How to design angular app with multiple models and select fields - angularjs

What I'm trying to build is a SPA containing multiple selects on one page, where each select has it's own model. Choosing different options in the select boxes may show/hide other fields on the page and modify data for other selects (load different sets). Finally options in two selects may change the url (so when page is loaded with a proper address, those two options will be preselected).
Now I'm wondering what'll be the best approach here.
First. Is it worth to switch to ui-router in this case ?
Second. I need to write a custom directive for this select, that will have the following functionality
load data collection
display data and remember selection
reload it's data collection when other select triggered it
reload data for other selects
Now I've written directives before but never anything this (I think) complex. That's why few questions come to my mind.
How can I bind different data to my directive ?
Should this be just a single massive complex directive or divide it to smaller parts (like one directive for showing closed select box and another one to show the list and so on) ?
How can I trigger event when data should be changed and listen to a similar event from another select. Via controller ?
Thanks in advance for all your help.

What I can suggest is keep it MVC. Here is one of the solution -
Create a controller to store model data (here $scope.selectOptions inside controller)
Pass this values to 'select directive' instance to display
Whenever user select the value in directive, pass that selected value to controller (lets say in controller $scope.selectedValue is holding that value)
In controller add $watch on $scope.selectedValue and in its callback call for different data set for another select option. (lets say storing that data set in $scope.anotherSelectOption )
Pass this $scope.anotherSelectOption to '2nd directive' instance
Whenever user select the value in 2nd directive, pass that selected value to controller (lets say in controller $scope.anotherSelectedValue is holding that value)
In controller add $watch on $scope.anotherSelectedValue and in its callback change url thing you want to do
Here's your HTML will look like -
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<select-directive selection-option="selectOptions", selected-option="selectedValue"> </select-directive>
<select-directive selection-option="anotherSelectOptions", selected-option="anotherSelectedValue"> </select-directive>
Here's your controller, it will look something like this -
yourApp.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.selectOptions = []; // add init objects for select
$scope.selectedValue = null;
$scope.$watch('selectedValue', function() {
// here load new values for $scope.anotherSelectOptions
$scope.anotherSelectOptions = [] // add init objects for select
$scope.anotherSelectedValue = null;
$scope.$watch('anotherSelectedValue', function() {
// here add code for change URL
Here's your directive scope is
yourApp.directive('selectDirective', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'views/directives/select.html',
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
selectionOption: '=',
selectedOption: '='


How to display the value of other controllers in one view dynamically

I am working on an application were index page and inside that I am showing multiple views, In index nav bar I have to show notification count and User name which comes from 2 different controllers,
I am able to display the notification count and User name successfully, but the issue is the values are not changing dynamically.
We need to refresh the page for the new values.
What can I do in this situation can any one please guide me.
I'm guessing you're watching the value directly and not by some object wrapper. In this case javascript isn't actually updating the variable, but assigning a complete new one. Anything out of the function scope that updates the variable will never receive the new value.
The solution is simple; wrap the value in an object and share/inject that object.
.value('myPageState', {
notificationCount: 0
.controller('myController', function($scope, myPageState) {
$scope.myPageState = myPageState;
<div class="my-notification-thingy"> {{ myPageState.notificationCount }} </div>
You can achieve it by:
Maintain those values in rootScope so that you
will have the two way binding.
Making use of emit to notify the parent controller about value changes. This will work only if those two controllers are present in child elements.
In child controllers fire event on value update:
$scope.$emit('valueChanged', {value: val});
In parent controller receive event value:
$scope.$on('valueChanged', function(event, args) {

Angular modal window depenging on server answer

Good day! I am rather new to angular and I need help in creating a directive or, maybe, some other solution. I have got a list of news, which are displayed one after another. It is done by ng-repeat. Inside each new there are a things like creationDate, and etc. I would a new to appear in a modal window, when user clicks directly on the div with a new text. But, i would to make a request to the server after click to get the most recent version of the new.
So, this is what I want briefly:
1) User clicks on new's text.
2) The id is sent to the server.
3) Server responds with all post information
4) Some specified template loads with all information got from server and appears in a modal window.
What i tried to do:
I tried to create a directive and placed it on new's text. I created an isolated scope, which expects to have one more attribute, so I could get a postId.
scope: {
postId: '#'
I created a template and specified a link to it as templateURL.
Then i created a link function and inside it i created smth like this :
element.on('click', function() {
scope.postInfo = scope.findPostById(postId);
But for now, this directive just replaces its innerHTML :))
Some requirments:
Modal window should appear only after server receives all the information.
Thank you :)
Basically ng-repeat creates scope for every single element. So you just need to create a function i.e.
$scope.fetchNews = function(news){
return result;
And in the controller of the model you inject as depenency news and after that you are done :)

