NHunspell - How to generate all recognized words? - nhunspell

Is it possible with NHunspell to generate the list of all recognized/valid words? As far as I remember it was possible with hunspell (unmunch) from the command line.
From current hunspell documentation:
munch: dictionary generation from vocabularies (it needs an affix file, too).
unmunch: list all recognized words of a MySpell dictionary
wordforms: word generation (Hunspell version of unmunch)

No, that is not possible with NHunspell at the moment because it isn't part of the Hunspell library but only the Hunspell command line tool. I've implemented nearly all functions of the Hunspell library in NHunspell, but not all command line tools. If you want it implemented please suggest this feature in the NHunspell forum:


Is there a way to get help for some C functions inside of vim/Neovim?

This question may be a little off topic. But I was wondering if there was a way for me to look at the descriptions of C functions using vim or neovim. Is it possible to look at their documentations by doing something like :help? This would really be helpful since I wouldn't need to lookup to my browser everytime.
I am unclear about these things:
Can :help be my friend here ?
Can I use LSPs to do something like this ?
I am using latest Neovim inside Ubunutu 20.04 in WSL. Is this helpful somehow ?
By pressing K, the keyword under the cursor is looked up using a configured keyword lookup program, the default being man. This works pretty much out of the box for the C standard library.
For C++, you might want to look at something like cppman.
Well yes, you can get the description of C functions by using a LSP (language server plugin)! Here is an image of me using clangd as my LSP:
You'd "just" need to install the LSP and start it. I don't know how familiar you're with neovim, but just in case if you don't know how to install a plugin or to be more specifique: If you don't know how you can install a LSP server, then you can do the following:
There're plenty videos how to set up a LSP-Server for your language. Here's an example.
If you don't want to set up on your own, you can pick up one of the preconfigured neovim setups (some of my friends are recommending lunarvim)
But yeah, that's it. If you have any further questions feel free to ask them in the comments.
Happy vimming c(^-^)c
Let's explain how "K" command works in more detail.
You can run external commands by prefixing them with :! command. So running man tool is as easy as
:!man <C-R><C-W>
Here <C-R><C-W> is a special key combination used to put word under cursor from text buffer down to command line.
Same for showing Vim's built-in help page
:help <C-R><C-W>
As it feels tedious to type that, Vim also defines K Normal mode command that does pretty much the same thing. Except the tool name is taken from value of an option named "keywordprg".
So doing set keywordprg=man (default for *nix systems) makes K to invoke !man tool; while set keywordprg=:help is for bultin help.
Also, the option :h 'keywordprg' is made global or local-to-buffer, so any Vim buffer is able to overwrite global setting. For example, this is already done by standard runtime for "vim" and "help" buffers, so they call ":help" instead of "man".
The problem with :!man command is that it shows "black console". It'd be nice if we could capture man's output and open it inside Vim just like a builtin help page. Then we could also apply some pretty highlighting, assign key macros and all such. This is a pretty common trick and it is already done by a standard plugin shipped with Vim/Neovim.
A command that the plugin provides is called :Man, so you can open :Man man instead of :!man man, for example. The plugin is preactivated in Neovim; for Vim you still need to source one file manually. So to make use of this plugin you'll need something like this
set keywordprg=:Man
if !has("nvim")
source $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/man.vim
The previous answer recommending cppman is the way to go. There is no need to install a bulky language server just for the purpose of having the hover functionality. However, make sure you're caching the man pages via cppman -c. Otherwise, there will be a noticeable delay since cppman is fetching the page from cppreference.com on the fly.
If you like popups for displaying documentation, convert the uncompressed man pages (groff -t -e -mandoc -Tascii <man-page> | col -bx), and set keywordprg to your own wrapper to search for keywords according to your needs.

How to find the callers and callee of a function in C code in vi/vim?

I want to know how can I easily click (or maybe use some easy shortcuts) on a function name and find all its callee or open where it has been defined. Most of the web manuals in web are really hard to follow or don't happen to work out. Say I want to click on allocuvm and see where it has been defined?
uint newstk=allocuvm(pgdir, USERTOP-PGSIZE, USERTOP);
cscope minimal example
Ingo mentioned it, here is an example.
First you should set on your .vimrc:
set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-
Then to the base directory of your project and run:
cscope -Rb
This generates a cscope.out file which contains the parsed information. Generation is reasonably fast, even for huge projects like the Linux kernel.
Open vim and run:
:cs add cscope.out
:cs find c my_func
c is a mnemonic for callers. The other cscope provided queries are also possible, mnemonics are listed under:
help cscope
This adds a list of the callers to the quickfix list, which you can open with:
Go to the line that interests you and hit enter to jump there.
To find callers of the function name currently under the cursor, add to your .vimrc:
function! Csc()
cscope find c <cword>
command! Csc call Csc()
and enter :Csc<enter> when the cursor is on top of the function.
do it for the current function under cursor with a single command. Related: Show function name in status line
automatically add the nearest database (parent directories) when you enter a file: how to auto load cscope.out in vim
interactively open the call graph like Eclipse. Related: Generate Call-Tree from cscope database
A word of advice: I love vim, but it is too complicated for me to setup this kind of thing. And it does not take into account classes e.g. in C++. If a project matters enough to you, try to get the project working on some "IDE". It may involve some overhead if the project does not track the IDE configuration files (which are auto-changing blobs that pollute the repo...), but it is worth it to me. For C / C++, my favorite so far was KDevelop 4.
For that, Vim integrates with the cscope tool; see :help cscope for more information.
vi / . --- / is the search function in vi, and . will repeat the same command.
you could also use sed ( stream editor ) if it is a large file
grep can get you the line numbers
read the man page

