
See this post for further discussion on the topic.
I used it seems to be working well.

how to remove sitemap.aspx in dnn6

i need to remove sitemap.aspx from the site.
In dnn 6,there is a sitemap.aspx page that simply shows an xml sitemap.i cannot edit/remove that i need to remove that page and recreate it with a simple html sitemap.
NOTE:the page name should be sitemap.aspx
Sitemap.aspx isn't a physical page you can delete.
You can, however, rename it to something else. It's in your web.config file, under the 'handlers' section. Just look for sitemap.aspx, and change it to something else, like 'searchenginesitemap.aspx'. Don't forget to update your robots.txt file to point to the new sitemap name, or go to the various webmaster console pages in search engines and advise them of the new location.
The sitemap.aspx is used to create the xml sitemap for search engines. By changing this you break this functionality and limit the search-ability of your site.
That being said, in Host Settings->Advance Settings you could setup a new Friendly Url that would match .*/sitemap.aspx to another url/page on your site.
I have long stopped using DNN's native sitemap.aspx... ITS BUGGY!... and here is how i found out.
I generated my own "CLEAN" sitemap.xml using a free 3rd party tool. And uploaded it to the root of my DNN website.... re-submitted the the to Google via web master tools and as a result we now get a 1ST PAGE and TOP 10 RANKING.
Mostly in the top 5... where as before using DNN's native sitemap.aspx we would get random errors which was pretty ANNOYING. Plus we got very bad Google Page Rank, But those were just my findings of better results. Note:I also place the location of the sitemap within the robots.txt file...
Although i will admit that it is extremely ANNOYING that you cannot just edit the DNN Sitemap url. This creates an issue if you've built the the site on a test server and then migrate over to production... your DNN Sitemap url only reads the firs portal alias from when you first developed the site.
Anyway, this was my findings... others may vary... just sharing.

Remove site from DotNetNuke

My company has a enrollment website that is currently in DotNetNuke. I've been directed to "strip out nuke from the site" but from everything I've read it is the opposite that the site is in dnn not the other way around.
Has anyone had to migrate a site from dnn and if so can you point me towards some resources or give some insite to get me started?
The site is dnn 5.04
If you want to strip things down to absolute bare bones (HTML, images, JavaScript), you could use a tool that basically copies down an entire website to your local machine, such as HTTrack.
Download the app, give it your DNN website's URL, and it'll spider the entire website, download each page individually, along with any of its images and scripts. You'll be (theoretically) left with a full website containing all your content pages, which you can edit in a plain text editor.
All the user management, role management, content management, admin only areas, protected content, etc. will not carry over with this method, but that will be the case regardless if you're moving from DNN to a normal static HTML website.
An "enrollment website" sounds more like an application than a static HTML site and if that's the case then just grabbing the rendered HTML isn't going to be the best option as you wouldn't get any of the functionality. My approach would be to first find out why they want it pulled out of DotNetNuke. Perhaps it was poorly implemented and they are blaming DNN when the problem was actually how it was built. DNN may be a good solution and it might be best to convince them to leave it as DNN but improve the implementation.
If you do need to pull an application out of DNN and the enrollment piece was built as a custom module, it should be fairly easy to convert the ascx files of the custom module to normal .net User Controls.
If the Enrollment application was built using a Forms Module of some form, then you will likely need to rebuild it from scratch.
