mobile cross platform 2d game engine with several extra features - mobile

I have few ideas for really simple games that I want to try and code.
I know C/C++/Java/PHP/AS3/Python and few more (and learning a new one isn't really a problem).
I'm looking for a game engine that can give me these features:
cross platform (possibly write once run anywhere solution) simple development env that runs on win 7 (or linux, but I prefer win 7)
I need access to in-app purchases/ads/splash screen and any other way to monetize
facebook/whatsapp integration (simple share options, or invite friends in fb)
ability to connect to database (mySql)
ability to connect to some sort of server (TCP/IP, or just fetch any data from certain URL)
2d graphics, simple lines and shapes drawing, text and numbers writing
most games have timers, so I need good response time when clicking a button or any other place on the screen (i guess that rules out Phonegap)
try to think I want to develop a simple card memory game with 5 seconds timer for each time you try to get a pair.
any ideas?

try unreal engine 4 :)
it's editor is amazing
one example project is actually that memory card game :)
you can code in c++ and/or you can use blueprints, which is a visual interface to define your game by connecting boxes in an UML like fashion. Its quite easy even for people with no coding background thus collaborating with non-coders can get quite productive.
looks, usability, tons of features, cross-platform.
its not free, but you can get away with a single month subscription fee, which is 20$ or 25$...
and if you sell your game they get a 5% cut. which is ok I guess.

AS3 is easy to learn and its community is still alive :)
To me it is currently the most exciting cross platform technology out there at that time...
I would also recommend using the GPU accelerated 2D Framework Starling
Then use ANE (Adobe Native Extensions) for all platform specific transactions such as Facebook integration or in app purchases.
Check out a simple 2 day project available on web/ios/android with one single code base:
Good Luck!


Libraries for Face Detection

I need to develop a mobile app (primarily for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile) for face detection. Obviously, OpenCV is the most well known. However, I'm unsure about the compatibility among the different OS'es. Besies OpenCV, are there other options? 2 key requirements:
-Open source/commercial libraries but must run locally/natively in devices without internet connection so Player Service API would not work
-Capable of tracking multiple faces in motion
Anyone can share their experiences/knowledge in this area? Any pointers greatly appreciated!
You are really pushing the margin a whole lot.
Face detection generally consists of three different areas.
1) Recognizing a face as a face (there is a mouth, a nose, eyes) This is useful for focusing a snapshot.
2) Recognizing facial features, looking for emotion (mouth in a smile) or eye tracking.
3) Facial recognition. Using the system to perform identification by attaching a name to a face.
You want to use a face recognition tool to perform tracking and count people entering a particular place, using a mobile phone.
First tracking is pretty difficult. Its one thing to perform simple face identity in a single frame snap shot. That's pretty easy. The problem is, you may find your frame rates so poor that you can only accommodate 1 frame every three or even every five seconds. That will make it nearly impossible to track and count faces. Counting faces is easy, but what's hard is to determine if that face in the screen was counted previously or is a new person entering the screen.
OpenCV has a whole lot of tools and examples out there for facial recognition, image tracking, etc. I'd strongly recommend playing with OpenCV and test its capabilities. I'd recommend the C/C++ versions (unless you are already a Python programmer) Here's a place to start, a blog entry I wrote a few months ago.
I really like the tutorials from Kyle Hounslow... Look him up on youtube. His videos are well thought out, they are interesting and he provides example code for all his work. Go ahead and watch all of those videos, and repeat all of those examples. Get a feel for what is available in frame rates using a laptop.
The next part of your task is porting stuff from OpenCV to Android/iOS. That's no easy task. I'm sure folks have tried, and I'm sure helpful hints are out there.
I don't mean to dissuade you from an awesome investigation but do note what you want to do is mighty difficult. You will have to invest some time to even determine where all the difficult areas are. And unfortunately you won't know effective frame rates and performance until you build some stuff and try it.
Good luck with the journey.

