Instantiating a controller dynamically from a string and attaching it to an element - angularjs

I'm writing code that lets me create dialogs that have some shared elements (e.g. cancel button, ok button, title) but you can also embed your own template and controller to customise it more. When you create the dialog, you specify the template and controller you want in "template" and "controller" field of a dialog "object" which is passed on to the primary controller for handling dialogs. The dialog controller now needs to embed the template and instantiate the named controller to control the template elements.
The template code I'm trying to use for this part is this:
<ng-include ng-controller="dialog.controller" src="dialog.template">
If I remove the controller part, the template appears properly. The controller part generates this error:
"Argument 'dialog.controller' is not a function, got string"
How do I instantiate the controller?
Edit: As an example, with the Angular UI modal library you can do this to create a controller:
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'dialog_form.html',
controller: 'DialogFormController',
resolve: {
options: function() {
return dialog;
Where the controller field is the name of one of your controllers. How can I copy this functionality to specify my controller with a string instead of a function?

Angular Controllers are functions, and when you specify ng-controller, Angular will call that function and treat the return result of it as the controller object. That's why controller definitions are done as function-type constructors.
But when this happens there's an additional piece of magic - Angular has a controller Provider that maintains a registry of known controllers, for a variety of reasons. (For instance, it knows what injections they need.) You can't just define a global function and hope it gets called.
If you want to do this, see the ngController documentation which describes this option:
If the current $controllerProvider is configured to use globals (via
$controllerProvider.allowGlobals()), this may also be the name of a
globally accessible constructor function (not recommended).
You would use something like this if you wanted the functions supplied to you to be in a global variable, although as noted above it's not recommended.
ngController can also take an expression. In that case it will look for dialog to be a scope variable in the parent controller where this is used, so in there you would need something like:
$scope.dialog.controller = function() { /* ... */ };
This second technique is less useful if you want to make a generic library, but there are ways around it. For instance, you might have your developers create a dialog collection in $scope or $rootScope:
$rootScope.myDialogs['dialog1']['controller'] = function() { };
and then use this in your template like:
<ng-include ng-controller="myDialogs.dialog1.controller" src="myDialogs.dialog1.template">
Finally, you could implement your own ngInclude directive that just did both of those things together from a single argument ('dialog1'). AngularJS Directives give you incredible control over the templates and controllers used to run them.


Access controller constructor by controller name in angular

I have a controller name as string and I want to get constructor of it.
My current method is using $controller as below:
$scope.myControllerConstructor= $controller( "myControllerName" , {$scope: $scope.$new()}).constructor;
Later on, I use this constructor in the html like this:
<div ng-controller="myControllerConstructor">
The issue is my controller runs two time, one time when I get the constructor (which is wrong) and one time when my html gets compiled (which is correct)
The question is how to get the controller constructor without running it?
Update about use-case: In our application we have many pages with 60% similarities and 40% different activities. I created a directive for those pages and other developers in the team are using my directive to create their page.
The directive accepts a template and a controller (I get them as string) and later on I include the provided template and controller as below:
<div ng-include="myTemplate" ng-controller="myControllerConstructor"></div>
Please take a look at this jsfiddle for a simple example of issue.
The structure of your code looks ok but the issue is $controller( "myControllerName" , {$scope: $scope.$new()}) already instantiate the controller with the given scope for you.
It is true that you can access the controller constructor with .constructor but it is too late as you already created an instance of the controller.
ng-controller does the exact same thing as $controller( "myControllerName" , {$scope: $scope.$new()})
When a Controller is attached to the DOM via the ng-controller
directive, AngularJS will instantiate a new Controller object, using
the specified Controller's constructor function. A new child scope
will be created and made available as an injectable parameter to the
Controller's constructor function as $scope.
To solve this issue you should pass the controller constructor function to pageDirectiveTemplate instead of the controller name.
The working fiddle
There is a different way we can achieve this. In directive, while using isolated scope (like you are doing here in fiddle), you could have a property controller that has value "#" and have another name property having the value of "myController" or whatever your controller name you are passing as.
So, your directive could look something like this:
app.directive('pageDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
templateUrl: "pageDirectiveTemplate",
scope: {
myTemplate: "#"
controller: "#",
name: "myController"
Notice that, only change in HTML would be to have the directive as an attribute instead of an element. So,
<div page-directive my-template="templateA" my-controller="controllerA">
<div page-directive my-template="templateA" my-controller="controllerB">
This would give you exactly what you are looking for. Now you can have same template pointing different controllers and vice-versa.
working fiddle | Note that it works for two different controllers having same template. Also, check the console to see how it logs only once from each controller.

