.NET WPF. OxyPlot TimeFormat - string-formatting

I need to display time in format "HH:mm:ss" in the window.
Plot = new PlotModel();
Plot.TextColor = OxyColors.Black;
Plot.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Left, 0, 100));
Plot.Axes.Add(new DateTimeAxis(AxisPosition.Bottom)
//StringFormat = "h:mm",
IsZoomEnabled = false,
IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Seconds,
IntervalLength = 80
But it doesn't work.
I want to see this result in DateTimeAxis: 0:00:01 - 0:00:05 - 0:00:10 etc.
Help me, please.
private double _xAxisCounter;
private void UpdateChart(int mixerNumber)
DetailsPlot details = _mixerDetailsPlots[mixerNumber];
UpdateChart(details.LineOfCurrent, details.Mixer.Current.Value);
UpdateChart(details.LineOfMaximumCurrent, details.Mixer.MaximumCurrent);
private void UpdateChart(LineSeries line, double value)
if (line.Points.Count > 500)
line.Points.Add(new DataPoint(_xAxisCounter, value));

I'm pretty sure you're after something like this:
var BottomAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
BottomAxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
BottomAxis.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
BottomAxis.LabelFormatter = d => { return DateTimeAxis.ToDateTime(d).ToString("HH:mm:ss\nyy/MM/dd"); };
All I've done is added a format to the DateTime axis.
In your case you won't need the date part of the format.
Hope this helps!


How to do CRUD operations on multiple tables in SQLite database in Flutter?

I am building a money budgeting app where the user can split their monthly salary in 5 areas: food, social, education, travel, savings. I have a register and log in screen. This is in Flutter/dart and I'm using sqlite.
Some of the data to store:
id, username, password, email, monthly_salary, food_initial, food_final, social_initial, social_final, education_initial, education_final, travel_initial, travel_final, savings_initial, savings_final
The 'initial' refers to a value that the user will input for themselves based on the division of the monthly salary. (ie. $5000 a month/5 containers = 1000 for each container. but, the user can edit this value of 1000 as their initial budgeted money). The 'final' refers to the user's remaining money (under the assumption they don't go over) for that container.
The initial and final values get reset at the end of the month. However, I would like to save their previous month's final values so the user can see a backlog of what they did.
I initially had 2 tables for my database. One was for the USER_DATA and the other was BUDGETS table. However, after struggling to figure out how to do CRUD operations for two tables, I decided to make it all into one table. But, after experiencing trouble with one table, I want to move back to more than one table. I'm confused now on:
1. How to use CRUD operations when having more than one table on DB?
2. Do I have to build a new model class in order to have more than one table?
3. How to save some of the user's data on database, but have to wait for the rest of the information to come in (later on while they're using the app)?
When making the constructor for the model class, and then referring to the model class in the UI, it requires me to bring in all of the parameters I have, but I don't have all of those values ready yet. The user still needs to register before they can input their salary and etc. Would I have to use the Future class to get over this hurdle?
I've watched a lot of videos on others building their databases in sqlite and with Flutter but all of them usually do a simple To-Do list app where they will need to fill in every column of the table and I haven't seen one yet that includes several tables. (ie. columns: id, description, priority, date)
I think have a good basis now on the UI side and using TextFormFields to access the information, but connecting the database/creating it properly is confusing me.
I am also considering writing the database in a .sql file now before proceeding. I have been teaching myself Flutter through tutorials (as background knowledge).
I know this is a bit long and all over the place, but I would greatly appreciate anyone who has experience with the sqlite environment in Flutter to please help me understand how to do this correctly.
Thank you. Also, if there is any more clarification/code needed, let me know.
Model class:
import 'dart:core';
class UserData {
//user table
int _userid;
String _username;
String _password;
String _email;
String _first_name;
String _last_name;
String _date;
int _month_id;
bool _subtract; //did the user subtract money from their funds? true/false
double _month_salary;
String _log_details;
/////////////budget table
double _edu_budget_initial;
double _edu_budget_final;
double _travel_budget_initial;
double _travel_budget_final;
double _living_budget_initial;
double _living_budget_final;
double _savings_budget_initial;
double _savings_budget_final;
double _social_budget_initial;
double _social_budget_final;
// using [___] around your user's data entry makes it optional in the table
// otherwise, these are all required fields
//created a Named Constructor for the ability to create multiple constructors in one class
//UserData.budgetTable(this.date, this.month_id, this.log_details, this.edu_budget_final, this.edu_budget_initial, this.living_budget_final, this.living_budget_initial,
//this.month_salary, this.savings_budget_final, this.savings_budget_initial, this.social_budget_final,
//this.social_budget_initial, this.travel_budget_final, this.travel_budget_initial);
//userdata table
int get userid => _userid;
String get username => _username;
String get password => _password;
String get email => _email;
String get firstname => _first_name;
String get lastname => _last_name;
String get date => _date;
//budget table
int get month_id => _month_id;
bool get subtract => _subtract;
double get month_salary => _month_salary;
String get log_details => _log_details;
double get living_budget_initial => _living_budget_initial;
double get living_budget_final => _living_budget_final;
double get social_budget_initial => _social_budget_initial;
double get social_budget_final => _social_budget_final;
double get edu_budget_initial => _edu_budget_initial;
double get edu_budget_final => _edu_budget_final;
double get travel_budget_initial => _travel_budget_initial;
double get travel_budget_final => _travel_budget_final;
double get savings_budget_initial => _savings_budget_initial;
double get savings_budget_final => _savings_budget_final;
set userid(int newUserID) {
//adding condition before storing what user put in
if (newUserID <= 12) {
this._userid = newUserID;
set username(String newUsername) {
if (newUsername.length <= 30) {
this._username = newUsername;
set password(String newPassword) {
if (newPassword.length <= 30)
this._password = newPassword;
set email(String newEmail) {
if (newEmail.length <= 50)
this._email = newEmail;
set first_name(String newFirstName) {
if (newFirstName.length <= 30)
this._first_name = newFirstName;
set last_name(String newLastName) {
if (newLastName.length <= 30)
this._last_name = newLastName;
set month_id(int newMonthId) {
if (newMonthId <= 12) {
this._month_id = newMonthId;
set month_salary(double newMonthSalary) {
this._month_salary = newMonthSalary;
set date(String newDate) {
this._date = newDate;
set log_details(String newLogDetails) {
if (newLogDetails.length <= 255)
this._log_details = newLogDetails;
set subtract(bool newSubtract) {
this._subtract = newSubtract;
set living_budget_initial(double newLBI) {
if (newLBI <= 10) this._living_budget_initial = newLBI;
set living_budget_final(double newLBF) {
if (newLBF <= 10) this._living_budget_final = newLBF;
set social_budget_initial(double newSOBI) {
if (newSOBI <= 10) this._social_budget_initial = newSOBI;
set social_budget_final(double newSOBF) {
if (newSOBF <= 10) this._social_budget_final = newSOBF;
set edu_budget_initial(double newEBI) {
if (newEBI <= 10) this._edu_budget_initial = newEBI;
set edu_budget_final(double newEBF) {
if (newEBF <= 10) this._edu_budget_final = newEBF;
set travel_budget_initial(double newTBI) {
if (newTBI <= 10) this._travel_budget_initial = newTBI;
set travel_budget_final(double newTBF) {
if (newTBF <= 10) this._travel_budget_final = newTBF;
set savings_budget_initial(double newSBI) {
if (newSBI <= 10) this._savings_budget_initial = newSBI;
set savings_budget_final(double newSBF) {
if (newSBF <= 10) this._savings_budget_final = newSBF;
// converting object into Map objects
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
var map = Map<String, dynamic>();
var userid;
if (userid != null) {
map['userid'] = _userid;
map['userid'] = _userid;
map['username'] = _username;
map['password'] = _password;
map['email'] = _email;
map['first_name'] = _first_name;
map['last_name'] = _last_name;
map['month_id'] = _month_id;
map['month_salary'] = _month_salary;
map['date'] = _date;
map['log_details'] = _log_details;
map['subtract'] = _subtract;
map['living_budget_initial'] = _living_budget_initial;
map['living_budget_final'] = _living_budget_final;
map['social_budget_initial'] = _social_budget_initial;
map['social_budget_final'] = _social_budget_final;
map['edu_budget_initial'] = _edu_budget_initial;
map['edu_budget_final'] = _edu_budget_final;
map['travel_budget_initial'] = _travel_budget_initial;
map['travel_budget_final'] = _travel_budget_final;
map['savings_budget_initial'] = _savings_budget_initial;
map['savings_budget_final'] = _savings_budget_final;
return map;
//converts map objects into objects
UserData.fromMapObject(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
this._userid = map['userid'];
this._username = map['username'];
this._password = map['password'];
this._email = map['email'];
this.first_name = map['first_name'];
this.last_name = map['last_name'];
this._month_id = map['month_id'];
this._month_salary = map['month_salary'];
this._date = map['date'];
this._log_details = map['log_details'];
this._subtract = map['subtract'];
this._living_budget_initial = map['living_budget_initial'];
this._living_budget_final = map['living_budget_final'];
this._social_budget_initial = map['social_budget_initial'];
this._social_budget_final = map['social_budget_final'];
this._edu_budget_initial = map['edu_budget_initial'];
this._edu_budget_final = map['edu_budget_final'];
this._travel_budget_initial = map['travel_budget_initial'];
this._travel_budget_final = map['travel_budget_final'];
this._savings_budget_initial = map['savings_budget_initial'];
this._savings_budget_final = map['savings_budget_final'];
Database helper class:
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:jewell_1/user_data.dart';
class DbHelper {
// Create a private instance of the class
static final DbHelper _dbhelper = new DbHelper._internal();
String DB_name = "user_data.db";
static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;
String userDataTable = 'user_data_table';
String colUserId = 'userid';
String colUsername = 'username';
String colPassword = 'password';
String colEmail = 'email';
String colFirstName = 'first_name';
String colLastName = 'last_name';
String colDate = 'date';
String colMonthId = 'month_id';
String colSubtract = 'subtract';
String colMonthSalary = 'month_salary';
String colLogDetails = 'log_details';
String colLBI = 'living_budget_initial';
String colLBF = 'living_budget_final';
String colSOBI = 'social_budget_initial';
String colSOBF = 'social_budget_final';
String colEBI = 'edu_budget_initial';
String colEBF = 'edu_budget_final';
String colTBI = 'travel_budget_initial';
String colTBF = 'travel_budget_final';
String colSBI = 'savings_budget_initial';
String colSBF = 'savings_budget_final';
// Create an empty private named constructor
// Use the factory to always return the same instance
factory DbHelper() {
return _dbhelper;
static Database _db;
Future<Database> get db async {
if (_db == null) {
_db = await initializeDb();
return _db;
Future<Database> initializeDb() async {
Directory dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
String path = dir.path + "todos.db";
var dbTodos = await openDatabase(path, version: DATABASE_VERSION, onCreate: _createDb);
return dbTodos;
void _createDb(Database db, int newVersion) async {
await db.execute(
"CREATE TABLE $userDataTable($colUserId INETEGER PRIMARY KEY, $colUsername TEXT," +
"$colPassword TEXT, $colEmail TEXT, $colFirstName TEXT,"
"$colLastName TEXT, $colDate TEXT, $colMonthId INTEGER,"
" $colSubtract BOOLEAN, $colMonthSalary DOUBLE, $colLogDetails TEXT,"
Future<int> insertData(UserData data) async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result = await db.insert(userDataTable, data.toMap());
return result;
Future<List> getDatas() async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result =
await db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $userDataTable order by $colUserId ASC");
return result;
Future<int> getCount() async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result = Sqflite.firstIntValue(
await db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM $userDataTable"));
return result;
Future<int> updateData(UserData data) async {
var db = await this.db;
var result = await db
.update(userDataTable, data.toMap(), where: "$colUserId=?", whereArgs: [data.userid]);
return result;
Future<int> deleteData(int id) async {
int result;
var db = await this.db;
result = await db.rawDelete("DELETE FROM $userDataTable WHERE $colUserId=$id");
return result;
To be more specific, I am confused on not writing the query of a new table, but rather at this point:
var result = await db.insert(userDataTable, data.toMap());
return result;
The result is only containing my userDataTable and if I create another table, then am I supposed to add another var result? I tried to have:
var result2 = await db.insert(budgetsTable, data.toMap());
This seemed wrong. Also, I didn't know how to return both results.
That was specifically where/when I started to scavenge the internet of people who have made CRUD operations using more than one table on sqlite with Flutter.

How to display routes on OpenStreetMaps from richtextbox data, how create list which two value from another array?

I have this function which get back longitude and latitude from my Rtb data (first picture):
// funkcja pobierająca szerokość i długość geograficzną w formacie dziesiętnym
private Tuple<double, double>[] wsp_geograficzne(string[] lines)
return Array.ConvertAll(lines, line =>
string[] elems = line.Split(',');
return new Tuple<double, double>(0.01*double.Parse(elems[1]), 0.01*double.Parse(elems[3]));
This line calls this above function:
var data = wsp_geograficzne(richTextBox1.Lines);
This is a sample, which display routes on my OpenStreetMaps.
GMapOverlay routes = new GMapOverlay(gMapControl1, "routes");// Constructing object for Overlay
List<PointLatLng> list = new List<PointLatLng>(); // The list of Coordinates to be plotted
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.119149707703, 23.1447064876556));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.11963262556597, 23.1468522548676));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.1205276192621, 23.1460046768188));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.120701464779, 23.1463050842285));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.1200962217943, 23.1489872932434));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.1196970143107, 23.1489014625549));
list.Add(new PointLatLng(53.119439459128, 23.1490087509155));
GMapRoute r = new GMapRoute(list, "myroute"); // object for routing
r.Stroke.Width = 5;
r.Stroke.Color = Color.Blue;
gMapControl1.Zoom = 15;
It looks like on the picture:
I want display routes from my data "wsp_geograficzne" (wsp_geograficzne include longitude and latitude) on this map. How should I do it? Is there any method that allow me to create List which data from "wsp_geograficzne"? I trying something like this:
List<PointLatLng> nowa = new List<PointLatLng>();
foreach (var p in data)
nowa.Add(p.Item1, p.Item2);
but it dont works. I get back error: Error 2 No overload for method 'Add' takes 2 arguments.
Please help :)
Ok I find answer (new function which get back 2 value (longitude and latitude) from rtb (longitude and latitude are back in decimal notation):
// funkcja pobierająca szerokość i długość geograficzną w formacie dziesiętnym
private Tuple<double, double>[] wsp_geograficzne(string[] lines)
return Array.ConvertAll(lines, line =>
string[] elems = line.Split(',');
double we1 = 0.01 * double.Parse(elems[3], EnglishCulture);
int stopnie1 = (int)we1;
double minuty1 = ((we1 - stopnie1) * 100) / 60;
double szerokosc_dziesietna = stopnie1 + minuty1;
double we2 = 0.01 * double.Parse(elems[5], EnglishCulture);
int stopnie2 = (int)we2;
double minuty2 = ((we2 - stopnie2) * 100) / 60;
double dlugosc_dziesietna = stopnie2 + minuty2;
return new Tuple<double, double>(szerokosc_dziesietna, dlugosc_dziesietna);
And this is a part which display routes on the map.
var data = wsp_geograficzne(richTextBox1.Lines);
List<PointLatLng> nowa = new List<PointLatLng>();
foreach (var p in data)
nowa.Add(new PointLatLng(p.Item1, p.Item2));
GMapOverlay routes = new GMapOverlay(gMapControl1, "routes");
GMapRoute r = new GMapRoute(nowa, "myroute"); // object for routing
r.Stroke.Width = 9;
r.Stroke.Color = Color.Blue;
gMapControl1.Zoom = 16;
If someone has another notations this part:
List<PointLatLng> nowa = new List<PointLatLng>();
foreach (var p in data)
nowa.Add(new PointLatLng(p.Item1, p.Item2));
please show me here.
Greetings from Poland :).

OptionSetValue does not contain constructor which takes one argument

I am creating a silverlight application as a web resource for CRM 2011. Now i am creating a ServiceAppointment record in DB and after creating it i want to change its Status to "reserved" instead of requested.
I googled about this and come across the examples like Close a Service Activity Through Code and Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetStateRequest
They all suggesting to use "SetStateRequest" and for using this i have to set the OptionSetValue like
request["State"] = new OptionSetValue(4);
But above line gives me error saying "OptionSetValue does not contain constructor which takes one argument"
BTW i am using SOAP end point of CRM 2011 service in silverlight application
Any ideas friends?
Following is my code
var request = new OrganizationRequest { RequestName = "SetStateRequest" };
request["State"] = 3;
request["Status"] = 4;
request["EntityMoniker"] = new EntityReference() { Id = createdActivityId, LogicalName = "serviceappointment" };
And my callback function is
private void ChangeActivityStatusCallback(IAsyncResult result) {
OrganizationResponse response;
response = ((IOrganizationService)result.AsyncState).EndExecute(result);
catch (Exception ex)
_syncContext.Send(ShowError, ex);
You must some how be referencing some other OptionSetValue class that is not the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk one. Try appending the namespace to see if that resolves your issue:
request["State"] = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(4);
Also, why are you using late bound on the SetStateRequest? Just use the SetStateRequest class:
public static Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetStateResponse SetState(this IOrganizationService service,
Entity entity, int state, int? status)
var setStateReq = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetStateRequest();
setStateReq.EntityMoniker = entity.ToEntityReference();
setStateReq.State = new OptionSetValue(state);
setStateReq.Status = new OptionSetValue(status ?? -1);
return (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.SetStateResponse)service.Execute(setStateReq);
Thanks Daryl for you time and effort. I have solved my problem with the way u have suggested.
I am posting my code that worked for me.
var request = new OrganizationRequest { RequestName = "SetState" };
request["State"] = new OptionSetValue { Value = 3 };
request["Status"] = new OptionSetValue { Value = 4 };
request["EntityMoniker"] = new EntityReference() { Id = createdActivityId, LogicalName = "serviceappointment" };
private void ChangeActivityStatusCallback(IAsyncResult result) {
OrganizationResponse response;
response = ((IOrganizationService)result.AsyncState).EndExecute(result);
catch (Exception ex)
_syncContext.Send(ShowError, ex);

Create ProfileProperty Through Code in DNN

How to Create Profile Property Through Code in DNN (DotNetNuke)?
I tried this code:
DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile.ProfilePropertyDefinition def =
DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile.ProfileController.GetPropertyDefinitionByName(this.PortalId, "Level");
if (def != null)
def.DataType = 10;
def.Length = 40;
def.PropertyValue = "Level";
def.PropertyName = "Level";
oUser.Profile.SetProfileProperty("Level", ddlLevel.SelectedItem.Text.ToString().Trim());
DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile.ProfileController.UpdateUserProfile(oUser, oUser.Profile.ProfileProperties);
But it won't work, please help me with suitable solution.
try out this code for adding Profile Property:
if (DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile.ProfileController.GetPropertyDefinitionByName(this.PortalId, "Level") == null)
new DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile.ProfilePropertyDefinition(this.PortalId)
PropertyName = "Name",
DataType = 10,

Nevron BarChart with DateTimeScaleConfigurator weired series plotting?

I am using Nevron Charting Control ver. in application. I am facing problem in drawing the chart correct with the DateTimeScaleConfigurator. Here are following problem:
Series Bar overlapping each other if series count increases.
Series getting out of the Axis lines.
X Axis Scale automatically add previous year December and next year Jan in the scale which cause the chart to have blank area in case of Surface Chart.
//code snippet to draw Bar Chart Series
NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();
bar.UniqueId = new Guid(outputVariable.UniqueId);
bar.Name = outputVariable.LegendText;
bar.HasBottomEdge = false;
bar.MultiBarMode = chart.Series.Count == 1 ? MultiBarMode.Series : MultiBarMode.Clustered;
// bar.InflateMargins = true;
bar.UseZValues = false;
indexOfSeries = chart.Series.IndexOf(bar);
ConfigureChartSeries(bar, indexOfSeries, outputVariable);
SetSeriesAxisInformation(bar, outputVariable.Unit);
bar.UseXValues = true;
foreach (DataRow row in seriesDataTable.Rows)
code snippet to Add Surface Chart Series
chart.Enable3D = true;
chart.BoundsMode = BoundsMode.Stretch;
(chart as NCartesianChart).Fit3DAxisContent = true;
chart.LightModel.EnableLighting = false;
chart.Wall(ChartWallType.Back).Visible = false;
chart.Wall(ChartWallType.Left).Visible = false;
chart.Wall(ChartWallType.Floor).Visible = false;
// setup Y axis
chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).Visible = false;
// setup Z axis
NAxis axisZ = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth);
axisZ.Anchor = new NDockAxisAnchor(AxisDockZone.TopLeft);
NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleZ = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
scaleZ.InnerMajorTickStyle.Visible = false;
scaleZ.MajorGridStyle.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[0];
scaleZ.RoundToTickMin = false;
scaleZ.RoundToTickMax = false;
axisZ.ScaleConfigurator = scaleZ;
axisZ.Visible = true;
// add a surface series
NGridSurfaceSeries surface = new NGridSurfaceSeries();
surface.UniqueId = new Guid(outputVariable.UniqueId);
surface.Name = outputVariable.LegendText;
surface.Legend.Mode = SeriesLegendMode.SeriesLogic;
surface.ValueFormatter = new NNumericValueFormatter("0.0");
surface.FillMode = SurfaceFillMode.Zone;
surface.FrameMode = SurfaceFrameMode.Contour;
surface.ShadingMode = ShadingMode.Flat;
surface.DrawFlat = true;
// Already set this property to false and working in other chart.
surface.InflateMargins = false;
surface.FrameColorMode = SurfaceFrameColorMode.Zone;
surface.SmoothPalette = true;
surface.Legend.Format = "<zone_value>";
surface.FillMode = SurfaceFillMode.Zone;
surface.FrameMode = SurfaceFrameMode.Contour;
CreateSurfaceSeries(outputVariable, surface);
And the ScaleConfigurator configuration
chartPrimaryXAxis = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX);
// X Axis Configuration
dateTimeScale = new NDateTimeScaleConfigurator();
dateTimeScale.Title.Text = string.Empty;
dateTimeScale.LabelStyle.Angle = new NScaleLabelAngle(ScaleLabelAngleMode.Scale, 90);
dateTimeScale.LabelStyle.ContentAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
dateTimeScale.LabelStyle.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Times New Roman", 6);
dateTimeScale.LabelFitModes = new LabelFitMode[] { LabelFitMode.AutoScale };
chartPrimaryXAxis.ScaleConfigurator = dateTimeScale;
chartPrimaryXAxis.ScrollBar.ResetButton.Visible = true;
chartPrimaryXAxis.ScrollBar.ShowSliders = true;
dateTimeScale.EnableUnitSensitiveFormatting = true;
Here is the generated output:
Any idea regarding this problem will be deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Series Bar overlapping each other if series count increases.
Series bar getting out of the Axis lines.
Answer: When you are using categorial data then use NOrdinalScaleConfigurator rather than NDateTimeScaleConfigurator. It will not solve the problem and put the series bar in the center of the scale and auto resize them according to the chart size also.
X Axis Scale automatically add previous year December and next year
Jan in the scale which cause the chart to have blank area in case of
Surface Chart.
Set the following properties of the DateTimeScaleConfigurator to false to avoid such behavior.
dateTimeScale.RoundToTickMax = false;
dateTimeScale.RoundToTickMin = false;
