How to undo a merge of file in ClearCase? - clearcase

I was experimenting in the ClearCase merge manager and mistakenly merged one file to another file (which turned out to be parent of the file).
I want to revert it back now.
How to cancel that merge for that specific file?

All you need to do, if you haven't yet completed the merge is to:
undo checkout the merged checked out version in the destination view (the view used to make the merge)
relaunch the merge manager.
You will see that, during the second execution of the merge manager:
any version already merged will directly be displayed as merged
the version you undo checked out will again be listed as to be merged.

I know this post is old, but perhaps adding an additional detail will be useful to future users as it was to me.
In add one detaul to VonC's answer, I saved my merge before re-launching the merge manager, and hit Resume upon re-launch instead of New.
This approach worked as VonC said.


Database - Version Control - Managing dropped/deleted objects

We want to clean up our database schema and drop/delete objects which are no longer being used.
We suspect that sometime in the future we'll want to resurrect the removed functionality.
We've discussed the following options for dealing with dropped objects in version control:
Deleting the .sql files from source control once they are gone from the database and relying on the version history to store the definitions. Our concern with this approach is that sometime over the years source control will be moved and we will lose the history. It also seems difficult to know what to look for to recover if we can't see all the dropped objects.
Leaving the .sql files in source control but updating the definitions to "drop proc {someproc}". With this approach we our concerned about leaving the objects in version control which no longer exists and also the risk to losing the history if the vcs was moved
Creating a new repo for dropped objects and migrating .sql files to this repo once they have been dropped from SQL Server.
We're working in a windows environment and are fairly new to working with VCS for databases. Currently GIT + SSDT.
Currently option 3 is our preferred approach.
I see this a lot with database code, what happens is over time people end up with stuff in the database that is either not used or just does not work (think a proc that references a table and the table is modified but not the proc).
The thing to do is to get everything in source control (which it looks like you have) and then create a tag or branch of all the code before and after deleting it so you can get it back.
Two things normally transpire, either the code was genuinely never used or it was used at year end and when you find out, the world is about to fall on your head so better have a quick way to get it back.
Of course if you had a full suite of tests then even the year end process would be safe :)
I personally wouldn't use option 3, I would just keep the history in the main branch so you keep the history with it.
There are a lot of good tools for versioning database changes: you have a big chance to get this question closed with "Too broad" reason, but I'll try to suggest to
Read about, understand and try to add Liquibase to your Development-Toolbox
Adopt your workflow for using this additional layer - technically it will be one more file (changelog in terms of Liquibase) in changesets, where you changing DD and|or data.
These changelogs provide good and smooth way of moving back and forth in linear history of changes in databases, not so good (or I don't know The Right Way) for direct jumping between nodes of diverged history, but it seems not your case
From your options-list it will be more p.1, than others (but it's storing changes in database in version-contol, not states)
Just to note another option, in SSDT you can mark the file property as Build Action = None. The file won't be included in the dacpac when this build option is selected. But I tend to agree with the idea that you should rely on your VCS to handle history.

Merging Development Branch to Main: There were no changes to merge

My main branch has some files that have different codes from the same file of development branch. The development branch is the one that has the correct version of these files but when I am trying to merge it to main branch(target); I am getting a message saying
There was no changes to merge
How can I resolve that problem so that the main branch has the correct version of those files?
When merging files TFS doesn't just look at the differences between the two branches, but it also keeps track of whether you've ignored these changes in a previous merge attempt. When merging TFS offers you 3 options when there are conflicts:
Keep Source
Keep Target
When you pick Keep target or when you manually merge and deselect certain changes, TFS will mark these changes as "resolved" and will not offer them again when you try to merge in the future. This is called a "merge credit".
You can also create these issues using the commandline when using tf merge /discard which will tell TFS to ignore the changes in those files/changesets when considering merges.
There are two ways to force TFS to reconsider these changes:
Use force merge. On the commandline you can initiate a merge in which TFS will temporarily ignore it's records and will offer you every different file for merging. This can be a lot of work, but once done your merge history will be back in shape. To issue a force merge run tf merge $/Source/Folder/File $/Target/Folder/File /force /version:T This will almost certainly raise a merge conflict which you can resolve to get the right changes in the target branch.
Undo the previous merge using Rollback. If you've recently done the merge in which changesets have been discarded. Find it in the history, rightclick the changeset and pick Rollback and check in the code that has been undone. This will actually remove all of the changes in that changeset and will reset the "merge credits". Once this has been done you can redo the merge and do it right this time. This can also be done from the command line using tf rollback

Is there RTC-equivalent "Suspend mode" in ClearCase?

