I have a problem with my code. I am getting a segmentation fault error, which I understand is a dangling pointer problem(generally) or a faulty allocation of memory. The compiler dose not show at what line the problem might be, so my question is how do I detect these problems for further concern? and where would my problem be in the code?
here is my code:
`#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])
#define ALPHABET_SIZE (256)
#define CHAR_TO_INDEX(c) ((int)c - (int)'a')
#define LEVELS 255
// trie node
struct n
char value,level,isLeaf;
struct n* children[ALPHABET_SIZE];
struct n* failLink;
typedef struct n node;
struct t
node *root;
int count;
typedef struct t trie;
void bytesCpy(char *to, char *from, int len)
int i;
// Returns new trie node (initialized to NULLs)
node *getNode(trie *t, char value,char level)
node *pNode = NULL;
pNode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (pNode)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
pNode->children[i] = NULL;
pNode->failLink = t->root;
return pNode;
// Initializes trie (root is dummy node)
void initialize(trie *t)
t->root = getNode(t, '[', 0);
//t->count = 0;
// If not present, inserts key into trie
// If the key is prefix of trie node, just marks leaf node
void insert(trie *t, char key[], int len)
int level;
char value;
node *node = t->root;
for (level = 0; level<len; level++)
value = key[level];
printf("value: %c\n",value);
if (node->children[value] == NULL)
node->children[value] = getNode(t, value, level+1);
node = node->children[value];
// Returns non zero, if key presents in trie
int search(trie *t, char key[])
int level;
int length = strlen(key);
int value;
node *node;
node = t->root;
for (level = 0; level < length; level++)
value = key[level];//CHAR_TO_INDEX(key[level]);
if (!node->children[value])
node = node->failLink;
return 0;
node = node->children[value];
return (0 != node);// && node->value);
void search1(trie *t, char *c, int len)
node *curNode = t->root;
int i;
for(i=0; i<=len; i++)
printf("i=%d curnode=%p\n",i,curNode);
if(curNode->isLeaf) //leaf: cuvant gasit
printf("if1 curGasit \n");
printf("if1 curGasit \n");
else break;
else //nu e gasit inca
if(curNode->children[c[i]]==NULL) //fail
curNode = curNode->failLink;
else //litera gasita: go on
printf("end of search\n");
node* searchAux(trie *t, node *curRoot, char cuv[], char len, int level ,int failLevel)
char cuvAux[1024];
printf("searchAux level:%d cuvAux:%s curRootLevel:%d\n",level,cuvAux,curRoot->level);
if(cuvAux[level+1] == '\0') //got to the end of cuvAux
printf("1st if\n");
return curRoot;
if(curRoot->children[cuvAux[level+1]] == NULL) //fail: letter not found
printf("3rd if\n");
return searchAux(t, t->root, &cuvAux[failLevel+1], len, 0, failLevel+1);
else //letter found: go on
printf("3rd else\n");
if(cuvAux[level+2] == '\0') //the found letter was the last of the string
printf("4th if\n");
return curRoot->children[cuvAux[level+1]]; //return final pointer
else //the found letter was not the last of the string: continue with the next one
printf("4th else\n");
return searchAux(t, curRoot->children[cuvAux[level+1]], cuvAux, len, level+1, failLevel);
void createFailLinks(trie *t, node* curRoot, char cuv[], int level)
int i;
char cuvAux[1024];
if(curRoot == NULL)
for(i=0;i<ALPHABET_SIZE/*curRoot->children[i] != NULL*/;i++)
if(curRoot->children[i] == NULL)
cuvAux[level] = curRoot->children[i]->value;
printf("createFailLinks %c%d\n",cuvAux[level],curRoot->children[i]->level);
curRoot->children[i]->failLink = searchAux(t, t->root, cuvAux, level+1, 0, 0);
void printTrie(node *curRoot)
int i;
if(curRoot == NULL)
printf("%c: ", curRoot->value);
if(curRoot->children[i] != NULL)
printf("%c ", i);
if(curRoot->children[i] != NULL)
void checkLinks(node* curRoot)
int i;
if(curRoot == NULL)
printf("node %c%d: ",curRoot->value,curRoot->level);
if(curRoot->children[i] != NULL)
printf("\n\t%c%d:%c%d",curRoot->children[i]->value, curRoot->children[i]->level, curRoot->children[i]->failLink->value,curRoot->children[i]->failLink->level);
if(curRoot->children[i] != NULL)
int mai()
FILE *fd = fopen("VirusDatabase.txt","r");//O_RDONLY);
