What is the recommended approach when using AngularJS with SharePoint WebParts - angularjs

We have started using AngularJS within some SharePoint WebParts. So far, this has been working really well, however, we noticed that when we started placing more than one AngularJS WebPart onto a WebPart page, only the first WebPart on the page was bootstrapped by AngularJS. The second, or third, one simply didn't function. This is because we set up each WebPart as it's own Module/App in AngularJS. We were able to get around this using a technique described here:
Multiple apps and controllers in the same file
Is this a best practice for using AngularJS within SharePoint WebParts, or is there a better approach?

1) Upload the angular JS files at top site collection level.
2) Refer angular JS files in master page.
3) Create a module in master page and refer the same in all the pages(Create separate controllers for each page).
4) Create a html page which has all the display which you want for the web part using angular JS.
5) Add a content editor web part on the page and refer that html page.


Creating first angularjs SPA with VS2015

I am new to AngularJS and need some advice on how to structure a SPA with Web API for an external search application
Di I have to use
•MVC / razor views (leave all routing and rendering to Angular)? or just use 1 VS2015 app [use angularjs SPA template for VS2015 or just an empty web application with angular file and a webapi project under same solution?
any examples would be helpful to understand
For angular structure I am reading Google best practice and John Papa
Well, I think what you ran into now. I can suggest two of the ways you can choose.
If you want to keep your backend and frontend together you can go for angularjs SPA template for VS2015. It would come with the build pipelines, bundles and everything you'd need. Now you can choose to render your single page of angular to be rendered with a MVC razor view (if you want to have any mechanisms where you'd want to include your dependencies through the razor view) or just go with a blank html and web api controllers on the back. But you'd end up using one environment for all and I think that's best if you're building the full project.
Now, for the other way around, you can start with an web api project. You can instantiate your angular project with it or somewhere else. You can use yeoman or any scaffolding tool you like and use your own JS toolings you'd like to use. You can do the same in the VS project too but this approach is better if you want to keep the frontend and backend flavor separate.
And I'd suggest using typescript too.

AngularJS inside JSP page

I'm working on a project where all may work is jsp pages can i add AngularJS inside these pages , i'm also new to Angular
I work on a web project, which renders a lot of graphs and animation charts to end users. We have been using the AngularJS in the jsp for some time and this works fine for us. With jsp, one can easily determine the request context (for e.g the request context URI for another link) on the webpage. With AngularJS, we develop the json returning services on server side and process the data via angularJS directives.

How to use Angular JS on Web api result

I am just trying to connect MongoDB using Web api.
I followed steps present in
I confused with step 3, Build Angular JS MVC Pattern .
My question is how/where to add Angularjs script present in the above mentioned website.
Looking into your link example, it uses MVC page but that page is not provided (they provided just the javascript code), but basically you can go with a pure html file where you define your grid to show the data, and add your button. you need to add ng-app directive to body tag of the html file with app named after their module name "CRUD", and include that code into a javascript tag, in the same file for example or separate file.
the following link gives you a starting point of how to use angularjs with API
hope that helps.

How can i add multi web part which used angularjs module?

How can i add multi web part sharepoint which used angularjs module?
I have web part in which i have used angular the problem is when i want to add this web part for several times in a page i don't know how to separate angular modules name? when there is only one web part added in the page it works properly but when there are more than one problem start
i guess i should create dynamic names for modules in server side am i right? is there any other way?
I used angular.bootstrap.
This resource helped me to figure out how to load different angularjs html+js files in 2 different content editor webparts. I also made sure to load angularjs only once on the page.

Role based access in Angular JS Single Page Application

I am working on an Angular JS Single Page Application with a Grails backend. I know, if I am using a GSP page, its easy to provide role based content using tags from the spring security plugin-
Is there anything like this provided out of the box in Angular?
Thanks in Advance.
