scope.$eval doesn't work in angular.js directive - angularjs

I want to build a angular.js directive, which by clicking the <span>, it will turn out into a editable input. and the following code works well, except when the model is empty or model length has 0, make it show <span> EMPTY </span>.
<span ng-editable="updateAccountProfile({'location':profile.location})" ng-editable-model="profile.location"></span>
app.directive('ngEditable', function() {
return {
template: '<span class="editable-wrapper">' + '<span data-ng-hide="edit" data-ng-click="edit=true;value=model;">{{model}}</span>' + '<input type="text" data-ng-model="value" data-ng-blur="edit = false; model = value" data-ng-show="edit" data-ng-enter="model=value;edit=false;"/>' + '</span>',
scope: {
model: '=ngEditableModel',
update: '&ngEditable'
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var value = scope.$eval(attrs.ngEditableModel);
console.log('value ' , attrs.ngEditableModel , value);
if (value == undefined || (value != undefined && value.length == 0)) {
var placeHolder = $("<span>");
$(element).attr("title", "Empty value. Click to edit.");
scope.focus = function() {
scope.$watch('edit', function(isEditable) {
if (isEditable === false) {
} else {
// scope.focus();
the problem occurs at the this part of code that
var value = scope.$eval(attrs.ngEditableModel);
console.log('value ' , attrs.ngEditableModel , value);
attrs.ngEditableModel output the content 'profile.location', but then using scope.$eval() only output ' undefined ', even model 'profile.location' is not null

You have two ways to fix that.
1) You're calling $eval on the wrong scope. You have in scope in your link function your newly created isolated scope. attrs.ngEditableModel does contain a reference to the outer scope of your directive, which means you have to call $eval at scope.$parent.
or 2) a better way to handle it: You already have bound ngEditableModel via your scope definition of
scope: {
model: '=ngEditableModel',
So, instead of using your own $eval call, you can just use scope.model which points to the value of attrs.ngEditableModel. This is already two-way-bound.


Angularjs form $error is not getting updated when the model is updated inside a directive unless the model be cleared

I can't figure out what's happening in the following example. I just trying to create my own required validation in my own directive where I have an array and I want to make it required (it's a simplification of what I want to do but enough to show the point)
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('myDirective', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
require: 'ngModel',
controller: 'myDirectiveController',
controllerAs: 'D_MD',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
ngModel.$validators.required = function(modelValue) {
var result = false;
if (modelValue && modelValue.length > 0)
result = true;
return result;
bindToController: {
ngModel: '='
template: '(<span>ArrayLength:{{D_MD.ngModel.length}}</span>)<br /><input type=button value="add (inside directive)" ng-click=D_MD.AddElem() /><br /><input value="clear (inside directive)" type=button ng-click=D_MD.Clear() />'
}; }) .controller('myDirectiveController', [function() {
var CTX = this;
//CTX.ngModel = "pipo";
CTX.clearModel = function() {
CTX.ngModel = [];
CTX.AddElem = function() {
Name: 'obj100',
Value: 100
CTX.Clear = function() {
CTX.ngModel = [];
}; }]) .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
var CTX = this;
CTX.patito = 'donde esta el patito';
CTX.arrayElements = [];
CTX.setElements = function() {
CTX.arrayElements = [{
Name: 'obj0',
Value: 0
}, {
Name: 'obj1',
Value: 1
}, {
Name: 'obj2',
Value: 2
CTX.clearElements = function() {
CTX.arrayElements = [];
}; })
When I hit the add (outside directive) button, the required works fine,
but when I hit the add (inside directive) button I still getting the required error in the form (the form is defined outside directive).
But the more confusing thing for me is the following:
When I hit the clear (inside directive) button after hitting add (outside directive) button to make the required error go out, in this case the form is updating and the validation error is showing.
Why $validations.required is not firing inside the directive when I add new element to array but yes when I clear it?
Any ideas?
******* UPDATE *******
It seems to be related with array.push if I change array.push with the assignation of new array with wanted elements inside it works ok.
Still the question why it is happening.
As workaround I changed in the directive the AddElem function in this way:
CTX.AddElem = function() {
CTX.ngModel = CTX.ngModel.concat({
Name: 'obj100',
Value: 100
The ngModel you use here is a JS object. Angular has a reference to that object in its $modelValue and $viewValue (because angular basically does $viewValue = $modelValue). The $modelValue is the actual value of the ngModel, which, if you change it, will change the $viewValue after having run $validators.
To know if your ngModel has Changed, angular compares the ngModel.$viewValue with the ngModel.$modelValue. Here, you are doing a push() to the $viewValue which is updating the $modelValue at the same time because they are just references of each other. Therefore, when comparing them, they have the same value ! Which is why angular does not run your $validator.
The docs explain it :
Since ng-model does not do a deep watch, $render() is only invoked if the values of $modelValue and $viewValue are actually different from their previous values. If $modelValue or $viewValue are objects (rather than a string or number) then $render() will not be invoked if you only change a property on the objects.
If I over-simplify angular code, this snippet explains it:
var myArray = [];
var ngModel = {
$viewValue: myArray,
$modelValue: myArray,
$validate: function () { console.log('validators updated'); }, // log when validators are updated
function $apply() { // the function that is called on the scope
if (ngModel.$viewValue !== ngModel.$modelValue) {
ngModel.$viewValue = ngModel.$modelValue;
ngModel.$validate(); // this will trigger your validator
} else {
console.log('value not changed'); // the new value is no different than before, do not call $validate
// your push is like doing :
$apply(); // will output 'value not changed', because we changed the view value as well as the model value
// whereas your should do:
var newArray = [];
// create a copy of the array (you can use angular.copy)
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
ngModel.$viewValue = newArray; // here we clearly update the $viewValue without changing the model value
$apply(); // will output 'validators updated'
Of course you are not forced to do an array copy. Instead, you can force the update of your ngModel. This is done by calling ngModel.$validate();
One way of doing it would be to add a forceUpdate() function in your scope, and call it from the controller after you do a push();

