How to make .txt files visible to Visual C - c

I'm writing a program to that needs to read 32-bit binary numbers in as strings from a text file (notepad). The file contents look like this:
Every time I try to run the code I get the error message saying that the debug assertion failed because the (stream != NULL) condition was not satisfied. I assume that this comes from an error with the fscanf part of the code. I have looked at similar questions with the solution usually being to move the text file to the current working directory, but I am not sure what this means. I am using visual studio Express 2013, and have the text file saved under resource files in my console application. I also have the console application and the text file saved in a single folder on my desktop. Neither of these seem to have had any effect in resolving the error. Here is my source code if it helps at all:
void main()
char str[34];
FILE *binnz;
binnz = fopen("binns.txt", "r");
while (fscanf(binnz,"%s",str) != EOF)
printf("%s\n", str);
If the problem is where the text file is stored, where -exactly- do I put it?
Thanks in advance.

I have looked at similar questions with the solution usually being to move the text file to the current working directory, but I am not sure what this means.
The working directory of a program basically allows it to open files by a relative path. Typically, the working directory of a program will be wherever the executable file resides (so it can easily reference files in the same directory); however, when debugging in Visual Studio, it'll use the project directory as the working directory by default. You can change this under the "Debugging" page of your project settings, or you can just put binns.txt in your project directory.

The resource directory is the wrong place. Add a system("dir") to your program, and it will show you where your program is running. Put your file in there, and you should be good to go.


GCC cannot recognize the directory path inside a file

The problem I encountered in using GCC is that I cannot use the command make to build my program because some files contain the paths of their actual location.
Say I have a file named "machine.h", its content is target-pisa/pisa.h. At the same time, in the same working directory, I have a folder named "target-pisa", in which there is a file named "pisa.h"; the actual code of the header file "machine.h" is actually inside the file "pisa.h", which is inside the folder named "target-pisa" located in the same working directory as "machine.h".
Assume for some reason I cannot simply copy and paste the code from "pisa.h" to "machine.h"; that is, I have to stick with what is provided by the prof. The make command does not work in this case in my laptop because it cannot interpret target-pisa/pisa.h as a directory path and open the actual header file "pisa.h" according to the path target-pisa/pisa.h provided in the file "machine.h". Instead, git bash interprets target-pisa/pisa.h as C code (if I am not mistaken); see the figure below.
Some additional info that may be helpful:
In machine.h, there is only one line of code as shown below:
I have checked that almost all .c files in the working directory have #include "machine.h".
How can I solve this problem? Please help, I have been stuck in this for a long time. By the way, my friend also used git bash to do this lab and this problem doesn't happen to him.
I tried to reinstall git bash in order to see if the problem can be solved, but it didn't.
All in all, I want to build the program successfully by using make command in git bash.
machine.h needs to have an #include directive to tell the compiler to pull in the nested header.
#include "target-pisa/pisa.h"
Just writing target-pisa/pisa.h by itself isn't valid C code.

Unexpected error when reading from a text file in C

I'm trying to read text from a file (should be pretty easy right?). As far as I recall, the syntax should look something like
FILE *filename;
filename = fopen("filename.txt", "r"); /*when file is the same
folder of the .exe*/
Below is my code. When I run it, I simply get "Error", which is the prompt I wanted in case of an error. I included here a global struct declaration because it's literally the only other thing in the code, even though I'm positive it's not causing any problem with opening the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct list {
char subject[20];
char prof_name[20];
char prof_surname[20];
char period[20];
int credits;
int pass_rate;
int main()
struct list data[80];
FILE *prof;
prof = fopen("professor.txt", "r");
if (prof == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error");
return 0;
The file has the correct name and extension, it's in the same folder as the .exe (I've also tried with the address, it still does the same). I feel like I'm going to get crazy if I look at the code even for just one more minute. There must be something I missed
Regarding the comment "when file is the same folder of the .exe", that is incorrect.
Instead relative paths (like your professor.txt) is relative from the process current working directory. Which might be very different from the location of the .exe file.
My guess is that you're running inside Visual Studio (or other IDE) which places the executable files in a sub-directory. The working directory when running, though, is usually the project root directory.
So either go into the project settings and change the working directory when running the program into the directory where the file is located, or move the file to the actual working directory.
You can use the _getcwd function to get the process working directory, to verify that it is what you believe it is.