AngularJS: Should I convert directive's linking function to a controller?

I heard it's a good practice to use the controllerAs syntax along with bindToController: true in directives that use an isolate scope. References: one, two
Suppose, I have a directive like this:
angular.module('MyModule').directive('MyDirective', function(User) {
return {
scope: {
name: '='
templateUrl: 'my-template.html',
link: function(scope) {
scope.User = User;
scope.doSomething = function() {
// Do something cool
<!-- my-template.html -->
User Id: {{ }}
Name: {{ name }}
<button ng-click="doSomething()">Do it</button>
As you can see, there is no controller in this directive. But, to be able to leverage controllerAs and bindToController: true I have to have a controller.
Is the best practice to convert the linking function to a controller?
angular.module('MyModule').directive('MyDirective', function(User) {
return {
scope: {
name: '='
templateUrl: 'my-template.html',
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'myCtrl',
controller: function() {
this.User = User;
this.doSomething = function() {
// Do something cool
<!-- my-template.html -->
User Id: {{ }}
Name: {{ }}
<button ng-click="myCtrl.doSomething()">Do it</button>
My understanding is that directive's controller should be used as a mechanism to expose directive's API for a directive-to-directive communication.
Could anyone shed light on what's the best practice these days, having Angular 2.0 in mind?
I consider it best practice to move initialization code and/or exposing API functions inside of a directive's controller, because it serves two purposes:
1. Intialization of $scope
2. Exposing an API for communication between directives
Initialization of Scope
Suppose your directive defines a child scope (or inherits scope). If you initialize scope inside of your link function, then child scopes will not be able to access any scope variables defined here through scope inheritance. This is because the parent link function is always executed after the child link function. For this reason, the proper place for scope initialization is inside of the controller function.
Exposing a Controller API
Child directives can access the parent directive's controller through the 'require' property on the directive definition object. This allows directives to communicate. In order for this to work, the parent controller must be fully defined, so that it can be accessed from the child directive's link function. The best place to implement this is in the definition of the controller function itself. Parent controller functions are always called before child controller functions.
Final Thoughts
It is important to understand that the link function and the controller function serves two very different purposes. The controller function was designed for initialization and directive communication, and the linker function was designed for run-time behavior. Based on the intent of your code, you should be able to decide whether it belongs in the controller, or it belongs in the linker.
Should you move any code that initializes scope from the link function to the controller function?
Yes, that is one of the primary reasons that the controller function exists: to initialize scope, and allow its scope to participate in prototypical scope inheritance.
Should you move $watch handlers from the link function to the controller function?
No. The purpose of the link function is to hookup behavior and potentially manipulate the DOM. In the link function, all directives have been compiled, and all child link functions have already executed. This makes it an ideal place to hookup behavior because it is as close DOM ready as it can be (it is not truly DOM ready until after the Render phase).
I will start with your last sentence. It's all about how you want to write your angular code. If you want to stick with the guideline for writing good code for angular 1.x then don't even bother thinking too much about what is ideal. However, if you want to prepare for the next version of Angular, as well as, the upcoming web technologies, I would suggest that you start adopting the new concepts and adjust them to the way you write your code today. Bare in mind there is no right or wrong in this case.
Speaking about angular 2.0 and ES6, I would like to stress out that the notion of directives will be more in align with the Web Components technology.
In Angular 2.0 (according to the current design) will get rid of the complex way of defining directives; That is no more DDO. Thus I think it would be better if you start thinking in that way. A component will just have a View and a controller.
For example,
export class Carousel{
constructor(panes:Query<CarouselItem>) {
this.items= panes;
select(selectedCarouselItem:CarouselItem) { ... }
The above code is written in AtScript (a superset of typescript and ES6), but you will be able to express the same thing in ES5, as well. You can see how simpler things will be. There in np such notion like link function or compile etc.
In addition, the view of the above component will be directly bound to the above class; So you can already find a similarity to the controllerAs syntax.
So in essence, I would suggest that you first look at the general idea behind Web Components, and how the future of the Web Developments might be, and then I think you would start writing Angular 1.x code with that in mind.
In summary, try to code in a way that favours the current version of Angular, but if you believe that there are some parts of your code that can embrace some concepts of the next version, then do it. I don't believe it will harm you. Try to keep it simple as the new version of Angular will be simpler.
I would suggest that you read the following posts:
(at the bottom I added a code/plnkr that shows the approach)
Apart from the article you mentioned:, which basically not only advocates the pattern you are asking for, but component based front-end in general, I have found: (it advocates Minimal use of the link function and use ui-bootstrap as an example where such a pattern has been used). I cannot agree more with both these articles.
Another thing about Angular2.0: no more $scope in angular2.0 --, so surely if you can get rid of $scope as much as possible, then the transition should be smoother.
I made a small mistake as well:
Still, I prefer to define all functions in controller and just call
them via link's scope. Ideally it is just one call:
scope.init ctrl.init(/*args*/) (where ctrl is
directive's controller).
To some degree it is a matter of taste, but there are some valid reasons to keep the link function as thin as possible:
The logic in link function is not easily testable. Sure, you can compile the directive in your unit tests and test its behaviour, but the link function itself is a black box.
If you have to use controller (let say to inter directive communication), then you end up with two places where to put your code. It is confusing, but if you decide to have the link function thin, then everything that can be put in controller should be put in controller.
You cannot inject additional dependencies directly to the link function (you can still use those injected to the main directive function). There is no such a problem in case of controller's approach. Why it matters:
it keeps better structure of the code, by having the dependencies closer to the context where they are needed
people coming to angular with non-JS backgrounds have still problems how functional closure works in JS
So what has to be put in the link function:
Everything that needs to be run after the element has been inserted into DOM. If $element exposed $on('linked') event than basically this point is not valid.
Grabbing references to controllers require:ed. Again, if it was possible to inject them into the controller directly...
Still, I prefer to define all functions in controller and just call them via link's scope. Ideally it is just one call: scope.init.
Misko Hevery told a couple of times that DDO is far from being perfect and easy to understand and it evolved to what it is right now. I am pretty sure, that if the design decisions were made upfront then there would a single place to put the logic of the directive - as it will be in angular2.0.
Now answering your question if you should convert link function to a controller. It really depends on a number of criteria, but if the code is actively developed then probably it is worth to consider. My experience (and couple of people I talked about it) can be illustrated by this image:
About angular2.0 -- it is going to be a tectonic shift, so from that perspective it should not matter much, but still the controller's approach seems to be closer to the way directives/components are going to be declared in v2.0 via ES6 classes.
And as the last thing: To some degree it is a matter of taste, but there are some valid reasons to keep the CONTROLLER function thin as well (by delegating logic to services).
PLNKR exemplifying the approach:
<input ng-model=""/>
<my-directive my-config="data">
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = { name : 'Hello, World'};
app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope){
var self = this;
this.init = function(top){
this.topCtrl = top;
this.getTopName = top.getName.bind(top);
this.getConfigName = function(){return};
console.log('initilizing', this, $scope, this.getConfigName, this.getTopName());
// if you want to $watch you have to inject $scope
// you have access to the controller via name defined
// in contollerAs
$scope.$watch('myCtrl.config', function(){
console.log('config changed', self.getConfigName());
}, true);
app.directive('topDirective', function(){
return {
controller : function(){ = "Hello, Top World";
this.getName = function(){return};
app.directive('myDirective', function(){
return {
require: ['myDirective', '^topDirective'],
controller : 'MyCtrl',
bindToController: true,
controllerAs: 'myCtrl',
template : '{{myCtrl.getConfigName() + " --- " + myCtrl.getTopName()}} ',
scope : {
config : "=myConfig",
link : function(scope, element, attrs, Ctrls){
As per the latest documentation this is still the recommended practice "use controller when you want to expose an API to other directives. Otherwise use link." I would like to hear from other people also and the approach they are using.
sharing the contents from here, (I dont have enough reputations to put it as comments)
“where do I put code, in ‘controller’ or ‘link’?”
Before compilation? – Controller
After compilation? – Link
Couple of things to note:
controller ‘$scope’ and link ‘scope’ are the same thing. The difference is paramaters sent to the controller get there through Dependency Injection (so calling it ‘$scope’ is required), where parameters sent to link are standard order based funcitons. All of the angular examples will use ‘scope’ when in the context, but I usually call it $scope for sanity reasons:
the $scope/scope in this example is simply the one passed in from the parent controller.
‘link’ in directives are actually the ‘post-link’ function (see rendering pipeline below). Since pre-link is rarely used, the ‘link’ option is just a shortcut to setting up a ‘post-link’ function.
So, whats a real world example? Well, when I’m deciding, I go by this:
“Am I just doing template and scope things?” – goes into controller
“Am I adding some coolbeans jquery library?” – goes in link
Credit for the answer goes to jasonmore