C: library for parsing configuration files and command line

I'm looking for some library with support for strict set of options (so non-existent options couldn't be set in config file) and possibility to also parse command line to override options from config file. Any ideas?
For command line, there is getopt or plentiful of code, some with more, some with less strange APIs, some in the form of open-codedness like getopt, others in table form with or without callback ability. As for config file, there is (lib)augeas if you need support for almost arbitrary formats.
Assuming you can use LGPL stuff in your project, there's http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/, which appears, according to the docs, to have support in the API for setting values after a file has been parsed.

How to break words into syllables in LaTeX correctly

I am writing my MSc with LaTeX and I have the problem that sometimes my words are divided in a wrong way.
My language is spanish and I'm using babel package.
How could I solve it?
For example: propuestos appears prop-uestos (uestos in next line). It should be pro-puestos.
If you only have a small number of hyphenation errors to correct, you can use \hyphenation to fix them. For instance: \hyphenation{pro-puestos}. This command goes after \documentclass and before \begin{document}.
You can put more than one dash in, if you want to give TeX more line-breaking options: \hyphenation{tele-mun-dos}. You can list many words inside the braces; put spaces between them.
If more than a handful of words are wrong, though, TeX is probably using hyphenation patterns for the wrong language -- and if "propuestos" were an English word, it would be hyphenated after "prop", so that's another point in favor of that theory. Do you get a message like this when you run LaTeX?
Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
(babel) the language `Spanish'
(babel) I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 instead.
If so you need to reconfigure your TeX installation with Spanish hyphenation turned on. There should be instructions for that in the manuals that came with the installation. Unfortunately, this is one of the places where TeX's age shows through -- you can't just load a package with the proper hyphenation rules (or Babel would do that); you have to do it when compiling the "base format" with INITEX, which is a maintenance operation. Modern TeX installations have nice utilities for that but they're all different and I don't know which one you're using.

make file running on Linux - how to ignore case sensitive?

I have a huge project, whole written in C language and I have a single make file that is used to compile it. The project C files contains lots of capitalize problems in it's header files, meaning there are tones of header files that were miss-spelled in lots of C files.
The problem is I need to migrate this project to compile on Linux machine and since Linux is case sensitive I got tones of errors.
Is there an elegant way which I can run make file in Linux and tell him to ignore case sensitive?
Any other solution will be welcome as well.
Thanks a lot.
You'll have to fix everything by hand and rename every file or fix every place with #include. Even if you have a huge project (comparable with linux kernel), it should be possible to do this during a hour or two. Automation may be possible, but manual way should be better - because script won't be able to guess which name is right - filename, or the name used in #include.
Besides, this situation is a fault of original project developer. If he/she wasn't sloppy and named every header in every #include correctly, this wouldn't happen. Technically, this is a code problem similar to syntax error. The only right way to deal with it is to fix it.
I think it takes not too long to write a small script, which goes thru the directories first, then replaces C headers. Explained:
Scan the headers' folder and collect filenames.
Make a lowercase list of them. You have now original and locased pairs.
Scan the C source files and find each line contains "#include"
Lowercase it.
Find the lowercase filename in the list collected and lowercased from headers.
Replace the source line with the one collected from headers.
You should put the modified files into a separate folder structure, avoid overwriting the whole source with some buggy stuff. Don't forget to create target folders during the source tree scan.
I recommend a script language for that task, I prefer PHP, but just it's the only server-side script language which I know. Yep, it will run for a while, but only once.
(I bet that you will have other difficulties with that project, this problem is not a typical indicator of high quality work.)
Well I can only tell you that you need to change the case of those header files. I don't know that there is any way you can make it automatic but still you can use cscope to do it in a easier way.
You can mount the files on a case-insensitive file system. FAT comes to mind. ntfs-3g does not appear to support this.
I use the find all and replace all functionality of Source Insight when i have to do complete replacement. But your problem seems quite big, but you can try the option to replace every header file name in all occurences of source files using the
"Find All" + "Replace" functionality. You can use notepad++ too for doing the same.
A long time ago there was a great tool under MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop) called Canon. It was used to canonize text files, i.e. make all symbols found in a given refernce list have have the same usage of upper/lower case. This tool would be ideal for a task like this - I wonder if anything similar exists under Linux ?