int i;
char c;
fscanf(fd, "%c", &c);
int main()
// Input keys (use only 'a' through 'z' and lower case)
char keys[][1024] = { "he", "she", "her", "his", "heres"};
char cuv[] = {'\0','\0','\0','\0','\0','\0'};
trie t;
char output[][32] = { "Not present in trie", "Present in trie" };
int i;
char text[]={"andreiherutshevlastashecristihiskatjaheres"};
// Construct trie
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(keys); i++)
insert(&t, keys[i], strlen(keys[i]));
createFailLinks(&t, t.root, cuv, 0);
search1(&t, text, strlen(text));
return 0;
// Search for different keys
printf("%s --- %s\n", "abcd", output[search(&t, "abcd")]);
printf("%s --- %s\n", "ab", output[search(&t, "ab")]);
printf("%s --- %s\n", "ccdd", output[search(&t, "ccdd")]);
printf("%s --- %s\n", "thaw", output[search(&t, "thaw")]);
return 0;
char a = getchar();
Do you have access to a debugger? I ran your code in a debugger and get a memory access violation at line 157 here:
return searchAux(t, t->root, &cuvAux[failLevel+1], len, 0, failLevel+1);
You seem to be recursively calling searchAux. ie you have:
node* searchAux(trie *t, node *curRoot, char cuv[], char len, int level ,int failLevel)
char cuvAux[1024];
return searchAux(t, t->root, &cuvAux[failLevel+1], len, 0, failLevel+1);
Anyway, eventually the buffer size variable failLevel exceeds the size of your buffer so you are attempting to access memory outside the bounds of your array which is why you get an access violation.
The easiest way to debug is use an interactive debugger. On Windows there is a free version of Visual Studio with a very good debugger. On linux you can use GDB.
Failing that you can embed print statements to print out variables before the crash.
You can add print statements at lines of code.
#include <iostream>
std::cout << "At Line: " << __LINE__ << endl;
putting that at various lines of code, you can see what lines got executed, and find where it crashes.
This is for C++. My bad. Same idea, but put printf() statements and see where it stopped executing to narrow down the crash location.
Hi am trying to create a generic list iterator that stores elements of integer or string.I am trying to test a case where it calls the IteratorG advance(IteratorG it, int n) function which takes in the list it and if n is a positive integer,it advances(moves) towards the first element by n times.If n is negative,it advances towards the last element in the list by n times.The elements are then copied to a newly created list lis and the list returned.If advancing by n times is not possible,the function returns NULL.
This is tested in test case 3 under the test cases below.
However,it is responding with a segmentation fault error and i tried using gdp to diagnose the problem and i suspect it is from the advance function at the line add(lis,&(tem->value));
This is the advance function:
IteratorG advance(IteratorG it, int n){
int zero;
IteratorG lis;
lis = malloc(sizeof (struct IteratorGRep));
assert (lis != NULL);
lis->numofit = 0;
lis->head = NULL;
lis->tail = NULL;
lis->curr = NULL;
Node *tem;
if ((tem = malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
return 0;
if(n<0 && distanceFromStart(it)!=0 )
return lis;
if(n>0 && distanceToEnd(it)!=0)
return lis;
//To be implemented
//move forward by n times
return NULL;
I am using a Linux environment and the errors are indicative from the results. The rest of the functions that are required to test this(test in test case 3 under the test code) should be working fine.Here is the code for the whole program:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "iteratorG.h"
typedef struct Node {
void *value; // value of thee list item
struct Node *prev;
// pointer previous node in list
struct Node *next;
// pointer to next node in list
// implemented struct here ..
} Node;
typedef struct IteratorGRep {
int numofit; // count of items in list
Node *head; // first node in list
Node *curr; // current node in list
Node *tail; // last node in list
ElmCompareFp cmpElm;
ElmNewFp newElm;
ElmFreeFp freeElm;
// implemented struct here ..
} IteratorGRep;
//Your functions below ....
