Different scope when using ng-repeat and custom directive in one element - angularjs

I have a directive like:
angular.module('myApp').directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
templateUrl: '/views/myView.html',
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
the template html is:
and view html is:
<div ng-init="items=[{text:'hello'}, {text: 'world'}]">
<my-directive ng-repeat="item in items"></my-directive>
I find the scope and angular.element(element).scope() is not the same one, but I have to use angular.element(element).scope() way to get the scope of ngRepeat-item somewhere else.
Am I misunderstanding something?
The code could be reproduced only when including jQuery.

Here is related github issue.
The main reason is: angular1.2.x does not support jQuery2.0.x, and angular1.3.x will do.
So the solution here will be:
angular1.2.x + jQuery 1.x
angular1.3.x + jQuery 2.x
angularjs only


How to use an AngularjS View (.html file) without using it's tags

Inside a big AngularJS application I have a new HTML template file and a controller for it, and I'd like to build a layout the designer gave me using this temporary view, since I'd like to be able to call some data from the $scope object.
I also created a new route for it so that I have a clean working space.
But I don't want to include it in the main index.html file, like so:
I'd just like to start using it without having to include this HTML element anywhere, is this possible? This is the controller so far:
.directive('portfolio', [
function () {
return {
templateUrl: "views/temporary-view.html",
scope: {
data: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.stuff = 'stuff';
The view:
<nav class="portfolio-view">
Thanks for helping a noob like me! :)
In your directive, you can change the restrict option to change how the directive is called in the HTML. There are 4 options for this. I found this in the AngularJS documentation for directives:
String of subset of EACM which restricts the directive to a specific directive declaration style. If omitted, the defaults (elements and attributes) are used.
E - Element name (default): <my-directive></my-directive>
A - Attribute (default): <div my-directive="exp"></div>
C - Class: <div class="my-directive: exp;"></div>
M - Comment: <!-- directive: my-directive exp -->
By default, it uses EA, so as an Element (the way you do not want to call it in HTML) or an attribute.
If you wish to change it to, say, class for example, then change your directive definition to:
.directive('portfolio', [
function () {
return {
restrict: 'C',
templateUrl: "views/temporary-view.html",
scope: {
data: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.stuff = 'stuff';
and you can call it as so:
<div class="portfolio"></div>
I think this is what you mean, and I hope it helps!
So I just changed .directive to .controller and posted it alongside the other controllers in the app and not the directives... I guess I was confused with that!
.controller('PortfolioView', ["$scope",
function ($scope) {
$scope.stuff = 'stuff';

Angularjs: access template in directive

What I want to do is to append compiled template to some other DOM element in Angualrjs directive. Is it possible? How?
I know you can use transclude to include the template and keep content in the tag, but how do I attach my compiled template to other DOM element?
.directive('passwordStrength', [function(){
return {
templateUrl: '/tpl/directive/passwordStrength.html',
restrict: 'A',
link: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs){
console.log('password strength is running');
iElement.append($template) // problem here!!!
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish overall. You may want to use ng-include to pull in markup from a url, rather than using the templateUrl property, or you may want to use the templateUrl property on one directive, then make another directive and include that directive in the second directive. I made some sample directives to help give you ideas.
.directive('myDirective', function($compile) {
return {
scope: {
path: '=myDirective'
link: function(scope, element) {
// rather than use `templateUrl`, I'll get markup from the path using `ng-include`
var html = '<div ng-include="path"></div>';
// manipulate the markup however you want to
html+= '<p>More stuff from "myDirective"!</p>';
// append the markup
// compile the markup so that Angular will know about it (or use the directive `compile` rather than `link`)
// this is sort of like "extending" the other directive.
.directive('myOtherDirective', function() {
return {
scope: {
path: '=myOtherDirective'
template: '<p>Stuff from "myOtherDirective"></div><div my-directive="path"></div>'
Here's a demo you can mess around with.

Is there an alternative to using a directive to create template code?