Allegro load_bitmap not working

i'm trying to load bitmap like this:
BITMAP *image = load_bitmap("picture.bmp", NULL);
when I test it:
if (image == NULL)
printf("No image loaded\n");
it prints No image loaded so load_bitmap doesn't work ... i have also tried absolute path but still nothing.
Im using Ubuntu and allegro 4.2
Some suggestions?
Did you try placing the image on the same location as the executable? After that is solved check this things also if still getting the error:
Is really a *.bmp file? A file of a different type can not be converted by just renaming it.
Is the file you are trying to read actually called like that? Check for spelling both in code and in the file explorer.
Does the program run correctly if executed from the file explorer or command-line but not from the IDE? If that is the case, then you should change the configuration of the workspace or project you are currently using so that the execution directory is the same as the one where the image file is located.
If all else fails then try following the steps of the tutorial again, perhaps you made something wrong. By the way, if this is your first C++ project I recommend you that instead go to more basic stuff and stick to the command-line for a while until you get the hang of the facilities the language and its libraries have to offer.

Reference a file in C static library

I created a static library in C using Visual Studio. This library contains a function which accesses a text file stored in that current directory. The library was built properly. But the problem is that when I call the function from outside other project it is not loading that text file( I linked the .lib file properly everything else is working except for loading of that file).
Any ideas how to load a text file from .lib file just by relative path??
Thanks in advance..
The following is the library test function definition
int test()
FILE *fp = fopen("hello.txt", "r");
if(!fp) printf("File Error");
return 0;
The test.lib file is built and created for this.
Just accessing the current folder hello.txt file but when this function is called from other Project. it is saying File Error.
Modify your code to look at the errno:
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
if(!fp) printf("File error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
And then look up the meaning of the errno on your operating system to see what's going on.
I'm pretty sure the fact that you're calling this function from a library is a red herring.
What's most likely happening is that your hello.txt file is not in the working directory of the executing process. Go ahead and #include <windows.h> in your project, and use the GetCurrentDirectory function to see what the working directory is when you run your program. Most likely, it's not the same path as your text file.
To remedy this, you can do one of two things: you can change the startup settings of the program (whether that's from Visual Studio or a Windows shortcut) to specify the working directory (called "Start in:" for a Windows shortcut) to be the path to the text file you want to open, or you can figure out what working directory your program has been using and move your text file there instead.
Edit: Also, if you want the application to use its own directory (where the executable file actually resides) you can use the GetModuleFileName function to get the full path of the executable. Of course, you'll have to trim the filename of the program off the end of the string it produces, but that should be a piece of cake.
Check your file path and print an errno, I think you have a static file path

fopen fails mysteriously under Windows

Maybe I just have another black out but, this one line is giving me a lot of troubles:
FILE *fp = fopen("data/", "rb");
This works fine under Linux when compiled with GCC. But when I compile it with Visual Studio, it crashes. fp is always NULL. Both the BIN and the EXE are in the exact same directory. Now, to make things even crazier, when I run the EXE using Wine under Linux... it... works...
I have absolutely not a god damn clue what's going on here. Maybe it's some insanely stupid mistake on my side, but I cannot get this thing to run under Windows :/
Also, I have another program which works just fine, there the data files are also contained in a sub directory named data.
To make it clear neither / NOR `\ * do work.
OK I've given up on this, maybe someone has fun trying to figure it out, here's ZIP containing the EXE, Debug Data for VS etc.:
Compiled it with CodeBlocks and MinGW, works like a charm. Guess it has to do something with MSVC or the Project Settings in VS.
It sounds like data isn't a subdirectory of your current directory when you run the program. By default (for x86 targets) VS will build and run your program from either a DEBUG or RELEASE subdirectory of the base directory you've created for the project. You can modify the directory that will be "current" when it runs though (e.g., project | properties | configuration properties | debugging for VS 2008).
Edit: While Windows requires that you use a backslash as a directory separator at the command line, a forward slash works fine in code -- this is not the source of your problem.
In windows you have to write the following:
FILE *fp = fopen("data\\", "rb");
This is like that because the backslash is a special character (so a backslash in a string is written using \ and a quotation symbol is \" and so with other special characters).
Since this issue happens only on windows. I doubt whether the file is really named "". As you know, the default setting for windows hides the file extention. Is its real name
Include a line to GetCurrentDirectory(), to see if you are running from the directory you expected.
When I develop in C#/ C++ on visual studio, I normally get to run it from the debug folder. I don't think it matters if forward slash is used in place of backslash in .net.
I happened to have the same problem, and suddenly i figured it out.
That should be your windows fault.
Let's say, FILE *fp = fopen("data/", "rb"); in windows, if you hide the extensions, then you can see the file data/, but actually it maybe /data/world.dat.txt or somewhat.
So please check the extensions.
Hope it helps!
I ran into this today, and it happened because I used "br" instead of "rb" on that mode argument.
The underlying fopen is throwing an exception of some kind, which only registers as a crash. It's not bothering to return the standard NULL response or set the associated error values.
I'm not sure but it may be because you're using slash instead of (an escaped) backslash in the path?