IteratorG newIterator(ElmCompareFp cmpFp, ElmNewFp newFp, ElmFreeFp freeFp){
IteratorG newit;
if ((newit = malloc(sizeof (struct IteratorGRep)))==NULL)
printf("Error...! \n");
//assert (newit != NULL);
newit->numofit = 0;
newit->head = NULL;
newit->tail = NULL;
newit->curr = NULL;
return newit;
// implemented function here and changed return value
int add(IteratorG it, void *vp){
Node *temp;
if ((temp = malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
return 0;
Node *tempe;
if ((temp = malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
return 0;
temp->value = it->newElm(vp);
return 1;
int hasNext(IteratorG it){
return 0;
// check if theres next element/node
return 1;
int hasPrevious(IteratorG it){
return 1;
// check if theres previous element/node
return 0;
void *next(IteratorG it){
Node *tempo;
return NULL;
// implemented function here
return tempo->value;
void *previous(IteratorG it){
Node *tempor;
return NULL;
// move to next node in list
return tempor->value;
int del(IteratorG it){
Node *temp_curr=it->curr;
Node *temp_prev=it->curr->prev->prev;
return 1;
}// delete previous node from list
return 0;
int set(IteratorG it, void *vp){
return 1;
// change previous node value with new
return 0;
IteratorG advance(IteratorG it, int n){
int zero;
IteratorG lis;
lis = malloc(sizeof (struct IteratorGRep));
assert (lis != NULL);
lis->numofit = 0;
lis->head = NULL;
lis->tail = NULL;
lis->curr = NULL;
Node *tem;
if ((tem = malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL) {
return 0;
if(n<0 && distanceFromStart(it)!=0 )
return lis;
if(n>0 && distanceToEnd(it)!=0)
return lis;
//To be implemented
//move forward by n times
return NULL;
void reverse(IteratorG it){
Node *curr = it->head;
Node *temp = NULL;
while(curr != NULL) {
temp = curr->next;
curr->next = curr->prev;
curr->prev = temp;
curr = temp;
temp = it->head;
it->head = it->tail;
it->tail = temp;// reverse elements of whole list
IteratorG find(IteratorG it, int (*fp) (void *vp) ){
// To be implemented
// Find elements of vp in list after current position and put in new list.return the list.
return NULL;
int distanceFromStart(IteratorG it){
Node *c=it->curr;
int count=0;
return count;
// count number of elements from start of list to current position
int distanceToEnd(IteratorG it){
Node *cu=it->curr;
int count=0;
return count;
// count number of elements from end of list to current position
void reset(IteratorG it){
// move current position to start of list
void freeIt(IteratorG it){
assert(it != NULL);
Node *curr, *prev;
curr = it->head;
while (curr != NULL) {
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
// free(prev->value);
free(it); // free items
This is the header file for the code:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct IteratorGRep *IteratorG;
typedef int (*ElmCompareFp)(void const *e1, void const *e2);
typedef void *(*ElmNewFp)(void const *e1);
typedef void (*ElmFreeFp)(void *e1);
IteratorG newIterator(ElmCompareFp cmpFp, ElmNewFp newFp, ElmFreeFp freeFp);
int add(IteratorG it, void *vp);
int hasNext(IteratorG it);
int hasPrevious(IteratorG it);
void *next(IteratorG it);
void *previous(IteratorG it);
int del(IteratorG it);
int set(IteratorG it, void *vp);
IteratorG advance(IteratorG it, int n);
void reverse(IteratorG it);
IteratorG find(IteratorG it, int (*fp) (void *vp) );
int distanceFromStart(IteratorG it);
int distanceToEnd(IteratorG it);
void reset(IteratorG it);
void freeIt(IteratorG it);
One of the functions have yet to be implemented and is indicated in the code itself. But I guess that might not be the source of issue here.
heres the test case code. Theres no errors in the test case code just in the program above only :
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iteratorG.h"
#include "positiveIntType.h"
#include "stringType.h"
#define MAXARRAY 5
/* Helper Functions Below */
/* Returns 1 if marks >= 50, 0 otherwise */
int passMarks(void *marks){
return (*((int *) marks) >= 50);
/* Easy to understand below ..
int *ip = (int *) marks;
if(*ip >= 50) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
/* Returns 1 if str starts with "jo" */
int prefixJo(void *str){
return (strncmp("jo", (char *) str, 2) == 0) ;
/* A function to print a string from a void pointer */
void prnStr(void *vp){
assert(vp != NULL);
printf(" %s", (char *) vp );
/* A function to print an integer from a void pointer */
void prnInt(void *vp){
assert(vp != NULL);
printf(" %d", *((int *) vp) );
/* Prints previous element using the given function 'fp'
examples: prnPrev(it1, prnInt); prnPrev(it2, prnStr);
void prnPrev(IteratorG it, void (*fp) (void *p) ){
void *prevP = previous(it);
assert(prevP != NULL);
printf("> Previous value is: ");
/* Prints next element using the given function 'fp'
examples: prnNext(it1, prnInt); prnNext(it2, prnStr);
void prnNext(IteratorG it, void (*fp) (void *p) ){
void *nextP = next(it);
assert(nextP != NULL);
printf("> Next value is: ");
/* Prints elements of 'it' from current to last position
using the given function 'fp'. The current position
of 'it' will change to the end of the list.
examples: prnIt(it1, prnInt); prnIt(it2, prnStr);
void prnIt(IteratorG it, void (*fp) (void *p) ){
int count = 0;
void *nextP = next(it);
if(count > 1) { printf(", "); }
/* Few Tests Below */
void test1(){
printf("\n--==== Test-01 ====------\n");
IteratorG it1 = newIterator(positiveIntCompare, positiveIntNew, positiveIntFree);
int a[MAXARRAY] = { 25, 78, 6, 82 , 11};
for(int i=0; i<MAXARRAY; i++){
int result = add(it1 , &a[i]);
printf("> Inserting %d: %s \n", a[i], (result==1 ? "Success" : "Failed") );
printf("--==== End of Test-01 ====------\n");
void test2(){
printf("\n--==== Test-02 ====------\n");
IteratorG it1 = newIterator(positiveIntCompare, positiveIntNew, positiveIntFree);
int a[MAXARRAY] = { 72, 14, 62, 8, 93};
for(int i=0; i<MAXARRAY; i++){
int result = add(it1 , &a[i]);
printf("> Inserting %d: %s \n", a[i], (result==1 ? "Success" : "Failed") );
prnNext(it1, prnInt);
prnNext(it1, prnInt);
prnPrev(it1, prnInt);
int newVal1 = 55;
int result1 = set(it1, &newVal1);
printf("> Set value: %d ; return val: %d \n", newVal1, result1 );
prnPrev(it1, prnInt);
printf("--==== End of Test-02 ====------\n");
void test3(){
printf("\n--==== Test-03 ====------\n");
IteratorG it1 = newIterator(positiveIntCompare, positiveIntNew, positiveIntFree);
int a[MAXARRAY] = { 04, 54, 15, 12, 34};
for(int i=0; i<MAXARRAY; i++){
int result = add(it1 , &a[i]);
printf("> Inserting %d: %s \n", a[i], (result==1 ? "Success" : "Failed") );
printf("> it1 (after reset): \n");
prnIt(it1, prnInt);
IteratorG advIt1 = advance(it1, 4);
printf("> advance(it1, 4) returns: \n");
prnIt(advIt1, prnInt);
//IteratorG advIt2 = advance(it1, -3);
//printf("> advance(it1, -3) returns: \n");
//prnIt(advIt2, prnInt);
//printf("> In 'it1', ");
//prnPrev(it1, prnInt);
printf("--==== End of Test-03 ====------\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
I am trying to insert strings in the binary search tree.
So what I am to trying is,
parsing strings from a file(contains instruction set) and then inserting in the function
So this function will execute
(*node) = Node_insert(&node,instruction).
the node will be the root of binary tree which is located in main function.
So in simple way to explain, I want to manipulate(insert) the root pointer in the main function by using double pointer in the other function contain insert function.
I have a simple understanding about the pointer, but in this situation, I need to use more than double pointer I think.
please explain me about the double pointer clearly using this example.
Here is my code(I commenting out insert_node)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node *NodePtr;
typedef struct node {
char *word;
int count;
NodePtr left;
NodePtr right;
} Node;
NodePtr Node_alloc();
NodePtr Node_insert(NodePtr node_ptr, char *word);
void clearArray(char a[]);
void insertOpcodeFromFile(FILE *opcodeFile, NodePtr *node);
void Node_display(NodePtr);
char *char_copy(char *word);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
FILE * opFile;
FILE * progFile;
struct node *root = NULL;
if ( argc != 4) { // # of flag check
fprintf(stderr, " # of arguments must be 4.\n" );
opFile = fopen ( argv[1], "r");
if(opFile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"There is no name of the opcode file\n");
progFile = fopen ( argv[2], "r");
if(progFile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"There is no name of the program file \n");
insertOpcodeFromFile(opFile, &root);
}/* main is over */
void insertOpcodeFromFile(FILE *opcodeFile, NodePtr *node)
int fsize = 0;
int lengthOfInst = 0;
int c;
int i;
char buffer[100];
fsize = getFileSize(opcodeFile);
enum flag {ins,opc,form};
int flag = ins;
char instruction[6];
unsigned int opcode = 0;
unsigned char format;
while (c != EOF)
c = fgetc(opcodeFile);
buffer[i++] = c;
if (c == 32){
switch (flag) {
case ins:
flag = opc;
instruction[i] = '\0';
i = 0;
// printf("인스트럭션 : %s\n",instruction );
case opc:
flag = form;
opcode = atoi(buffer);
i = 0;
// printf("옵코드 : %d\n",opcode );
}/* end of switch */
}/* end of if(space) */
if((c == 10) || (c == EOF))
if (flag == form)
format = buffer[0];
i = 0;
// printf("포멧: %c\n", format);
flag = ins;
//node = Node_insert(node,instruction);
int getFileSize(FILE *opcodeFile)
{ int fsize = 0;
fseek(opcodeFile,0, SEEK_SET);
fseek(opcodeFile,0, SEEK_END);
fsize = (int)ftell(opcodeFile);
fseek(opcodeFile,0, SEEK_SET);
return fsize;
int countUntilSpace(FILE *opcodeFile, int currentPosition)
{ char readword[1];
char *space = " ";
char *nextLine = "/n";
int i = 0;
//printf("현재: %d\n",currentPosition );
fread(readword, sizeof(char),1,opcodeFile);
if(strcmp(readword,space) == 0 || strcmp(readword,nextLine) == 0)
fseek(opcodeFile,currentPosition ,SEEK_SET);
//printf("끝난 현재 :%d\n",ftell(opcodeFile) );
//printf("%I : %d\n",i );
return i - 1;
void clearArray(char a[])
memset(&a[0], 0, 100);
NodePtr Node_alloc()
return (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(NodePtr));
NodePtr Node_insert(NodePtr node_ptr, char *word)
int cond;
if (node_ptr == NULL) {
node_ptr = Node_alloc();
node_ptr->word = char_copy(word);
node_ptr->count = 1;
node_ptr->left = node_ptr->right = NULL;
} else if ((cond = strcmp(word, node_ptr->word)) == 0) {
} else if (cond < 0) {
node_ptr->left = Node_insert(node_ptr->left, word);
} else {
node_ptr->right = Node_insert(node_ptr->right, word);
return node_ptr;
void Node_display(NodePtr node_ptr)
if (node_ptr != NULL) {
printf("%04d: %s\n", node_ptr->count, node_ptr->word);
char *char_copy(char *word)
char *char_ptr;
char_ptr = (char *) malloc(strlen(word) + 1);
if (char_ptr != NULL) {
char_ptr = strdup(word);
return char_ptr;
In this case, in main(),
Node *root;
Why do you need to use a "double" pointer ( Node ** ) in functions that alter root is because root value as to be set in these functions.
For instance, say you want to allocate a Node and set it into root.
If you do the following
void alloc_root(Node *root) {
root = malloc(sizeof (Node));
// root is a function parameter and has nothing to do
// with the 'main' root
// then in main
alloc_root( root );
// here main's root is not set
Using a pointer to pointer (that you call "double pointer")
void alloc_root(Node **root) {
*root = malloc(sizeof (Node)); // note the *
// then in main
allow_root( &root );
// here main's root is set
The confusion comes probably from the Node *root in main, root being a pointer to a Node. How would you set an integer int i; in a function f? You would use f(&i) to call the function f(int *p) { *p = 31415; } to set i to the value 31415.
Consider root to be a variable that contains an address to a Node, and to set its value in a function you have to pass &root. root being a Node *, that makes another *, like func(Node **p).
I've got a programming class assignment due tonight at 8 PM CDT that I'm having trouble with. We are to take a list of the following numbers via reading a file:
place them in an array (easy enough), and then read these into a binary search tree using C. The first number in the list is the number of elements in the tree. The rest are placed into the following struct:
typedef struct node_struct {
int data;
struct node_struct* left;
struct node_struct* right;
} Node;
I think I've got the first part down pat. Take the stuff in using fscanf (I didn't choose to use this method, I like fgets better), call an insertion function on each member of the array, then call a "createNode" function inside the insertion function.
Problem is, I'm only getting one member into the BST. Furthermore, the BST must satisfy the condition node->left->data <= node->data < node->right->data... in other words, the nodes must be in order in the tree.
Here's what I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// def BST node struct
typedef struct node_struct {
int data;
struct node_struct* left;
struct node_struct* right;
} Node;
// prototypes
Node* createNode(int data);
Node* bstInsert(Node* root, int data);
// helper function prototypes
void padding(char ch, int n);
void displayTree(Node* root, int depth);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *in = NULL;
int num_read, count=0, array_size = 0;
if(argc != 2){
printf("hw3 <input-file>\n");
return 1;
in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if(in == NULL){
printf("File can not be opened.\n");
return 2;
// read in the first line to get the array size
fscanf(in, "%d", &array_size);
// declare the array
int array[array_size];
// read from the second line to get each element of the array
fscanf(in, "%d", &num_read);
array[count] = num_read;
if (array_size != count) {
printf("data error. Make sure the first line specifies the correct number of elements.");
return 3;
Node *root1 = NULL, *root2 = NULL, *root3 = NULL;
int i;
// task1: construct a bst from the unsorted array
printf("=== task1: construct a bst from the unsorted array ===\n");
for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
root1 = bstInsert(root1, array[i]);
displayTree(root1, 0);
return 0;
Node* bstInsert(Node* root, int data) {
if(root == NULL){
root = createNode(data);
if(root != NULL){
root= createNode(data);
printf("%d not inserted, no memory available.\n", data);
Node* current, previous, right;
current = root;
previous = root->left;
next = root->right;
if(previous->data <= current->data){
return root;
Node* createNode(int data) {
Node* aRoot;
return NULL;
aRoot = malloc(sizeof(Node));
printf("Unable to allocate memory for node.\n");
return NULL;
aRoot->data = data;
aRoot->left = NULL;
aRoot->right = NULL;
return aRoot;
/* helper functions to print a bst; You just need to call displayTree when visualizing a bst */
void padding(char ch, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%c%c%c%c", ch, ch ,ch, ch);
void displayTree(Node* root, int depth){
if (root == NULL) {
padding (' ', depth);
else {
displayTree(root->right, depth+1);
padding(' ', depth);
printf ( "%d\n", root->data);
displayTree(root->left, depth+1);
main, createNode, displayTree, and padding are okay, I believe. It's bstInsert where I'm having trouble. I'm just not sure how to order things to create a valid tree.
I've edited bstInsert and injected some more logic. It should be printing out more leaves on the tree, but alas, it's only printing out the number "30". Here's the new function.
Node* bstInsert(Node* root, int data) {
if(root == NULL){
root = createNode(data);
if(root != NULL){
root= createNode(data);
printf("%d not inserted, no memory available.\n", data);
if(data < root->data){
bstInsert(root->left, data);
else if(data > root->data || data == root->data){
bstInsert(root->right, data);
return root;
You have to assign the newly created node pointer to the correct part of the tree. This code does that. The key change is using the return value from bstInsert() correctly. The other changes are cosmetic. Note that I checked the input array by printing it out; also, it is sensible to print out the BST as you build it.
Don't use feof() as a loop control condition. It is almost invariably wrong when used as a loop control, but at least you have to also check the input operation that follows. I've written a lot of programs in my time; I've hardly ever used feof() (I found two places in my own code with it; in both, it was correctly used to distinguish between EOF and an error after an input had failed.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// def BST node struct
typedef struct node_struct
int data;
struct node_struct* left;
struct node_struct* right;
} Node;
// prototypes
Node *createNode(int data);
Node *bstInsert(Node *root, int data);
// helper function prototypes
void padding(char ch, int n);
void displayTree(Node *root, int depth);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *in = NULL;
int num_read, count=0, array_size = 0;
if (argc != 2)
printf("hw3 <input-file>\n");
return 1;
in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (in == NULL)
printf("File can not be opened.\n");
return 2;
// read in the first line to get the array size
fscanf(in, "%d", &array_size);
// declare the array
int array[array_size];
// read from the second line to get each element of the array
while (count < array_size && fscanf(in, "%d", &num_read) == 1)
array[count++] = num_read;
if (array_size != count)
printf("data error. Make sure the first line specifies the correct number of elements.");
return 3;
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
printf("%d: %d\n", i, array[i]);
Node *root1 = NULL;
// task1: construct a bst from the unsorted array
printf("=== task1: construct a bst from the unsorted array ===\n");
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
root1 = bstInsert(root1, array[i]);
displayTree(root1, 0);
displayTree(root1, 0);
return 0;
Node *bstInsert(Node *root, int data)
if (root == NULL)
root = createNode(data);
if (root == NULL)
printf("%d not inserted, no memory available.\n", data);
else if (data < root->data)
root->left = bstInsert(root->left, data);
root->right = bstInsert(root->right, data);
return root;
Node *createNode(int data)
Node *aRoot;
aRoot = malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (!aRoot)
printf("Unable to allocate memory for node.\n");
return NULL;
aRoot->data = data;
aRoot->left = NULL;
aRoot->right = NULL;
return aRoot;
/* helper functions to print a bst; You just need to call displayTree when visualizing a bst */
void padding(char ch, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%c%c%c%c", ch, ch, ch, ch);
void displayTree(Node *root, int depth)
if (root == NULL) {
padding (' ', depth);
else {
displayTree(root->right, depth+1);
padding(' ', depth);
printf ( "%d\n", root->data);
displayTree(root->left, depth+1);
Ok, think about what you want to do in the different tree configurations:
when the tree is empty -> create a root node
when the tree isn't empty -> how do the value to be inserted and the value of the root compare?
above -> insert in the right subtree
below -> insert in the left subtree
equal -> do nothing (this actually depends on how your assignment tells you to treat duplicates)
From this basic algorithm, you should be able to figure out all the corner cases.
A simplified solution (naive insertion with recursion, data input noise removed):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
static int nums[] = { 6, 8, 4, 1, 3, 7, 14, 10, 13 }; // instead of the user input
typedef struct _node {
int value;
struct _node *left;
struct _node *right;
} node;
node *node_new(int v)
node *n = malloc(sizeof(*n));
n->value = v;
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
return n;
void insert(node **tree, node *leaf)
if (*tree == NULL) {
*tree = leaf;
} else if (leaf->value > (*tree)->value) {
insert(&((*tree)->right), leaf);
} else {
insert(&((*tree)->left), leaf);
void dump(node *tree, int level)
static const char *pad = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
if (tree != NULL) {
printf("%sSelf: %d\n", pad + 16 - level, tree->value);
if (tree->left) {
printf("%sLeft node:\n", pad + 16 - level);
dump(tree->left, level + 1);
if (tree->right) {
printf("%sRight node:\n", pad + 16 - level);
dump(tree->right, level + 1);
} else {
printf("%sEmpty\n", pad + 16 - level);
int main()
size_t n = sizeof(nums) / sizeof(*nums);
int i;
node *tree = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
insert(&tree, node_new(nums[i]));
dump(tree, 0);
// give some work to the kernel
return 0;
You should consider doing this recursively. Remember that each node is a tree in itself:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct tree_struct {
int value;
struct tree_struct* left;
struct tree_struct* right;
} Tree;
Tree* addToTree(int value, Tree* tree)
if (tree == NULL) {
tree = malloc(sizeof(Tree));
tree->value = value;
tree->left = NULL;
tree->right = NULL;
} else {
if (value < tree->value) {
tree->left = addToTree(value, tree->left);
} else {
tree->right = addToTree(value, tree->right);
return tree;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Tree* tree = NULL;
int in;
while (scanf("%d", &in) != EOF) {
tree = addToTree(in, tree);
return 0;
I'm having a very strange problem with this bit of code, sorry its pretty messy. Basically its a pagerank algorithm. Each struct webpage is contained in the dynamic array "pages". The pages vector is put through the algorithm until its absolute value (|P|) is smaller than 'epsilon'. Now the issue is with lines 195-201. If i remove the iteration over the array in those lines (i.e. an empty while loop), it works for cases that only require one iteration. However, when i do have the for loop (even for one iteration cases), it throws error6 (line 179, debugging shows e == NULL) without even having run over the inserted loop. Ive set breakpoints etc, and still gives error6 without even having read the extra code. What's going on here? Im pretty new to C and parallel programming so its probably something fundamental. Would appreciate any help!
input format:
output format:
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static const double D = 0.85;
static const double EPSILON = 0.005;
int ncores;
int npages;
struct webpage** pages;
int maxdepth;
struct webpage* has(char s[20], int e);
void* threadf(void* ptr);
int quit(void);
double rec(int s, int f, int depth);
struct webpage {
char name[20];
double oldrank;
double rank;
struct node* in;
int incount;
int outcount;
struct node {
struct webpage* data;
struct node* next;
struct arg {
int s;
int f;
int depth;
double ret;
struct webpage*
has(char s[20], int e) {
int p;
for (p=0; p<e; ++p) {
if (strcmp(s, pages[p]->name) == 0) {
return pages[p];
return NULL;
void *
threadf(void* ptr) {
struct arg* curr = (struct arg*)ptr;
curr->ret = rec(curr->s, curr->f, curr->depth);
quit(void) {
int i;
for(i=0; i<npages; ++i) {
struct node* curr = pages[i]->in;
struct node* next;
while(curr != NULL) {
next = curr->next;
curr = next;
return 0;
seq(int s, int f) {
double sum;
sum = 0;
int w;
for (w=s; w<=f; w++) {
struct webpage* curr = pages[w];
double ser;
ser = 0;
struct node* currn = curr->in;
while (currn != NULL) {
struct webpage* n = currn->data;
ser = ser + ((n->oldrank)/(n->outcount));
currn = currn->next;
double temp = (((1-D)/npages) + (D*ser));
sum = sum + pow((temp - curr->oldrank), 2);
curr->oldrank = curr->rank;
curr->rank = temp;
return sum;
rec(int s, int f, int depth) {
if (depth == maxdepth ) {
return seq(s, f);
} else {
if (s < f){
int m;
m = (s+f)/2;
struct arg l;
struct arg r;
l.s = s;
l.f = m;
l.depth = depth+1;
r.s = m+1;
r.f = f;
r.depth = depth+1;
pthread_t left, right;
pthread_create(&left, NULL, threadf, (void*) &l);
pthread_create(&right, NULL, threadf, (void*) &r);
pthread_join(left, NULL);
pthread_join(right, NULL);
double res;
res = l.ret + r.ret;
return res;
return seq(s, f);
main(void) {
if (scanf("%d", &ncores) != 1) {
return quit();
if (scanf(" %d", &npages) != 1) {
return quit();
int i;
char n[20];
pages = (struct webpage**)malloc(npages*sizeof(struct webpage*));
for (i=0; i<npages; ++i) {
if (scanf(" %c", n) != 1 || has(n, i) != NULL) {
return quit();
pages[i] = (struct webpage*)malloc(sizeof(struct webpage));
struct webpage* curr = pages[i];
strcpy(curr->name, n);
curr->oldrank = 1/npages;
curr->in = NULL;
curr->incount = 0;
curr->outcount = 0;
int nedges;
if (scanf(" %d", &nedges) != 1) {
return quit();
for (i=0; i<nedges; ++i) {
char f[20], t[20];
if (scanf(" %s %s", f, t) != 2) {
return quit();
char from[20], to[20];
strcpy(from, f);
strcpy(to, t);
struct webpage* s = has(from, npages);
struct webpage* e = has(to, npages);
if (s == NULL || e == NULL) {
return quit();
struct node* new;
new = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->data = s;
if (e->in == NULL) {
e->in = new;
} else {
new->next = e->in;
e->in = new;
maxdepth = (log(ncores))/(log(2)) + 0.5;
while (sqrt(rec(0, npages-1, 0)) > EPSILON){
int c;
for (c=0; c<npages; ++c) {
struct webpage* curr = pages[c];
curr->oldrank = curr->rank;
int z;
for (z=0; z<npages; ++z) {
struct webpage* curr = pages[z];
printf("%s %.4lf\n", curr->name, curr->rank);
return quit();
sample input:
a a
char n[20];
[ ... ]
if (scanf(" %c", n) != 1 || has(n, i) != NULL) {
The %c format specifier for scanf reads only one character. So n consists of the character you typed plus whatever garbage happened to be on the stack before you called scanf(). If you use %s, it will consist of the character you typed plus a NUL byte for terminating the string plus garbage you don't care about.
Also note that you can limit the amount of characters scanf() reads by using a width specifier, as in:
scanf("%19s", n)
(meaning: read 19 characters and add a NUL byte). Otherwise, your buffer could overflow, possibly leading to arbitrary code execution (or at least a crash when used by non-malicious users).
The program below compiles fine, but gives the error ".exe file ahs stopped working" when I run it. Please help. Any suggestions?
#define MAXSIZE 500
struct key
int item;
struct key *left;
struct key *right;
typedef struct key star;
void make_tree(star *link, int j, char a[]);
int find_num_of_leaves(star *node);
star *tree;
char input[MAXSIZE];
int main()
int i=0;
int num;
printf("Enter the number:\n");
scanf("%[^\n]", input);
tree = (star *) malloc(sizeof(star));
tree->item = -1;
make_tree(tree, i, input);
num = find_num_of_leaves(tree);
printf("\n\n%d", num);
void make_tree(star *link, int j, char a[])
if(a[j] == '\0')
link->left = NULL;
link->right = NULL;
if(a[j+1] == '\0')
link->right = NULL;
if(int(a[j]) > 0)
link->left = (star *) malloc(sizeof(star));
(link->left)->item = a[j];
return make_tree(link->left, j+1, a);
if(((10*int(a[j])) + int(a[j+1])) <= 26)
link->right = (star *) malloc(sizeof(star));
(link->right)->item = (10*int(a[j])) + int(a[j+1]);
return make_tree(link->right, j+1, a);
int find_num_of_leaves(star *node)
if(node == NULL)
return 0;
if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
return 1;
return find_num_of_leaves(node->left) + find_num_of_leaves(node->right);
/*if(node->left == NULL)
if(node->right == NULL)
if(node->right != NULL && node->left != NULL)
When doing make tree your link->left does not get initialised if the code passes through this bit:
(for instance, if you enter a single digit into the console)
if(a[j+1] == '\0')
link->right = NULL;
Hence, when your code calls find_num_of_leaves which, in turn calls find_num_of_leaves, it crashes when it tries to dereference the left part of the node.