How to wrap parts of an ngRepeat - angularjs

How can one, if at all possible, do the following:
<li ng-reapeat="a in c"></li>
with an output like this:
<li></li> <--- from a to b (say first till 3rd element)
<li></li> <--- from b to c (4th element till end)
Or even multiple <ul></ul> blocks. First one closing at a designated index, second one opening and continuing until the end.

What about slicing the array (probably not an "angular way"), for example
<li ng-repeat="a in c.slice(0, 3)"></li>
<li ng-repeat="a in c.slice(3)"></li>

General idea, you should be able to get what you want using this pattern
<li ng-repeat-start="a in c" ng-show="$index<3"></li>
<li ng-repeat-end ng-show="$index>=3"></li>

Try this:
I think you need multiple ul blocks.
<div ng-reapeat="a in c">
<li ng-if="$index<3"></li>
<div ng-reapeat="a in c">
<li ng-if="$index>2"></li>
Hope it helps...!


Ordered Lists Inside ShieldUI Accordion

Is it possible to include an ordered list inside a ShieldUI accordion? Including one seems to break my accordion; I'm hoping there is some sort of flag or work around to get ordered lists working.
<div class='accordion-container'>
<h2>Delivery Instructions</h2>
<ul id='accordion'>
<h2>Vehicle Delivery to Media / Client</h2>
<p>Accordion 1</p>
<h2>Delivery to Airport</h2>
<p>Accordion 2</p>
Try putting it in a DIV, like this:
<div class='accordion-container'>
<h2>Delivery Instructions</h2>
<ul id='accordion'>
<h2>Vehicle Delivery to Media / Client</h2>
<p>Accordion 1</p>
<h2>Delivery to Airport</h2>
<p>Accordion 2</p>

css selector to retrieve nodes without any id

I only want to catch the first list item with a css selector.
That can i do?
<li class="someclass"> </li>
<li id="thisId" class="someclass"> </li>
<li id="thatId" class="someclass"> </li>
<li id="someId" class="someclass"> </li>
ul li.someclass:first-child{

Assign value from one ng-model to other ng-model

I have two ng-repeat, now I want to add this into my second ng-repeat,
I have written the code below:
<li data-ng-repeat="quotTypeOpt in list1">
<li data-ng-repeat="quotTyp in quotTypeOpt.list2">
<div ng-model="quotTyp.value = quotTypeOpt.value"></div>
<input type="text" ng-model="quotTyp.text" />
When I add line by this way ng-model="quotTyp.value = quotTypeOpt.value", then error has been occured but need is asign value from quotTypeOpt.value to quotTyp.value
Error: [ngModel:nonassign] Expression 'quotTyp.value = quotTypeOpt.value' is non-assignable
You're trying to initialize some variable. The best place to do so is ng-init.
So in your code, it goes like this :
<li data-ng-repeat="quotTypeOpt in list1">
<li data-ng-repeat="quotTyp in quotTypeOpt.list2">
<div ng-model="quotTyp.value" ng-bind="quotTyp.value = quotTypeOpt.value"></div>
<input type="text" ng-model="quotTyp.text" />

How to add a class to specific html elements created by ngRepeat?

I need to add a class to the last <li> in an <li>group created using Angular's ngRepeat. So the code below
<li class="columns small-3" ng-repeat="tag in tags">
creates something like
What I need is for the class .end to be added to the last <li> so the end result would be
<li class="end">Beauty</li>
How is this possible?
You should be able to do this using a combination of ng-class and $last.
<li class="columns small-3" ng-class="{'end':$last}" ng-repeat="tag in tags">
Try with ng class with a condition on the index

why ng-repeat stop working at level 3

I am using angularjs to render a hierarchical structure. The test case is at
My question is why ng-repeat stop working at level 3 ? Thanks
Here is my model
function Test($scope) {
$ = {
chrylser: {
nameplates: [{
name: "np1",
trims: [
"tirm1", "trim2"
Here is my template
<div ng-app ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in cars">
<li ng-repeat="np in value.nameplates">{{}}, {{np.trims}}</li>
<li ng-repeat="trim in np.trims">
(ng-repeat stop working here) {{trim}}
Just need to move the closing </li> tag after your inner <ul>. You had the <li ng-repeat="np in value.nameplates"> immediately closing, ending the loop.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Test">
<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in cars">
<li ng-repeat="np in value.nameplates">{{}}, {{np.trims}}
<li ng-repeat="trim in np.trims">
works! {{trim}}
