I'm a newbie for coding using AVX512 instructions. My machine is Intel KNL 7250. I am trying to use AVX512 instructions to find the INDEX of the element having maximum absolute value, which double precision and size of array % 8 = 0. But it prints an output index = 0 every time. I don't know where is a problem, please help me.
Also, how to use printf for __m512i type?
void main()
int i;
int N=160;
double vec[N];
vec[i]=(double)(-i) ;
vec[i] = -1127;
int max = avxmax_(N, vec);
printf("maxindex=%d\n", max);
int avxmax_(int N, double *X )
// return the index of element having maximum absolute value.
int maxindex, ix, i, M;
register __m512i increment, indices, maxindices, maxvalues, absmax, max_values_tmp, abs_max_tmp, tmp;
register __mmask8 gt;
double values_X[8];
double indices_X[8];
double maxvalue;
maxindex = 1;
if( N == 1) return(maxindex);
M = N % 8;
if( M == 0)
increment = _mm512_set1_epi64(8); // [8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8]
indices = _mm512_setr_epi64(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
maxindices = indices;
maxvalues = _mm512_loadu_si512(&X[0]);
absmax = _mm512_abs_epi64(maxvalues);
for( i = 8; i < N; i += 8)
// advance scalar indices: indices[0] + 8, indices[1] + 8,...,indices[7] + 8
indices = _mm512_add_epi64(indices, increment);
// compare
max_values_tmp = _mm512_loadu_si512(&X[i]);
abs_max_tmp = _mm512_abs_epi64(max_values_tmp);
gt = _mm512_cmpgt_epi64_mask(abs_max_tmp, absmax);
// update
maxindices = _mm512_mask_blend_epi64(gt, maxindices, indices);
absmax = _mm512_max_epi64(absmax, abs_max_tmp);
// scalar part
_mm512_storeu_si512((__m512i*)values_X, absmax);
_mm512_storeu_si512((__m512i*)indices_X, maxindices);
maxindex = indices_X[0];
maxvalue = values_X[0];
for(i = 1; i < 8; i++)
if(values_X[i] > maxvalue)
maxvalue = values_X[i];
maxindex = indices_X[i];
Your function returns 0 because you're treating the int64 index as the bit-pattern for a double, and converting that (tiny) number to an integer. double indices_X[8]; is the bug; should be uint64_t. There are other bugs, see below.
This bug is easier to spot if you declare variables as you use them, C99 style, not obsolete C89 style.
You _mm512_storeu_si512 the vector of int64_t indices into double indices_X[8], type-punning it to double, then in plain C do int maxindex = indices_X[0];. This is implicit type-conversion, converting that subnormal double to an integer.
(I noticed a mysterious vcvttsd2si FP->int conversion in the asm https://godbolt.org/z/zsfc36 while converting the code to C99 style variable declarations next to initializers. That was a clue: there should be no FP->int conversion in this function. I noticed that around the same time I was moving the double indices_X[8]; declaration down into the block that uses it, and noticing it had type double.)
It is actually possible to use integer operations on FP bit-patterns
But only if you use the right ones! IEEE754 exponent biases mean that the encoding / bit-pattern can be compared as a sign/magnitude integer. So you can do abs / min / max and compare on it, but not of course integer add / sub (unless you're implementing nextafter).
_mm512_abs_epi64 is 2's complement abs, not sign-magnitude. Instead, you must just mask off the sign bit. Then you're all set to treat the result as an unsigned integer or signed-2's-complement. (Either works because the high bit is clear.)
Using integer max has the interesting property that NaNs will compare higher than any other value, Inf below that, then finite values. So we get a NaN-propagating max-finder basically for free.
On KNL (Knight's Landing), FP vmaxpd and vcmppd have the same performance as their integer equivalents: 2 cycle latency, 0.5c throughput. (https://agner.org/optimize/). So your way has zero advantage on KNL, but it's a neat trick for mainstream Intel, like Skylake-X and IceLake.
Bugfixed optimized version:
Use size_t for return type and loop counters / indices to handle potentially huge arrays, instead of a random mix of int and 64-bit vector elements. (uint64_t for the temp array that collects the horizontal-max: it's always 64-bit even in a build with 32-bit pointers / size_t.)
bugfix: return 0 on N==1, not 1: the index of the only element is 0.
bugfix: return -1 on N%8 != 0, instead of falling off the end of the non-void function. (Undefined behaviour if the caller uses the result in C, or as soon as execution falls off the end in C++).
bugfix: abs of an FP value = clear the sign bit, not 2's complement abs on the bit-pattern
sort of bugfix: use unsigned integer compare and max, so it would work for 2's complement integers with _mm512_abs_epi64 (which produces an unsigned result; remember that -LONG_MIN overflows to LONG_MIN if you keep treating it as signed).
style improvement: if (N%8 != 0) return -1; instead of putting most of the body in an if block.
style improvement: declare vars when they're first used, and removed some unused ones that were pure noise. This is idiomatic for C since C99, which was standardized over 20 years ago.
style improvement: use simpler names for tmp vector vars that just hold a load result. Sometimes you just need a tmp var because intrinsic names are so long that you don't want to type _mm...load... as an arg for another intrinsics. A name like v scoped to the inner loop is a clear sign it's just a placeholder, not used later. (This style works best when you're declaring it as you init it, so it's easy to see it can't be used in an outer scope.)
optimization: reduce 8 -> 4 elements after the loop with SIMD: extract the high half, combine with existing low half. (Same as you would for a simpler horizontal reduction like sum or max). Inconvenient when we need instructions that only AVX512 has, but KNL doesn't have AVX512VL, so we have to use the 512-bit version and ignore the high garbage. But KNL does have AVX1 / AVX2 so we can still store 256-bit vectors and do some things.
Using a merge-masking _mm512_mask_extracti64x4_epi64 extract to blend the high half directly the low half of the same vector is a cool trick which compilers don't find if you use a 512-bit mask-blend. :P
sort of bugfix: in C, main has a return type of int in hosted implementations (running under an OS).
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// bugfix: indices can be larger than an int
size_t avxmax_(size_t N, double *X )
// return the index of element having maximum absolute value.
if( N == 1)
return 0; // bugfix: 0 is the only valid element in this case, not 1
if( N % 8 != 0) // [[unlikely]] // C++20
return -1; // bugfix: don't fall off the end of the function in this case
const __m512i fp_absmask = _mm512_set1_epi64(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
__m512i indices = _mm512_setr_epi64(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
__m512i maxindices = indices;
__m512i v = _mm512_loadu_si512(&X[0]);
__m512i absmax = _mm512_and_si512(v, fp_absmask);
for(size_t i = 8; i < N; i += 8) // [[likely]] // C++20
// advance indices by 8 each.
indices = _mm512_add_epi64(indices, _mm512_set1_epi64(8));
// compare
v = _mm512_loadu_si512(&X[i]);
__m512i vabs = _mm512_and_si512(v, fp_absmask);
// vabs = _mm512_abs_epi64(max_values_tmp); // for actual integers, not FP bit patterns
__mmask8 gt = _mm512_cmpgt_epu64_mask(vabs, absmax);
// update
maxindices = _mm512_mask_blend_epi64(gt, maxindices, indices);
absmax = _mm512_max_epu64(absmax, vabs);
// reduce 512->256; KNL doesn't have AVX512VL so some ops require 512-bit vectors
__m256i absmax_hi = _mm512_extracti64x4_epi64(absmax, 1);
__m512i absmax_hi512 = _mm512_castsi256_si512(absmax_hi); // free
__mmask8 gt = _mm512_cmpgt_epu64_mask(absmax_hi512, absmax);
__m256i abs256 = _mm512_castsi512_si256(_mm512_max_epu64(absmax_hi512, absmax)); // reduced to low 4 elements
// extract with merge-masking = blend
__m256i maxindices256 = _mm512_mask_extracti64x4_epi64(
_mm512_castsi512_si256(maxindices), gt, maxindices, 1);
// scalar part
double values_X[4];
uint64_t indices_X[4];
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)values_X, abs256);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)indices_X, maxindices256);
size_t maxindex = indices_X[0];
double maxvalue = values_X[0];
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if(values_X[i] > maxvalue)
maxvalue = values_X[i];
maxindex = indices_X[i];
return maxindex;
On Godbolt: the main loop from GCC10.2 -O3 -march=knl is 8 instructions. So even if (best case) KNL could decode and run it at 2/clock, it's still taking 4 cycles per vector. You can run the program on Godbolt; it runs on Skylake-X servers so it can run AVX512 code. You can see it prints 10.
vpandd zmm2, zmm5, ZMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax*8] # load, folded into AND
add rax, 8
vpcmpuq k1, zmm2, zmm0, 6
vpaddq zmm1, zmm1, zmm4 # increment current indices
cmp rdi, rax
vmovdqa64 zmm3{k1}, zmm1 # blend maxidx using merge-masking
vpmaxuq zmm0, zmm0, zmm2
ja .L4
vmovapd zmm1, zmm3 # silly missed optimization related to the case where the loop runs 0 times.
vextracti64x4 ymm2, zmm0, 0x1 # high half of absmax
vpcmpuq k1, zmm2, zmm0, 6 # compare high and low
vpmaxuq zmm0, zmm0, zmm2
# vunpckhpd xmm2, xmm0, xmm0 # setting up for unrolled scalar loop
vextracti64x4 ymm1{k1}, zmm3, 0x1 # masked extract of indices
Another option for the loop would be a masked vpbroadcastq zmm3{k1}, rax, adding the [0..7] per-element offsets after the loop. That would actually save the vpaddq in the loop, and we have the right i in a register if GCC is going to use an indexed addressing-mode anyway. (That's not good on Skylake-X; defeats micro-fusion of the memory-source vpandd.)
Agner Fog doesn't list performance for GP->vector broadcasts, but hopefully it's only single-uop on KNL at least. (And https://uops.info/ doesn't have KNL or KNM results).
Branchy strategy: when a new max is very rare
If you expect finding a new max to be very rare (e.g. array is large and uniformly distributed, or at least not trending upwards), it could be even faster to broadcast the current max and branch on finding any greater vector element.
Finding a new max means branching out of the loop (which probably mispredicts, so that's slow) and broadcasting that element (probably with a tzcnt to find the element index, then a broadcast-load, and update the index).
Especially with KNL's 4-way SMT to hide branch miss costs, this could be an overall throughput win for large arrays; fewer instructions per element on average.
But probably significantly worse for inputs that do trend upwards, so a new max is found O(n) times on average, not sqrt(n) or log(n) or whatever frequency a uniform distribution would give us.
PS: to print vectors, store to an array and reload the elements. print a __m128i variable
Or use a debugger to show you their elements.
I am currently looking into ways of using the fast single-precision floating-point reciprocal capability of various modern processors to compute a starting approximation for a 64-bit unsigned integer division based on fixed-point Newton-Raphson iterations. It requires computation of 264 / divisor, as accurately as possible, where the initial approximation must be smaller than, or equal to, the mathematical result, based on the requirements of the following fixed-point iterations. This means this computation needs to provide an underestimate. I currently have the following code, which works well, based on extensive testing:
#include <stdint.h> // import uint64_t
#include <math.h> // import nextafterf()
uint64_t divisor, recip;
float r, s, t;
t = uint64_to_float_ru (divisor); // ensure t >= divisor
r = 1.0f / t;
s = 0x1.0p64f * nextafterf (r, 0.0f);
recip = (uint64_t)s; // underestimate of 2**64 / divisor
While this code is functional, it isn't exactly fast on most platforms. One obvious improvement, which requires a bit of machine-specific code, is to replace the division r = 1.0f / t with code that makes use of a fast floating-point reciprocal provided by the hardware. This can be augmented with iteration to produce a result that is within 1 ulp of the mathematical result, so an underestimate is produced in the context of the existing code. A sample implementation for x86_64 would be:
#include <xmmintrin.h>
/* Compute 1.0f/a almost correctly rounded. Halley iteration with cubic convergence */
inline float fast_recip_f32 (float a)
__m128 t;
float e, r;
t = _mm_set_ss (a);
t = _mm_rcp_ss (t);
_mm_store_ss (&r, t);
e = fmaf (r, -a, 1.0f);
e = fmaf (e, e, e);
r = fmaf (e, r, r);
return r;
Implementations of nextafterf() are typically not performance optimized. On platforms where there are means to quickly re-interprete an IEEE 754 binary32 into an int32 and vice versa, via intrinsics float_as_int() and int_as_float(), we can combine use of nextafterf() and scaling as follows:
s = int_as_float (float_as_int (r) + 0x1fffffff);
Assuming these approaches are possible on a given platform, this leaves us with the conversions between float and uint64_t as major obstacles. Most platforms don't provide an instruction that performs a conversion from uint64_t to float with static rounding mode (here: towards positive infinity = up), and some don't offer any instructions to convert between uint64_t and floating-point types, making this a performance bottleneck.
t = uint64_to_float_ru (divisor);
r = fast_recip_f32 (t);
s = int_as_float (float_as_int (r) + 0x1fffffff);
recip = (uint64_t)s; /* underestimate of 2**64 / divisor */
A portable, but slow, implementation of uint64_to_float_ru uses dynamic changes to FPU rounding mode:
#include <fenv.h>
float uint64_to_float_ru (uint64_t a)
float res;
int curr_mode = fegetround ();
fesetround (FE_UPWARD);
res = (float)a;
fesetround (curr_mode);
return res;
I have looked into various splitting and bit-twiddling approaches to deal with the conversions (e.g. do the rounding on the integer side, then use a normal conversion to float which uses the IEEE 754 rounding mode round-to-nearest-or-even), but the overhead this creates makes this computation via fast floating-point reciprocal unappealing from a performance perspective. As it stands, it looks like I would be better off generating a starting approximation by using a classical LUT with interpolation, or a fixed-point polynomial approximation, and follow those up with a 32-bit fixed-point Newton-Raphson step.
Are there ways to improve the efficiency of my current approach? Portable and semi-portable ways involving intrinsics for specific platforms would be of interest (in particular for x86 and ARM as the currently dominant CPU architectures). Compiling for x86_64 using the Intel compiler at very high optimization (/O3 /QxCORE-AVX2 /Qprec-div-) the computation of the initial approximation takes more instructions than the iteration, which takes about 20 instructions. Below is the complete division code for reference, showing the approximation in context.
uint64_t udiv64 (uint64_t dividend, uint64_t divisor)
uint64_t temp, quot, rem, recip, neg_divisor = 0ULL - divisor;
float r, s, t;
/* compute initial approximation for reciprocal; must be underestimate! */
t = uint64_to_float_ru (divisor);
r = 1.0f / t;
s = 0x1.0p64f * nextafterf (r, 0.0f);
recip = (uint64_t)s; /* underestimate of 2**64 / divisor */
/* perform Halley iteration with cubic convergence to refine reciprocal */
temp = neg_divisor * recip;
temp = umul64hi (temp, temp) + temp;
recip = umul64hi (recip, temp) + recip;
/* compute preliminary quotient and remainder */
quot = umul64hi (dividend, recip);
rem = dividend - divisor * quot;
/* adjust quotient if too small; quotient off by 2 at most */
if (rem >= divisor) quot += ((rem - divisor) >= divisor) ? 2 : 1;
/* handle division by zero */
if (divisor == 0ULL) quot = ~0ULL;
return quot;
umul64hi() would generally map to a platform-specific intrinsic, or a bit of inline assembly code. On x86_64 I currently use this implementation:
inline uint64_t umul64hi (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
uint64_t res;
__asm__ (
"movq %1, %%rax;\n\t" // rax = a
"mulq %2;\n\t" // rdx:rax = a * b
"movq %%rdx, %0;\n\t" // res = (a * b)<63:32>
: "=rm" (res)
: "rm"(a), "rm"(b)
: "%rax", "%rdx");
return res;
This solution combines two ideas:
You can convert to floating point by simply reinterpreting the bits as floating point and subtracting a constant, so long as the number is within a particular range. So add a constant, reinterpret, and then subtract that constant. This will give a truncated result (which is therefore always less than or equal the desired value).
You can approximate reciprocal by negating both the exponent and the mantissa. This may be achieved by interpreting the bits as int.
Option 1 here only works in a certain range, so we check the range and adjust the constants used. This works in 64 bits because the desired float only has 23 bits of precision.
The result in this code will be double, but converting to float is trivial, and can be done on the bits or directly, depending on hardware.
After this you'd want to do the Newton-Raphson iteration(s).
Much of this code simply converts to magic numbers.
u64tod_inv( uint64_t u64 ) {
__asm__( "#annot0" );
union {
double f;
struct {
unsigned long m:52; // careful here with endianess
unsigned long x:11;
unsigned long s:1;
} u64;
uint64_t u64i;
} z,
magic0 = { .u64 = { 0, (1<<10)-1 + 52, 0 } },
magic1 = { .u64 = { 0, (1<<10)-1 + (52+12), 0 } },
magic2 = { .u64 = { 0, 2046, 0 } };
__asm__( "#annot1" );
if( u64 < (1UL << 52UL ) ) {
z.u64i = u64 + magic0.u64i;
z.f -= magic0.f;
} else {
z.u64i = ( u64 >> 12 ) + magic1.u64i;
z.f -= magic1.f;
__asm__( "#annot2" );
z.u64i = magic2.u64i - z.u64i;
return z.f;
Compiling this on an Intel core 7 gives a number of instructions (and a branch), but, of course, no multiplies or divides at all. If the casts between int and double are fast this should run pretty quickly.
I suspect float (with only 23 bits of precision) will require more than 1 or 2 Newton-Raphson iterations to get the accuracy you want, but I haven't done the math...
I am in a need of fast integer square root that does not involve any explicit division. The target RISC architecture can do operations like add, mul, sub, shift in one cycle (well - the operation's result is written in third cycle, really - but there's interleaving), so any Integer algorithm that uses these ops and is fast would be very appreciated.
