How to use angular.bootstrap twice? - angularjs

I have a page where there are few tabs and I use angular+bootstrap.
I use angular.bootstrap initially.
Then I have another controller for showing different set of data in one of the tabs. when I try to use angular.bootstrap again, I get the error it cannot be bootstrapped twice. To make it simple, consider the following code.
<div id="mainpage" ng-controller="mainPageController">
<li id="test1"> <a href="gototest1"> GoToTest1 </li>
<li id="test2"> <a href="gototest2"> GoToTest2 </li>
<div id="gototest1">
this is some sample. I have another html page here which will be loaded as a tab
The page for gototest1 looks like this
<div ng-controller="gototestcontroller>
Here comes the another widget from another controller and
I try to use angular.boostrap here again. And I get the error because it is already bootstrapped in mainPage
What is the best way to use angular.bootstrap here?

Angular bootstrap is used to manually initialize an Angular the document or an element.
Angular cannot be initialized more than once on an element. Is there a reason you don't use automatic initialization, using ng-app?

It sounds like you could benefit from using the module ngRoute and applying the attirbute ng-view instead of trying to bootstrap twice.


ngRoute RouteController getting called only once

I've a fiddler to show my setup.
The problem is the routeController function is getting called only once on the page load, but then on hash change (as a result of link click), the function routeController is not getting called again.
I've my links generated in another ng module, not sure if the links have to be with in the same module as the router.
<div id="router">
<div ng-view></div>
<div id="navigation" data-ng-cloak>
<ul id="folios" data-ng-controller="FoliosController" class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
<li data-ng-repeat="folio in folios" ng-class="{active: isActive('/search/{{folio.productId}}')}">
<div ui-view></div>
Problem has been further diagnosed. Any list/anchor that was generated by an ng controller, is not responding to hash changes outside the scope, while the static links are. from the plunkr link, "foo" and "bar" clicks trigger the controller but "abc" and "def" are not. please review. Question is how to make "abc" and "def" (dynamic links) respond to changes as well.
The code is behaving as intended with the way you have it coded. You are calling routeController in the constructor of the controller, but its not being invoked anywhere else (the router isn't going to do that either).
If you need the routeController function to be invoked on every route change consider binding to route changing events:$route
Take a look at this plunk. Note I am binding to stateChangeSuccess instead since you are using the ui-router instead of ngRoute.

laravel route access from php view using angular

Having this route in Laravel:
I'am trying to access it from an anchor html tag href attribute in a php view which works with angular to render a list of items. This is a piece of code from this view (_post_content.php):
<ul class="media-list" >
<li class="media" ng-repeat="item in items" >
<div class="media-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-9"><h5 class="media-heading">
{{ item.title }} </h5></div>
The new view made by the controller PostCommentsController in the method showComments, is similar to _post_content.php but it shows comments by a post id ( in ng-repeat).
However, for other links all over the application, even in its main layout: navbars and logo anchors, image anchors, etc; its url's are prepended by the path /post/4/comments.
For example if i click in the item 4 of _post_content.php, a link called blog in the left nav bar in the main layout, shows this as url: /post/4/comments/blog
Of course this route does not exists and breaks all the application.
Please, any clue to solve this strange behavior? Is it possible angular is causing it, though i'm not using angular routes?
Thanks for your help.
If you are using relative paths for your other links, you should prepend them with a forward slash, so instead of:
<a href="blog">
your should have:
<a href="/blog">
That way the links will be relative to the root not to the current path (which in your case is /post/id/comments).
As an alternative you could also use the base meta tag, by including this in your pages' <head>:
<base href="">
But be aware that there are some side effects to using base which might affect your application. Read this for more info: Is it recommended to use the <base> html tag?.

Jasmine-jquery, testing generated GUI for (nested) directives

I recently started using jasmine-jquery (1.3.1) together with angular (1.0.6) and need an advice on testing GUI.
I have some view for controller, which has angular directives, like 'view.html':
<div id='main-div'>
<div my-directive objects-to-iterate='someScopeObjects'>
<span id='default-span'>some default text</span>
, and in JS a directive "myDirective" is defined, having template-by-url 'myDirective.html' which includes ng-repeat and makes some nested div (row) foreach in objectsToIterate.
I load fixtures for 'view.html' and 'myDirective.html'.
Now I would like to test that during user interaction there are really some elements (rows) in 'myDirective' repeated block.
Beginning was simple:
var div = $('div#main-div');
div = $compile(div)(scope);
And now I'm stuck. Cannot get access to "generated" source of 'myDirective' element. If I use
I get
<div my-directive objects-to-iterate='someScopeObjects'>
<span id='default-span'>some default text</span>
If I try to compile+digest this html against scope, I still get same markup. How could I get "generated" source, looking like (pseudo)
<div id='my-directive-content'>
<div id='object-1'>blah</div>
<div id='object-2'>blah</div>
in order to check if there are N rows visible to user?
someScopeObjects in scope exist and are valid.
And my next step is actually testing same thing for directives nested inside of 'my-directive', so I somehow have to get access to the scope of 'my-directive'. How? :)
Thank you.

Angular JS and addthis eventhandlers

I'm using Angular for the first time on a large project and one of the requirements is that we use AddThis for social sharing for articles. But in addition to the AddThis sharing, we want to track the share events in google analytics.
So what I want to do is add the AddThis
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_16x16_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
and in the controller, add an event handler as described in their docs
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
The problem, is that I can't seem to get a reference to the addthis object in the $scope of the controller. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this either via directive or some other trick to do a document.ready and getting a reference to the addthis object?
addthis is a property of window and must be visible in any scope, however I guess that type parameter of addEventListener is not evaluated inside addthis_widget.js
Did you try this?
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_16x16_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
That way events should be applied each time you reload the widget.
If does't help, you can wrap it into a directive like I did here. Try to add your listeners inside the directive.

angular: load details in new page

i have angular behaviour outside a ng-view. how can i get open a new page
where that view is then located in?
<div ng-controller="JobCtrl">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="produktion" value="produktion">
<li ng-repeat="job in jobs | filter:produktion">
{{}} (Hamburg)
Onclick i would like to get the details rendered on a complete different page in my webapp.
how can i achieve this?
here is my url mapping for now:
when('/jobs/:jobId', {templateUrl: 'partials/job-detail', controller: JobDetailCtrl}).
if you need more code, pls let me know
Although I don't think I completely understand your requirement, but You need to add another route and in the new route's template use can you the behavior....
I am not sure if this answers you question. If not, put up the code on jslint or plunker etc
