I'm trying to initialize ngBootbox and toaster.
var app, deps;
deps = ['treeGrid'];
app = angular.module('MyApp', deps);
app.controller('treeGridController', [
'$scope', '$http', '$ngBootbox', 'toaster',
function($scope, $http, $ngBootbox, toaster, $timeout) {
..some code
And I get this error in the console :
[$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $ngBootboxProvider <- $ngBootbox
What did I forget to install? I have a similar page and it works fine.
You need to add ngBootbox and toaster into your module dependencies, like this:
deps = ['ngBootbox', 'toaster', 'treeGrid']
I want to inject a config into my angular app. The app contains also an run object.
But when I add the config option I get an $injector:modulerr error. And I can't find the error.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[
'rzModule', // range slider (i.e. for price filter)
myApp.config(function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('taOptions', function($delegate) {
return $delegate;
myApp.run(['$rootScope', '$window', '$location', '$stateParams', '$api', '$translate', '$transitions', '$state',
function($rootScope, $window, $location, $stateParams, $api, $translate, $transitions, $state) {
It's going about the textAngular-uploadImage module (https://github.com/mrded/textAngular-uploadImage). When I remove the config option my app runs fine, but of course, I can't use the module.
What is the reason for this? I included al the required files in the html, and textAngular (https://github.com/textAngular/textAngular) is working fine.
How can I solve this? Or are there any other options for a normal upload function in textAngular? I also tried this solution (https://github.com/textAngular/textAngular/issues/139#issuecomment-111205679) but I get the same error.
Try something below code..
myapp.config(['$provide', function($provide){
$provide.decorator('taOptions', ['$delegate', function(taOptions){
return taOptions;
And you would need to register upload image with editor like below
taRegisterTool('uploadImage', {
iconclass: "fa fa-user",
action: function(){
I have an app which uses a lot of different js files. When I compile the app normaly with gulp everything works well, but when I compile everything in one file to minify it, I get an error (Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]).
app-55bb2aca73.js:4 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.8/$injector/modulerr?p0=app&p1=Error%3A%20%…http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fbuild%2Fjs%2Fapp-55bb2aca73.js%3A4%3A30075)
at app-55bb2aca73.js:4
Here is my gulpfile.js (use Laravels elexir plugin):
], 'public/js/app.js');
Here the app.js:
var app = angular.module("app", ['ngCookies'], function ($interpolateProvider) {
For example here the begin of a controller:
app.controller('someCtrl', function ($scope, $window, $http, $cookies) {
Someone got any idea why this is not working in one file?
When you minify, the controller method names get stripped out. Need to include in this way to have a reference:
app.controller('someCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', '$http', '$cookies'
function ($scope, $window, $http, $cookies) {
// ...
More here: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di
This might be because the system angular uses for injecting dependencies according to the names of the variables passed as parameters. If you are minifying your files into a single one and variables are not keeping the same original name, you should inject the dependencies manually as follow:
var myApp = function ($interpolateProvider) {
myApp.$inject = ['$interpolateProvider'];
angular.module("app", ['ngCookies'], myApp);
... and in your controller:
app.controller('someCtrl', controlFn);
var controlFn = function ($scope, $window, $http, $cookies) {};
controlFn.$inject = ['$scope', '$window', '$http', '$cookies'];
I created this controller
app.controller('headerCtrl', [
'$scope', '$log', '$uibModal', function($scope, $log, $uibModal){...}])
which gives the following error anytime i run it
Unknown provider: $uibModalProvider <- $uibModal <- headerCtrl
According to angular, this may be due to a typo with the dependency name or an undefined dependency which is not the case here since ui.bootstrap is defined and spelled correctly
Here is my module
var app = angular.module('app', [
However, when i remove '$uibModal' before the function like this
app.controller('headerCtrl', [
'$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log, $uibModal){...}])
and run
console returns undefined. I updated ui-bootstrap with bower but that didn't work. I haven't been able to create a modal because of this. How do I get $uibModal to be injected successfully by angular
I'm following this example for ui.grid
site: http://ui-grid.info/docs/#/tutorial/203_pinning
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngTouch', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pinning']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$log', function ($scope, $http, $log) {
$scope.gridOptions = {};
I'm using app.js file to define my Common dependencies using in all controllers etc. (whole app)
var app = angular.module("sampleApp", ["ngResource", "ui.router", "ngTouch", "ui.grid", "'ui.grid.pinning'"]);
As you can see "ui.grid" and "ui.grid.pinning" is defined in application or module level. all my controllers/services can use it.
Is there a way to define these 2 dependencies in controller level? like below, because I'm not going to use it in other controllers/pages....
now I get squeeze underlines in my editor with code below, I assume it's because of the dots(.). it says { expected....
app.controller("empController", ['$scope',
'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pinning',
function ($scope, ui.grid, ui.grid.pinning) {
You can use the explicit $injector in your controller.
app.controller("empController", function empController($scope, ui.grid, ui.grid.pinning){
empController.inject = ['$scope','ui.grid','ui.grid.pinning'];
This is not a duplicate of This Question
I have included all the required files in view:
<script src="~/Scripts/angular-file-upload-master/examples/console-sham.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Content/js/angular.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/angular-file-upload-master/angular-file-upload.js"></script>
My module and controller:
var controllers = angular.module('controllers', ['ngGrid', 'ngDialog', 'angularFileUpload']);
['$scope', '$window', 'ngDialog', 'CommonService',
'CustomProductsServices', '$upload',
function ($scope, $window, ngDialog, CommonService,
CustomProductsServices, $upload){
But still I get this error.
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $uploadProvider
Please help me out.
Hit the same issue, turned out that the documentation to inject $upload is out of date, it should be FileUploader:
[..., '$upload', function (..., 'FileUploader') {
Spent more time than I'd like to admit figuring that out. FYI, I determined that by looking at angular-file-upload.js:
.factory('FileUploader', ['fileUploaderOptions', '$rootScope', '$http', '$window', '$compile',
It appears that you didn't close the controller declaration correctly.
Specifically, you have: }); when you should have }]); instead. Note the missing ].
In context, you should have:
var controllers = angular.module('controllers', ['ngGrid', 'ngDialog', 'angularFileUpload']);
['$scope', '$window', 'ngDialog', 'CommonService',
'CustomProductsServices', '$upload',
function ($scope, $window, ngDialog, CommonService,
CustomProductsServices, $upload){
}]); // Note: missing ']' added in here
because we need to follow the form of declaring a controller. The controller API is terse, but pretty succint:
$controller(constructor, locals);
Which expanded to your case:
module_name.controller( 'your_Ctrl',
[locals, function(){
I added in extra spacing to call out the missing ] and to show how we're closing off elements within the declaration.
It seems this error can be ng-file-upload version dependent:
If you try the suggestions on that page and this page and still get the error, the following worked for me:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ngFileUpload'])
.controller('HomeCtrl', function($scope, ... Upload) {
file.upload = Upload.upload({...}); //Upload instead of $upload