Sharing buttons and logic across views and controllers

I'm working on a single page app that behaves similar to a wizard. The user lands on page 1 and needs to save and continue to get to page 2. What's the best way to share those buttons between all the views? My form names are different so I currently have to duplicate these buttons so I can use logic like:
<div class="mySaveButton" ng-disabled="page1Form.$invalid"></div>
but then on page 2:
<div class="mySaveButton" ng-disabled="page2Form.$invalid"></div>
To further complicate matters, saving on page1 posts the data to a different address than page2. I have a navigation controller which is the parent and that needs to be handled as well.
So to summarize I need my buttons (Back, Save and Save and Continue) to do all of the following without having to duplicate the buttons across all views:
Check if the current form is valid
If it's valid, the data for that form needs to post to the correct endpoint for that form
Navigation needs to be notified so that it can update and/or take action
Essentially you need to re-use a template (/controller), and somehow pass options into it. You could probably do something with ngInclude and nesting controllers, but a way that is more friendly to more complex structure later is to create a custom directive. It depends a bit on your exact use-case, and exactly what you need to pass into it, but a simple version would be something like:
app.directive('formButtons', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
templateUrl: 'buttons.html'
With a template of
<button ng-click="localBack()">Back</button>
<button ng-click="localSave()">Save</button>
<button ng-click="localSaveAndContinue()">Save & Continue</button>
The scope options with & each define a function on the directive's scope, that evaluates contents of the attribute on the <form-buttons> element of that name in the parent scope. You can then use the directive as follows
<form-buttons back="back(2)" save="save(2)" save-and-continue="saveAndContinue(2)"></form-buttons>
which will get replaced by the template of the directive, and the function save, back and saveAndContinue, which are defined on the parent scope, will get called when clicking on the buttons in the template, passing the appropriate step number which can be used to customise behaviour.
You can see a working example at

Linking MVC In AngularJS

I have a basic application in AngularJS. The model contains a number of items and associated tags of those items. What I'm trying to achieve is the ability to filter the items displayed so that only those with one or more active tags are displayed, however I'm not having a lot of luck with figuring out how to manipulate the model from the view.
The JS is available at . This contains the state I have managed to reach so far, but I have two problems. First off, the directive attempts to call a method toggleTag() in the controller:
template: "<button class='btn' ng-repeat='datum in data' ng-click='toggleTag('>{{}}</button>"
but the method is not called. Second, I'm not sure how to alter the output section's ng-repeat so that it only shows items with one or more active tags.
Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong and how to get this working would be much appreciated.
I updated the method in the directive to pass the data items directly, i.e.
template: "<button class='btn' ng-repeat='datum in data' ng-click='toggle(data,'>{{}}</button>"
and also created a toggle() method in the directive. By doing this I can manipulate data and it is reflected in the state HTML, however I would appreciate any feedback as to if this is the correct way to do this (it doesn't feel quite right to me).
Still stuck on how to re-evaluate the output when a tag's value is updated.
You can use a filter (docs) on the ng-repeat:
<li ng-repeat="item in items | filter:tagfilter">...</li>
The argument to the filter expression can be many things, including a function on the scope that will get called once for each element in the array. If it returns true, the element will show up, if it returns false, it won't.
One way you could do this is to set up a selectedTags array on your scope, which you populate by watching the tags array:
$scope.$watch('tags', function() {
$scope.selectedTags = $scope.tags.reduce(function(selected, tag) {
if (tag._active) selected.push(;
return selected;
}, []);
}, true);
The extra true in there at the end makes angular compare the elements by equality vs reference (which we want, because we need it to watch the _active attribute on each tag.
Next you can set up a filter function:
$scope.tagfilter = function(item) {
// If no tags are selected, show all the items.
if ($scope.selectedTags.length === 0) return true;
return intersects($scope.selectedTags, item.tags);
With a quick and dirty helper function intersects that returns the intersection of two arrays:
function intersects(a, b) {
var i = 0, len = a.length, inboth = [];
for (i; i < len; i++) {
if (b.indexOf(a[i]) !== -1) inboth.push(a[i]);
return inboth.length > 0;
I forked your fiddle here to show this in action.
One small issue with the way you've gone about this is items have an array of tag "names" and not ids. So this example just works with arrays of tag names (I had to edit some of the initial data to make it consistent).

How can I fill select2 data dynamically using angularjs

My case is that I want to use the createSearchChoice feature of the Select2 widget. So I found out I need to use an html input element instead of a select element and so I cannot use ng-repeat to populate the select2 widget. I find out there is a 'data' option and have been able to populate the select2 widget with static data, but not when I've tried to fill it dynamically.
What works:
<input class='select2' ui-select2='sel2props' type='hidden'>
in the controller:
$scope.sel2props = {
createSearchChoice: ...
data: [
{ id: 0, text: 'yabba' }
But if I try to set data to a variable which I can then set to whatever the database feeds me the widget isn't populated.
data: $;
function to retrieve data {
$ = retrieved data;
the retrieved data is exactly in the way specified.
If i set up a button to append the data key it will work:
$scope.appenddata = function () {
${id:1, text: 'anot'});
So I'm thinking it's a timing issue and I try $digest and $apply but they don't work in controllers. I tried to set up a directive and actually can do simple widgets, but not select2, so I was hoping not to go down that path, well that is to say I went down that path and drowned. If anyone could help out that would be great.
The solution is straight forward. Just push the elements onto the select2 data array rather than referencing another array.
function (result) {
$ = 0; // remove old items
angular.extend($,; // add new items
A trick I've recently made use of is to use Select2's query option to pass in your latest data on demand.
I've put together an example, wrapped in a custom directive. See this Plunk.