Angular 1.x Directive With A Template

I'm trying to create an angular directive for forming sentences. The goal is to take a list and iterate through them as necessary. The result of the directive would be something like:
shoes, pants and socks
shoes, pants and +5 more
I have the basic directive setup to work with a array of strings - but I'd like to customize it to allow custom templates for each sentence element (i.e. hyperlinks, styling, etc). That is:
<sentence values="article in articles">
<strong>{{article.title}}</strong> by <span>{{}}</span>
The HTML the user sees in the browser needs to be something like:
$scope.articles = [
{ title: '...', author: '...'},
{ title: '...', author: '...'},
<span><strong>ABC</strong> by <span>123</span></span>
<span>, </span>
<span><strong>DEF</strong> by <span>456</span></span>
<span>+5 more</span>
I'm guessing it has something to do with transclude but cannot figure out the API. I've also experimented with using ng-repeat instead of the directive template but wasn't able to find a solution.
Something like this should work where maxArticles is a number defined on your scope
<sentence values="article in articles | limitTo: maxArticles">
<strong>{{article.title}}</strong> by <span>{{}}</span>
<span ng-if="$index < maxArticles - 2">, </span>
<span ng-if="$index === articles.length - 1 && articles.length <= maxArticles">and</span>
<span ng-if="articles.length > maxArticles">
and +{{articles.length - maxArticles}} more.
Iterating AND providing dynamic content is a common use for a custom directive with the compile function + the $compile service. Watch out: essentially you are repeating the functionality of ng-repeat, you may want to consider alternatives.
E.g. instead of the articles list, use another one (perhaps named articlesLimited). The new list is constructed dynamically and contains the first elements from articles. A flag (e.g. hasMore) indicates whether the original articles has more elements, simply as: $scope.hasMore = articles.length > 5. You use the hasMore flag to show/hide the "+N more" message.
For what it's worth however, below is an implementation of the sentence directive. See the comment for weak points!
app.directive('sentence', ['$compile', function($compile) {
var RE = /^([a-z_0-9\$]+)\s+in\s([a-z_0-9\$]+)$/i, ONLY_WHITESPACE = /^\s*$/;
function extractTrimmedContent(tElem) {
var result = tElem.contents();
while( result[0].nodeType === 3 && ONLY_WHITESPACE.test(result[0].textContent) ) {
result.splice(0, 1);
while( result[result.length-1].nodeType === 3 && ONLY_WHITESPACE.test(result[result.length-1].textContent) ) {
result.length = result.length - 1;
return result;
function extractIterationMeta(tAttrs) {
var result = RE.exec(tAttrs.values);
if( !result ) {
throw new Error('malformed values expression, use "itervar in list": ', tAttrs.values);
var cutoff = parseInt(tAttrs.cutoff || '5');
if( isNaN(cutoff) ) {
throw new Error('malformed cutoff: ' + tAttrs.cutoff);
return {
varName: result[1],
list: result[2],
cutoff: cutoff
return {
scope: true, // investigate isolated scope too...
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs) {
var iterationMeta = extractIterationMeta(tAttrs);
var content = $compile(extractTrimmedContent(tElem));
return function link(scope, elem, attrs) {
var scopes = [];
function() {
// this is (IMO) the only legit usage of scope.$parent:
// evaluating an expression we know is meant to run in our parent
return scope.$parent.$eval(iterationMeta.list);
function(newval, oldval) {
var i, item, childScope;
// this needs OPTIMIZING, the way ng-repeat does it (identities, track by); omitting for brevity
// if however the lists are not going to change, it is OK as it is
scopes.forEach(function(s) {
scopes.length = 0;
for( i=0; i < newval.length && i < iterationMeta.cutoff; i++ ) {
childScope = scope.$new(false, scope);
childScope[iterationMeta.varName] = newval[i];
content(childScope, function(clonedElement) {
if( i > 0 ) {
elem.append('<span class="sentence-sep">, </span>');
if( newval.length > iterationMeta.cutoff ) {
// this too can be parametric, leaving for another time ;)
elem.append('<span class="sentence-more"> +' + (newval.length - iterationMeta.cutoff) + ' more</span>');
And the fiddle:
This is a tricky problem. Transclude is used to wrap elements but when using transclude you don't have access to the directive scope, only to the scope of where the directive is being used:
AnglularJS: Creating Custom Directives
What does this transclude option do, exactly? transclude makes the contents of a directive with this option have access to the scope outside of the directive rather than inside.
So a solution is to create another component to inject the template's scope inside the directive, like this:
.directive('myList', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: { items: '=' },
template: '<div ng-repeat="item in items" inject></div>'
.directive('inject', function() {
return {
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, controller, $transclude) {
$transclude($scope, function(clone) {
<my-list items="articles">
<strong>{{item.title}}</strong> by <span>{{}}</span>
This was taken from this discussion: #7874
And I made a Plnkr.

