Google Cloud Endpoint : Request params not delivered to Cloud Endpoints when using Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript - google-app-engine

Suddenly my gapi client stopped sending request params to endpoint.
This is how my code looks like
Load the gapi JS
in initGoogleApis
function initGoogleApis() {
var ROOT = HOST + "/_ah/api";
gapi.client.load("userendpoint", "v1", function() {
userendpoint = gapi.client.userendpoint;
}, ROOT); }
Now when I query userendpoint.<some function>, then it is not passing the request params to endpoint
NOTE: it was working fine till today morning.
Anyone else facing the same issue? (this might be due to some update in the gapi library)

This issue has been resolved as of yesterday 2014-09-23 08:00 (US Pacific Time).
Details about this issue can be found in the Google App Engine Downtime Notify Group
However 'Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript' is still in Beta and breaking changes have been rolled out more than once. Clound Endpoints themselves are out of beta and can be used for production use.
Now, to properly answer this questions:
The simple advice here is: Don't use beta products for production applications.
To avoid problems with Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript, just don't use it. You can write your own REST API client that will not be affected by changes to the JavaScript library from Google. I have done this for testing purposes a couple of times and it is not hard, just a lot of work depending on how many endpoints you have and how complex they are.

We have the same problem on two projects.
I think that Google has deoployed a new version of the "" and it dosen't works as expected...
We need to open a ticket to Google support. If I have any news I will report them to you.
Google reports (!topic/google-appengine-downtime-notify/t9GElAJwj8U):
We are currently experiencing an issue with Google Cloud Endpoints where the GAPI Javascript client is unable to pass request parameters. For everyone who is affected, we apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing. We will provide an update by Tuesday, 2014-09-23 05:00 (all times are in US/Pacific) with current details, and if available an estimated time for resolution.
We have fixed the issue affecting Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript client and are gradually rolling-out a fixed version. We estimate full resolution of the issue by 06:30 US/Pacific Pacific. We will provide an update by 06:00 AM.
Now it works for me.


Publishing message to GCP pubsub using API is time Consuming

I have a node js app in mongodb cloud platform,which will be used for posting 1 million messages to a topic in GCP pubsub.Since the platform is not supporting the npm package #google-cloud/pubsub,we implemented it using the API reference for Pubsub.Upon load testing the app,I can see each message is taking 50 seconds for posting it to the topic.Ideally it should take less than 5 secs.It takes around 30 seconds for the access_token API call and 20 seconds for the message posting API call.Since each message posting is a independent event,we cannot maintain a session to store the access_token and reuse it and API_KEY authentication method is not available for GCP PubSub.Is the API method for gcp pubsub is very slow when compared to using library #google-cloud/pubsub ?.
Can anyone suggest a solution to improve performance of GCP PubSub using APIs
The PubSub client library are greatly optimized in several ways. The first one is the use of gRPC protocol instead of REST API. Then, there is message aggregation before a push to PubSub (500ms of wait by default). Then, there is various async mechanism to parallelize the processing.
So, a huge and great work done by the Client Library teams and hard (or expensive) to reproduce on your side. But you can, the sources are public, you can have a look to the client libraries!
The 30s for the access_token retrieval is too long. Are you sure that you haven't network issue? In any case, this token is valid for 1H. If you can reuse it in your subsequent call you will save a lot of time!

Java IOException during API request to Stripe (APIConnectionException)

The specific action we are trying to performe is to create a charge request with Stripe:
Charge charge = Charge.create(params);
Using Stripe's Java implementation (version 5.35.1) we encounter a APIConnectionException when running the application on the deployed App Engine server. Interestingly, the issue does not occur using App Engine's local dev server.
We contacted Stripe and they said everything is fine on their side. They explained that "this error indicates that your server is not able to contact our API and that it ends up timing out waiting for an answer. Usually, this is due to something misconfigured on your server such as a DNS not redirecting to Stripe properly."
We were wondering if there are some configuration settings on App Engine which cause the problem. However, since there is no specific error message we cound not figure out what might cause the connection problem.
Similar problems which did not provide enough help to resolve this issue:
Thanks for your help!
The problem seems to have solved itself. It occured for a couple of days and since a few hours the exact same code is working fine. Just like in the problem is suddenly gone for some reason.

Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate when using Google App Engine

UPDATE: Please, if anyone can help: Google is waiting for inputs and examples of this problem on their bug tracking tool. If you have reproducible steps for this issue, please share them on:
I'm trying to fetch data from the StackExchange API using a Google App Engine backend. As you may know, some of StackExchange's APIs are site-specific, requiring developers to run queries against every site the user is registered in.
So, here's my backend code for fetching timeline data from these sites. The feed_info_site variable holds the StackExchange site name (such as 'security', 'serverfault', etc.).
data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("%sme/timeline?%s" %
(self.API_BASE_URL, urllib.urlencode({"pagesize": 100,
"fromdate": se_since_timestamp, "filter": "!9WWBR
(nmw", "site": feed_info_site, "access_token":
decrypt(self.API_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, self.access_token), "key":
for item in data['items']:
... # code for parsing timeline items
When running this query on all sites except Stack Overflow, everything works OK. What's weird is, when the feed_info_site variable is set to 'stackoverflow', I get the following error from Google App Engine:
HTTPException: Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
Of course, if I run the same query in Safari, I get the JSON results I'm expecting from the API. So the problem really lies in Google's URLfetch service. I found several topics here on Stack Overflow related to similar HTTPS/SSL exceptions, but no accepted answer solved my problems. I tried removing cacerts.txt files. I also tried making the call with validate_certificate=False, with no success.
I think the problem is not strictly related to HTTPS/SSL. If so, how would you explain that changing a single API parameter would make the request to fail?
Wait for the next update to the app engine (scheduled one soon) then update.
Replace with another service ( is a good service hosted by Mozilla what could be used)
Make sure cacerts.txt doesnt exist (looks like you have sorted but just in-case :-) )
Attempt again
Good luck!
I was facing the same error, google has updated the app engine now, error resolved, please check the updated docs.

Java Glass Quickstart Project not working on App Engine

The quickstart app started acting strangely for me. I can't auth any users. I'm getting the below error. This works fine locally though. Anyone know how to fix this or get around it?
Here's where it's happening in the code (AuthServlet:55)"Got a code. Attempting to exchange for access token.");
AuthorizationCodeFlow flow = AuthUtil.newAuthorizationCodeFlow();
TokenResponse tokenResponse =
.setRedirectUri(WebUtil.buildUrl(req, "/oauth2callback")).execute();
Uncaught exception from servlet Timeout while fetching URL:
Thanks in advance
This looks like a bug in App Engine and the Google OAuth endpoints. It's being tracked in the Glass issue tracker. You can star that issue to receive updates as the investigation proceeds.
In the mean time, check out the .NET and PHP quick starts. They're working great.
Google has had some intermittent connectivity issues over the last two days. It appears to be working fine now.
See reports on the Google App Engine downtime notification group!topic/google-appengine-downtime-notify/TqKVL9TNq2A

getLastAccessedTime() in GWT sessions returns 0

I'm trying to add timeouts to GWT sessions, by using the following code to check if a session is alive:
public boolean isSessionAlive() {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - getThreadLocalRequest().getSession()
.getLastAccessedTime() < timeout;
I based this code on many examples I saw on web for GWT sessions, such as this.
The above code works great while running on a local web server, but after deploying the project to App Engine it doesn't. The following always returns 0 on App Engine:
As far as I understand, the last accessed time is updated on each RPC call.
I made several calls, but this value still remains zero and incorrect result is returned.
Does anybody know how to fix this issue?
Things will change after deployed on GAE
Just today attended the session on app engine by #roman irani .
remember that App Engine is a distributed architecture so a difference from Java EE is that you are never guaranteed the same application server instance during request processing as the previous request. While the object is being serialized correctly in memcache, you still have to call setAttribute() every time due to the fact that memory is not shared.
Clear cut picture here to handle the session
I have found a workaround. Adding the following code in war/WEB-INF/web.xml will cause the session to expire after 30 minutes:
<!-- timeout in minutes -->
Reference: Session Timeouts with GWT RPC calls.