AngularJS - To Make Or Not To Make a Directive

I know that if I want to create a reusable item, such as a date picker, then creating it as a Directive is recommended.
However, let's say that on my homepage, I have a Welcome section that displays the quote of the day with a background image that comes from a Rest service. Should this be a Directive that can encapsulate the markup and controller logic? Or should it be a simple AngularJs Controller that binds to markup in my index.html?
What constitutes whether or not something should be created as a Directive?
Directive is only a wrapper for a controller. It means if you have a controller you can use it. But you also may use the same controller as a controller of a directive for example instead of link function use controller.
This allow as to draw clear line where to use directive and where to use a controller.
We have to use Controller if we want to reproduce logic of piece of HTML markup. When we want to use the same $scope assignments, the same functions inside $scope, ... but HTML markup is always different for every other place where we use this controller.
We have to use directive when we have same logic in a controller of a directive and same HTML markup.
So in your case it is definitely a directive.
This is my own common sense of course, and may not be ideal.
There are three things you will require to implement this functionality:
AngularJS Template a.k.a. Markup to display quote with an image next to it.
AngularJS service to encompass the REST call in order to fetch above details from the server.
AngularJS controller to consume the AngularJS service to feed the data back the template (point 1) to update it accordingly after every rest call.
So the fact is you can achieve this without even writing an AngularJS Directive but what if you need to replicate the same feature in many places. In that sense, you will probably have to copy the same template somewhere else which will again need a separate controller to consume the same service (as using the same controller multiple times in the DOM is not recommended and a bad practice).
With the Directive API, you can put the markup in a directive template and consume the service in a directive controller to render the UI. So the next time if you want multiple instance of the widget, you just have to inject the directive, that's it - rest will work without any issue.
App = angular.module('App', []);
App.directive('welcomeQuote', function(QuoteService) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div><img ng-src="{{quote.img}}" /><span ng-bind="quote.title"></span></div>',
controller: function(scope) {
// returns {img: 'angular.png', title: 'AngularJS';
QuoteService.fetch().then(function(data) {
scope.quote = data;
App.factory('QuoteService', function($http) {
return function() {
fetch: function() {
return $http.get('')
Finally you can use the widget as:

How to structure Angular webapp with code crossing over in directive and controller?