angular directive scope before return

I need to access a scope variable before entering the return of a directive.
I have a directive which returns a select element with options for each of the trucks.
<tc-vehicle-select label="Truck" selected="activeDailyLog.truck"></tc-vehicle-select>
I need to use the selected value in the directive to put a selected tag on the appropriate option element.
.directive('tcVehicleSelect', function(localStorageService) {
/* Get a list of trucks for the organization and populate a select element for
the user to choose the appropriate truck.
var trucks = localStorageService.get('trucks');
var truckHtml;
for (var i = 0; i < trucks.length; i++) {
var truck = trucks[i];
var injectText;
injectText = truck.description
injectText = 'truck ' +
truckHtml += '<option value="' + + '">' + injectText + '</option>'
return {
scope: {
label: '#',
active: '#'
replace: true,
template: '<label class="item item-input item-select">' +
'<div class="input-label">{{label}}</div>' +
'<select ng-model="timeLog.truck"><option value="">None</option>' + truckHtml +
I have everything working in this directive except I'm stuck on setting the selected attribute on the correct element. If I could access the selected variable passed in I would be able to do it by inserting into the truckHtml, but I haven't found examples using that - only using the variables below in the retrun block.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Also wanted to clarify that the activeDailyLog.truck in the HTML has the correct value I'm looking for.
It makes sense to place your directive's code inside the link function.
To retrieve the passed scope variable inside the directive, use = for two-way binding to the same object.
.directive('tcVehicleSelect', function(localStorageService) {
/* Get a list of trucks for the organization and populate a select element for
the user to choose the appropriate truck.
return {
scope: {
selected: '='
replace: true,
template: '<label class="item item-input item-select">' +
'<div class="input-label">{{label}}</div>' +
'<select ng-model="timeLog.truck"><option value="">None</option>' + truckHtml +
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var trucks = localStorageService.get('trucks');
trucks.forEach(function(truck) {
var injectText;
injectText = truck.description
} else {
injectText = 'truck ' +
truckHtml += '<option value="' + + '">' + injectText + '</option>'
// Access scope.selected here //
Also replaced with Array.forEach() method, as it seemed more relevant in this context!
Internally there are very few differences between directive and a factory. The most important thing here is that directives are cached - your code is only run once and angular will keep reusing its return value every time it needs to use that directive.
That being said, you cannot access scope within directive declaration body - if you could it would be a scope of the first directive and its result would be cached and used for all other places you would use same directive.
I do like the idea of building the options before the return though, assuming you are sure it will not change during the application life (as it will save you from some unnecessary bindings). However, it is usually not true, so I would rather move the whole logic into a compile or even link function:
.directive('tcVehicleSelect', function(localStorageService) {
return {
scope: {
label: '#',
active: '#'
replace: true,
template: '<label class="item item-input item-select">' +
'<div class="input-label">{{label}}</div>' +
'<select ng-model="timeLog.truck"><option value="">None</option>'
link: function(scope, element) {
var trucks = localStorageService.get('trucks'),
select = element.find('select');
trucks.forEach(function(truck) {
option = angular.element('<option></option>');
option.html(truck.description || "truck" +;
if ( === {
option.attribute('selected', 'selected');

