How to link to the portal home page in a skin? - dotnetnuke

We have our own custom DotNetNuke 7 skin based on Bootstrap 3. It includes a navbar in which I want to have a navbar-brand that links to the home page.
Is it possible to generate a link to the portal home page inside a skin?
On the documentation page I found a link to the Skin Objects Guide (pdf) suggesting [Portal:url], which I tried like this:
Not surprisingly this doesn't work (the pdf is from 2009). The other links from the wiki are either dead or useless.
I've also tried looking through the "Gravity" and "Aphelia" skins that come with DotNetNuke, but nowhere do the ascx files seem to link to the portal home page.
Obviously I've also tried GoogleFu in various forms, e.g. "DotNetNuke skin create link to home page", but this leads nowhere.
Anyone know how to do this? Or much preferred even: where I could've found this- and related info? Or am I doomed to dive into the source code of DNN?

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this:
NavigateUrl is your goto method to handle referencing another part of your portal. It goes through url rewriting so it will be consistent with the rest of your urls.
There a plenty of signature overloads for this function, where you can specify keys, controlkey, settings, etc. Have a look at the DotNetNuke.Common.Globals class for more info.
Note that if you use the abovementioned version, you'll need to have a "Home" page set for your portal under admin > site settings.

In DNN 7 it would be best to do this:
<%=DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings().HomeTabId) %>
Note the extra Instance. in there. The variant PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings() is obsolete.


How to define drupal template for individual page

I'm new to drupal and i've looked several tutorial although i am not quite clear on themeing.
My main problem is that i've got plain html and i've started to edit it and started to generated to look like drupal dynamically generated page but have got other pages like contact/aboutus and all the static page which are supposed to be only at home page are being displayed at other of my pages how to make drupal understand different pages?
What do you mean with "Make Drupal understand different pages"?
You could just create them (Content -> Add content -> Basic page)and they are there.
It you mean theming the pages differently you might want to read
Or if you want to theme specific pages:
You might also want to use the theme developer module that tells you where you can override different parts of your page.

Installed DNN Module - Not showing in dropdown to give link

I had an link in my DNN site Menu - pointing to aspx page of my installed module.
I replaced this link with an external link.
And now i wish to change back to old one - aspx from module. BUT am not getting that listed in the dropdown
How to get that back or I missed anything ? I could found the module still in that EXTENSIONS.
Please suggest
I think you may be a little confused,
Modules are placed on pages, (One or mor module generally makes up a page.
Menu links refer to pages,
To add a module to a menu it must be on a page.
Once you have placed you module on a page you can select it from the select a web page drop down
A dnn module got 2 pages a view page and a settings page. So you must be sure that your module start's with the correct page.
So what you want is not possible the way you want it.
Best way for you is to control the page in your module. You can control this with for example a user controls(ascx). See image for a default module view.

Edit content at URL in Drupal 7

I'm a complete COMPLETE noob at Drupal.
I've been handed a large very customized Drupal 7 site after our admin quit. I have tons of WP experience, but zilch in Drupal.
I've been asked to edit a page that exists at:[page]
The page functions only to redirect to:
But, I need to change part of the way it redirects. Normally (as in, the one other time I did it) to edit a Drupal page, I just go to the page logged in as an admin and click "edit". Since this is a redirect page, I can't really do this. The /admin/content section has 83 pages of 25 items each with no way for me to search on anything and no way to tell from what the guy called the page as to what page actually does this redirect. I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm going to click on every darn one of them and then click the "URL path settings" tab at the bottom to see which one of these suckers is the page I'm after.
Surely this is simple for even a typical Drupal novice... like I said though, complete noob.
Any ideas? Thanks!
There are a few modules that can handle redirection or even simple editing of a path.
You can look at pathauto
On that page you should find other recommendations such as the Global Redirect & Redirect modules. I'm pretty sure some of these modules will simplify your task. You should be able to take an existing path and redirect it to wherever you wish, without having to dig in each URL alias on the node edit page.
It's always difficult to give specific advice without knowing more, but , for instance, Pathauto can help you change the path of a specific content type to a specific pattern. That can come very handy if you need to change a bunch of pages with a similar structure. / Dot Net Nuke rewrite url

i'm using dot net nuke
and i need to rewrite my website urls
for example: from products.aspx to products-computers/home.aspx
I've tried modifying siteurls.config using this rule
<LookFor>.*/products.aspx</LookFor> <SendTo>~/products-computers/home.aspx</SendTo>
it doesn't work.
Please help!
If you are trying to change the URLs of your website, you will need to use a tool like URLMaster from Ifinity to get the ultimate flexibility
What you are doing with the siteurls.config appears to be is define that if someone requests /products.aspx that instead of loading a page called products.aspx, they load a page with a path (defined in DNN) as /products-computers/home.aspx
That means that you need to have a parent page called Products-Computers and a child page under there called Home.
I used to edit siteurls.config and it worked for me - you should be careful with syntax though. What I don't like re siteurls.config is that you're ending up on right page but with wrong address in address bar of the browser. So my preference is this solution that I investigated & tested personally and it was confirmed by stackoverflow community member as well:
redirecting old site pages to single page on dnn portal

dotnetnuke: links to external files not working

We currently are running DotNetNuke 4.0.6. On the portals there are links that we have created to access files located on fileshares. When we set them up and save the page, then when we click that link nothing happens.
I have currently set the link up like this:
Link Type - URL
Protocol - Other
URL - file://///myfileshare/filesharename/folder1/folder2/myitem.pdf
If I select anything else (http, https, ftp) it doesn't work. When I mouse over the link it looks to be rendering correctly.
Can anyone help with why this may be happening? Am I missing a setting or selecting the wrong item?
The text in the editor is this:
Service Station for
Please remember the information presented in the newsletter is confidential and should not be shared outside the company.
Read more... (where "Read More" is the link)
There are a few items that you want to remember here.
Users need to have access to that share, so it is possible that could be your issue
It looks like you have a few extra //'s in your link. Should be file://, might need to switch to HTML view in the editor to modify.