Comparing Flash, HTML, Silverlight, X3D and Unity 3d

I have to prepare a comparison between the following technologies to present it to my Project Manager, but I fell that I'm lost, so if any one can help I will be thankful
I want to compare between them in the following areas:
the support of online video streaming
the budget of using each one
Learning Time will be needed to learn the technology
Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users
The support if I found any problem
Bugs and security issues
connection to DB, SOA and web services
supporting of multi player
The support of online video streaming
Some of the X3D viewers support video streaming (and some even 3D streaming, for things such as augmented reality).
Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users
X3D is a standardized format, such as JPEG with multiple companies being able to manipulate such data and is even officially recommended by HTML5 specs whereas Unity ties you to a single company. Even if most X3D viewers are plugin-based like Flash, there exists also native implementations such as X3DOM to display/interact with X3D files for any browser that supports WebGL.
Connection to DB, SOA and web services
I would usually recommend using a webservice for interfacing with a DB, and yes, X3D can interact with webservices (XML, JSON). There is even a standard binary format that is fast to transfer and parse large contents faster.
Supporting of multi player
Some X3D-supporting providers offer a multiusers service, such as Bitmanagement's BS Collaborate server, but I've seen people using Darkstar/RedDwarf to make multiusers 3D environments as well.
the support of online video streaming
Unity 3D does not support video streaming, unless done through textures, which will give you a really slow frame rate.
I don't know for sure about X3D, but I would doubt it was really made for such tasks.
Silver light has good video support, it should be easy to stream with.
HTML only supports streaming video if using HTML 5, for which it gives the best user experience when user's browser supports it.
Flash is the de-facto for video streaming. It is extensively widespread. They use it for YouTube for example.
the budget of using each one
The cheapest of them all is HTML, it is free. Then you can theoretically set up something for free in flash using Flex SDK and server streaming technology such as Red5 (both open source and free). After that, I believe that all others would probably be on par cost wise, Unity3D coming in as the cheapest of the paid alternatives.
Learning Time will be needed to learn the technology
Listed in order of fastest one to learn to slowest (assuming no prior experience in any):
Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users
Flash is the most widespread. Its only competitor would be HTML 5, as new browsers tend to support it and its the only possible option on iOS. On the other hand, if 3D is what you want, then Unity3D is the standard for now, might be followed by HTML 5 in the future.
The support if I found any problem
Well, Unity3D would offer you good paid support, flash and silver light also (but only when you pay for streaming server licenses). HTML, X3D will not give you any support, but you can find a lot of information on the internet. There is also extensive information about Flash and Silverlight on the internet, but mostly Flash.
Bugs and security issues
All are pretty secure, I'm just not sure about X3D, but all others are comparable in term of security or bug issues.
connection to DB, SOA and web services
Easy to do with HTML, Flash and Silverlight. Harder with Unity3D, and hardest with X3D.
supporting of multi player
Multi-player what? If you are making a game, then clearly I would say your real options are Unity3D if the game is to be in 3D, Flash if it is to be done in 2D. Check out SmartFoxServer for easy multiplayer server.
My 2 cents:
the support of online video streaming:
Some X3D players do support it. Unity does in some ways :
the budget of using each one:
X3D and Unity3d are free. You can pay for Unity licenses for extra features and platforms like iOS and Android. If you need to write plugins for Unity, you'll need the $1500 license. There are no costs for distribution of Unity products.
Learning Time will be needed to learn the technology:
Both X3D and Unity3d have active communities and many online resources and offline books. Unfortunately for X3D, the best content creation tool (Vivaty Studio) is no longer supported officially, but X3D is supported in Maya, Max, Blender, and many other 3D programs. Unity's online docs are excellent and the forum (and other forums) are free and fast.
Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users:
'Standard' Well, HTML is the broadest standard. X3D (if including VRML) is the oldest most widely used 3D standard. HTML you have. HTML5 is coming, 'real soon now' (I'm already turning blue). If you mean 'most readily available' the HTML is #1, Flash is #2 (as everyone has a browser, and most computers come with Flash installed already). Flash needs to be installed. Unity needs to be installed too, but it's at least as fast and easy to install as Flash, and it's gotten millions of downloads, so it's getting pretty pervasive. X3D requires a plugin (this should change sometime 'real soon now' with x3dom on HTML5), but the many X3D players are all a little different from each other.
The support if I found any problem:
All have much online community support. X3D has a spec committee but that's not really support per se, you'd have to contact the X3D plugin provider (Bitmanagement, Cortona, Octaga, Exit Reality, Fraunhoffer, etc.) Unity has great online community forums, you can pay for premium support, but I'd only do that if I needed a serious bug or feature that has no work-around.
Bugs and security issues:
X3D's bugs depend on which player you use. Unity has bugs, but the product is pretty solid (I've only crashed it once, and I use is all day, every day, for over a year). Both have a mind toward security, but neither of these are totally secure, especially since you can write scripts that are inherently not secure. So you have a hand in how secure YOUR content will be. Some X3D players support encryption. Unity products are compiled.
connection to DB, SOA and web services:
You can use something like AJAX or JSON or whatever in all these platforms, no? So if it's by web service, sure. If by direct local access, I know Unity can do that. Both Unity and Flash require cross-server xml files on the server to allow access cross-domain (in the web player for Unity anyway).
supporting of multi player:
Unity has excellent multi player networking components. X3D (spec) supports it too, but it really depends on which X3D player you go with as to how well it actually works. Worst case, you can use AJAX or JSON or whatever to roll your own.
Which you choose depends mostly on what you want to do with it. Flash is generally the best route right now, unless it's all about 3D, then I'd try Unity. But a year from now, HTML5 alternatives will begin to take over. Flash DOES support 3D, there are different ways it can be done. Vivaty had a full-featured X3D player written in Flash, so it can be done. There are several good 3rd party 3d plugins for Flash.
I totally agree with wildpeaks : )
Connection to DB, SOA and web services: easy to do with HTML, Flash and Silverlight. Harder with Unity3D, and hardest with X3D.
Reply: I think X3D is not hardest.
X3D(X3DOM) can interact with webservices (XML) as very easy in this example/tutorial
Flash supports hardware accelerated 3d, and comes out of the box with 3d support. In addition, there is the papervision library for more advanced 3d. Unity3d is also supported
as a flash library.
I would consider Flex as a real alternative to Flash. It has the same actionscript language, but uses a tag based syntax called MXML, similar to silverlight. Database remoting is extremely simple. You can access your .Net/Java/Php objects directly on the front end without having to deal with serialisation issues. All of the Flash libraries are accessible.
There is also the X3D player from, supporting video streaming & decoding, XMLHttp request via scripting and its free for non commercial usage.
Flash 3D isn't good 3D for any application of real-time 3D. It is 2.5D with some tricks.
X3D is easy to learn for simple things and harder as complexity goes up. It does have the advantage of being VRML with pointy brackets so the free content, examples and toolkits are easily found. I did comparison tests of the various players. BS Contact is the best for the ability to handle the most complex content with the fastest frame rate and rich color palette. Network support is still non-standard although XMLHTTP and database connections are easy to bolt on. As others have said, Instant Reality is coming on fast and supported by people with a deep understanding of the past implementations and future requirements.
The decision comes down to the project type. A simple comparison rating such as you are is misleading at best but thanks for giving it a shot. I've used VRML through all of its incarnations and now X3D for world building and now as a source for 3D models in video work in combination with Sony Vegas. For cost-benefit without the need to use very expensive modeling toolkits, it is the best of all the choices.