Angularjs TreeView Directive With Isolated Scope

I am trying to create treeview directive with isolated scope.
But node selection not working properly:
(function(l) {
l.module("angularTreeview", []).directive("treeModel",
function($compile) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
treeModel: '=',
currentNode: '='
link: function(scope, element) {
k = '<ul><li data-ng-repeat="node in treeModel"><i class="collapsed" data-ng-show="node.children.length && node.collapsed" data-ng-click="selectNodeHead(node)"></i><i class="expanded" data-ng-show="node.children.length && !node.collapsed" data-ng-click="selectNodeHead(node)"></i><i class="normal" data-ng-hide="node.children.length"></i> <span data-ng-class="node.selected" data-ng-click="selectNodeLabel(node)">{{node.roleName}}</span><div data-ng-hide="node.collapsed" data-tree-model="node.children" data-node-id="roleId" data-node-label="roleName" data-current-node="currentNode" data-node-children="children"></div></li></ul>';
scope.$watch('treeModel', function() {
scope.selectNodeLabel = function(q) {
scope.currentNode && scope.currentNode.selected && (scope.currentNode.selected = false);
q.selected = "selected";
scope.currentNode = q
Problem Fiddle
Any help would appreciated, Thanks.
Problem is because you compile the directive multiple times, you have different child scopes for each time you compile the directive. Now it's not a real problem but every child node change to currentNode changes the reference but does not update all of its parents scopes, meaning the original currentNode is not updated.
Instead you can access the currentNode through an object which will guarantee that every change will keep the referencs as they are:
// controller
$scope.obj = { currentNode :{} };
// directive
scope.currentNode.currentNode=q; // every line with scope.currenNode becomes scope.currentNode.currentNode for example.
See this fiddle

Getting angular directive attribute value returns 'undefined'

I'm doing a directive for input mask. But, when I pass a string as value the attribute is undefined. If I pass directly the mask It's working.
.directive('inputMask', function () {
return {
restrict: 'EAC',
scope: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch('inputMask', function (newVal) {
console.log('inputMask', newVal);
var maskType = scope.$eval(attrs.inputMask);
switch (maskType) {
case 'phone':
$(element).inputmask("phone", {
url: '#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-inputmask/phone-codes/phone-codes.json")',
onKeyValidation: function () { //show some metadata in the console
case 'money':
$(element).inputmask("decimal", { digits: 2 });
case 'moneyGrouped':
$(element).inputmask("decimal", {
radixPoint: ",",
autoGroup: true,
groupSeparator: ".",
groupSize: 3,
digits: 2
case 'email':
$(element).inputmask('Regex', { regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}" });
$(element).on('keypress', function () {
scope.$eval(attrs.ngModel + "='" + element.val() + "'");
Working (will get into default of the switch):
<input type="teste" name="teste" value="" ng-model="" input-mask='{ "mask": "d/m/y", "autoUnmask" : true}'/>
Not working, attrs.inputMask is undefined (should enter in case 'money'):
<input type="teste" name="teste" value="" ng-model="" input-mask='money'/>
What is wrong?
When you use scope: true a new scope will be created for this directive. Then, to your $watch works correctly, you should create a new attribute to the current scope, called inputMask, that receives the attrs.inputMask
scope.inputMask = attrs.inputMask;
scope.$watch('inputMask', function (newVal) {
console.log('inputMask', newVal);
You can see a simplified Working fiddle here
The other option, is to use the a hash object in directive's scope attribute.
The directive docs writes:
{} (object hash) - a new 'isolate' scope is created. The 'isolate'
scope differs from normal scope in that it does not prototypically
inherit from the parent scope. This is useful when creating reusable
components, which should not accidentally read or modify data in the
parent scope.
# or #attr - bind a local scope property to the value of a DOM attribute.
That way, you can create your scope binding the DOM attribute:
scope: {
inputMask: "#"
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch('inputMask', function (newVal) {
console.log('inputMask', newVal);
/* ... */
In the directive use,
scope: {inputMask: '#'}
And in the link function instead of using attr.inputMask use scope.inputMask and that will work.
If you want to use attr then you can use
attr.$observe('inputMask', function() {
Because initially the value will be undefined.
The actual problem here was that scope.$eval('money') will return undefined.
The attribute should be linking just fine to the directive, if it's in curly braces {}, or if it's a string such as 'money'.
It's what you're doing with the value that's causing the problem.
var maskType = scope.$eval(attrs.inputMask);
You would only need to use isolated scope with #, or attrs.$observe if you were passing interpolated attributes, such as {{money}}.
