Session variable or temporary flie on client post? - file

My application web ASP.NET can launch a lot of reports and I need to store temporary the pdf file before to show the report.
So, which is the better way to store temporary a pdf file ? This is for few seconds or maximum few minutes, the pdf file can have several hundred pages and a lot of users can launch the reports.
In a session variable or in a temporary file ?
Thank you.

According to me it should be a temporary file. Storing that in session memory not a good practice even if it one/two pages. It would be difficult to scale to multiple users. Imagine have 10 users using the app and having 10 files in memory. You will be better of using the memory for other reasons than files in memory.


How to deal with issues when storing uploaded files in the file system for a web app?

I am building a web application where the users can create reports and then upload some images for the created reports. Those images will be rendered in the browser when the user clicks a button on the report page. The images are confidential and only authorized users will be able to access them.
I am aware of the pros and cons of storing images in database, in filesystem or a service like amazon S3. For my application, I am inclined to keep the images in the filesystem and paths of the images in the database. That means I have to deal with the problems arising around distributed transaction management. I need some advice on how to deal with these problems.
1- I believe one of the proper solutions is to use technologies like JTA and XADisk. I am not very knowledgeable about these technologies but I believe 2 phase commit is how automicity is achieved. I am using MySQL as the database, and it seems like 2 phase commit is supported by MySQL. Problem with this approach is XADisk does not seem to be an active project and there is not much documentation about it and there is the fact that I am not very knowlegable about the ins and outs of this approach. I am not sure if I should invest in this approach.
2- I believe I can get away with some of the problems arising from the violation of ACID properties for my application. While uploading images, I can first write the files to disk, if this operation succeeds I can update the paths in the database. If database transaction fails, I can delete the files from the disk. I know that is still not bulletproof; an electricity shortage might occur just after the db transaction or the disk might not be responsive for a while etc...I know there are also concurrency issues, for instance if one user tries to modify the uploaded image and another tries to delete it at the same time, there will be some problems. Still the chances for concurrent updates in my application will be relatively low.
I believe I can live with orphan files on the disk or orphan image paths on the db if such exceptional cases occur. If a file path exists in db and not in the file system, I can show a notification to the user on report page and he might try to reupload the image. Orphan files in the file system would not be too much problem, I might run a process to detect such files time to time. Still, I am not very comfortable with this approach.
3- The last option might be to not store file paths in the db at all. I can structure the filesystem such that I can infer the file path in code and load all images at once. For instance, I can create a folder with the name of report id for each report. When a request has been made to load images of the report, I can load the images at once since I know the report id. That might end up with huge number of folders in the filesystem and I am not sure if such a design is acceptable. Concurrency issues will still exist in this scheme.
I would appreciate some advice on which approach I should follow.
I believe you are trying to be ultra-correct, and maybe not that much is needed, but I also faced some similar situation some time ago and explored also different possibilities. I disliked options aligned to your option 1, but about the 2 and 3, I had different successful approaches.
Let's sum up first the list of concerns:
You want the file to be saved
You want the file path to be linked to the corresponding entity (i.e the report)
You don't want a file path to be linked to a file that doesn't exist
You don't want files in the filesystem not linked to any report
And the different approaches:
1. Using DB
You can assure transactions in the DB pretty much with any relational database, and with S3 you can ensure read-after-write consistency for both new objects and upload of new objects. If you PUT an object and you get a 200 OK, it will be readable. Now, how to put all this together? You need to keep track of the process. I can figure 2 ways:
1.1 With a progress table
The upload request is saved to a table with anything need to identify this file, report id, temp uploaded file path, destination path, and a status column
You save the file
If the file safe fails you can update the record in the table, or delete it
If saving the file is successful, in a transaction:
update the progress table with successful status
update the table where you actually save the relationship report-image
Have a cron, but not checking the filesystem, but checking the process table. If there is any file in the filesystem that is orphan, definitely it had been added to the table (it was point 1). Here you can decide if you will delete the file, or if you have enough info, you can continue with the aborted process triggering the point 4.
The same report-image relationship table with some extra status columns.
1.2 With a queue system
Like RabbitMQ, SQS, AMQ, etc
A very similar approach could be done with any queue system instead of a db table. I wont give much details because it depends more on your real infrastructure, but just the general idea.
The upload request goes to a queue, you send a message with anything you may need to identify this file, report id, and if you want a tentative final path.
You upload the file
A worker reads pending messages in the queue and does the work. The message is marked as consumed only when everything goes well.
If something fails, naturally the message will come back to the queue
In the next time a message is read, the worker can have enough info to see if there is work to resume, or even a file to delete if resuming is not possible
In both cases, concurrency problems wont be straightforward to manage, but can be managed (relying on DB locks in fist case, and FIFO queues in second cases) but always with some application logic
2. Without DB
To some extent a system without a database would be perfectly acceptable, if we can defend it as a proper convention over configuration design.
You have to deal with 3 things:
Save files
Read files
Make sure that the structure of the filesystem is manageable
Lets start with 3:
Folder structure
In general, something like one folder for report id will be too simple, and maybe hard to maintain, and also ultimately too plain. This will cause issues, because if we have a folder images with one folder per report, and tomorrow you have less say 200k reports, the images folder will have 200k elements, and even an ls will take too much time, same for any programing language trying to access. That will kill you
You can think about something more sophisticated. Personally like a way that I learnt from Magento 1 more than 10 years ago and I used a lot since then: Using a folder structure following first outside rules, but extended with rules derived extended with the file name itself.
We want to save a product image. The image name is: myproduct.jpg
first rule is: for product images i use /media/catalog/product
then, to avoid many images in the same one, i create one folder per every letter of the image name, up to some number of letters. Lets say 3. So my final folder will be something like /media/catalog/product/m/y/p/myproduct.jpg
like this, it is clear where to save any new image. You can do something similar using your reports id, categories, or anything that makes sense for you. The final objective is to avoid too flat structure, and to create a tree that makes sense to you, and also that can be automatized easily.
And that takes us to the next part:
Read and write.
I implemented a similar system before quite successfully. It allowed me to save files easy, and to retrieve them easily, with locations that were purely dynamic. The parts here were:
S3 (but you can do with any filesystem)
A small microservice acting as a proxy for both read and write.
Some namespace system and attached logic.
The logic is quite simple. The namespace lets me know where the file will be saved. For example, the namespace can be companyname/reports/images.
Lets say a develop a microservice for read and write:
For saving a file, it receives:
entity id (ie you report)
file to upload
And it will do:
based on the rules I have for that namespace, and the id and file name will save the file in this folder
it doesn't return the physical location. That remains unknown to the client.
Then, for reading, clients will use a URL that uses also convention. For example you can have something like{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id}
And based on the logic, the microservice will know where to find that in the storage and return the image.
If you have more than one image per report, you can do different things, such as:
- you may want to have a third slug in the path such as{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id}/1{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id}/2 etc...
- if it is for your internal application usage, you can have one endpoint that returns the list of all eligible images, lets say{NAMESPACE}/{entity_id} returns an array with all image urls
How I implemented this was with quite simple yml config to define the logic, and very simple code reading that config. That allowed me to have a lot of flexibility. For example save reports in total different paths or servers or s3 buckets if they belong to different companies or are different report types

How to upload .gz files into Google Big Query?