This is what I have right now and I'm thinking that a binary search should be faster, since the following loop executes 16 times every single time (regardless of the value). I haven't debugged it extensively yet (but soon), so perhaps it's possible to have an early exit there:
unsigned short int int_sqrt32(unsigned int x)
unsigned short int res=0;
unsigned short int add= 0x8000;
int i;
unsigned short int temp=res | add;
unsigned int g2=temp*temp;
if (x>=g2)
return res;
Looks like the current performance cost of the above [in the context of the target RISC] is a loop of 5 instructions (bitset, mul, compare, store, shift). Probably no space in cache to unroll fully (but this will be the prime candidate for a partial unroll [e.g. A loop of 4 rather than 16], for sure). So, the cost is 16*5 = 80 instructions (plus loop overhead, if not unrolled). Which, if fully interleaved, would cost only 80 (+2 for last instruction) cycles.
Can I get some other sqrt implementation (using only add, mul, bitshift, store/cmp) under 82 cycles?
Why don't you rely on the compiler to produce a good fast code?
There is no working C → RISC compiler for the platform. I will be porting the current reference C code into hand-written RISC ASM.
Did you profile the code to see if sqrt is actually a bottleneck?
No, there is no need for that. The target RISC chip is about twenty MHz, so every single instruction counts. The core loop (calculating the energy transfer form factor between the shooter and receiver patch), where this sqrt is used, will be run ~1,000 times each rendering frame (assuming it will be fast enough, of course), up to 60,000 per second, and roughly 1,000,000 times for whole demo.
Have you tried to optimize the algorithm to perhaps remove the sqrt?
Yes, I did that already. In fact, I got rid of 2 sqrts already and lots of divisions (removed or replaced by shifting). I can see a huge performance boost (compared to the reference float version) even on my gigahertz notebook.
What is the application?
It's a real-time progressive-refinement radiosity renderer for the compo demo. The idea is to have one shooting cycle each frame, so it would visibly converge and look better with each rendered frame (e.g. Up 60-times per second, though the SW rasterizer won't probably be that fast [but at least it can run on the other chip in parallel with the RISC - so if it takes 2-3 frames to render the scene, the RISC will have worked through 2-3 frames of radiosity data, in parallel]).
Why don't you work directly in target ASM?
Because radiosity is a slightly involved algorithm and I need the instant edit & continue debugging capability of Visual Studio. What I've done over the weekend in VS (couple hundred code changes to convert the floating-point math to integer-only) would take me 6 months on the target platform with only printing debugging".
Why can't you use a division?
Because it's 16-times slower on the target RISC than any of the following: mul, add, sub, shift, compare, load/store (which take just 1 cycle). So, it's used only when absolutely required (a couple times already, unfortunately, when shifting could not be used).
Can you use look-up tables?
The engine needs other LUTs already and copying from main RAM to RISC's little cache is prohibitively expensive (and definitely not each and every frame). But, I could perhaps spare 128-256 Bytes if it gave me at least a 100-200% boost for sqrt.
What's the range of the values for sqrt?
I managed to reduce it to mere unsigned 32-bit int (4,294,967,295)
EDIT1: I have ported two versions into the target RISC ASM, so I now have an exact count of ASM instructions during the execution (for the test scene).
Number of sqrt calls: 2,800.
Method1: The same method in this post (loop executing 16 times)
Method2: fred_sqrt (3c from http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/sqroot.html)
Method1: 152.98 instructions per sqrt
Method2: 39.48 instructions per sqrt (with Final Rounding and 2 Newton iterations)
Method2: 21.01 instructions per sqrt (without Final Rounding and 2 Newton iterations)
Method2 uses LUT with 256 values, but since the target RISC can only use 32-bit access within its 4 KB cache, it actually takes 256*4 = 1 KB. But given its performance, I guess I will have to spare that 1 KB (out of 4).
Also, I have found out that there is NO visible visual artifact when I disable the Final rounding and two Newton iterations at the end (of Method2).
Meaning, the precision of that LUT is apparently good enough. Who knew...
The final cost is then 21.01 instructions per sqrt, which is almost ~order of magnitude faster than the very first solution. There's also possibility of reducing it further by sacrificing few of the 32 available registers for the constants used for the conditions and jump labels (each condition must fill 2 registers - one with the actual constant (only values less than 16 are allowed within CMPQ instruction, larger ones must be put into register) we are comparing against and second for the jump to the else label (the then jump is fall-through), as the direct relative jump is only possible within ~10 instructions (impossible with such large if-then-else chain, other than innermost 2 conditions).
EDIT2: ASM micro-optimizations
While benchmarking, I added counters for each of the 26 If.Then.Else codeblocks, to see if there aren't any blocks executed most often.
Turns out, that Blocks 0/10/11 are executed in 99.57%/99.57%/92.57% of cases. This means I can justify sacrificing 3 registers (out of 32) for those comparison constants (in those 3 blocks), e.g. r26 = $1.0000 r25 = $100.0000 r24 = $10.0000
This brought down the total instruction cost from 58,812 (avg:21.01) to 50,448 (avg:18.01)
So, now the average sqrt cost is just 18.01 ASM instructions (and there is no division!), though it will have to be inlined.
EDIT3: ASM micro-optimizations
Since we know that those 3 blocks (0/10/11) are executed most often, we can use local short jumps (16 Bytes in both directions, which is usually just couple of instructions (hence mostly useless), especially when the 6-byte MOVEI #jump_label, register is used during conditions) in those particular conditions. Of course, the Else condition will then incur additional 2 ops (that it would not have otherwise), but that's worth it. The block 10 will have to be swapped (Then block with Else block), which will make it harder to read and debug, but I documented the reasons profusely.
Now the total instruction cost (in test scene) is just 42,500 with an average of 15.18 ASM instructions per sqrt.
EDIT4: ASM micro-optimizations
Block 11 condition splits into innermost Blocks 12&13. It just so happens that those blocks don't need additional +1 math op, hence the local short jump can actually reach the Else block, if I merge bitshift right with the necessary bitshift left #2 (as all offsets within cache must be 32-bit). This saves on filling the jump register though I do need to sacrifice one more register r23 for the comparison value of $40.000.
The final cost is then 34,724 instructions with an average of 12.40 ASM instructions per sqrt.
I am also realizing that I could reshuffle the order of conditions (which will make the other range few ops more expensive, but that's happening for ~7% of cases only), favoring this particular range ($10.000, $40.000) first, saving on at least 1 or maybe even 2 conditions.
In which case, it should fall down to ~8.40 per sqrt.
I am realizing that the range depends directly on intensity of the light and the distance to the wall. Meaning, I have direct control over the RGB value of the light and distance from the wall. And while I would like the solution to be as generic as possible, given this realization (~12 ops per sqrt is mind-blowing), I will gladly sacrifice some flexibility in light colors if I can get sqrt this fast. Besides, there's maybe 10-15 different lights in whole demo, so I can simply find color combinations that eventually result in same sqrt range, but will get insanely fast sqrt. For sure, that's worth it to. And I still have a generic fallback (spanning entire int range) working just fine. Best of both worlds, really.
Have a look here.
For instance, at 3(a) there is this method, which is trivially adaptable to do a 64->32 bit square root, and also trivially transcribable to assembler:
/* by Jim Ulery */
static unsigned julery_isqrt(unsigned long val) {
unsigned long temp, g=0, b = 0x8000, bshft = 15;
do {
if (val >= (temp = (((g << 1) + b)<<bshft--))) {
g += b;
val -= temp;
} while (b >>= 1);
return g;
No divisions, no multiplications, bit shifts only. However, the time taken will be somewhat unpredictable particularly if you use a branch (on ARM RISC conditional instructions would work).
In general, this page lists ways to calculate square roots. If you happen to want to produce a fast inverse square root (i.e. x**(-0.5) ), or are just interested in amazing ways to optimise code, take a look at this, this and this.
This is the same as yours, but with fewer ops. (I count 9 ops in the loop in your code, including test and increment i in the for loop and 3 assignments, but perhaps some of those disappear when coded in ASM? There are 6 ops in the code below, if you count g*g>n as two (no assignment)).
int isqrt(int n) {
int g = 0x8000;
int c = 0x8000;
for (;;) {
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
if (c == 0) {
return g;
g |= c;
I got it here. You can maybe eliminate a comparison if you unroll the loop and jump to the appropriate spot based on the highest non-zero bit in the input.
I've been thinking more about using Newton's method. In theory, the number of bits of accuracy should double for each iteration. That means Newton's method is much worse than any of the other suggestions when there are few correct bits in the answer; however, the situation changes where there are a lot of correct bits in the answer. Considering that most suggestions seem to take 4 cycles per bit, that means that one iteration of Newton's method (16 cycles for division + 1 for addition + 1 for shift = 18 cycles) is not worthwhile unless it gives over 4 bits.
So, my suggestion is to build up 8 bits of the answer by one of the suggested methods (8*4 = 32 cycles) then perform one iteration of Newton's method (18 cycles) to double the number of bits to 16. That's a total of 50 cycles (plus maybe an extra 4 cycles to get 9 bits before applying Newton's method, plus maybe 2 cycles to overcome the overshoot occasionally experienced by Newton's method). That's a maximum of 56 cycles which as far as I can see rivals any of the other suggestions.
Second Update
I coded the hybrid algorithm idea. Newton's method itself has no overhead; you just apply and double the number of significant digits. The issue is to have a predictable number of significant digits before you apply Newton's method. For that, we need to figure out where the most significant bit of the answer will appear. Using a modification of the fast DeBruijn sequence method given by another poster, we can perform that calculation in about 12 cycles in my estimation. On the other hand, knowing the position of the msb of the answer speeds up all methods (average, not worst case), so it seems worthwhile no matter what.
After calculating the msb of the answer, I run a number of rounds of the algorithm suggested above, then finish it off with one or two rounds of Newton's method. We decide when to run Newton's method by the following calculation: one bit of the answer takes about 8 cycles according to calculation in the comments; one round of Newton's method takes about 18 cycles (division, addition, and shift, and maybe assignment), so we should only run Newton's method if we're going to get at least three bits out of it. So for 6 bit answers, we can run the linear method 3 times to get 3 significant bits, then run Newton's method 1 time to get another 3. For 15 bit answers, we run the linear method 4 times to get 4 bits, then Newton's method twice to get another 4 then another 7. And so on.
Those calculations depend on knowing exactly how many cycles are required to get a bit by the linear method vs. how many are required by Newton's method. If the "economics" change, e.g., by discovering a faster way to build up bits in a linear fashion, the decision of when to invoke Newton's method will change.
I unrolled the loops and implemented the decisions as switches, which I hope will translate into fast table lookups in assembly. I'm not absolutely sure that I've got the minimum number of cycles in each case, so maybe further tuning is possible. E.g., for s=10, you can try to get 5 bits then apply Newton's method once instead of twice.
I've tested the algorithm thoroughly for correctness. Some additional minor speedups are possible if you're willing to accept slightly incorrect answers in some cases. At least two cycles are used after applying Newton's method to correct an off-by-one error that occurs with numbers of the form m^2-1. And a cycle is used testing for input 0 at the beginning, as the algorithm can't handle that input. If you know you're never going to take the square root of zero you can eliminate that test. Finally, if you only need 8 significant bits in the answer, you can drop one of the Newton's method calculations.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint32_t isqrt1(uint32_t n);
int main() {
uint32_t n;
bool it_works = true;
for (n = 0; n < UINT32_MAX; ++n) {
uint32_t sr = isqrt1(n);
if ( sr*sr > n || ( sr < 65535 && (sr+1)*(sr+1) <= n )) {
it_works = false;
printf("isqrt(%" PRIu32 ") = %" PRIu32 "\n", n, sr);
if (it_works) {
printf("it works\n");
return 0;
/* table modified to return shift s to move 1 to msb of square root of x */
static const uint8_t debruijn32[32] = {
0, 31, 9, 30, 3, 8, 13, 29, 2, 5, 7, 21, 12, 24, 28, 19,
1, 10, 4, 14, 6, 22, 25, 20, 11, 15, 23, 26, 16, 27, 17, 18
static const uint8_t debruijn32[32] = {
15, 0, 11, 0, 14, 11, 9, 1, 14, 13, 12, 5, 9, 3, 1, 6,
15, 10, 13, 8, 12, 4, 3, 5, 10, 8, 4, 2, 7, 2, 7, 6
/* based on CLZ emulation for non-zero arguments, from
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23856596/counting-leading-zeros-in-a-32-bit-unsigned-integer-with-best-algorithm-in-c-pro
uint8_t shift_for_msb_of_sqrt(uint32_t x) {
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return debruijn32 [x * 0x076be629 >> 27];
uint32_t isqrt1(uint32_t n) {
if (n==0) return 0;
uint32_t s = shift_for_msb_of_sqrt(n);
uint32_t c = 1 << s;
uint32_t g = c;
switch (s) {
case 9:
case 5:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
g |= c;
case 15:
case 14:
case 13:
case 8:
case 7:
case 4:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
g |= c;
case 12:
case 11:
case 10:
case 6:
case 3:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
g |= c;
case 2:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
g |= c;
case 1:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
c >>= 1;
g |= c;
case 0:
if (g*g > n) {
g ^= c;
/* now apply one or two rounds of Newton's method */
switch (s) {
case 15:
case 14:
case 13:
case 12:
case 11:
case 10:
g = (g + n/g) >> 1;
case 9:
case 8:
case 7:
case 6:
g = (g + n/g) >> 1;
/* correct potential error at m^2-1 for Newton's method */
return (g==65536 || g*g>n) ? g-1 : g;
In light testing on my machine (which admittedly is nothing like yours), the new isqrt1 routine runs about 40% faster on average than the previous isqrt routine I gave.