I had HTML that was duplicated on many screens so I created a directive like this:
app.directive('adminRetrieveButton', ['stateService', function (stateService) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
template: "<button id='retrieveButton'\
ng-click='ctrl.retrieve()' >Retrieve\
<span class='fa fa-fw mlr75'\
ng-class='{\"fa-spin fa-spinner\": stateService.action[Network.Retrieve], \"fa-download\": !stateService.action[Network.Retrieve] }' >\
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.stateService = stateService;
The directive and other similar ones has no functionality other than to create some template type of code. Now rather than having to code in 8 lines of HTML in each page I just have one line:
Is there another alternative to this that would make it even simpler without my needing to create a directive?
yes you dont need to create directive only for template you can simply use ng-include
Directives are a powerful tool for working with and modifying the DOM, If you dont manipulating with DOM you dont need directive
There are alternatives, but your method is the best. The way you have it is the correct Angular Way; if you have a standard control, make it a directive.
If you like, you can use the templateUrl option to include the HTML in a separate file instead of inline in the directive configuration:
app.directive('adminRetrieveButton', ['stateService', function (stateService) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
templateUrl: "adminButton.html",
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.stateService = stateService;
...and in adminButton.html:
<button id="retrieveButton"
ng-click="ctrl.retrieve()" >Retrieve
<span class="fa fa-fw mlr75"
ng-class="{'fa-spin fa-spinner': stateService.action[Network.Retrieve],
'fa-download': !stateService.action[Network.Retrieve]}">
This directive can access its parent scope because it has not been set to isolate scope; if you included a "scope" option on the directive call you'd need to pass in the home and ctrl variables.
You can use ng-include to do this, but your view code will look less semantic and injecting stateService will be a bit more complicated.

AngularJS directive not properly receiving link passed in attribute

I've got an AngularJS directive that is not placing a string (intended to be a relative path to an image) inside one of the attributes in an HTML element and I'm at a loss as to why.
My item looks like the following:
item : {
name: 'Test Name',
link: 'Assets/logo.png'
If I step through the javascript, I'm correctly receiving the link from the webservice, so that's not the problem as my Angular controller properly shows the link in the $scope.
The following is what I have in the template for that controller that I'm having the problem with:
<my-directive name="{{item.name}}" link="{{item.link}}"></my-directive>
Here's the javascript for my directive:
angular.module('myModule').directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
templateUrl: '/RelativePathToTemplateFile.html',
scope: {},
link: function($scope, element, attr, model) {
$scope.name = attr.name;
$scope.link = attr.link;
When I look at the rendered HTML, I have the following:
<div name="Test Name" link></div>
What's going on? How can I pass this link in properly?
Directive scope binding technique can resolve this issue. Try to use "#" to bind the directive property to the evaluated DOM attribute.
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<my-directive my-name="{{item.name}}" my-link="{{item.link}}"></my-directive>
$scope.item = {
name:"Test Name",
return {
restrict: "E",
template: '<div name="{{myName}}" link="{{myLink}}">{{myName}}</div>',
replace: true,
Here is a jsFiddle DEMO, you could refer to it.
From the documentation:
function link(scope, element, attrs) { ... } where:
* scope is an Angular scope object.
* element is the jqLite-wrapped element that this directive matches.
* attrs is a hash object with key-value pairs of normalized attribute names and their corresponding attribute values.
so it's "attrs", not "attr"
<myDirective name="item.name" link="item.link"></myDirective>
It will be better :)

Angular Directive Passing Template Name in as an attribute

if I wanted to pass into angular an attribute which is a template name stored on the templateCache, would doing something like the following be a good approach?
app.directive('myPopup', function() {
var directive = {
link: link,
scope {
'template': '#'
template: $templateCache.get(template);
restrict: 'E'
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
Or should it be done on the compile statement, I guess so for performace??
I'm looking to ultimately wrap a bootstrap popover and then be able to provided html content through a template attribute allowing me to reuse popovers by providing different templates.
Can anyone offer any suggestions for the best course of action?
