QMI SDK start data session - c

I am using QMI SDK to start data session for the Sierra Wireless card MC7354 and Telus Sim Card. For now I can detect the device and the sim card like getting device info and IMSI number; however, I got some trouble with starting the data session. I follow the instructions in QMI SDK Documents and do the following code:
//set the default profile
fprintf(stderr, "SetProfile - Return Code: %lu\n", rc3);
//start the session
ULONG technology = 1;
ULONG profile_idx = 1;
struct ssdatasession_params session;
session.action = 1;
session.pTechnology = &technology;
session.pProfileId3GPP = &profile_idx;
session.pProfileId3GPP2 = NULL;
session.ipfamily = 4;
ULONG rc4 = SLQSStartStopDataSession(&session);
fprintf(stderr, "Start Session - Return Code: %lu\n",rc4);
SetDefaultProfile is working fine because it returns me the success code, but for the SLQSStartStopDataSession method, it always gives me the return code "1026", which means
Requested operation would have no effect
Does anyone know where I make mistakes and how should I modify the code? What does this return code mean?

A "No Effect" error in WDS Start Network (the underlying command sent when you use SLQSStartStopDataSession()) actually means that the device is already connected. You likely have configured an automatic connection setup in the modem.


porting synproxy to user space

I have ported the kernel's synproxy code to user space. I use it as a transparent proxy between the client and the web server.
When I request a web page, it works fine (the web page is below 512kbit). However, if I access a huge file (4Gbit or more), it will not continue to transfer after 3Gbits is transmitted.
I have adjusted the "confirmation" sent by the server to the client and the "seq" sent from the client to the server. At the same time, the tcp option "sack" sent from the client to the server is also adjusted.
if(tcpinp->state == CONNTRACK_SYN_SENT){
if(tcphdr->tcp_flags == (TCP_SYN_FLAG|TCP_ACK_FLAG)){
synproxy_parse_options(tcphdr, &opts);
tcpinp->tsoff = opts.tsval - tcpinp->its;
swap(opts.tsval, opts.tsecr);
synproxy_send_server_ack(iphdr,tcphdr, &opts);
/* send client ack,update tcp window */
swap(opts.tsval, opts.tsecr);
* update window to client
* dir:server -> client
* save isn_off = client.ISN1 - server.ISN2
tcpinp->isn_off = tcpinp->isn - tcphdr->seq;
synproxy_send_client_ack(tcpinp, &opts);
return 0;
if(tcpinp->dir == IP_CT_DIR_REPLY){
tcphdr->sent_seq = htonl(ntohl(tcphdr->sent_seq) + tcpinp->isn_off);
}else if(tcpinp->dir == IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL){
tcphdr->recv_ack = htonl(ntohl(tcphdr->recv_ack) - tcpinp->isn_off);
nf_ct_sack_adjust(tcph, other_way);
What should I adjust besides seq / ack and sack?
---I found that the client tcp'win' option has been increased to '828800' and then it does not change.
I have solved ,that it need 'mss' is always same.

Ethernet connect fails with LWIP in mbed os

I'm using an mbed enabled board for development, I need to run an Ethernet application on it.
I tried to create a connection by using the following code:
network = new EthernetInterface();
// Show the network address
const char *ip = network->get_ip_address();
printf("IP address is: %s\n", ip ? ip : "No IP");
Normally it should work, But it fails in the LWIPInteraface class's bringup API at osSemaphoreAcquire, returning a timeout error.
if (!netif_is_link_up(&netif)) {
if (blocking){
if (osSemaphoreAcquire(linked, 15000) != osOK){
if (ppp){
(void) ppp_lwip_disconnect(hw);
Any reason why I might be getting a timeout from osSemaphoreAcquire?
I tried increasing the timeout too but in vain.
If someone could help me with it, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

I2C output error when sending an array

I have recently started using Node-RED in a Raspberry Pi and my quest is to connect to a couple of I2C devices with the use of the node-red-contrib-i2c package.
One action which I am trying to do is to send an array of integers to the I2C device with the I2C output node but I always get the error
TypeError: String.isString is not a function
I have tried a couple of different syntax but without success. I have included an export of the flow below.
[{"id":"d2a2b073.e222c","type":"function","z":"e442e95f.6c2b98","name":"","func":"msg.address = 96;\nmsg.command = 48;\nmsg.payload = [85,85];\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":316,"y":243,"wires":[["7061e7e7.ac6f98","65101109.cf323"]]},{"id":"ce6f4bff.3bf998","type":"inject","z":"e442e95f.6c2b98","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":126,"y":244,"wires":[["d2a2b073.e222c"]]},{"id":"7061e7e7.ac6f98","type":"debug","z":"e442e95f.6c2b98","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":539,"y":263,"wires":[]},{"id":"65101109.cf323","type":"i2c out","z":"e442e95f.6c2b98","name":"","i2cdevice":"3d751c57.1120f4","address":"96","command":"","payload":"","count":"2","x":567,"y":223,"wires":[]},{"id":"3d751c57.1120f4","type":"i2c-device","z":"","device":"/dev/i2c-1","address":"100"}]
An example of the msg.payload sent:
msg.address = 96;
msg.command = 48;
msg.payload = [85,85];
return msg;

