Compile and run a C bit operation file - c

I am working on this bitwise operators in C program.i need to compile and run the program to check the output is working correct or not . what compiler i need to use to run and execute the program and what is the command to execute this C program:
enter code here
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bitslab.h"
int main()
int bitAnd(int x, int y)
int getByte(int x, int n)
int logicalShift(int x, int n)
printf("bitAnd Result: %d\n", bitAnd(15,3));
printf("getByte Result: %d\n", getByte(20,4));
printf("logicalShift Result: %d\n", logicalShift(12,4));
return ~((~x)|(~y));
return (x>>(n<<3))&0xff;
return ((x >> n) & ((1 << ((~n + 1) + 32)) + ~0));

On linux flavours use GCC to compile your program.
On windows you can try turbo-C or visual C++.
I guess your program is not complete and I fear it would not run properly.
Enjoy debugging and happy coding.


C: undefined reference to 'WinMain#16'

I'm very new to coding and I have been trying to write code to adds two integers. But whenever I try to run it using 'gcc addition.c' in the terminal I always reports an error. I tried reinstalling the compiler i.e Mingw several times but the problem does not gets fixed.
(I m currently doing C language on VS CODE software, when you answer to my issue please use layman language)
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x=1;
int y=2;
int z=0;
printf("%d", z);
return 0;
Windows PowerShell
PS D:\C tutorials> gcc addition.c
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/6.3.0/../../../libmingw32.a(main.o):(.text.startup+0xa0): undefined reference to "WinMain#16' collect.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I added a \n to clean up the printf().
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x=1;
int y=2;
int z=0;
printf("%d\n", z);
return 0;
% gcc -o addition addition.c -lc ; ./addition
You needed to include the C library, represented by the -lc in the gcc line.

How do I compile a cilk program?

I installed Cilk using the instructions from their website.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:wsmoses/tapir-toolchain
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tapirclang-5.0 libcilkrts5
I copied the following program from the Cilk documentation.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int64_t fib(int64_t n) {
if (n < 2) return n;
int x, y;
x = cilk_spawn fib(n - 1);
y = fib(n - 2);
return x + y;
int main(){
printf("%ld\n", fib(20));
I then compiled using the compiler flag that they specified.
clang-5.0 -fcilkplus Fib.c
Fib.c:7:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'cilk_spawn'
x = cilk_spawn fib(n - 1);
Fib.c:9:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'cilk_sync'
The desired output is a working executable that uses Cilk and prints 6765.
What magic incantations are needed to produce this executable?
I am running Ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 4.4.0-45-generic.

Weird C program behaviour

I have the following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
const int opt_count = 2;
int oc = 30;
int c = 900;
printf("%d %f\n", c, pow(oc, opt_count));
assert(c == (int)(pow(oc, opt_count)));
I'm running MinGW on Windows 8.1. Gcc version 4.9.3. I compile my program with:
gcc program.c -o program.exe
When I run it I get this output:
$ program
900 900.000000
Assertion failed: c == (int)(pow(oc, opt_count)), file program.c, line 16
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
What is going on? I expect the assertion to pass because 900 == 30^2.
I'm not using any fractions or decimals. I'm only using integers.
This happens when the implementation of pow is via
pow(x,y) = exp(log(x)*y)
Other library implementations first reduce the exponent by integer powers, thus avoiding this small floating point error.
More involved implementations contain steps like
pow(x,y) {
if(y<0) return 1/pow(x, -y);
n = (int)round(y);
y = y-n;
px = x; powxn = 1;
while(n>0) {
if(n%2==1) powxn *= px;
n /=2; px *= px;
return powxn * exp(log(x)*y);
with the usual divide-n-conquer resp. halving-n-squaring approach for the integer power powxn.
You have a nice answer (and solution) from #LutzL, another solution is comparing the difference with an epsilon, e.g.: 0.00001, in this way you can use the standard function pow included in math.h
#define EPSILON 0.0001
#define EQ(a, b) (fabs(a - b) < EPSILON)
assert(EQ((double)c, pow(oc, opt_count)));

error: "the procedure entry point.." when running exe after compiling with gcc / cygwin

I am learning c and I am using code::block
I have wrote this code "from ansi c book"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
float convertToCelsius(float f);
int main()
int start = 0;
int step = 5;
int upper = 300;
while(start < upper){
printf("%3d\t%6.3f\n", start, convertToCelsius(start));
start += step;
return 0;
float convertToCelsius(float f){
return (5.0/9)*(f-32);
when I run the code from the IDE "code::blocks" it compile and run without problems
but when I compile the c file using gcc in cygwin and try to run the exe file it gives me this message
the procedure entry point __cxa_atexit could not be located in the
dynamic link library C:\cygwin\home\username\convert.exe
I have search but couldn't find related direct answer
what is the problem ?

