Jquery-steps : Preserve last selected tab after postback - jquery-steps

I am using Jquery-Steps to produce a Tabs effect on one of my aspx pages. Each tab has a Save button, which calls a server method to save values to db. However, on page reload, it by default selects the first tab. I am calling dvProfile.steps() method. This is how my tags are :
<div id="dvProfile">
<div id="tab1">
<div id="tab2">
..... so on
I want to programmatically select the last selected tab. Thanks for the help in advance!

For future reference, Theres is property called 'saveState' , which when set to true saves the state(last selected tab) to a cookie.


angular js code to disable buttons in form

We have a UIform (angular js) which has Edit button in each row. Edit button has a condition that only one row can be edited at a time. I need to insert another button at top to disable edit button in all the rows. Please assist.
Current code: btn ng-disable = disableedit ng-click form-edit > button < /btn
disableedit function disables all edit button except for current row which is being edited. Please assist what should be the code for the new EditDisable button.
As i understand you want to enable edit button only when the user is hovering at that row. Here is my attempt to achieve the same. You can use ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseout events to trigger functions.
mouseenter : The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element.
mouseout : The event occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer out of an element, or out of one of its children
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div class="mb-20" ng-repeat="row in rows" ng-mouseenter="rowid=$index+1">
<button ng-disabled="rowid!=$index+1" ng-mouseout="rowid=0">edit</button>
So , basically check if your row_id is equal to the current index enable the button else let it be disabled.
Here's the jsfiddle link : http://jsfiddle.net/khushboo097/ohvqjdye/

Radio buttons stop displaying their value when a radio button is selected in another object within the array

We have a section of our website where users can submit data. This section allows users to add additional entries and submit them all at once. We had to rewrite this section after we updated the version of AngularJS the site used to the most recent. When a user first accesses the page, the first entry is ready and available for the user to fill out. They can click on a button and it will add another entry. These entries can be navigated via tabs. Once a second entry has been added and a radio button selected, the selected radio button on the first entry is deselected in the view. If you go back to the first entry and re-select a radio button, any selected radio button on the second entry is de-selected. Checking the model, the values are still stored and if the user saves, then the correct values are saved to the database. I don't know if it matters in this case, but the radio button options are populated via data from the database. Everything in the controller appears to be working correctly.
Here is a concentrated bit from the template:
<uib-tabset active="activeTabIndex" ng-show="!nothingToShow && showThisStuff">
<uib-tab ng-repeat="entry in things.items" active="{{entry.active}}" ng-model="entry">
<uib-tab-heading>Heading Here</uib-tab-heading>
<!-- some other stuff here -->
<label>Label Here</label>
<br />
<div ng-repeat="input in inputTypes">
<input name="inputTypes" type="radio" data-ng-value="input.theTypeId" ng-model="entry.theTypeId">
<label>{{input.localizedName | translate}}</label>
<!-- More stuff here-->
I have a feeling that I'm not doing something right since ng-repeat is involved, but I feel that since the selection points to entry that multiple entries should be isolated from each other. Very well could be wrong, though.
Here's a list of things I've looked at to try and resolve this issue:
AngularJS - ng-repeat multiple radio button groups, values to array
AngularJS - Using ng-repeat to create sets of radio inputs
AngularJs: Binding ng-model to a list of radio buttons
AngularJS multiple radio options
Selected value in radio button group not retained in angularjs
How can I get the selected values of several radio buttons to be bound to an object (model)?
If I understand you correctly, you try to set multiple selection instead of single selection, do you?
Try one of the following: either remove the 'name' attribute from the input, or use $index in order to give every input its unique name (example: name="inputTypes_{{$index}}").