If multiplication is the same speed (or faster than!) addition and shifting, or if you lack a fast shift-by-amount-contained-in-a-register instruction, then the following will not be helpful. Otherwise:
You're computing temp*temp afresh on each loop cycle, but temp = res | add, which is the same as res + add since their bits don't overlap, and (a) you have already computed res*res on a previous loop cycle, and (b) add has special structure (it's always just a single bit). So, using the fact that (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2, and you already have a^2, and b^2 is just a single bit shifted twice as far to the left as the single-bit b, and 2ab is just a left-shifted by 1 more position than the location of the single bit in b, you can get rid of the multiplication:
unsigned short int int_sqrt32(unsigned int x)
unsigned short int res = 0;
unsigned int res2 = 0;
unsigned short int add = 0x8000;
unsigned int add2 = 0x80000000;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
unsigned int g2 = res2 + (res << i) + add2;
if (x >= g2)
res |= add;
res2 = g2;
add >>= 1;
add2 >>= 2;
return res;
Also I would guess that it's a better idea to use the same type (unsigned int) for all variables, since according to the C standard, all arithmetic requires promotion (conversion) of narrower integer types to the widest type involved before the arithmetic operation is performed, followed by subsequent back-conversion if necessary. (This may of course be optimised away by a sufficiently intelligent compiler, but why take the risk?)
From the comment trail, it seems that the RISC processor only provides 32x32->32 bit multiplication and 16x16->32 bit multiplication. A 32x-32->64 bit widening multiply, or a MULHI instruction returning the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit product is not provided.
This would seem to exclude approaches based on Newton-Raphson iteration, which would likely be inefficient, as they typically require either MULHI instruction or widening multiply for the intermediate fixed-point arithmetic.
The C99 code below uses a different iterative approach that requires only 16x16->32 bit multiplies, but converges somewhat linearly, requiring up to six iterations. This approach requires CLZ functionality to quickly determine a starting guess for the iterations. Asker stated in the comments that the RISC processor used does not provide CLZ functionality. So emulation of CLZ is required, and since the emulation adds to both storage and instruction count, this may make this approach uncompetitive. I performed a brute-force search to determine the deBruijn lookup table with the smallest multiplier.
This iterative algorithm delivers raw results quite close to the desired results, i.e. (int)sqrt(x), but always somewhat on the high side due to the truncating nature of integer arithmetic. To arrive at the final result, the result is conditionally decremented until the square of the result is less than or equal to the original argument.
The use of the volatile qualifier in the code only serves to establish that all named variables can in fact be allocated as 16-bit data without impacting the functionality. I do not know whether this provides any advantage, but noticed that the OP specifically used 16-bit variables in their code. For production code, volatile should be removed.
Note that for most processors, the correction steps at the end should not involve any branching. The product y*y can be subtracted from x with carry-out (or borrow-out), then y is corrected by a subtract with carry-in (or borrow-in). So each step should be a sequence MUL, SUBcc, SUBC.
Because implementation of the iteration by a loop incurs substantial overhead, I have elected to completely unroll the loop, but provide two early-out checks. Tallying the operations manually I count 46 operations for the fastest case, 54 operations for the average case, and 60 operations for the worst case.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
static const uint8_t clz_tab[32] = {
31, 22, 30, 21, 18, 10, 29, 2, 20, 17, 15, 13, 9, 6, 28, 1,
23, 19, 11, 3, 16, 14, 7, 24, 12, 4, 8, 25, 5, 26, 27, 0};
uint8_t clz (uint32_t a)
a |= a >> 16;
a |= a >> 8;
a |= a >> 4;
a |= a >> 2;
a |= a >> 1;
return clz_tab [0x07c4acdd * a >> 27];
/* 16 x 16 -> 32 bit unsigned multiplication; should be single instruction */
uint32_t umul16w (uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
return (uint32_t)a * b;
/* Reza Hashemian, "Square Rooting Algorithms for Integer and Floating-Point
Numbers", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 39, No. 8, Aug. 1990, p. 1025
uint16_t isqrt (uint32_t x)
volatile uint16_t y, z, lsb, mpo, mmo, lz, t;
if (x == 0) return x; // early out, code below can't handle zero
lz = clz (x); // #leading zeros, 32-lz = #bits of argument
lsb = lz & 1;
mpo = 17 - (lz >> 1); // m+1, result has roughly half the #bits of argument
mmo = mpo - 2; // m-1
t = 1 << mmo; // power of two for two's complement of initial guess
y = t - (x >> (mpo - lsb)); // initial guess for sqrt
t = t + t; // power of two for two's complement of result
z = y;
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
if (x >= 0x40400) {
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
if (x >= 0x1002000) {
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
y = (umul16w (y, y) >> mpo) + z;
y = t - y; // raw result is 2's complement of iterated solution
y = y - umul16w (lsb, (umul16w (y, 19195) >> 16)); // mult. by sqrt(0.5)
if ((int32_t)(x - umul16w (y, y)) < 0) y--; // iteration may overestimate
if ((int32_t)(x - umul16w (y, y)) < 0) y--; // result, adjust downward if
if ((int32_t)(x - umul16w (y, y)) < 0) y--; // necessary
return y; // (int)sqrt(x)
int main (void)
uint32_t x = 0;
uint16_t res, ref;
do {
ref = (uint16_t)sqrt((double)x);
res = isqrt (x);
if (res != ref) {
printf ("!!!! x=%08x res=%08x ref=%08x\n", x, res, ref);
} while (x);
Another possibility is to use the Newton iteration for the square root, despite the high cost of division. For small inputs only one iteration will be required. Although the asker did not state this, based on the execution time of 16 cycles for the DIV operation I strongly suspect that this is actually a 32/16->16 bit division which requires additional guard code to avoid overflow, defined as a quotient that does not fit into 16 bits. I have added appropriate safeguards to my code based on this assumption.
Since the Newton iteration doubles the number of good bits each time it is applied, we only need a low-precision initial guess which can easily be retrieved from a table based on the five leading bits of the argument. In order to grab these, we first normalize the argument into 2.30 fixed-point format with an additional implicit scale factor of 232-(lz & ~1) where lz are the number of leading zeros in the argument. As in the previous approach the iteration doesn't always deliver an accurate result, so a correction must be applied should the preliminary result be too big. I count 49 cycles for the fast path, 70 cycles for the slow path (average 60 cycles).
static const uint16_t sqrt_tab[32] =
{ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x85ff, 0x8cff, 0x94ff, 0x9aff, 0xa1ff, 0xa7ff, 0xadff, 0xb3ff,
0xb9ff, 0xbeff, 0xc4ff, 0xc9ff, 0xceff, 0xd3ff, 0xd8ff, 0xdcff,
0xe1ff, 0xe6ff, 0xeaff, 0xeeff, 0xf3ff, 0xf7ff, 0xfbff, 0xffff
/* 32/16->16 bit division. Note: Will overflow if x[31:16] >= y */
uint16_t udiv_32_16 (uint32_t x, uint16_t y)
uint16_t r = x / y;
return r;
/* table lookup for initial guess followed by division-based Newton iteration*/
uint16_t isqrt (uint32_t x)
volatile uint16_t q, lz, y, i, xh;
if (x == 0) return x; // early out, code below can't handle zero
// initial guess based on leading 5 bits of argument normalized to 2.30
lz = clz (x);
i = ((x << (lz & ~1)) >> 27);
y = sqrt_tab[i] >> (lz >> 1);
xh = (x >> 16); // needed for overflow check on division
// first Newton iteration, guard against overflow in division
q = 0xffff;
if (xh < y) q = udiv_32_16 (x, y);
y = (q + y) >> 1;
if (lz < 10) {
// second Newton iteration, guard against overflow in division
q = 0xffff;
if (xh < y) q = udiv_32_16 (x, y);
y = (q + y) >> 1;
if (umul16w (y, y) > x) y--; // adjust quotient if too large
return y; // (int)sqrt(x)
I don't know how to turn it into an efficient algorithm but when I investigated this in the '80s an interesting pattern emerged. When rounding square roots, there are two more integers with that square root than the preceding one (after zero).
So, one number (zero) has a square root of zero, two have a square root of 1 (1 and 2), 4 have a square root of two (3, 4, 5 and 6) and so on. Probably not a useful answer but interesting nonetheless.
Here is a less incremental version of the technique #j_random_hacker described. On at least one processor it was just a bit faster when I fiddled with this a couple of years ago. I have no idea why.
// assumes unsigned is 32 bits
unsigned isqrt1(unsigned x) {
unsigned r = 0, r2 = 0;
for (int p = 15; p >= 0; --p) {
unsigned tr2 = r2 + (r << (p + 1)) + (1u << (p + p));
if (tr2 <= x) {
r2 = tr2;
r |= (1u << p);
return r;
gcc 6.3 -O2
isqrt(unsigned int):
mov esi, 15
xor r9d, r9d
xor eax, eax
mov r8d, 1
lea ecx, [rsi+1]
mov edx, eax
mov r10d, r8d
sal edx, cl
lea ecx, [rsi+rsi]
sal r10d, cl
add edx, r10d
add edx, r9d
cmp edx, edi
ja .L2
mov r11d, r8d
mov ecx, esi
mov r9d, edx
sal r11d, cl
or eax, r11d
sub esi, 1
cmp esi, -1
jne .L3
rep ret
If you turn up gcc 9 x86 optimization, it completely unrolls the loop and folds constants. The result is still only about 100 instructions.
float sinx(float x)
static const float a[] = {-.1666666664,.0083333315,-.0001984090,.0000027526,-.0000000239};
float xsq = x*x;
float temp = x*(1 + a[0]*xsq + a[1]*xsq*xsq + a[2]* xsq*xsq*xsq+a[3]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq+ a[4]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq);
return temp;
How are those constants calculated? How to calculate cos and tan using this method?
Can I extend this to get more precision? I guess I need to add more constants?
Plot of the error of the "fast" sine described above against a Taylor polynomial of equal degree.
Nearly all answers at the time of this writing refer to the Taylor expansion of function sin, but if the author of the function were serious, he would not use Taylor coefficients. Taylor coefficients tend to produce a polynomial approximation that's better than necessary near zero and increasingly bad away from zero. The goal is usually to obtain an approximation that is uniformly good on a range such as -π/2…π/2. For a polynomial approximation, this can be obtained by applying the Remez algorithm. A down-to-earth explanation is this post.
The polynomial coefficients obtained by that method are close to the Taylor coefficients, since both polynomials are trying to approximate the same function, but the polynomial may be
more precise for the same number of operations, or involve fewer operations for the same (uniform) quality of approximation.
I cannot tell just by looking at them if the coefficients in your question are exactly Taylor coefficients or the slightly different coefficients obtained by the Remez algorithm, but it is probably what should have been used even if it wasn't.
Lastly, whoever wrote (1 + a[0]*xsq + a[1]*xsq*xsq + a[2]* xsq*xsq*xsq+a[3]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq+ a[4]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq) needs to read up about better polynomial evaluation schemes, for instance Horner's:
1 + xsq*(a[0]+ xsq*(a[1] + xsq*(a[2] + xsq*(a[3] + xsq*a[4])))) uses N multiplications instead of N2/2.
They are -1/6, 1/120, -1/5040 .. and so on.
Or rather: -1/3!, 1/5!, -1/7!, 1/9!... etc
Look at the taylor series for sin x in here:
It has cos x right below it:
For cos x, as seen from the picture above, the constants are -1/2!, 1/4!, -1/6!, 1/8!...
tan x is slightly different:
So to adjust this for cosx:
float cosx(float x)
static const float a[] = {-.5, .0416666667,-.0013888889,.0000248016,-.0000002756};
float xsq = x*x;
float temp = (1 + a[0]*xsq + a[1]*xsq*xsq + a[2]* xsq*xsq*xsq+a[3]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq+ a[4]*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq*xsq);
return temp;
The coefficients are identical to those given in the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, ed. Abramowitz and Stegan (1964), page 76, and are attributed to Carlson and Goldstein, Rational approximations of functions, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (1955).
The first can be found in http://www.jonsson.eu/resources/hmf/pdfwrite_600dpi/hmf_600dpi_page_76.pdf.
And the second at http://www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets/purl/4374577-0deJO9/4374577.pdf. Page 37 gives:
Regarding your third question, "Can I extend this to get more precision?", http://lol.zoy.org/wiki/doc/maths/remez has a downloadable C++ implementation of the Remez algorithm; it provides (unchecked by me) the coefficients for the 6th-order polynomial for sin:
error: 3.9e-14
Or course, you would need to change from float to double to realize any improvement. And this may also answer your second question, regarding cos and tan.
Also, I see in the comments that a fixed-point answer is required in the end. I implemented a 32-bit fixed-point version in 8031-assembler about 26 years ago; I'll try digging it up to see whether it has anything useful in it.
Update: If you are stuck with 32-bit doubles, then the only way I can see for you to increase the accuracy by a "digit or two" is to forget floating-point and use fixed-point. Surprisingly, google doesn't seem to turn up anything. The following code provides proof-of-concept, run on a standard Linux machine:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// multiply two 32-bit fixed-point fractions (no rounding)
#define MUL32(a, b) ((uint64_t)(a) * (b) >> 32)
// sin32: Fixed-point sin calculation for first octant, coefficients from
// Handbook for Computing Elementary Functions, by Lyusternik et al, p. 89.
// input: 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF, giving fraction of octant 0 to PI/8, relative to 2**32
// output: 0 to 0.7071, relative to 2**32
static uint32_t sin32(uint32_t x) { // x in 1st octant, = radians/PI*8*2**32
uint32_t y, x2 = MUL32(x, x); // x2 = x * x
y = 0x000259EB; // a7 = 0.000 035 877 1
y = 0x00A32D1E - MUL32(x2, y); // a5 = 0.002 489 871 8
y = 0x14ABBA77 - MUL32(x2, y); // a3 = 0.080 745 367 2
y = 0xC90FDA73u - MUL32(x2, y); // a1 = 0.785 398 152 4
return MUL32(x, y);
int main(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 45; i += 2) { // 0 to 44 degrees
const double two32 = 1LL << 32;
const double radians = i * M_PI / 180;
const uint32_t octant = i / 45. * two32; // fraction of 1st octant
printf("%2d %+.10f %+.10f %+.10f %+.0f\n", i,
sin(radians) - sin32(octant) / two32,
sin(radians) - sinf(radians),
sin(radians) - (float)sin(radians),
sin(radians) * two32 - sin32(octant));
return 0;
The coefficients are from the Handbook for Computing Elementary Functions, by Lyusternik et al, p. 89, here:
The only reason I choose this particular function is that it has one less term than your original series.
The results are:
0 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0
2 +0.0000000007 +0.0000000003 +0.0000000012 +3
4 +0.0000000010 +0.0000000005 +0.0000000031 +4
6 +0.0000000012 -0.0000000029 -0.0000000011 +5
8 +0.0000000014 +0.0000000011 -0.0000000044 +6
10 +0.0000000014 +0.0000000050 -0.0000000009 +6
12 +0.0000000011 -0.0000000057 +0.0000000057 +5
14 +0.0000000006 -0.0000000018 -0.0000000061 +3
16 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000021 -0.0000000026 -0
18 -0.0000000005 -0.0000000083 -0.0000000082 -2
20 -0.0000000009 +0.0000000095 -0.0000000107 -4
22 -0.0000000010 -0.0000000007 +0.0000000139 -4
24 -0.0000000009 -0.0000000106 +0.0000000010 -4
26 -0.0000000005 +0.0000000065 -0.0000000049 -2
28 -0.0000000001 -0.0000000032 -0.0000000110 -0
30 +0.0000000005 -0.0000000126 -0.0000000000 +2
32 +0.0000000010 +0.0000000037 -0.0000000025 +4
34 +0.0000000015 +0.0000000193 +0.0000000076 +7
36 +0.0000000013 -0.0000000141 +0.0000000083 +6
38 +0.0000000007 +0.0000000011 -0.0000000266 +3
40 -0.0000000005 +0.0000000156 -0.0000000256 -2
42 -0.0000000009 -0.0000000152 -0.0000000170 -4
44 -0.0000000005 -0.0000000011 -0.0000000282 -2
Thus we see that this fixed-point calculation is about ten times more accurate than sinf() or (float)sin(), and is correct to 29 bits. Using rounding rather than truncation in MUL32() made only a marginal improvement.
That function is calculating the value of sin using its Taylor expansion:
and those constants are the various -1/3!, 1/5! and so on (see e.g. here for Taylor series of other functions).
Now, the Taylor expansion for sin(x) is exact for every x if you specified every term of the series, but AFAIK there are faster and more precise methods to determine the trigonometric functions in software.
Also, many processors provide such functions implemented directly in the processor (e.g. on x86 there are ready-made opcodes for them), so often there's no need to bother with this stuff.
cos(x) = sqrt(1 - sin^2(x))
tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x)
Sin(x) = x -x^3/3! + x^5/5! + (-1)^k*x^(2k+1)/(2k+1)! , k = 1, 2, ...
this is infinite function