C program to find roots error

I am writing a function in C with the below specifications:
float find_root(float a, float b, float c, float p, float q);
find_root takes the coefficients a,b,c of a quadratic equation and an interval (p, q). It will return the root of this equation in the given interval.
For example: find_root(1, -8, 15, 2, 4) should produce a root "close to" 3.0
I have written the below code, and I don't understand why it doesn't work:
printf("Hello World");
float find_root(float a, float b, float c, float p, float q) {
float d,root1,root2;
d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
root1 = ( -b + sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
root2 = ( -b - sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
if (root1<=q || root1>=p)
return root1;
return root2;
Please let me know what the error is.
Your program doesn't work, because, you never called find_root() from your main().
find_root() is not suppossed to run all-by-itself. Your program statrs execution from main(). You need to call your sub-function from main() in order to make them execute.
Change your main to have a call to find_root(), something like below.
int main() //put proper signature
float anser = 0;
answer = find_root(1, -8, 15, 2, 4); //taken from the question
printf("The anser is %f\n", answer); //end with a \n, stdout is line buffered
return 0; //return some value, good practice
Then, compile the program like
gcc -o output yourfilename.c -lm
Apart from this, for the logical issue(s) in find_root() function, please follow the way suggested by Mr. #paxdiablo.
For that data, your two roots are 5 and 3. With p == 2 and q == 4:
if (root1<=q || root1>=p)
if (5<=4 || 5>=2)
which is true, so you'll get 5.
The if condition you want is:
if ((p <= root1) && (root1 <= q))
as shown in the following program, that produces the correct 3:
float find_root (float a, float b, float c, float p, float q) {
float d,root1,root2;
d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
root1 = ( -b + sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
root2 = ( -b - sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
if ((p <= root1) && (root1 <= q))
return root1;
return root2;
int main (void) {
printf ("%f\n", find_root(1, -8, 15, 2, 4));
return 0;
That's the logic errors with your calculations of the roots.
Just keep in mind there are other issues with your code.
You need to ensure you actually call the function itself, your main as it stands does not.
It also wont produce a value within the p/q bounds, instead it will give you the first root if it's within those bounds, otherwise it'll give you the second root regardless of its value.
You may want to catch the situation where d is negative, since you don't want to take the square root of it:
a = 1000, b = 0, c = 1000: d <- -4,000,000
And, lastly, if your compiler is complaining about not being able to link sqrt (as per one of your comments), you'll probably find you can fix that by specifying the math library, something like:
gcc -o myprog myprog.c -lm
Your program starts at main by definition.
Your main function is not calling find_root but it should.
You need to compile with all warnings & debug info (gcc -Wall -Wextra -g) then use a debugger (gdb) to run your code step by step to understand the behavior of your program, so compile with
gcc -Wall -Wextra -g yoursource.c -lm -o yourbinary
or with
clang -Wall -Wextra -g yoursource.c -lm -o yourbinary
then learn how to use gdb (e.g. run gdb ./yourbinary ... and later ./yourbinary without a debugger)
Then you'll think and improve the source code and recompile it, and debug it again. And repeat that process till you are happy with your program.
BTW, you'll better end your printf format strings with \n or learn about fflush(3)
Don't forget to read the documentation of every function (like printf(3) ...) that you are calling.
You might want to give some arguments (thru your main(int argc, char**argv) ...) to your program. You could use atof(3) to convert them to a double
Read also about undefined behavior, which you should always avoid.
BTW, you can use any standard C compiler (and editor like emacs or gedit) for your homework, e.g. use gcc or clang on your Linux laptop (then use gdb ...). You don't need a specific seashell
Change this condition
if (root1<=q || root1>=p)
if (root1<=q && root1>=p)
otherwise if anyone of the conditions is satisfied, root1 will be returned and root2 will almost never be returned. Hope this fixes your problem.
