Appending Param to AngularJS REST Queries - angularjs

I'm using AngularJS with UI-Router and am attempting to attach a query parameter to a url on all http requests across my site.
I have an OAuth system on the backend and was previously applying Authorization headers to all requests, however to preserve backwards compatibility - have discovered I will have to instead apply a url parameter with the user identification to the backend.
My issue is that, I cannot use $httpInterceptor in the config portion of the app, because at that point in the app I don't have the current User, and can't inject $http to resolve the current user because that creates a circular dependency.
I was trying to use $http.defaults.transformRequest in the run portion of the app, but that didn't seem to be able to append a parameter to the url.
Is there a way to do this short of hand writing it on every REST request across the app?

I had similar problem in my current project.
To solve the problem I manually request current user info before app bootstapping & store it in localStorage.
Then bootstrap the app & in the config section you will have accesss to current user info.
TIP: to get user info before app bootstrap you can still use $http service by manually injecting it:


operation name appended to Backend service UrL in azure API management

I have a logic app with http trigger. I am trying to create a proxy for the logic app using APi management. The issue I am facing is that APi management when calling the Logic App, adds operation name which makes the logic app url invalid.
Example: logic app url: azure/invoke
API manager operation name: pass
Looking at trace logs, URL to call Logic app is:
I am trying to manually add url to backend service with Blank API design instead of using LogicApp.
API management preserves operation URL template while forwarding request to backend API. You can use rewrite-uri policy to control that behavior. In your scenario try adding <rewrite-uri template="/"/>
Anyone struggling why this is happening. The url in the front end is being passed in to the back end. You can either make it empty, add a policy to trim that off

Parsing Oauth 2.0 return parameters in angular-ui-router

I'm attempting to authenticate a user using Google's Oauth 2.0 API. When my app HREF's to the Google authentication page, it successfully passes information back to my AngularJS app. However, I'm not sure how best to handle the returned URL-encoded data.
This is the format it is returned as:
My main problem is that this string begins with # instead of ? as is traditionally done with URL encoded parameters.
In my stateProvider config, I've implemented the callback state as such:
.state 'auth.googlecallback',
url: '/googlecallback/#{accessToken}&token_type={tokenType}&expires_in={expiresIn}'
templateUrl: 'views/auth/googlecallback.html'
controller: 'GoogleCallbackCtrl as gVm'
The above URL is an example of what I have tried. When the url is simply /googlecallback/, the page loads successfully, even when navigated to using the Google Oauth link. But the moment I had the # symbol, the state breaks and I can't parse the state params for the data inside.
I've looked into using the angular-oauth library on GitHub, but it hasn't been updated in 2 years, and it doesn't appear to allow Oauth authentication for more than just Google (I want to use Facebook and Google).
What is the correct way to handle the the Oauth URL data in angular-ui-router?
To be frank, I don't think this will actually answer your question, but I was helping some friends with this earlier today. They were unable to handle the URI via the ui-router. Instead, they had to delegate parsing the parameters and making the appropriate request to their view controller. Using the Angular $location service and some remapping functions, we were able to get the parameters out of the # query syntax into a hash that he was able to push back to the server in his request. The code looked similarly to the following:
var paramsArray = $location.hash().split('&')
var payload = {};
angular.forEach(paramsArray, function (param) {
var arr = param.split('='),
key = param[0],
value = param[1];
payload[key] = value;
This could absolutely be simplified but this was what he was trying to accomplish for his strategy.
That all being said, I'm personally not a fan of trying to accomplish OAuth strategy on the client. You have private keys that usually need to get exchanged to complete the full handshake. If possible, it would be best if you did the following:
Redirect the client to the appropriate OAuth path
Have the redirect go to a server endpoint that can process the oauth request and complete the handshake.
Have the server endpoint that the oauth request redirected to, redirect to your success landing page with any additional response
objects required by your application.
Doing this would protect your private keys and most web frameworks have modules/packages/gems/plugins/etc. for implementing oauth for all the mainstream providers. Hope this helps you in the right direction.

