angularjs how to get attribute value - angularjs

I'm new to angularjs and here is a dumb question
<select id="Select1" ng-model="tld" class="form-control ">
<option value="net" data-id="2">.net</option>
<option value="vn" data-id="3">.vn</option>
<input type="button" class="btn btn-test" ng-click="checkDomain(newDomain,tld)" value="CheckDomain">
On controller:
I can get the tld value(net or vn) fine, but how can i get the data-id associated with the clicked item in Select ?

Most of the time I have an array bound to the select box, seems like a better approach. But, you could try to have a json object as the value argument, like <option value="{ text: 'net', id: 2 }">.net</option>.


add a Static option with ng-options angularJS

i ust use ng-options in a select element in angular js. and in select select i just wants to add a extra options at the beginning of code ===>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="(o.fullName+' ('')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
that is not working for me ? i dont know why.then i search on net and found some solution like =>
angularJS - add a Static option with ng-options
Add two extra options to a select list with ngOptions on it
Angular ng-options - Is there a way to add an option when the model contains a value not present in the options list?
after see above solutions i tried =>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
<option ng-repeat="(o.fullName+' ('')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by">{{(o.fullName+' ('')')}}</option>
after doing this this is also showing something like =>
but that is also not working for me i dont know why? can anybody help me ???

How to display selected name in <p> from a Select dropdown and send selected id to controller in AngularJS?

I have the following select input in my html which is populated using ng-options. I want to show the selected NAME down below in whereas I want to send the selected ID back to the controller. I get the required id from ng-model="user.category". How can I show the selected name? I also show the names in options.
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options=" as for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{}}">Select a Category</option>
<p>Available On : {{user.retailerBranchId}}</p>
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options="category for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{}}">Select a Category</option>
<p>Available On : {{}}</p>
If you make retailerBranchId a method you can do it with something like lodash' _.find() (or even native find). You have user.category updating according to your selection, which you say has the id in it, which you can use:
function retailerBranchId() {
return _.get(_.find(this.categories, { id: user.category }), 'name', '');
This also fails gracefully; if it can't find any name, or any item that matches the id, it'll return an empty string.
Edit: You would call it in a similar fashion like so:
<p>Available on: {{ user.retailerBranchId() }}</p>
Although really, it's better to use it like this:
<p data-ng-bind="'Available on: ' + user.retailerBranchId()"></p>
Can you try like a below method,
Controller to get selected Category Name:
angular.forEach($scope.categories, function(cat){
Template to have ng-change event:
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options=" as for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{}}" ng-change="getSelectedCategoryDetail(user.category)">Select a Category</option>
<p>Category Id : {{user.category}}</p>
<p>Category Name : {{}}</p>

how to select Options as Editable or Make the select box as input?

This Is my select tag. i want to make this As editable.
if possible change this as Input text.
here my ng-model is object showing as list.productcode.
<select class="default form-control" ng-options="list.productcode for list in getproductList" ng-model="list"></select>
please help how to change this.
This may help you
is the html5 tag
<input type="search" ng-model="txtModel" list="list" />
<datalist id="list" ng-model="list">
<option data-ng-repeat="data in list" value="{{data.ColumnName}}">
Note ColumnName is the Name of Column you can use

angularjs form with ng-options

I'm having trouble with a form using angularjs/php/mysql to make a quite simple CRUD.
My form pass correctly the text inputs but I can't pass the <select> value.
The ng-option expression below is wrong but I can't find how to write it.
<div ng-controller="formController">
<form ng-submit="addVinyl()" novalidate class="simple-form">
Owner: <select ng-model="vinyl.owner" ng-options=" for user in users"></select><br />
Title: <input type="text" ng-model="" /><br />
Artist: <input type="text" ng-model="vinyl.artist" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Vinyl" />
gives this html:
<option value="0">hey</option>
<option value="1">hoy</option>
<option value="2">hay</option>
My php file gets the good values of the text inputs but doesn't get the '0', '1', '2' or the 'hey', 'hoy', 'hay'... I tried to display vinyl.ownerand I got {"NAME":"hey"} for the first option selected.
ng-options is not the same as ng-repeat
The correct syntax for your purpose is :
ng-options=" as for user in users"
This is due to the fact that you need a value for the attribute value, and that you need a "display text".
find more information inside documentation :

How to set the value attribute for select options?

