DB Aggregation and BI Best Practices - sql-server

We have a fair amount of aggregating queries in our db for use on making (sometimes real-time) business decisions. Unfortunately the pages that present these aggregates are some of the most frequently called, and the SPs are passed parameters by the page. The queries themselves have been tuned, but Unfortunately each SP is generation a handful of aggregate fields.
We're working on some performance tuning, and one of the tasks is to re-work how/where these aggregations are done.
The thoughts we have are to possibly create SPs that do some of these and store them in a table. Then the page could run a more simple select query on the table still using a parameter to limit it to the correct data-set. It wouldn't be as "real time", but could be frequently enough.
The other suggested solution was to perform the aggregation queries in our DWH and (through) SSIS pass the data back to a table in the Prod db. There is significantly less traffic on our DWH db, so it could easily handle the heavy lifting.
What are the thoughts on ways to streamline querying and presenting what would typically be considered "reporting" data in a Prod environment? The current SPs are called probably a couple thousand times a day. Is pushing DWH data back to a Prod db against BI best practices? Is this something better done in a CLR Proc (not that familiar with CLR)?

To make use of pre-aggregated calculations and still answer all questions in NRT, this is what you could do:
Calculate an aggregate every minute/hour/day and store this in the database as an aggregated value. Then, if a query is done on the database you use these aggregates. For the time that isn't in the aggregate, you use the raw data that was inserted after the final timestamp of the last aggregate. It requires a bit more coding, but this is the ultimate solution.

I don't see any problem with pushing aggregate reporting data back to a prod DB from a data warehouse for delivery, but as a commenter mentioned, you would inherently introduce a delay which might not be acceptable for your 'real-time' decisions.
Another option, as long as the nature of your aggregation is relatively straightforward, is indexed views. Essentially you create a view of the source table with the level of aggregation required for reporting, and then put an index on it. The index means that SQL server actually precalculates the view and stores it on disk like a real table, so that when you do a reporting query, it doesn't actually need to read the full detail of the source table and aggregate it.
Another neat trick that SQL can do with indexed views is 'aggregate awareness', which means that even if you query the source table, if the planner realises it can get the answer from the indexed view more quickly, then it will. You wouldn't even need to update your existing procs for them to gain a benefit.
It probably sounds too good to be true, and in some ways it is, since there are are couple of massive downsides:
There are a large number of limitations on the SQL syntax you can use in the view, for example while you can use sum and count_big, you can't use max/min (which seems odd to be honest). You can do inner but not outer joins. You can't use window functions. The list goes on...
Also, there will obviously be a performance cost when writing to the tables the view references, as the view has to be updated. So you would want to test out performance in your environment with a typical workload before you turn something like this on in prod.


Multiple linq queries or just build a SQL view?

I have a mvc view that requires data from 5 different DB tables. I currently have a big LINQ query that joins all the tables and returns the results, works fine. However, I am wondering if it would better to build a DB view to make the LINQ query simple.
Querying 5 tables via a single query isn't necessarily a problem. It depends on a ton of external factors like how performant is your database setup and the characteristics of the tables themselves: are they huge with millions of rows or only a few hundred?
Assuming it is a problem, causing excessive load on your database or long page load times, then yes, you might want to look into an alternative solution, but a view is almost certainly not the right choice.
Views have a very key negative in that they cannot have keys nor indexes. That means unless you plan to just return everything in the view, it will almost always be slower to query into a view than even doing joins across tables. Frankly, I've pretty much never found a good use for a database view in a web application context. Maybe they work in other environments, such as reporting, but other than that, they're useless. If you need an alternative to Entity Framework, use a stored procedure.
Since your objective is performance, keep with the 5 joins. You could enable SQL Profiler and track the query that is being generated by EF. Probably, if you write the query manually and then send to EF execute it, you'll get a better performance too.

Need for OLAP cubes if we can Build views based directly off the RAW table

Assume that the table in the source data is is clean and in a state where they can be used directly.
I am trying to understand whether building views based off the RAW table is better than creating cubes. To make the VIEWS dynamic, we can have .NET application which would take paramteres for the view and execute a View with Parameters and get the data for Reporting and analysis.
If I want to view the Sales of a Product for United states in the Month of Februaray. So, I can create a view joining Product, Customer get the sales for a particular day in the month of February.
Instead of forming a Star Schema with Product, Date, Customer dimension. I am really trying to understand what is the standarad a company should go with.
I have folks telling Cubes are only good for analysis not good for reporting . Whatever information we want we can get it by creating a DYNAMIC Views
Any advise or ideas on this ?
As the name suggest SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) is indeed built for analysis. The reason for this is the highly normalized table structure (e.g., the star schema) which allows for super efficient indexing combined with the pre-processing of aggregated values.
Views are a great way to take data that already exists within your OLTP (as compared to OLAP) database and transform it in a manner that better fits your querying needs. This works in the same manner as "get" stored procedures.
Now for my opinion:
If you have a small amount of data (relative to the power of your server, as well as many other factors) and you're not performing intense aggregations of the data, consider using stored procedures to access your database. You can specify the parameter in .NET like any other function, making this method super easy.
If you have a lot of data (like, over 100 million rows), consider creating a cube. This will allow your queries to fly. There's a lot more work that goes into these, but the speed payoff is huge.
End note:
If the data in your reports is pretty similar to the data you already have in your database (including JOINing the tables) and you have under half a billion rows, just use a stored proc, and look into using SSRS (or not). If you have a ton of data that needs to be aggregated and transformed, look into SSAS OLAP cubes.
From my limited experience with Microsoft's Analysis Services, I would agree with Norla. If the execution time of the view is reasonable, that would be the way to go. Cubes can certainly be reported against, as SQL Reporting Services accommodates them fairly well, but the development process can often be much more involved when using a cube as your data source.
Building views can be an alternative for small datasets. You could consider going that route BUT:
1) once the reports are taking a lot of time to load
2) It slows the transactional systems
Then you'll have to consider cubes.

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold data gathered from several customers. The goal of the database is to acquire aggregate benchmark numbers over several customers.
Recently, I have become worried with the fact that one table in particular will be getting very big. Each customer has approximately 20.000.000 rows of data, and there will soon be 30 customers in the database (if not more). A lot of queries will be done on this table. I am already noticing performance issues and users being temporarily locked out.
My question, will we be able to handle this table in the future, or is it better to split this table up into smaller tables for each customer?
Update: It has now been about half a year since we first created the tables. Following the advices below, I created a handful of huge tables. Since then, I have been experimenting with indexes and decided on a clustered index on the first two columns (Hospital code and Department code) on which we would have partitioned the table had we had Enterprise Edition. This setup worked fine until recently, as Galwegian predicted, performance issues are springing up. Rebuilding an index takes ages, users lock each other out, queries frequently take longer than they should, and for most queries it pays off to first copy the relevant part of the data into a temp table, create indices on the temp table and run the query. This is not how it should be. Therefore, we are considering to buy Enterprise Edition for use of partitioned tables. If the purchase cannot go through I plan to use a workaround to accomplish partitioning in Standard Edition.
Start out with one large table, and then apply 2008's table partitioning capabilities where appropriate, if performance becomes an issue.
Datawarehouses are supposed to be big (the clue is in the name). Twenty million rows is about medium by warehousing standards, although six hundred million can be considered large.
The thing to bear in mind is that such large tables have a different physics, like black holes. So tuning them takes a different set of techniques. The other thing is, users of a datawarehouse must understand that they are dealing with huge amounts of data, and so they must not expect sub-second response (or indeed sub-minute) for every query.
Partitioning can be useful, especially if you have clear demarcations such as, as in your case, CUSTOMER. You have to be aware that partitioning can degrade the performance of queries which cut across the grain of the partitioning key. So it is not a silver bullet.
Splitting tables for performance reasons is called sharding. Also, a database schema can be more or less normalized. A normalized schema has separate tables with relations between them, and data is not duplicated.
I am assuming you have your database properly normalized. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the data volume you refer to on a single table in SQL Server; what I think you need to do is review your indexes.
Since you've tagged your question as 'datawarehouse' as well I assume you know some things about the subject. Depending on your goals you could go for a star-schema (a multidemensional model with a fact and dimensiontables). Store all fastchanging data in 1 table (per subject) and the slowchaning data in another dimension/'snowflake' tables.
An other option is the DataVault method by Dan Lindstedt. Which is a bit more complex but provides you with full flexibility.
In a properly designed database, that is not a huge anmout of records and SQl server should handle with ease.
A partioned single table is usually the best way to go. Trying to maintain separate indivudal customer tables is very costly in termas of time and effort and far more probne to errors.
Also examine you current queries if you are experiencing performance issues. If you don't have proper indexing (did you for instance index the foreign key fields?) queries will be slow, if you don't have sargeable queries they will be slow if you used correlated subqueries or cursors, they will be slow. Are you returning more data than is striclty needed? If you have select * anywhere in your production code, get rid of it and only return the fields you need. If you used views that call views that call views or if you used EAV table, you willhave performance iisues at this level. If you allowed a framework to autogenerate SQl code, you may well have badly perforimng queries. Remember Profiler is your friend. Of course you could also have a hardware issue, you need a pretty good sized dedicated server for that number of records. It won't work to run this on your web server or a small box.
I suggest you need to hire a professional dba with performance tuning experience. It is quite complex stuff. Databases desigend by application programmers often are bad performers when they get a real number of users and records. Database MUST be designed with data integrity, performance and security in mind. If you didn't do that the changes of having them are slim indeed.
Partioning is definately something to look into. I had a database that had 2 tables sharded. Each table contained around 30-35million records. I have since merged this into one large table and assigned some good indexes. So far, I've not had to partition this table as it's working a treat, but I'm keep partitioning in mind. One thing that I have noticed, compared to when the data was sharded, and that's the data import. It is now slower, but I can live with that as the Import tool can be re-written ;o)
One table and use table partitioning.
I think the advice to use NOLOCK is unjustified based on the information given. NOLOCK means you will get inaccurate and unreliable results from your queries (dirty and phantom reads). Before using NOLOCK you need to be sure that's not going to be a problem for your customers.
Is this a single flat table (no particular model)? Typically in data warehouses, you either have a normalized data model (third normal form at least - usually in an entity-relationship-model) or you have dimensional data (Kimball method or variations - usually fact tables with associated dimension tables in a set of stars).
In both cases, indexes play a large part, and partitioning can also play a part in getting queries to perform (but partitioning is not usually about performance but about maintenance being able to add and drop partitions quickly) over very large data sets - but it really depends on the order of aggregation and the types of queries.
One table, then worry about performance. That is, assuming you are collecting the exact same information for each customer. That way, if you have to add/remove/modify a column, you are only doing it in one place.
If you're on MS SQL server and you want to keep the single table, table partitioning could be one solution.
Keep one table - 20M rows isn't huge, and customers aren't exactly the kind of table that you can easily 'archive off', and the aggrevation of searching multiple tables to find a customer isn't worth the effort (SQL is likely to be much more efficient at BTree searching than your own invention is)
You will need to look into the performance and locking issues however - this will prevent your db from scaling.
You can also create supplemental tables that hold already calculated details on historical information if there are common queries.

