Remote install of app from Google Apps Marketplace - google-app-engine

I'm in the process of migrating a Google App Engine / Java based app over to the new Google Apps Marketplace.
The old app enabled users to install the app without actually being on the marketplace page by leveraging a redirect URL extracted from a user click on the "Add It Now" button from the old marketplace page. This URL triggers an account login button that is then followed up by the app install. The URL was of the form:
I've tried using the redirect URL generated from clicking on "Integrate with Google" from the new marketplace page but it goes through the authorization page then leads me to a blank page (though the app is successfully installed). The blank page issue is likely related to the following issue - Chrome Web Store app install redirects to a blank page
The new URL is of the form:
Has anyone been able to successfully enable this scenario? Thanks in advance!

One supported means of allowing an admin to install your Marketplace from a web site is the Integrate with Google button which may be worth considering ( ).
Does the install button from the Chrome Web Store standalone page not work correctly, or is it only when attempting to utilize the URL from the button on the page elsewhere? If the former is not working correctly, then it does sound like the linked to issue. Including the URL to the standalone Chrome Web Store page and an example of your app manifest would be helpful in identifying whether this is a bug.


Reactjs firebase google authentication showing project id instead of Public-facing name

In my reactjs project, I use firebase 9.6.11 for email, google and facebook authentication.
When I call the signInWithPopup() and google sign in form, Sign in
to continue to show I have already update Public-facing name at firebase's project setting.
Even though I have add custom domain, google sign in for redirect link also using url.
My project is hosting on firebase hosing and link with web app.
If anyone facing this issue, please follow the step in here Step to change custom domain
For me, I forgot to enter OAuth 2.0 Client IDs's redirect url

SSO React Login, without 3rd party libraries

I have a site (React) which will open with a button an external page (similar to Microsoft Azure, but it is not). I have to login there, after the login, the page redirects to a "return_uri" that I previously configured, but now, how, in my React web page, I will know that that specific user is the one who is accesing the site?
I was watching this video:
but there he is using a npm library to to the work of comunicate both Azure and the page, and if the async call fails, it is not logged, but if it works, is logged, but seems not as the real world. I'm pretty confused of to handle this SSO Login, because the cloud has very few documentation (it's a private cloud, similar to Azure).
Any hint?

deployed my core react application in azure app services not showing anything

I deployed my core react application created from VS2019 using VS2019 continuous delivery.
all succeeded till the creation of pipelines and deploying the app to azure app service.
but when I open the website, it won't show my landing page. no errors are thrown but no display of
any of my pages as well.
If you deploy web app to Azure and login https://<app-name>, then the page still shows Microsoft page instead you owner page. You need check the default document, please ensure that the default page is listed in here.
Steps: login azure portal->App Service->configuration->Default documents
In Azure Web Apps, the default document is the web page that is displayed at the root URL for a website. The first matching file in the list is used. Refer File structure on azure to know more about the files and directories on Azure Web App.

sharing session between Chrome plugin and web app keycloak

I am trying to create a web application and a chrome plugin. (chrome plugin is going to be a subset of my application). I am trying to give the SSO using Keycloak. The problem is, When i do the login in Webapplication and open the chrome plugin, chrome plugin again asks me to login.
I am using the following code in my plugin (both web application and Chrome plugin written in Angular js)
ref article i used for doing SSO in Plugin :
Question i have is, Both my plugin and web app uses the same clientid for authentication,
Is it possible to do SSO between web app and chrome plugin ?
If a user login to the Webapp and click the Chrome plugin it should not again ask the user to login for accessing the plugin ? meaning if a user login to any one of the application and opens a other one it should not ask for the login.

firebase auth domain not authorized even after whitelisting domain

I am using Firebase Auth (firebase 4.1.3) in my Angular4 project with Google sign in enabled. While working on localhost everything works as expected. However, when deploying my app hosted on Google App Engine, authentication popup fails with the "auth/unauthorized-domain" error.
How can I whitelist my custom domain in Firebase?
Checks already done:
My firebase project has billing enabled and active
Google sign-in with pop-up works on localhost
Google app engine domain is already whitelisted in "Authorized Domains" under Sign-In method, in Authenticacion module of Firebase console.
Double checked the javascript firebase config in my angular app (I copy-pasted the snippet given by the firebase console).
In the Google Cloud Console, the default web API key has no access restrictions and the OAuth client id already contains my App Engine domain in the list of "Authorized JavaScript origins" and also in the "Authorized redirect URIs" (
Some other similar SO questions refer to checking the previous things and even waiting up to 20 mins after whitelisting a new domain to allow change propagation. But none of these advices worked for me.
NOTE: Full error code
code: "auth/unauthorized-domain"
message: "This domain ( is not authorized to run this operation. Add it to the OAuth redirect domains list in the Firebase console -> Auth section -> Sign in method tab."
Any help would be appreciated.
Ok, Answering my own question. I finally found the problem: I was deploying an old version of the web app. So it will never work this way...
In case it could be useful to others, the above steps for configuring firebase Auth are correct and enough!
I was taking over an existing project, and I got this error while deploying with the wrong environment. (the domain was correctly setup in Firebase)
ng build --prod && firebase deploy
While was deploying on my Dev Environment.
I've scripted the deployment to avoid this kind of mistake.
ng build --configuration "${ENV}" && firebase deploy
where env var is set as an argument of the script
I have faced the same problem. Then I find Out the solution.
First goto your firebase project then click Authentication goto sign-in method then scroll down you will find Authorized domains add your live site link there. Hurrey Problem Solved.
Authentication > sign-in medhod > Authorized domains
firebase solution image