Getting checkbox values in angularjs and passing them into another controller

I am transitioning from jquery to angularjs. I am trying to develop a small app in SPA style. Left side is the menu that controls the content on the right side. Left side menu has its own controller. When the user selects a checkbox and clicks on 'Go', the checkbox value should be passed to the controller that controls the right side content. Here is the link to the app. Below are the issues I have.
1)I am stumped on a simple problem of accessing checked values of a checkbox. How do I access values of checked checkboxes. The checboxes are on left side menu, and I am using ng-model to currently access the values as below
<div id="searchOne">
<li ng-repeat="searchOneCB in main.checkBoxOneData">
<input type="checkbox" name="firstSearch" id="firstSearch_{{searchOneCB.code}}" ng-model="main.selected[searchOneCB.code]" />
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="width:80px;margin-right: 10px" ng-click="main.submit()">
MainCtrl.js to access the checkbox value.
main.submit = function() {
The values are now in the form of an array as below
[BBBB: true, AAAA: true].
Is this the right way to access the values? What is the best way to retrieve only the checked checbox values?
2) Another question is, once I get the list of checked checkboxes values, how can I pass them to the contentCtrl.js that controls the content on right side?
You should inject the controller into the controller you want to use. The answer has already been answered here is the link.
How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

Apply AngularJS directive when div is visible

I have added a custom directive in Angular JS. I have added one page in which I have 4 div tag. These 4 div tag are not displayed at once, but they are getting displayed in tabs, so on click of particular tab respective div gets displayed.
But when the page loads all div tag are loaded so directive is called when page is loaded. But what I want to achieve is when the div tag gets visible (on click of tab) it should execute that directive.
Is there a way to achieve this ?
-- Update - 1
let me explain my problem with more details ..
I am displaying tabs using boot-strap data-toggle="tab", so when I select particular tab it displays that tab content.. but on click of tab bootstrap is showing / hiding tabs by applying css.
<a href="!#tab_1" data-toggle="tab">
<a href="!#tab_2" data-toggle="tab">
<a href="!#tab_3" data-toggle="tab">
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab_1">
... some content
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab_2">
<tr ng-repeat="user in userList">
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab_3">
... some content
<new-user-modal username="name"></new-user-modal>
so, now when i load page by default tab_1 is selected / active, but other tabs are already loaded but are hidden. Here <new-user-modal> is a custom directive, which points to a template using templateUrl ../../newUserTemplate.html, which has div with id new_user_modal.
So when I select tab_2, i see list of users, all user row will have View action, and when i click on View action, it displays pop-up using newUserTemplate.html template. I have implemented a custom directive to display all fields in form as read-only, so when user clicks on View action it should display all fields in read only mode.
template (../../newUserTemplate.html) div with id new_user_modal has this custom directive read-only added to it, so when i load page first time when by default tab_1 is selected that time its calling read-only custom directive.
But I want it to be called when action is clicked, so based on it i can open modal either in read-only or edit mode.
let me know if you need any other details..
-- Update-2
basically I have created two directives one is new-user-modal and other is read-only.
First directive is to load user details in a modal(popup) which as i explained is getting generated using data-toggler=modal. This directive new-user-modal has template which is a form with user related fields, so when user clicks on any user records, this modal will be displayed with user information..
new-user-modal directive is pointing to template file ../newUserTemplate.html, where i have all user fields. In this template i have added my another custom directive read-only, so if user clicks on view user action, it will open this modal in read only view means all form fields will be read only, and if user clicks on edit user action, same modal will open in edit mode.
But, as this modal is getting generated using bootstrap, this modal is already loaded when the page is loaded first time, but its hidden. So directive is getting called when page is loaded not when modal is shown ..
You could use ng-if for directives and check if the current tab is open. ng-if recompiles the directive from scratch only when the value is true, or in your case
Something like this:
<pane title="Tab1">
<directive ng-if="tab1.active"> </directive>
<pane title="Tab2">
<directive ng-if="tab2.active"> </directive>
Is this something you want? There is also another way using $compile but it's not so correct.

How different controllers can relay of each other while page is being loaded?

Think about this simple scenario:
<div ng-controller="ctrl1">
... drop down list...
<div ng-controller="ctrl2">
...grid list...
The first <div> contains a dropdown and the second <div> contains grid.
According to the selected item in dropdown, ctrl2 should update the grid with new data. This is working great after loading, I fire event and catch it using $broadcast and $on.
BUT, I am having trouble doing the first load of the grid. The dropdown list loads with a list of items and the first item is selected by default, so the grid should show data according to that default selection. I can't use events here because if I fire event on $init of ctrl1, the $on of ctrl2 didn't initialized yet so it will not work. What is the right way to do this first load?
Please advice.