I have an idea of a 90 GB .csv file that I want to make on my local computer and then upload into Google BigQuery for analysis. I create this file by combining thousands of smaller .csv files into 10 medium-sized files and then combining those medium-sized files into the 90 GB file, which I then want to move to GBQ. I am struggling with this project because my computer keeps crashing from memory issues. From this video I understood that I should first transform the medium-sized .csv files (about 9 GB each) into .gz files (about 500MB each), and then upload those .gz files into Google Cloud Storage. Next, I would create an empty Table (in Google BigQuery / Datasets) and then append all of those files to the created Table. The issue I am having is finding some kind of tutorial about how to do this or and documentation of how to do this. I am new to the Google Platform so maybe this is a very easy job that can be done with 1 click somewhere, but all I was able to find was from the video that I linked above. Where can I find some help or documentation or tutorials or videos on how people do this? Do I have the correct idea on the workflow? Is there some better way (like using some downloadable GUI to upload stuff)?
See the instructions here:
As Abdou mentions in a comment, you don't need to combine them ahead of time. Just gzip all of your small CSV files, upload them to a GCS bucket, and use the " load" command to create a new table. Note that you can use a wildcard syntax to avoid listing all of the individual file names to load.
The --autodetect flag may allow you to avoid specifying a schema manually, although this relies on sampling from your input and may need to be corrected if it fails to detect in certain cases.

Uploading Large Amounts of Data from C# Windows Service to Azure Blobs

Can someone please point me in the right direction.
I need to create a windows timer service that will upload files in the local file system to Azure blobs.
Each file (video) may be anywhere between 2GB and 16GB. Is there a limit on the size? Do I need to split the file?
Because the files are very large can I throttle the upload speed to azure?
Is it possible in another application (WPF) to see the progress of the uploaded file? i.e. a progress bar and how much data has been transferred and what speed it is transferring at?
The upper limit for a block blob, the type you want here, is 200GB. Page blobs, used for VHDs, can go up to 1TB.
Block blobs are so called because upload is a two-step process - upload a set of blocks and then commit that block list. Client APIs can hide some of this complexity. Since you want to control the uploads and keep track of their status you should look at uploading the files in blocks - the maximum size of which is 4MB - and manage that flow and success as desired. At the end of the upload you commit the block list.
Kevin Williamson, who has done a number of spectacular blog posts, has a post showing how to do "Asynchronous Parallel Blob Transfers with Progress Change Notification 2.0."

Silverlight - Copy files directly into where Isolated Storage physically store files

In our Silverlight business application, we need to cache very large files (100's MBs) into isolated storage. We distribute the files separately to be downloaded by users and then they can import those files into Isolated Storage through the application.
However, the Isolated Storage API seem to be very slow and it takes an hour to import about 500MB of data.
Given, that we're in a corporate environment where users trust us, I would like users to be able to copy the files directly into the physical location on their file system where Silverlight store files when using the API.
The location varies per OS, but that's ok. The problem however, is that Silverlight seems to store files in a somewhat cryptic way. If I go to my AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\is, I can see some weirdly named folder that look like long Guid.
My question: is it possible to copy files directly in there, or is it going to upset Silverlight ?
From what I've been testing it will make stuff fail/act weird. We had some stuff we had to clear and even though we did delete the files to test how it worked the usedspace didn't drop. So there is some sort of register of which files are in IS and how big they are.
I think it would be paramount you find out why IS is so slow. Can you confirm its like that on all clients? Test some others. This should be brought up to Microsoft if it is the case. Possibly you can change your serailization schema and save smaller files? I would not advise trying to figure out Microsoft's temporary and volatile IS storage location.

grails file upload

Hey. I need to upload some files (images/pdf/pp) to my SQLS Database and thereafter, download it again. I'm not sure what is the best solution - store it as bytes, or store it as file (not sure if possible). I need later to databind multiple domain classes together with that file upload.
Any help would be very much apreciated,
saving files in the file system or in the DB is a general question which is asked here several times.
check this: Store images(jpg,gif,png) in filesystem or DB?
I recommend to save the files in the file system and just save the path in the DB.
(if you want to work with google app-engine though you have to save the file as byte array in the DB as saving files in the file system is not possible with google app-engine)
To upload file with grails check this:
