Why does gcc save r4 in arm FIQ interrupt handlers? - arm

Consider the following C code:
extern void dummy(void);
void foo1(void) __attribute__(( interrupt("IRQ") ));
void foo2(void) __attribute__(( interrupt("FIQ") ));
void foo1() {
void foo2() {
The code produced by arm gnueabi gcc is basically this:
sub lr, lr, #4
stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr}
bl dummy
ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, pc}^
sub lr, lr, #4
stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, lr}
bl dummy
ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, pc}^
The code for foo1 does not hold any surprises. r0-r3 and ip are saved, because the call to dummy may change their value. Also, after correcting lr, it is pushed and popped into pc in the end. This is fairly standard.
However, the code for foo2 is surprising. Saving the value of ip is not required, as it is a banked register. But that gcc saves r4 is surprising.
So why does gcc save r4? I don't see any reason to do that, since the call to dummy will not corrupt this register.

I suspect it does it to ensure 8-byte stack alignment required by EABI. The actual register used does not matter, it could be r12 or anything else - it's just used for the extra 4-byte adjustment.


Data dependency detection bug with arm-none-eabi-gcc and -Ofast

I am writing a program for an Arm Cortex M7 based microcontroller, where I am facing an issue with (I guess) compiler optimization.
I compile using arm-none-eabi-gcc v10.2.1 with -mcpu=cortex-m7 -std=gnu11 -Ofast -mthumb.
I extracted the relevant parts, they are as below. I copy some data from a global variable into a local one, and from there the data is written to a hardware
CRC engine to compute the CRC over the data. Before writing it to the engine, the byte order is to be reversed.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MEMORY_BARRIER asm volatile("" : : : "memory")
#define __REV(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) // Reverse byte order
// Dummy struct, similiar as it is used in our program
typedef struct {
float n1, n2, n3, dn1, dn2, dn3;
} test_struct_t;
// CRC Engine Registers
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t DR; // CRC Data register Address offset: 0x00
} CRC_TypeDef;
#define CRC ((CRC_TypeDef*) (0x40000000UL))
// Write data to CRC engine
static inline void CRC_write(uint32_t* data, size_t size)
for(int index = 0; index < (size / 4); index++) {
CRC->DR = __REV(*(data + index));
// Global variable holding some data, similiar as it is used in our program
volatile test_struct_t global_var = { 0 };
int main()
test_struct_t local_tmp;
// Copy the current data into a local variable
local_tmp = global_var;
// Now, write the data to the CRC engine to compute CRC over the data
CRC_write((uint32_t*) &local_tmp, sizeof(local_tmp));
return 0;
This compiles to:
push {r4, r5, lr}
sub sp, sp, #28
ldr r4, .L4
mov ip, sp
ldr r3, [sp] ; load first float into r3
mov lr, #1073741824 ; load address of CRC engine DR register into lr
rev r5, r3 ; reverse byte order of first float and store in r5
ldmia r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3} ; load first 4 floats into r0-r3
stmia ip!, {r0, r1, r2, r3} ; copy first 4 floats into local variable
ldm r4, {r0, r1} ; load float 5 and 6 into r0 and r1
stm ip, {r0, r1} ; copy float 5 and 6 into local variable
str r5, [lr] ; write reversed bytes from r5 to CRC engine
ldr r3, [sp, #4]
rev r3, r3
str r3, [lr]
ldr r3, [sp, #8]
rev r3, r3
str r3, [lr]
ldr r3, [sp, #12]
rev r3, r3
str r3, [lr]
ldr r3, [sp, #16]
rev r3, r3
str r3, [lr]
ldr r3, [sp, #20]
rev r3, r3
str r3, [lr]
movs r0, #0
add sp, sp, #28
pop {r4, r5, pc}
.word .LANCHOR0
The problem is now that the first float is loaded and its byte order is reversed (rev r5, r3) before the data has been copied from the global variable (happens with the ldmia/sdmia).
This is clearly not intended, leads to a wrong CRC, and I wonder why the compiler does not recognize this data dependency. Am I doing anything wrong or is there a bug in GCC?
Code in compiler explorer: https://godbolt.org/z/ErWThc5dx

Why the interrupt service routine ,PUSH {r3,r4,r5,lr} but POP {r0,r4,r5,lr},which lead to ERROR?

I am using IAR to compile routines, but run error on ARM A7; then i got the question below when i open the .lst file generated by IAR.
It is a ISR, first push {r3, r4, r5, lr}, but POP {r0, r4, r5, lr} when return, the R0 value is changed to the value of R3 before push. So R0 is wrong when returned from irqHandler which lead to error in follow routines.
why ?
void irqHandler(void)
878: e92d4038 push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
volatile u32 *pt = (u32 *)AM_INTC_BASE;
87c: e3a044b0 mov r4, #176, 8 ; 0xb0000000
u32 id_spin;
id_spin = *(pt+0x200c/4) & 0x3ff;
880: e302000c movw r0, #8204 ; 0x200c
884: e7900004 ldr r0, [r0, r4]
888: e1b00b00 lsls r0, r0, #22
88c: e1b00b20 lsrs r0, r0, #22
890: e1b05000 movs r5, r0
894: e3550020 cmp r5, #32
898: 2a000000 bcs 8a0 <irqHandler+0x28>
print("id_spid<32 error...\r\n",0);
89c: eafffffe b 89c <irqHandler+0x24>
8a0: e59f0010 ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; 8b8 <.text_8>
8a4: e1b01105 lsls r1, r5, #2
8a8: e0910000 adds r0, r1, r0
8ac: e5100080 ldr r0, [r0, #-128] ; 0x80
8b0: e12fff30 blx r0
8b4: e8bd8031 pop {r0, r4, r5, pc}
The abi requires a 64 bit aligned stack, so the push of r3 simply facilitates that. Could have chosen any register not already specified. Likewise on the pop they need to clean up the stack the function is prototyped as void so the return (r0) is a dont care and r0-r3 are not expected to be preserved so no reason to match the r3 on each end nor match an r0 on each end.
had they chose a register numbered above r3 (r6 for example) on the push then that would have needed to be matched on the pop. Otherwise the pop would have to be one of r0-r3 to not trash a non-volatile register. (couldnt push r3 then pop r6 that would trash r6)
It does not matter as R0-R3, R12, LR, PC, xPSR are saved on the stack automaticly when the hardware invokes the interrupt vector routine. When bx, ldm, pop, or ldr with PC is invoked hardware executes interrupt routine exit poping those registers.
Do not check your compiler. It knows what it does. Check tour wrong logic - especially printing strings in the interrupt handler.
assemble code with the keyword __irq __arm is below:
__irq __arm void irqHandler(void)
878: e24ee004 sub lr, lr, #4
87c: e92d503f push {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, ip, lr}
volatile u32 *pt = (u32 *)AM_INTC_BASE;
880: e3a044b0 mov r4, #176, 8 ; 0xb0000000
u32 id_spin;
id_spin = *(pt+0x200c/4) & 0x3ff;
884: e302000c movw r0, #8204 ; 0x200c
888: e7900004 ldr r0, [r0, r4]
88c: e1b00b00 lsls r0, r0, #22
890: e1b00b20 lsrs r0, r0, #22
894: e1b05000 movs r5, r0
898: e3550020 cmp r5, #32
89c: 2a000000 bcs 8a4 <irqHandler+0x2c>
print("id_spid<32 error...\r\n",0);
8a0: eafffffe b 8a0 <irqHandler+0x28>
8a4: e59f0010 ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; 8bc <.text_8>
8a8: e1b01105 lsls r1, r5, #2
8ac: e0910000 adds r0, r1, r0
8b0: e5100080 ldr r0, [r0, #-128] ; 0x80
8b4: e12fff30 blx r0
8b8: e8fd903f ldm sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, ip, pc}^
Cortex A7 PUSH log ,it just push 7 register, so 32bit aligned is ok
follow link is the log info:

Need Help understanding ARM function

I'm still learning ARM and I couldn't understand what this function is supposed to do.
Can you guys help me out explaining how it works?
.text:0006379C EXPORT _nativeD2AB
.text:0006379C _nativeD2AB
.text:0006379C var_28 = -0x28
.text:0006379C STMFD SP!, {R4-R11,LR}
.text:000637A0 SUB SP, SP, #0x3A4
.text:000637A4 STMFA SP, {R0-R3}
.text:000637A8 LDR R0, =(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_ - 0x637B8)
.text:000637AC LDR R1, =(__stack_chk - 0x134EAC)
.text:000637B0 ADD R0, PC, R0 ; _GLOBAL_OFFSET_
.text:000637B4 LDR R0, [R1,R0] ; __stack_chk
.text:000637B8 LDR R0, [R0]
.text:000637BC STR R0, [SP,#0x3C8+var_28]
.text:000637C0 MOV R0, #1
.text:000637C4 ADR R1, sub_637D0
.text:000637C8 MUL R0, R1, R0
.text:000637CC MOV PC, R0
.text:000637CC ; End of function _nativeD2AB
.got:00134B0C AREA .got, DATA
.got:00134B0C __stack_chk DCD __stack_chkA
Found the rest of the function. If I understood some of it correctly, it seems to be scrambling the data, though that may be just a wild guess:
.text:000637D0 sub_637D0
.text:000637D0 MOV R0, #1
.text:000637D4 ADR R1, sub_637E0
.text:000637D8 MUL R0, R1, R0
.text:000637DC MOV PC, R0
.text:000637DC ; End of function sub_637D0
.text:000637E0 sub_637E0
.text:000637E0 arg_14 = 0x14
.text:000637E0 STR R2, [SP,#arg_14]
.text:000637E4 MOV R0, #1
.text:000637E8 ADR R1, loc_637F4
.text:000637EC MUL R0, R1, R0
.text:000637F0 MOV PC, R0
.text:000637F0 ; End of function sub_637E0
.text:000637F4 loc_637F4
.text:000637F4 STR R2, [SP,#0x28]
.text:000637F8 STR R0, [SP,#0x18]
.text:000637FC MOV R1, #2
.text:00063800 STR R2, [SP,#0x1C]
.text:00063804 STR R0, [SP,#0x20]
.text:00063808 STR R0, [SP,#0x24]
The function has several parts:
Store registers to the stacj and reserve space (Strangely, not restored)
Load to R0 the address of GLOBAL_OFFSET (Once added with PC), to actually access __stack_chk (When added to GLOBAL_OFFSET). This is done in a very strange way.
Load the data at __stack_chk and store it in the stack
Load to R0 the value of sub_637D0, by doing a multiplication by 1. This is the value returned by the function.
So in my opinion, this does not seem to do anything useful...

Optimize C or assembly code in size for Cortex-M0

I need to reduce the code bloat for the Cortex-M0 microprocessor.
At startup the ROM data has to be copied to the RAM data once. Therefore I have this piece of code:
void __startup( void ){
extern unsigned int __data_init_start;
extern unsigned int __data_start;
extern unsigned int __data_end;
// copy .data section from flash to ram
s = & __data_init_start;
d = & __data_start;
e = & __data_end;
while( d != e ){
*d++ = *s++;
The assembly code that is generated by the compiler looks like this:
ldr r1, .L10+8
ldr r2, .L10+12
sub r0, r1, r2
lsr r3, r0, #2
add r3, r3, #1
lsl r1, r3, #2
mov r3, #0
add r3, r3, #4
cmp r3, r1
beq .L9
ldr r4, .L10+16
add r0, r2, r3
add r4, r3, r4
sub r4, r4, #4
ldr r4, [r4]
sub r0, r0, #4
str r4, [r0]
b .L4
How can I optimize this code so the code size is at minimum?
The compiler (or you!) does not realize that the range to copy is end - start. There seems to be some unnecessarily shuffling of data going on -- the 2 add and the sub in the loop. Also, it seems to me the compiler makes sure that the number of copies to make is a multiple of 4. An obvious optimization, then, is to make sure it is in advance! Below I assume it is (if not, the bne will fail and happily keep on copying and trample all over your memory).
Using my decade-old ARM assembler knowlegde (yes, that is a major disclaimer), and post-incrementing, I think the following short snippet is what it can be condensed to. From 18 instructions down to 8, not too bad. If it works.
ldr r1, __data_init_start
ldr r2, __data_start
ldr r3, __data_end
sub r4, r3, r2
ldr r3, [r1], #4 ; safe to re-use r3 here
str r3, [r2], #4
subs r4, r4, #4
bne L1
May be that platform guarantees that writing to an unsigned int * you may change an unsigned int * value (i.e. it doesn't take advantage of type mismatch aliasing rules).
Then the code is inefficient because e is a global variable and the generated code logic must take in account that writing to *d may change the value of e.
Making at least e a local should solve this problem (most compilers know that aliasing a local that never had its address taken is not possible from a C point of view).

What's the role of __irq in ARM System Programming?

I understand __irq is used to define Interrupt Service Routine function for ARM7(v4) architecture. But what changes does it make to the function?
As per ARM Information Center:
The __irq keyword enables a C or C++ function to be used as an interrupt routine.
__irq is a function qualifier. It affects the type of the function.
What kind of special treatment does ARM compiler provide to routines defined with __irq function qualifier??
The compiler modifies the function exit/entry. This means adjusting lr, changing processor mode after return and saving & restoring registers that are not normally saved across function calls (normally r0-r3 and r12). Here is a short example:
void func()
Generated Assembler:
/* void func() */
stmfd sp!, {r4, lr}
ldmfd sp!, {r4, lr}
bx lr
Same function as IRQ:
/* void __attribute__ ((interrupt ("IRQ"))) func() */
sub lr, lr, #4
stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, ip, lr}
ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, ip, pc}^
And as FIQ:
/* void __attribute__ ((interrupt ("FIQ"))) func() */
sub lr, lr, #4
stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, lr}
ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, pc}^
Note that the exact register list also depends on some external parameters such as the ABI.
From gcc manual
The compiler generates function entry and exit sequences suitable for use in an interrupt handler when this attribute is present.
I believe armcc does the same, you can use objdump to see the difference in the created binary.
From the page you referenced:
All corrupted registers except floating-point registers are preserved, not only those that are normally preserved under the AAPCS. The default AAPCS mode must be used.
