MS Access Age Calculation across tables - database

I'm editing a database template so I can track differences in patient tests across age for the same person.
I retro-fit the "Student Database" template to utilize the forms and macros already created.
I have a patient table that stores all data collected at initial intake : name, date of birth (DOB), etc. and a second table that would track test scores across visits that includes : name, date of visit (DOV) and score information. These are paired so I can pull up information from one patient and see their scores across visits.
What I need to do now is create a query where I can calculate their age when they took the tests.
To do so, I have used expression builder and entered Calculated:([Visit Date]-[DOB])/365
This works for calculating age only if I re-enter the DOB in a new column on the patient visit table
I've tried using DateDiff and using [Patient]![DOB] to recall the data from the other table but I get the same error.
(Calculated age: ([Patient Visit]![Visit Date]-[Patients]![DOB])/365)
Calculated age: (DateDiff("yyyy",[Patients]![DOB],[Patient Visit]![Visit Date]))
Both spit out the error : Enter Parameter Value 'Patients!DOB'
If I enter a date, all data points and patients calculated to have the same DOB that I entered.
How do I let Access know I need it to calculate the date at visit for the DOB of the same patient?
?: Do I need to create a lookup table for the patient ID to match with the DOB and then use that field for calculation?
If there is something wrong with the expression I can fix, that would be ideal. If not, what is the best way to calculate age at visit without having to manually enter in the patient DOB more than once (once in initial uptake and again at each visit).
Thank you in advance.

I found a solution!
I was using 'query' wrong. instead of trying to force it to recognize another table, I needed to add the table to the query upon query creation.
1_ selected 'Query Design'
2_ selected the tables with the required information (entered through forms)
3_ Used `
Patient Name: IIf(IsNull([Last Name]),IIf(IsNull([First Name]),[First Name]),IIf(IsNull([First Name]),[Last Name],[First Name] & " " & [Last Name]))
for the first field and
Patient Visit.*
for the second field. By adding "Patient Visit.*" the query will add all fields from the table into the query.
The third field I selected DOB from the Patients table (it was available for selection because I had the two tables selected in the layout initially).
I am now able to use the original
Calculated:([Visit Date]-[DOB])/365
for age calculation w/o any error. I finalized formatting under properties > format > fixed.


Identify elements that do not appear in the period (Google Data Studio)

I have a table that shows the recurrence of purchasing a product, with the columns: product_id, report_date, quantity.
I need to list in a table the products that are more than 50 days unsold. The opposite I managed to do (list those that were sold in the last 50 days) but the opposite logic has not yet been able to implement.
Does anyone have any tips?
An example of the table:
329,2019-01-02 08:19:17,2019-01-02 14:34:12,6
243,2019-01-03 09:19:17,2019-01-03 15:34:12,6
238,2019-02-02 08:19:17,2019-03-02 14:34:12,84
170,2019-04-02 08:19:17,2019-04-02 14:34:12,84
238,2019-04-02 08:19:17,2019-04-02 14:34:12,8
238,2019-04-02 08:19:17,2019-04-02 14:34:12,100
238,2019-08-02 08:19:17,2019-08-02 14:34:12,100
238,2019-10-02 08:19:17,2019-10-02 14:34:12,100
170,2020-01-02 08:19:17,2020-01-02 14:34:12,84
170,2020-01-02 08:19:17,2020-01-02 14:34:12,84
There are many steps to do this task. I assume the date column is the one to work with. Your example from table includes duplicated entries. Is it right that at the same time the order is there twice?
So here are the steps:
At first add an calculated field date_past to your dataset:
To the dataset add a filter SO_demo with:
include date_past<30
Then blend the data with it self. Use product_id as Join key. Only the 2nd dataset has the SO_demo filter. Add to the dimension of this dataset the calculated field sold_last_30_days with the formula "yes".
In the table/chart to display add a filter on the field include sold_last_30_days is Null.