How to develop a rapid database & web application using Sybase and Power Builder?

I am new in Sybase and Power Builder.
What are the best references and web resources to learn them in a useful and fast way ?
For now, I use as my base reference.
Does anyone know good and practical tutorials for Power Builder V.12 .Net ?
From Where I can download a complete version of it and use it for building my application ?
I know the data window is the magical part in Power Builder and I need to know how to create and use a professional data window and how to make interaction and pass paramters between them and also how to dispaly different views like Master-Detail relationship and Tree-Sturcture or List-Structure and so on.
I would like to know the information I need to build a rapid web and database application plus customzing and editing the existing desktop application.
There is a 45 trial version of Powerbuilder which you can download from here:
Sybase's books that come with Powerbuilder are fairly comprehensive and quite a good way to get started.
I can't help with Powerbuilder but Rob Verschoor's is the place to pick up Sybase information - there's loads in there from common "gotachas" to quizzes. His quick reference is terrific and well worth investing in.
Well, it all depends on how much experience you already have (not counting Sybase & PB).
Then there is the issue that app development and Db design are completely different disciplines: people who are good at one are rarely good at the other. Assuming you are the app developer, hire a good modeller/DBA. Product manuals are for reference only; you cannot learn how to code; put an app together; what code segments should be deployed where; best practice; etc from them.
To take even reasonable advantage of the DataWindow, you need a good Database (normalised, genuinely relational, security, etc), AND reasonable experience handling the client/server model (send SQL batch to server; receive & process result set).
You need a good PFC Library. The lib that comes with PB is fat as, and very slow. The first thing we do is strip that down, and create our own, to reduce .pbl size and increase speed.
Last but not least, a good handle on stored proc and Transaction rules. That requirement is true for any app, not just Sybase/Pb.
It sort of depends on what you want to do. PB12 comes with 2 IDEs -- PB12.NET is for creating WPF applications in .NET. PB12 Classic is for creating traditional PB applications as well as WinForm and WebForm .NET type applications.
There are some videos available on PB (some free, some paid)
Yakov Werde has a video titled "Essential PowerBuilder Series" that's about $700. You can see a free preview of it here.
Sybase has some free videos and tutorials here.
Also, there are some older PowerBuilder books like "PowerBuilder 9 Advanced Client/Server Development" that may help you. They're a little dated and don't cover any of the .NET stuff, but a lot of the basics are still the same.
The information you are looking for has always been somewhat of a challenge to find. Without all the corporate training I'm not sure how I would have learned as quickly.
If you are like me then learning by example is probably the best way. I'd go to codeplex and get yourself a working (and well designed) application to learn by example.
Also, believe it or not, I have learned a thing or two by reading the online documentation. Considering you are working with a new version of PB you've got your work cut out for you there isn't much out there. You may contact me if you have specific questions, if I have time then I would be happy to help a fellow developer.

Does anyone have database, programming language/framework suggestions for a GUI point of sale system?

Our company has a point of sale system with many extras, such as ordering and receiving functionality, sales and order history etc. Our main issue is that the system was not designed properly from the ground up, so it takes too long to make fixes and handle requests from our customers. Also, the current technology we are using (Progress database, Progress 4GL for the language) incurs quite a bit of licensing expenses on our customers due to mutli-user license fees for database connections etc.
After a lot of discussion it is looking like we will probably start over from scratch (while maintaining the current product at least for the time being). We are looking for a couple of things:
Create the system with a nice GUI front end (it is currently CHUI and the application was not built in a way that allows us to redesign the front end... no layering or separation of business logic and gui...shudder).
Create the system with the ability to modularize different functionality so the product doesn't have to include all features. This would keep the cost down for our current customers that want basic functionality and a lower price tag. The bells and whistles would be available for those that would want them.
Use proper design patterns to make the product easy to add or change any part at any time (i.e. change the database or change the front end without needing to rewrite the application or most of it). This is a problem today because the Progress 4GL code is directly compiled against the database. Small changes in the database requires lots of code recompiling.
Our new system will be Linux based, with a possibility of a client application providing functionality from one or more windows boxes.
So what I'm looking for is any suggestions on which database and/or framework or programming language(s) someone might recommend for this sort of product. Anyone that has experience in this field might be able to point us in the right direction or even have some ideas of what to avoid. We have considered .NET and SQL Express (we don't need an enterprise level DB), but that would limit us to windows (as far as I know anyway). I have heard of Mono for writing .NET code in a Linux environment, but I don't know much about it yet. We've also considered a Java and MySql based implementation.
To summarize we are looking to do the following:
Keep licensing costs down on the technology we will use to develop the product (Oracle, yikes! MySQL, nice.)
Deliver a solution that is easily maintainable and supportable.
A solution that has a component capable of running on "old" hardware through a CHUI front end. (some of our customers have 40+ terminals which would be a ton of cash in order to convert over to a PC).
Suggestions would be appreciated.
I should note that we are currently performing a total cost analysis. This question is intended to give us a couple of "educated" options to look into to include in or analysis. Anyone who could share experiences/suggestions about client/server setups would be appreciated (not just those who have experience with point of sale systems... that would just be a bonus).
For anyone who is interested, we ended up going with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, LS Retail (a plugin for the point of sale and various other things) and then did some (and are currently working on) customization work on top of that. This setup gave us the added benefit of having a fully integrated g/l system, which our current system lacked.
Java for language (or Scala if you want to be "bleeding edge", depending on how you plan to support it and what your developers are like it might be better, but also worse)
H2 for database
Swing for GUI
Reason: Free, portable and pretty standard.
Update: Missed the part where the system should be a client-server setup. My assumption was that the database and client should run on the same machine.
I suggest you first research your constraints a bit more - you made a passing reference to a client using a particular type of terminal - this may limit your options, unless the client agrees to upgrade.
You need to do a lot more legwork on this. It's great to get opinions from web forums, but we can't possibly know your environment as well as you do.
My broad strokes advice would be to aim for technology that is widely used. This way, expertise on the platform is cheaper than "niche" technologies, and it will be easier to get help if you hit a brick wall. Of course, following this advice may not be possible if you have non-negotiable technology already in place at customers.
My second suggestion would be to complete a full project plan, with detailed specs and proper cost estimates, before going with the "rewrite from scratch" option. Right now, you're saying that it would be cheaper to rewrite the system than maintain it, and you don't really know how much it would cost to re-write.
I suggest you use browser for the UI.
Organize your application as a web application.
There are tons of options for the back-end. You can use Java + MySQL. Java backend will save you from windows/linux debate as it will run on both platforms. You won't have any licensing cost for both Java and MySQL. (Edit: Definitely there are a lot of others languages that have run-times for both linux & windows including PHP, Ruby, Python etc)
If you go this route, you may also want to consider Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for creating the browser based front-end in a modular fashion.
One word of caution though. Browsers can be pesky when it comes to memory management. In our experience, this was the most significant challenge in doing browser based POS You may want to checkout Adobe Flex that runs in browser but might be more civil in its memory management.
What is CHUI? Character-UI, as in VT terminals? Or even 3270 style?
It sounds like you need a 3-tier system - the database backend, a middle-layer that runs the bulk of the back-end business processes, and a front-end layer for the CHUI / GUI / data-gateway.
All three layers can reside on one machine; or you can distribute the tiers out to various servers. The front-end layer would control the actual terminals, whether they are VT-terminals, or a web-browser, or a custom-written 'client' application.
Make sure you have considered the hardware needs here -- are you going to have barcode scanners, cash drawers, POS debit/credit terminals, et cetra? If you are using a standard browser, it might be hard to reliably integrate those items. (At the very least, you're likely going to have to write special applets to handle them.)
Finally, consider the possibility of a thin-client technology on Windows. It greatly simplifies system management, since you only have to upgrade the software centrally. Thin-client PC's are cheap -- sub $200.
Golden Code Development (see has a technology that does automated conversion of Progress 4GL (the schema and code... the entire application) to a Java application with a relational database backend (e.g. PostgreSQL). They currently support a very complete CHUI environment and they do refactor the code. For example, the conversion separates the UI, the data model and the business logic into separate Java classes. The entire result is a drop-in replacement that is compatible with the original (users don't need retraining, processes don't need to be modified, the data is migrated too). This is possible because they provide an application server and a set of runtime classes that provide that compatibility. The result of the automated conversion is not something that needs further editing before you can compile and run it. True terminal support is included so hardware terminals still work (it requires a small JNI library to access NCURSES from Java). All the rest of the code in the runtime is pure Java. No Progress Software Corp technology is used in the resulting system and it runs on Linux.
At least one converted system is already in production, running a 24 by 7 mission critical environment. It is a converted ERP system that their mid-sized pilot customer uses to run their entire business.