Source JSON data is:
{"name":"American Samoa","code":"AS"},
I try
ng-options="i.code as for i in regions"
but am getting:
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Alabama</option>
<option value="1">Alaska</option>
<option value="2">American Samoa</option>
while I am expecting to get:
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AS">American Samoa</option>
So, how to get value attributes and get rid of "?" item?
By the way, if I set the $scope.regions to a static JSON instead of AJAX request's result, the empty item disappears.
What you first tried should work, but the HTML is not what we would expect. I added an option to handle the initial "no item selected" case:
<select ng-options="region.code as for region in regions" ng-model="region">
<option style="display:none" value="">select a region</option>
<br>selected: {{region}}
The above generates this HTML:
<select ng-options="..." ng-model="region" class="...">
<option style="display:none" value class>select a region</option>
<option value="0">Alabama</option>
<option value="1">Alaska</option>
<option value="2">American Samoa</option>
Even though Angular uses numeric integers for the value, the model (i.e., $scope.region) will be set to AL, AK, or AS, as desired. (The numeric value is used by Angular to lookup the correct array entry when an option is selected from the list.)
This may be confusing when first learning how Angular implements its "select" directive.
You can't really do this unless you build them yourself in an ng-repeat.
<select ng-model="foo">
<option ng-repeat="item in items" value="{{item.code}}">{{}}</option>
BUT... it's probably not worth it. It's better to leave it function as designed and let Angular handle the inner workings. Angular uses the index this way so you can actually use an entire object as a value. So you can use a drop down binding to select a whole value rather than just a string, which is pretty awesome:
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="item as for item in items"></select>
{{foo | json}}
If you use the track by option, the value attribute is correctly written, e.g.:
<div ng-init="a = [{label: 'one', value: 15}, {label: 'two', value: 20}]">
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="x for x in a track by x.value"/>
<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="15">one</option>
<option value="20">two</option>
If the model specified for the drop down does not exist then angular will generate an empty options element. So you will have to explicitly specify the model on the select like this:
<select ng-model="regions[index]" ng-options="....">
Refer to the following as it has been answered before:
Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select? and this fiddle
Update: Try this instead:
<select ng-model="regions[index].code" ng-options="i.code as for i in regions">
<select ng-model="regions[2]" ng-options=" for r in regions">
Note that there is no empty options element in the select.
You could modify you model to look like this:
$scope.options = {
"AL" : "Alabama",
"AK" : "Alaska",
"AS" : "American Samoa"
Then use
<select ng-options="k as v for (k,v) in options"></select>
It appears it's not possible to actually use the "value" of a select in any meaningful way as a normal HTML form element and also hook it up to Angular in the approved way with ng-options. As a compromise, I ended up having to put a hidden input alongside my select and have it track the same model as my select, like this (all very much simplified from real production code for brevity):
<select ng-model="profile" ng-options=" as for o in profiles" name="something_i_dont_care_about">
<input name="profile_id" type="text" style="margin-left:-10000px;" ng-model="profile"/>
App.controller('ConnectCtrl',function ConnectCtrl($scope) {
$scope.profiles = [{id:'xyz', name:'a profile'},{id:'abc', name:'another profile'}];
$scope.profile = -1;
Then, in my server-side code I just looked for params[:profile_id] (this happened to be a Rails app, but the same principle applies anywhere). Because the hidden input tracks the same model as the select, they stay in sync automagically (no additional javascript necessary). This is the cool part of Angular. It almost makes up for what it does to the value attribute as a side effect.
Interestingly, I found this technique only worked with input tags that were not hidden (which is why I had to use the margin-left:-10000px; trick to move the input off the page). These two variations did not work:
<input name="profile_id" type="text" style="display:none;" ng-model="profile"/>
<input name="profile_id" type="hidden" ng-model="profile"/>
I feel like that must mean I'm missing something. It seems too weird for it to be a problem with Angular.
you can use for state in states track by state.code
Where states in the JSON array, state is the variable name for each object in the array.
Hope this helps
Try it as below:
var scope = $(this).scope();