SDLNet Networking Not Working

I am working on a game written in C using SDL. Given that it already uses SDL, SDL_image, and SDL_ttf, I decided to add SDL_mixer and SDL_net to my engine. Getting SDL_mixer set up and working was very easy, but I am having a lot of trouble with SDL_net.
To test I created a very simple application with the following rules:
Run without arguments act as a TCP server on port 9999
Run with an argument try to connect to the server at the given IP address on port 9999
Here are some of the key lines of the program (I'm not going to post my whole event-driven SDL engine because its too long):
char *host = NULL;
if (argc > 1) host = argv[1];
IPaddress ip;
TCPsocket server = NULL;
TCPsocket conn = NULL;
if (host) { /* client mode */
if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip,host,port) < 0)
return NULL; //this is actually inside an engine method
if (!(conn = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip)))
return NULL;
} else { /* server mode */
if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip,NULL,port) < 0)
return NULL;
if (!(server = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip)))
return NULL;
and... inside the event loop
if (server) {
if (!conn)
conn = SDLNet_TCP_Accept(server);
if (conn) {
void *buf = malloc(size); //server, conn, size are actually members of a weird struct
while (SDLNet_TCP_Recv(conn,buf,size))
onReceive(buf); //my engine uses a callback system to handle things
The program seems to start up just fine. However for some reason when I run it in client mode trying to connect to my home computer (which I have on a different IP) from my laptop I find that the call to SDLNet_TCP_Open blocks the program for awhile (5-10 seconds) then returns NULL. Can anybody see what I did wrong? Should I post more of the code? Let me know.

How can I cause ldap_simple_bind_s to timeout?

We recently had a problem with our test LDAP server - it was hung and wouldn't respond to requests. As a result, our application hung forever* while trying to bind to it. This only happened on Unix machines - on Windows, the ldap_simple_bind_s call timed out after about 30 seconds.
* I don't know if it really was forever, but it was at least several minutes.
I added calls to ldap_set_option, trying both LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT and LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, but the bind call still hung. Is there any way to make ldap_simple_bind_s time out after some period of time of my choosing?
There are a couple of things happening here.
Basically the LDAP SDK is broken; based on the spec it should have timed out based upon the value you sent in ldap_set_option. Unfortunately it's not doing that properly. Your bind will probably eventually time out, but it won't be until the OS returns back a failure, and that will come from the TCP timeout or some multiple of that timeout.
You can work around this by using ldap_simple_bind(), then calling ldap_result() a couple of times. If you don't get the result back within the timeout you want you can call ldap_abandon_ext() to tell the SDK to give up.
Of course since you're trying to bind this will almost certainly leave the connection in an unusable state and so you will need to unbind it immediately.
Hope this helps.
UPDATE: below code is only working on openldap 2.4+. openLdap 2.3 does not honor LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT without which ldap_simple_bind_s will not timeout regardless of what you set. Here is the link from openLdap forum
I am using ldap_simple_bind_s in my LDAP auth service, and with setting LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, and LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT; it successfully times out if the LDAP server is unavailable.
Here is the code excerpt from my LDAP Connect Method:
int opt_timeout = 4; // LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT
int timelimit = 4; // LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT
int network_timeout = 4; // LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT
int status = 0;
// Set LDAP operation timeout(synchronous operations)
if ( opt_timeout > 0 )
struct timeval optTimeout;
optTimeout.tv_usec = 0;
optTimeout.tv_sec = opt_timeout;
status = ldap_set_option(connection, LDAP_OPT_TIMEOUT, (void *)&optTimeout);
if ( status != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS )
return false;
// Set LDAP operation timeout
if ( timelimit > 0 )
status = ldap_set_option(connection, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, (void *)&timelimit);
if ( status != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS )
return false;
// Set LDAP network operation timeout(connection attempt)
if ( network_timeout > 0 )
struct timeval networkTimeout;
networkTimeout.tv_usec = 0;
networkTimeout.tv_sec = network_timeout;
status = ldap_set_option(connection, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, (void *)&networkTimeout);
if ( status != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS )
return false;
Try to specify option LDAP_OPT_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT - if this option available in your Ldap SDK. For OpenLdap and Linux it works nice - if no TCP answer will get in this timeout, synchronous operation is terminated.
See man page