Getting minimum values out of calculated table

I have:
a table with user names
a table indicating actions with columns for user name, action time, action name. Named events unique_events
I started collecting data on January. I want to have a column in my table of user names which indicates how long it has been since a user first used my application and the first of January.
So if a user first logged in in January, the value of the row with that user's name will be 0. If one logged in on March it will be 2.
I tried:
Column = DATEDIFF(01-01-2016, MIN(SELECTCOLUMNS(FILTER('events unique_events','events unique_events'[User Name] = Users[User Name]),"DatedTime", [DatedTime])),MONTH)
which returns an error saying the Min function needs a column reference.
I also tried the same with FirstDate instead of MIN which returned an error saying FirstDate can't be used with summarize functions.
Any other ideas on how to achieve this, or fix what I tried?
(for simplicity, I will call your table 'Events', and user login dates field 'User_Login_Date').
First, define your app start date as a measure:
App_Start_Date:= DATE(2016, 1, 1)
Then, define measure that finds min differences between Application Start Date and User Login dates:
User_Start_Diff=: MINX(Events, DATEDIFF([App_Start_Date], Events[User_Login_Date], Month))
Drop this measure into a pivot table against user names, and you should have your desired result.
How it works:
1) MINX goes record by record and calculates date differences for each customer login. It then finds minimum in the results;
2) When you drop the measure into a pivot table, it splits MINX results by customer, and recalculates min for each of them separately. You don't need to do the grouping.
Creation of [Start_Date] measure is not technically necessary but a matter of good style - don't hardcode values in your formulas, always create measures. You will thank yourself later when you need to make a change.

Select last measure date for each ID at the same work date

I have a table like the next one and I would like to obtain the last "measure date" for every "Work date" of a same "ID".
At the end I would like to have this result:
In that example, the last two rows of the initial table disappears in the final one because I just want the last "To do" measure entered in the table for every work date of a same ID.
As you see in the first table, for a same ID I can have 2 differents measure_date for a same work date. However I need only the last measure date a same work date by ID. In that case, I need to get the last measure date to get the good "To Do" to achieve my job .
The table can have a lot of different Work Date and 100 of ID, which are the same for every Work date.
How can I do that?
From what I read the query should go something like this,
SELECT id, work_date, max(measure_date), todo FROM tablename GROUP BY id, work_date;
But notice that the todo value will be quite random (or can have unexpected results) so leave it out from the query. But like with the comments, there is not enough information and it does look like excel.

how to pre-fill some parts of an access form?

New here, so be gentle with me. - edited to simplify
I'm trying to set up something in Access where:
user selects driver name and date
query finds stops along the driver's route
form opens with route stops (location details) filled in and user can add additional information (item picked up, weight of item)
all information gets transferred to a "Pickups" table, which has data on what was picked up, the weight, where (route stop) and by whom (driver).
I have stores A through H, and three drivers, Bob, Tom, and Jill. Bob’s route is stores A,B,C,D. Tom’s route is stores A,C,G,H, and Jill’s route is stores D,E,F,G. (I can't give real names/locations - work is very strict about privacy issues!)
Behind these are “Driver” Table, with driver name, ID, and truck info; and “Store” Table, with store name (A-H), address, phone number, and contact person.
We’re collecting all of the information about items picked up at each store into a “Pickup” table, with Fields: Date, Driver, Store, WeightOfFurniture, WeightOfBooks, WeightOfClothes
The user starts with the driver’s name and date, clicks a button, and this opens a form with the following fields:
Driver, Date, Store, WeightOfFurniture, WeightOfBooks, WeightOfClothes
with driver and date filled in based on the initial entry, and “Store” having all listings for a given driver’s route. So I select Bob and a date (11-12) and get a form with:
Name Date Store WtFurn WtBooks WtClothes
Bob 11-12 A
Bob 11-12 B
Bob 11-12 C
Bob 11-12 D
I can get the above information from a query without any problem, but I can't figure out how to (partially) fill the form with the query results (there will be multiple query results for a given route, so DLookup is not useful).
I think recordsets might be a way to go, but not sure how to do this. I'm very new at VBA, but am learning (the hard way!).
Any suggestions?
Use an INSERT INTO action query to insert those records into your Pickup table.
I can get the above information from a query without any problem,
This query is the SELECT FROM part for the INSERT query.
Then open your Pickup form, filtered for Driver, Date and Store that you just inserted.

Criteria to get last not null record present

I have a daily record table where records are stored date wise. I am using hibernate criteria to access data. How do i get the last date till which records are present continuously (date wise continuity) by providing a date range. For example, say records are there from 21-09-2012 to 25-09-2012 , again from 27-09-2012 to 31-09-2012. I want to form a query using criteria to get record of date 25-09-2012 because for 26-09-2012 there are no records (by passing date ge 21-09-2012 and date le 31-09-2012) . I want to know the last date till which records are present continuously. Say the table has three fields - 1.recordId (AI) 3.Integer record.
Its not a proper solution to your question. But it may be scenario specific.
How about getting the data for a date range and show then on a calender. Change the color of date if the corresponding value is null.
I think HQL will be better way to this in Hibernate:
