Efficiently find a sequence within a buffer - c

So I have a buffer that I am filling with a frame that has a maximum of 1200 bytes and is variably sized. I know the frame is complete when I get a tail sequence that is always the same and doesn't occur otherwise. So I am trying to find how to most efficiently detect that tail sequence. This is embedded so ideally the fewer function calls and data structures I use the better.
Here is what I have thus far:
//I am reading off of a circular buffer so this is checking that I still have unread bytes
while (cbuf_last_written_index != cbuf_last_read_index) {
buffer[frame_size] = circular_buffer[cbuf_last_read_index];
//this function does exactly what it says and just maintains circular buffer correctness
//TODO need to make this more efficient
int i;
uint8_t sync_test_array[TAIL_SYNC_LENGTH] = {0};
//this just makes sure I have enough in the frame to even bother checking the tail seq
if (frame_size > TAIL_SYNC_LENGTH) {
for (i = 0; i < TAIL_SYNC_LENGTH; i++) {
//sets the test array equal to the last TAIL_SYNC_LENGTH elements the buffer
sync_test_array[i] = buffer[(frame_size - TAIL_SYNC_LENGTH) + i];
if (sync_test_array == tail_sequence_array) {
//I will toggle a pin here to notify that the frame is complete
//get out of the while loop because the following bytes are part of the next frame
//end efficiency needed area
So basically for each new byte that is added to the frame I am checking the last x bytes (will probably actually be ~8) to see if they are the tail sequence. Can you think of a better way to do this?

Implement it as a state machine.
If your tail sequence is 1,2,5, the psuedo code would be:
switch(current_state) {
IDLE: next_state = ONE_SEEN if new_byte == 1 else next-state = IDLE
ONE_SEEN: next_state = TWO_SEEN if new_byte == 2 else next_state = IDLE
TWO_SEEN: next_state = TERMINATE if new_byte == 5 else next_state = IDLE


How do I read a byte (8 bit data) sent on one line from a thermometer?

I am converting the 1s and 0s (ups and downs on a pin) into relevant 8 bit data. The pin is expected to have 8 bits sent making a byte from another sort of computer.
I am currently working on making a char or array to take the 1s and 0s sent from a pin. I need this so I can transfer this data into something else in the form of number or char I received. A 1 is determined at a certain time and a 0 is determined if no 1 (high pulse) appears.
So far I have tried this:
char data = (0x00);
int valid = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
//Add 1 or 0 to array
delay(5,4); // 60ns
data << i = 0; // add 0 to char
valid = 1;
if(valid == 0)
data << i = 1; //add 1 to char
delay(5,4); // wait for 50 seconds
I thought shifting into the char in the binary sense (hexadecimal/binary) I could update the individual 1s and 0s. But I am getting errors saying this isnt a valid solution.
What should I do?

SDL_OpenAudioDevice: Continuous play from real time processed source buffer

I'm writing a porting of an emulator to SDL. There is a method, called at each frame, that passes a buffer with new audio samples for next frame.
I opened a device with SDL_OpenAudioDevice and at each frame the SDL callback method reproduces samples from audio buffer.
It works but the sound is not perfect, some tic, some metallic noise and so on.
Sound is 16 bit signed.
EDIT: Ok, I found a solution!
With the code of the opening post I was playing samples for next frame at the current frame in real time. It was wrong!
So, I implemented a circular buffer where I put samples for next frame that underlying code passes to me at each (current) frame.
In that buffer there are 2 pointers, one for read point and the other one for write point. SDL calls callback function when on its audio stream there are no more data to play; so when callback function is called I play audio samples from read point on the circular buffer then update the read pointer.
When underlying code gives me audio samples data for next frame I write them in the circular buffer at write point, then update the write pointer.
Read and write pointers are shifted by the amount of samples to be played at each frame.
Code updated, needs some adjustment when samplesPerFrame is not an int but it works ;-)
Circular buffer structure:
typedef struct circularBufferStruct
short *buffer;
int cells;
short *readPoint;
short *writePoint;
} circularBuffer;
This method is called at initialization:
int initialize_audio(int stereo)
if (stereo)
channel = 2;
channel = 1;
// Check if sound is disabled
if (sampleRate != 0)
// Initialize SDL Audio
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
SDL_Log("SDL fails to initialize audio subsystem!\n%s", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
// Number of samples per frame
samplesPerFrame = (double)sampleRate / (double)framesPerSecond * channel;
audioSamplesSize = samplesPerFrame * bytesPerSample; // Bytes
audioBufferSize = audioSamplesSize * 10; // Bytes
// Set and clear circular buffer
audioBuffer.buffer = malloc(audioBufferSize); // Bytes, must be a multiple of audioSamplesSize
memset(audioBuffer.buffer, 0, audioBufferSize);
audioBuffer.cells = (audioBufferSize) / sizeof(short); // Cells, not Bytes!
audioBuffer.readPoint = audioBuffer.buffer;
audioBuffer.writePoint = audioBuffer.readPoint + (short)samplesPerFrame;
samplesPerFrame = 0;
// First frame
return samplesPerFrame;
This is the SDL method callback from want.callback:
void audioCallback(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int len)
SDL_memset(stream, 0, len);
if (audioSamplesSize == 0)
if (len > audioSamplesSize)
len = audioSamplesSize;
SDL_MixAudioFormat(stream, (const Uint8 *)audioBuffer.readPoint, AUDIO_S16SYS, len, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME);
audioBuffer.readPoint += (short)samplesPerFrame;
if (audioBuffer.readPoint >= audioBuffer.buffer + audioBuffer.cells)
audioBuffer.readPoint = audioBuffer.readPoint - audioBuffer.cells;
This method is called at each frame (after first pass we require only the amount of samples):
int update_audio(short *buffer)
// Check if sound is disabled
if (sampleRate != 0)
memcpy(audioBuffer.writePoint, buffer, audioSamplesSize); // Bytes
audioBuffer.writePoint += (short)samplesPerFrame; // Cells
if (audioBuffer.writePoint >= audioBuffer.buffer + audioBuffer.cells)
audioBuffer.writePoint = audioBuffer.writePoint - audioBuffer.cells;
if (firstTime)
// Set required audio specs
want.freq = sampleRate;
want.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
want.channels = channel;
want.samples = samplesPerFrame / channel; // total samples divided by channel count
want.padding = 0;
want.callback = audioCallback;
want.userdata = NULL;
device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(0, 0), 0, &want, &have, 0);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(device, 0);
firstTime = 0;
samplesPerFrame = 0;
// Next frame
return samplesPerFrame;
I expect that this question/answer will be useful for others in the future because I didn't find almost nothing on the net for SDL Audio
Ok, I found a solution!
With the code of the opening post I was playing samples for next frame at the current frame in real time. It was wrong!
So, I implemented a circular buffer where I put samples for next frame that underlying code passes to me at each (current) frame. From that buffer I read and write in different position, see opening post

need to provide timeout for error handling using c

I am developing a code to make communicate between two controller boards. I am passing 9 byte message from one board to another. Need to define error handling on receiver side such that it will wait for 9 byte value until timeout occurs. If timeout is reached, control should start from the 1st line of function.
currently I have defined one line like
while (/*wait_loop_cnt++<= MAX_WAIT_LOOP &&*/ counter < length);
in my code but it will remain in the same loop infinitely if doesn't receive 9 byte.
Please help thank you
Try this:
const int length = 9;
int counter = 0;
int wait_loop_cnt = 0;
while (
wait_loop_cnt++ <= MAX_WAIT_LOOP &&
counter < length) /* NO semicolon here! */
if (read_byte_successfully(...))
if (counter < length)
/* Handle case of to few bytes received here. */

Producer-consumer algorithm to use full buffer

I was reading Galvin OS book about producer consumer problem and came through this piece of code.
Global definitions
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
typedef struct {
. . .
} item;
int in = 0;
int out = 0;
while (((in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE) == out)
; /* do nothing */
buffer[in] = next_produced;
in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE ;
while (in == out)
; /* do nothing */
next_consumed = buffer[out];
out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
Now this is what Galvin book says:
This scheme allows at most BUFFER_SIZE − 1 items in the buffer at the
same time. We leave it as an exercise for you to provide a solution in which
BUFFER_SIZE items can be in the buffer at the same time.
This is what I came up with. Is this correct?
buffer[in] = next_produced; //JUST MOVED THIS LINE!
while (((in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE ) == out)
; /* do nothing */
in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
while (in == out)
; /* do nothing */
next_consumed = buffer[out];
out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
I think this solves, but is this correct? Any other better solution possible?
In the original piece of code, when in == out it could mean the buffer is empty OR full. So to avoid such an ambiguity, the original code do not allow buffer to full, always leaving at least one empty item.
I am not sure you are solving this problem with your change: you will be able to put BUFFER_SIZE items, but you will not be able to consume them. So, literally you solved it, but it will not function properly.
Basically, to solve this problem, you should have an extra piece of information, so you can distinct between an empty buffer and full. There are a variety solutions for that, the most obvious is to add an extra flag.
The most elegant IMO is to use in and out counters as is, wrapping them only to access the buffer, so:
when in == out -- the buffer is empty
when abs(in - out) == BUFFER_SIZE -- the buffer is full
to access the buffer we should use buffer[in % BUFFER_SIZE] or buffer[out % BUFFER_SIZE]
We leave it as an exercise for you to provide a complete solution ;)

RAM test steps through, but fails when running

The project I'm working on has to test the data memory of a dsPIC30F chip before the program runs. Due to industry requirements, we cannot utilize any pre-defined libraries that C has to offer. That being said, here is my methodology for testing the RAM:
Step 1 - Write the word 0xAAAA to a specific location in memory (defined by a LoopIndex added to the START_OF_RAM address)
Step 2 - increment LoopIndex
Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1-2 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
Step 4 - Reset LoopIndex = 0
Step 5 - Read memory at LoopIndex+START_OF_RAM
Step 6 - If memory = 0xAAAA, continue, else throw RAM_FAULT_HANDLER
Step 7 - increment LoopIndex
Step 8 - Repeat Step 5 - 7 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
Now, the weird part is that I can step through the code, no problem. It will slowly loop through each memory address for as long as my little finger can press F8, but as soon as I try to set up a breakpoint at Step 4, it throws a random, generic interrupt handler for no apparent reason. I've thought that it could be due to the fact that the for() I use may exceed END_OF_RAM, but I've changed the bounds of the conditions and it still doesn't like to run.
Any insight would be helpful.
void PerformRAMTest()
// Locals
uint32_t LoopIndex = 0;
uint16_t *AddressUnderTest;
uint32_t RAMvar = 0;
uint16_t i = 0;
// Loop through RAM and write the first pattern (0xAA) - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex+= 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;
}// end for
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex += 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
if(*AddressUnderTest != 0xAAAA)
// If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
}// end if
// Loop through RAM and write then verify the second pattern (0x55)
// - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
// for(LoopIndex = C_RAM_START_ADDRESS; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex++)
// {
// AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
// *AddressUnderTest = 0x5555;
// if(*AddressUnderTest != 0x5555)
// {
// // If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// // RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
// RAMFaultHandler();
// }
// }
}// end PerformRAMTest
You can see that the second pass of the test writes 0x55. This was the original implementation that was given to me, but it never worked (at least as far as debugging/running; the same random interrupt was encountered with this method of writing then immediately reading the same address before moving on)
UPDATE: After a few Clean&Builds, the code will now run through until it hits the stack pointer (WREG15), skip over, then errors out. Here is a new sample of the code in question:
if(AddressUnderTest >= &SPLIMIT && AddressUnderTest <= SPLIMIT)
// if true, set the Loop Index to point to the end of the stack
LoopIndex = (uint16_t)SPLIMIT;
else if(AddressUnderTest == &SPLIMIT) // checkint to see if AddressUnderTest points directly to the stack [This works while the previous >= &SPLIMIT does not. It will increment into the stack, update, THEN say "oops, I just hit the stack" and error out.]
LoopIndex = &SPLIMIT;
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;
I think you actually want (C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex) < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS as your loop condition. Currently, you are looping from C_RAM_START_ADDRESS to C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + C_RAM_END_ADDRESS which I assume is writing past the end of the RAM.
You also should really factor out the repeated code into a separate function that takes the test pattern as a parameter (DRY).
Okay, so there are a number of things that we can look at to get a better understanding of where your problem may be. There are some things that I would like to point out - and hopefully we can figure this out together. The first thing that I noticed that seems a little out of place is this comment:
"...total RAM goes to 0x17FFE..."
I looked up the data sheet for the dsPIC30F6012A . You can see in Figure 3-8 (pg. 33), that the SRAM space is 8K and runs from 0x0800 to 0x2800. Also, there is this little tidbit:
"All effective addresses are 16 bits wide and point to bytes within the data space"
So, you can use 16 bit values for your addresses. I am a little confused by your update as well. SPLIM is a register that you set the value for - and that value limits the size of your stack. I'm not sure what the value for your SPLIMIT is, but W15 is your actual stack pointer register, and the value that is stored there is the address to the top of your stack:
"There is a Stack Pointer Limit register (SPLIM) associated
with the Stack Pointer. SPLIM is uninitialized at
Reset. As is the case for the Stack Pointer, SPLIM<0>
is forced to ‘0’ because all stack operations must be
word aligned. Whenever an Effective Address (EA) is
generated using W15 as a source or destination
pointer, the address thus generated is compared with
the value in SPLIM. If the contents of the Stack Pointer
(W15) and the SPLIM register are equal and a push
operation is performed, a Stack Error Trap will not
Finally, the stack grows from the lowest available SRAM address value up to SPLIM. So I would propose setting the SPLIM value to something reasonable, let's say 512 bytes (although it would be best to test how much room you need for your stack).
Since this particular stack grows upwards, I would start at 0x0800 plus what we added for the stack limit and then test from there (which would be 0x1000). This way you won't have to worry about your stack region.
Given the above, here is how I would go about doing this.
void PerformRAMTest (void)
#define SRAM_START_ADDRESS 0x0800
/* Stack size = 512 bytes. Assign STACK_LIMIT
to SPLIM register during configuration. */
#define STACK_SIZE 0x0200
/* -2, see pg 35 of dsPIC30F6012A datasheet. */
#define SRAM_BEGIN_TEST_ADDRESS ((volatile uint16_t *)(STACK_LIMIT + 2))
#define SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS 0x2800
/* No need for 32 bit address values on this platform */
volatile uint16_t * AddressUnderTest = SRAM_BEGIN_TEST_ADDRESS
/* Write to memory */
while (AddressUnderTest < SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS)
*AddressUnderTest = TEST_VALUE;
/* Read from memory */
while (AddressUnderTest < SRAM_END_TEST_ADDRESS)
if (*AddressUnderTest != TEST_VALUE)
My code was a bit rushed so I am sure there are probably some errors (feel free to edit), but hopefully this will help get you on the right track!