I have code in a directive relating to a "highlightable image." The goal is to be able to create highlights on an image and attach a comment to it. So when you click on the image, it creates an annotation.
I have code in the controller for a tooltip toolbar, which you can use to attach a comment to the annotation. Currently, when the 'comment' button on this toolbar is pressed, the information is stored into the database. If you click 'cancel' on the toolbar, the highlight should be deleted.
My dilemma is that I'm not sure how to structure things to conform to the MVC design pattern. Specifically, clicking cancel occurs in the toolbar, but must affect the highlights (which are managed by the directive). And clicking comment must make a call to a service to modify the database.
I've considered moving the toolbar code into the directive, but decided otherwise because directives shouldn't be dealing with backend. And ideally, the toolbar should be in its own directive. I'd like to know what you think the 'correct' way of doing it is.
Based on the functionality that you described,
Create a service:
highlightImageService (this will use the $http service to persist data to the database)
addHighlightToImage(image, highlight)
attachComment(highlight, comment)
Create a controller:
In your directive, specify your controller and inject your service:
.directive('imageHighlighter', function(highlightImageService) {
restrict: ...
scope: ...
controller: highlightImageController,
link: function(scope, element, attr, controller) ...
Tie everything together in a module:
var module = angular.module('imageHighlighter', [...]);
Since everything is self-contained in a module (directives, controllers, services), all one has to do to use your module is add it as a module dependency and add directives to your page:
var app = angular.module('app', ['imageHighlighter']);
<body ng-app="app">
<div image-highlighter></div>
There's another way to structure this.
Create directive Toolbar
Create directive Highlighter
Create service DataService
Create callback functions in your controller's scope
Pass these functions as attributes to your directive
After dealing with all UI related issues, your directive will execute the appropriate callbacks
The callbacks in the controller's scope will call DataService to take the appropriate action such as: Delete the comment, Save the comment
This way you can avoid calling the service directly from the directive and have it only deal with UI issues.
Here's how to pass a function to the directive: Passing a function as an attribute to a directive

how do i bind a directive to an injected service instead of a parent or isolated scope?

related to this question: How do I create a dynamic nav which gets allowed menu items passed to it?
Basically, I have a nav outside of any views. The nav needs to display menu items which a user has access to.
I create the nav markup with a directive like so:
<tree family="treeFamily"></tree>
Where treeFamily is the data which will be used to build the navigation menu.
However, since my nav is outside of any views, it doesn't have a controller, so there is no scope variable called treeFamily. Which means the directive doesn't get any data to create a navigation.
I originally thought I could just inject a service with the data for the menu items, but then there is no way that I can see to tell an angular directive to use data taken from an injected service for binding.
The only other way that seems to be possible is to have a $rootScope variable called treeFamily and have the directive generated markup bind to that instead.
I still think you want to have a look at angular-ui router, as mentioned I in your previous question
However, the way I'd do this without angular-ui-router is to create the service, then just inject the service in to the directive when you declare that, and use the data in there as per
For example:
angular.module('yourModule').service('yourService', function() {
// define your service
angular.module('yourModule').directive('yourDirective', function(yourService) {
return {
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
// you can now define your directive and access your yourService service
If you don't want to use a $rootScope variable here is a slightly hacky solution but you could get the scope by the element.
Say your data is applied to a test controller so you have a element like this
<div id="test" ng-controller="test">
You could do this example using jQuery (not required)
There it is you have access to the scope that you need to get your data from, demo in progress.
In the demo the random directive is accessing the treeFamily data from the test controller when the directive is outside the controller.
If you wan't your service data to be bindable, you can do this
app.directive('something', function( $someNavDataService ) {
return function( $scope ) {
$scope.navData = $someNavDataService;
