UI (angular) Bootstrap datepicker component popup above controll - angularjs

Is there a way to make the UI Bootstrap datepicker popup component appear above the controll instead of under?


How prevent a HTML section tag from scrolling while autocomplete popper is open

I am using Material ui autocomplete in my React app.
With the PopperComponent prop and some custom css styling I made the popper full-width and fill the height of the screen on mobile.
How do I prevent the a certain HTML <section> tag from scrolling while autocomplete popper is open?
Can't you just give him some className and apply the style on it?

I have problem viewport in mobile with modal bootstrap?

problem in mobile with boostrap and vue

UI-Bootstrap Typeahead on a Modal

I wanted to place a Typeahead directive on a Modal dialog. The problem is that when typeahead show it's list of possible matches it is behind modal-footer div. I played with append-to-body then the whole list is behind the modal dialog. Also played with append-to no luck. Any suggestion?
The solution was to add this attribute to html:
and in the css file this:
.dropdown-menu {
Now the Typeahead displays correctly over the modal dialog.

ng-table pagination click event

I am using ng-table for displaying a grid in angularjs. I want to use the ng-click event of the default pagination of ng-table table.I have tried using the method $scope.params.count() and $scope.params() which is on the ng-click of the pagination but it is not working.Is there any method that can be used to customize the click event of default pagination of ng-table

How to make simple button navigation in ionic with angularjs

I'm making a functional button in my ionic app, and I want to know what I need to do to make a button centered on a blank ionic app load another page when clicked.
I have experimented with adding ng-click="loadPage()" to the button in my index.html file. I defined
$scope.loadPage = function() { $state.go(page.html)} in my controller.
switch your button with an anchor
<a class="btn btn-full" ui-sref="your.state">your text</a>