Help figuring out approaches to (near) real time multi dimensional data querying

I have a system that involves numerous related tables. Think of a standard category/product/order/customer/orderitem scenario. Some tables are self referencing (like Categories). None of the tables are particularly large (around 100k rows with an estimated scale to around 1 million rows). There are a lot of dimensions to this data I need to consider, but must be queried in a near real time way. I also don't know which dimensions a particular user is interested in- it can be one or many criteria across numerous tables. Things can range from
Give me everything with a category of Jackets
Give me everything with a category of Jackets->Parkas having a red color purchased in the last month in New York
Give me everything which wasn't purchased in New York which costs over $100.
Currently we have a very long SP which uses a "cascading data" approach- we go table by table, filtering everything into a temp table using whatever criteria was specified for that table. For the next table, we join the current temp table to whatever table we're using and apply a new filter set into a new temp table. It works, but manageability and performance is slow. I need something better.
I need a new approach to this problem. It's clearly a need for OLAP, possibly using a star schema. Does this work in real time? Can it be configured to work in real time? Should I use indexed views to create a set of denormalized tables? Should I offload this outside of the database completely?
FYI We're using Sql Server.
As you say, this is perfect for OLAP.
With Sql Server 2005 and 2008 you can set up an almost real time solution. You should:
Create a denormalized star schema
Build an OLAP cube using that schema
Enable proactive caching to update the cube when the underlying data source changes.
It's not a trivial job, and you need the Enterprise version of Sql Server to use proactive caching. You also need some front-end tool (maybe excel would do) to consume the cube.
It would probably be better to build a dynamic query in your code with all the joins you need, customized to each individual request. (properly parameterized for security of course).
You would use much of the same cascading logic you have now but you move it to to the code instead of the database. Then you only submit the exact query you need.
The performance would beat using all of the temp tables and you might get some caching benefit after a few queries were run.
Your dilemma sounds to me like "Is it better to achieve the same result by performing complex processing every time I need it, or should I do it once only for each new piece of data?".

Indexed Views in OLTPs?

I'm familiar with SQL Server Indexed Views (or Oracle Materialized Views), we use them in our OLAP applications. They have the really cool feature of being able to usurp an execution plan and remap it to the indexed view w/out having to change existing code.
IE. Let's say I had a SPROC that was a really expensive join.
If I authored an indexed view that held a similar result set then the Query Optimizer will very likely send the SPROC to my indexed view as opposed to the base tables and I get a big performance increase.
Now say I wanted to use indexed views in an OLTP!? I mean most OLTPs (like this site) are relatively read heavy, if they have expensive joins then we could speed them up a ton AND potentially reduce locking contention (http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001166.html). Even better is you wouldn't have to change any code, just author the indexed view.
But this also means the database gets bigger since we need to keep a copy of these data in the indexed view...
Has anyone ever used indexed views to solve contention or speed issues in an OLTP? How come I've never seen this in use?
Materialized views can be useful for reporting against OLTP, especially is large numbers of rows are aggregated to get the results. The space requirements are completely dependent on how much data you are saving. Think of it as a cache.
The tricky balance is between how recent the data needs to be for the reports, and how much of a hit you can take on OLTP performance. If somewhat stale data is OK, you may be able to schedule the updates to the views during a time when system activity is low.
The one time I could not, and need very current data, I ended up using some custom development. Each update to the base table fired a trigger which wrote a record to a transaction table. The view looked at a cached aggregate, plus the delta stored in the transaction table. As system resources allowed, the transactions were applied to the aggregate table as delta transactions. This allowed me up to the second data, good performance on reporting (the only aggregation happening was recent transactions) and fairly little load on the database (only doubling the size of every write, not re-calculating a huge aggregate every time).
Unfortunately, it was complex to maintain, and did not use simple built in tools. If you can wait on your reporting data, it is often best to use the built in materialized views and defer the refresh.
We use materialized views to speed up things where I work. Most often for reports against the OLTP system. Many of our reports run from a data warehouse, but since we refresh the warehouse overnight, up to the moment data has to come from the OLTP tables.