I found "Suspend Change-set" in RTC to be very useful, and since we're working with ClearCase as well (dozens of users) I'm wondering if that feature is also available in ClearCase as well.
If not - could it be generated by script/trigger/hook ?
We use UCM, and I'd like to explain my question:
if I have to deliver and I want to skip delivering one activity, I can decide not to deliver it (if no dependencies...) , so my question is regarding working on my current stream: Is that possible to "suspend" an activity from my current stream ?
Thanks in advance
Simply put, not easily.
RTC is basically ClearCase rewritten from scratch, and the "suspend" mode (also called stashed or shelve) takes advantage of the notion of applying a changeset (to any state of a repository)
The UCM changeset are a list of versions of files. Each version is tied to its predecessor, and you cannot easily remove it (unless you do some negative or subtractive merges), and then re-apply them later.
That being said, Reuven just contacted me this morning, because he had files in checked out in a snapshot view on a Stream which he wants to rebase (similar issue to your deliver problem).
A possible way to do that is to create another view (dynamic one), which you can use for your rebase, and then go back to your snapshot view and update it: it will detect the updated config spec (following the rebase) and will not erase any of your currently checked out files.
On the checkin, those files will be merged with the updated version.

ClearCase: Working offline hijacking files, then checking out / merging

I'm looking at a scenario where I have an offline clear case view and I modify files in this view clearing the read-only attribute (hijacking) on the files I modify then several days later I take the view online and need to get my offline changes into the stream.
What I would do is check out the hijacked files and check them back in (merging when necessary).
Is it always safe to work this way?
Is it possible that while adding my changes I would accidentally overwrite other people's changes done while I was working offline?
Any recommendations on how to use ClearCase offline?
(I'm asking because a college says that this offline way of working can lead to overwriting other's changes, specifically in cases when one updates ones view after working offline for a while before converting the hijacked files into checkouts. He says it won't event propose to do a merge in some cases, just completely overwrite the contents of the element being converted with the contents of the hijacked file)
No you won't override anything while working offline.
ClearCase has a reconcliation mechanism for a snapshot view, which, when you get back online, will allow you to:
search for all hijacked files
checkout those files
then checkin them, which is when ClearCase will prompt you for a merge, if any new version has been done on that file during your time offline.
That merge will be a three-way merge with:
root version: the version before any modification by you or other
source version: the matest checkin version (done while you were offline)
destination version: your current file
What about setuping a private branch, working on it, hijacking there files and then merging your private branch on the main branch?

TFS: List changesets that have not been merged

TFS 2010. Three branches: Main, Development and Release.
I would like to easily retrieve a list of changesets that have not been fully merged into all three branches.
For Example
Lets says I have a changeset, 100, that was a bugfix and checked in directly into Release. I can use the Tracking feature to visualize that it exists only in Release.
But that requires me to know to look at that changeset. I'm looking for a generic list that would show me any changeset that exists in one branch, but not in all three.
What I know
I know I can compare Release to Main to see the differences. Is that my only option?
I try to associate changesets with work items, so I could query a list of non-closed work items and then as a 'rule', I could verify that a changeset has been fully merged before closing it. And perform code compare to verify.
From the Developer Command Prompt, you can also use the tf.exe merge command.
tf merge /candidate /recursive Release Main
will show you all the changesets that were made to Release but haven't been merged into Main.
You can get a simple list of changesets through the IDE by choosing the "Selected Changes" option when merging things onto a build.
Another option is to use the API. VersionControlServer has a property named GetMergeCandidates which returns an array of MergeCandidate which has the changeset and if it has been partially merged already as properties.