Pass environment variable through to Angular app

I'd like to configure my gulp webserver task to pass an environment variable into the angular app. Each team member has his own VM running the API and the variable would instruct the Angular app of the base API url. I'm trying to eliminate the need for every team member to remember to edit the config file after every TFS update.
I thought of simply setting a response header via middleware, but javascript cannot see response headers for the current page - only those of XHR responses.
So I try initializing the config service by performing a HEAD request against the web root, but this requires resolving a $http promise which requires adding a resolve to the route config to ensure it gets resolved before something tries to use it.
I tried just injecting a cookie via middleware and reading it with the $cookies service, but Internet Explorer apparently doesn't see 'localhost' as a valid domain name for cookies and does not read them.
So what other ways are there to allow an environment variable (or other form of local config) to be passed into the angular app?
We have solved this problem in many ways for different situations.
We don't use the base URL but just relative "/folder/resource".
We have an HttpHandler that resolves files with custom extension i.e. ".xyz". Then we have a file named "" which is just a JavaScript file with something like:
baseUrl: [BASE_URL]
When the handler is asked to provide this file, the handler reads the file and does the replacements and then serve its content.
Use the one fake name for the server that serves the API. I.e: thisismylocalfake and then ask developers to configure their hosts file in system32
Have a gulp tasks that, when you compile the application, takes one config.js file and uses the machine name to replace a tag like in option 2.
I ended up adding middleware to the gulp-webserver to intercept a request for our config service file. Then I used gulp-replace and gulp-respond to inject the url from the environment variable directly in the stream. No files edited, technically and it works without having to have any sort of dev-specific code in the project.

How to Secure an API Call made from a mobile application without username/password?

I have bought an API that can be used in a mobile application. API includes the Key and username as expected.
Within the app, this API needs to be called on Payment confirmation.
I found that using tools like Fiddler, one can see the request made by the application. If that is the case, it is just a matter of seconds to fully get access to the API signature.
It would be of great help if someone can help out/add to this issue.
My thoughts:
Use a server to make this API call instead of calling it directly
from the application.
If a server is used, the issue would still exist as the API call made to the server(eventually which calls the bought API) can also be interrupted/accessed
How to secure the call made to the server from the application?
Technologies: Angular JS, Node JS, Ionic framework
Look at my answer to this question. Instead of using the user name and password, your backend could provide an additional resource that allows the user to create a token with a special scope.
In your AngularJS application you can use the $http or $resource services (if the ngResource module is included) and obtain such kind of token that allows you to access only the parts of your backend your client really needs.
This token must be cached at the client side and included in the header of each request.
In AngularJS storing the token in the header of each request can be done at a central place if you are using the config function of the module you created.
app.config(function($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = "TOKEN" }
AngularJS also provides some additional security features. For example you could use the JSON vulnerability protection mechanism. If you are using this, your backend had to add the characters )]}', (you could also override the default characters) to each JSON response body.
For other clients the JSON response will be invalid Javascript code, but in your AngularJS application the characters will be automatically removed.
The best way for implementing security for your application would be reading and understanding the OAuth2 specification.
In this video from minute 11:36 to 17:26 the JavaScript flow is described.
This site provides some implementation of the standard for different programming languages.
Some of the aspects in this standard are that all clients and redirect urls must be registered in an additional authentication server. Client are identified by a unique client id.
To avoid that some other application intercepts your requests for extracting the token, the original token should only be active for a small amount of time and each api request must be SSL encrypted.
For providing Single sign-on also refresh tokens can be used.

Use Angular routing in an Apache-hosted app

My app's frontend is done in Angular while the backend is in PHP. For this last reason, I am using Apache as app server.
I want to use Angular's routing feature, that is, $routeProvider.when(), with conditional params (aka named groups) such as /user/:id/, where :id would be a parameter passed to the controller specified in the route.
Obviously, Apache tries to handle the request e.g., /user/21 by looking for a resource called 21 inside of the user directory, and thus returns a 404 error, instead of letting Angular routing load the resource at /user and using the value 21 to do internal stuff (such as calling an API).
How would I have to setup Apache so that some requests are left to be handled by Angular?