Which resolution to target for a Mobile App?

When desinging UI for mobile apps in general which resolution could be considered safe as a general rule of thumb. My interest lies specifically in web based apps. The iPhone has a pretty high resolution for a hand held, and the Nokia E Series seem to oriented differently. Is 240×320 still considered safe?
Not enough information...
You say you're targeting a "Mobile App" but the reality is that mobile could mean anything from a cell phone with 128x128 resolution to a MID with 800x600 resolution.
There is no "safe" resolution for such a wide range, and if you're truly targeting all of them you need to design a custom interface for each major resolution. Add some scaling factors in and you might be able to cut it down to 5-8 different interface designs.
Further, the UI means "User Interface" and includes a lot more than just the resolution - you can't count on a touchscreen, full keyboard, or even software keys.
You need to either better define your target, or explain your target here so we can better help you.
Keep in mind that there are millions of phone users that don't have PDA resolutions, and you can really only count on 128x128 or better to cover the majority of technically inclined cell phone users (those that know there's a web browser in their phone, nevermind those that use it).
But if you're prepared to accept these losses, go ahead and hit for 320x240 and 240x320. That will give you most current PDA phones and up (older blackberries and palm devices had smaller square orientations). Plan on spending time later supporting lower resolution devices and above all...
Do not tie your app to a particular resolution.
Make sure your app is flexible enough that you can deploy new UI's without changing internal application logic - in other words separate the presentation from the core logic. You will find this very useful later - the mobile world changes daily. Once you gauge how your app is being used you can, for instance, easily deploy an iPhone specific version that is pixel perfect (and prettier than an upscaled 320x240) in order to engage more users. Being able to do this in a few hours (because you don't have to change the internals) is going to put you miles ahead of the competition if someone else makes a swipe at your market.
Right now I believe it would make sense for me to target about 2 resolutions and latter learn my customers best needs through feedback?
It's a chicken and egg problem.
Ideally before you develop the product you already know what your customers use/need.
Often not even the customers know what they need until they use something (and more often than not you find out what they don't need rather than what they need).
So in this case, yes, spend a little bit of time developing a prototype app that you can send out there to a few people and get feedback. They will have better feedback because they can try it out, and you will have a springboard to start from. The ability to quickly release UI updates without changing core logic will allow you test several interfaces quickly without a huge time investment.
Further, to customers you will seem really responsive to their needs, which will be a big benefit to people who's jobs depend on reaction time.
You mentioned Web based apps. Any particular framework you have in mind?
In many cases, WALL seems to help to large extent.
Here's one Article, Adapting to User Devices Using Mobile Web Technology exploiting WALL.
