Why directive ng-init doesn't work? - angularjs

I want to initialize variable test on value from formErrors.field1 but it doesn't work.
{{formErrors.field1}} // show content
<input ng-model="test" ng-init="test = formErrors.field1" /> // input field is empty
{{test}} // doesn't show content
I'm using Angular version angular-1.3.0-rc.1

If the field value gets set after the page loads, maybe it could explain why you face this issue.
I use ng-init mostly to set values directly, not to copy the value of another scope variable.


Set input default value and be able to edit it later - AngularJS

I have an input field and I want to set a default value when the user does not write anything.
I read several answers here on Stackoverflow that suggest using ng-init or setting the default value to the scope in the controller.
Both suggestions work to set a default value, but neither of them allow the user to edit the field later. The value is always the default one.
How can I set a default value and be able to edit it later? Thank you!
My input field:
input type="text" ng-model="action.parameters.subject"
You should be able to set an initial value using databinding with the ngModel directive.
In your template:
<input type="text" [ngModel]="test">
In your component file:
test = 'initial value'; // some initial value
The user will be able to change it, but it will initially hold the value of the test variable.

How to get form data in dynamic form in Angularjs?

I have created dynamic form, here I want to send form data to controller. How can do this?
Here is plunker code link https://plnkr.co/edit/xmxDJHTPfJoSFwa2FWCB?p=preview
when I change the value then element label also change.
How can I get the form data in product_submit function of controller.
All response appreciated.
<input type="text"
class="form-control col-md-7 col-xs-12"
placeholder="Enter {{getCol.Field}}"
Look here ng-model="getCol.value". You are using filed name as text field model value. Filed name and value are different. That is what you want I suppose.
You can access the values easily from your controller as $scope.getColumn[1].value. Change index or iterate accordingly.
Plunker here
To solve label issues, in your html, I changed ng-model expression to bound into getColumn.Value
In controller, I can read value entered in scope.getColumn[i].Value
I also updated code https://plnkr.co/edit/KlhAb69seMzHsLuhqweR?p=preview

ng-model preventing ng-value to be displayed

I'm pretty new to angular world and I have an issue with it.
I'm working with ejs too.
I have an input that I want to fill (value) with an ng-model.
The problem is my model is empty while the user doesn't specify a value.
I want to display a default value when my model is empty. This default value is sending by the ejs (server side). Doing that, I can't set a default value in my controller.
To do so I wrote the following :
<input type="text" ng-model="owner_adress" ng-value="'{{owner_adress || '<%=user.owner_adress%>'}}'"/>
If I look into my code, I can see the value is okay (ejs result when my model is empty, my model value otherwise) but the value is not displayed in my input (ie the user can't see it).
I looked for a work around (ng-cloak was fine but I can't use it in my input field).
Any clue would be nice !
Use ngInit directive instead. If owner_adress is defined in controller it will be used, otherwise it will default to serverside rendered value:
<input ng-model="owner_adress" type="text"
ng-init="owner_adress = owner_adress || '<%=user.owner_adress%>'"/>

How to get the hidden input's value by using angularjs?

In angularjs,I want to get the value of the hidden input. such as the following:
<input type="hidden" name="captId" value="AqXpRshs9QHfxUbOWqMT" ng-model="captId">
How to get the "hidden input" value "AqXpRshs9QHfxUbOWqMT" by using angularjs,not ajax or jquery.
You can use ng-init to initialize the value so it binds that to your model variable upon creation.
<input type="hidden" name="captId" ng-init="captId='AqXpRshs9QHfxUbOWqMT'" ng-model="captId">
Or you can get it directly if all else fails:
// or dont use angular at all
Documentation for angular.element
By Name
Keep it simple :)

Possible bug using using ng-switch with Select tag in AngularJS

The Select tag I am using in conjunction with ng-switch does not properly display nor function properly after being set once.
<select ng-model="visuals" ng-options="visual for visual in visuals">
See JSFiddle:
Thanks in advance!
You should not bind visuals using ng-model as it is the list of items. Setting it replace the list value by the chosen item (which is a list of characters). Causing the strange behaviour.
<select ng-model="item" ng-options="visual for visual in visuals">
This new variable must be declared in the scope. It is also used to set an initial value:
$scope.item = 'none';
Your switch usage was also wrong, you need en enclose condition in the switching block.
<div ng-switch on="item">
<span ng-switch-when="lots">Youtube</span>
<span ng-switch-default></span>
If you want to set the content of the HTML using ng-bind-html-unsafe you should provide a variable as parameter (not sure how you could inject javascript that way).
<span ng-switch-when="lots" ng-bind-html-unsafe="youtube">Could not evaluate 'youtube' variable</span>
The span content is then replaced. Of course a new variable must be defined in the scope to hold the HTML content:
$scope.youtube = "<hr/>This is an HTML content<hr/>";
I updated the jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PMpLa/4/
