What happened to RichTextBoxOverflow in Silverlight 5? - silverlight

Found bunch of articles with code (assuming it was ran at some point of time) using RichTextBox and RichTextBoxOverflow (supposedly introduced in Silverlight 5)..
I cant find RichTextBoxOverflow in the Silverlight controls.
Had it been cut out on release? Or moved to some obscure dll ?

RichTextBoxOverflow was introduced in Silverlight 5 beta, but it was cut from Silverlight 5 final release.

I don't think it was released at all by that name (see this forum post). But there's RichTextBlockOverflow though.


Issue with Silverlight 5 beta and Silverlight April 2010 Toolkit

There seems to be an issue with SL 5 beta and the SL April 2010 Toolkit.
After converting a Silverlight Solution (which compiled well under SL 4!) to SL5 I get the following error:
The tag 'TreeViewDragDropTarget' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit'
Any ideas?
Someone with a similar problem, his solution was to re-download and reinstall the toolkit. I'd say give it a shot. Though this seems like a common problem between many versions of Silverlight not just 5. I hope this helps.

Multi-touch gestures on Silverlight 4 and Windows Phone 7

Question: What is the best cross platform multitouch approach for Silverlight?
I’ve been developing large SL4 applications and have now started porting them to WP7.
The porting itself has been fantastic – virtually no changes required between the platforms. But now with WP7 comes the issue of multi-touch. With growing bemusement, I discovered that there are now at least 4 different options for implementing multi-touch in Silverlight, none ideal, and none perfectly cross platform.
The best analysis of the Microsoft provided options I’ve found are from Jeff Prosise (parts 1, 2, 3, and 4) and Charles Petzold.
Great! GestureService/GestureListener in the Silverlight Toolkit looks perfect. Just what I need. So I start down the path of incorporating this in my app and run into the following frustrating sequence.
GestureService/GestureListener is
only in the WP7 Silverlight Toolkit,
but not in the Silverlight Toolkit
for SL4.
OK. Download the source for the
WP7 Toolkit and attempt to make my
own version of
GestureService/GestureListener for SL4. Even though Touch.FrameReported
is available in SL4, another key class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch is not available. Dead End.
Start looking for open source alternative touch libraries. Waste many hours.
Settle on
Discover after many more wasted hours
that only Portrait mode is currently
supported, and not Landscape. Dead
So, is there any workaround to get GestureService/GestureListener working in SL4? If not, can anyone guess when/if it will be available in the SL4 toolkit? Waiting for SL5 isn't really an option.
There is no out of the box solution. However, we have built and open source touch library to provide parity and wire in the missing events on the Silverlight side. Take a look:
I had the same issue a year ago. Unfortunately, I had to implement my own solution for SL which was based on Touch.FrameReported and TouchFrameEventArgs.GetTouchPoints. I know, it is a little bit low-level, but it was the only reliable option for me.
Here is a short tutorial by Tim Heuer: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2009/07/30/silverlight-3-multi-touch-introduction-fundamentals-basics.aspx

Where to get the older version silverlight 3?

I installed silverlight 4 recently, but we still have legacy projects need to be tested on silverlight 3. Where can I get it?
The Silverlight 4 plugin will behave like the Silverlight 3 plugin when the XAP version indicates its built with Silverlight 3. This includes any bugs that Silverlight 3 had where the fixes for these bugs would break an existing Silverlight 3 app. This is known as "quirksmode" (sounds familiar).
Whilst it is probably best for belts and braces to test Silverlight 3 apps on the actual Silverlight 3 plugin you will probably find that the same problems will be picked up even if you are using the Silverlight 4 plugin.
Use google or that link.
Isn't this it? http://www.silverlight.net/getstarted/silverlight3/

New Silverlight features in 4.0

For any silverlight fanatics out there, I was wanting to ask what type of new features does Silverlight 4.0 have compared to Silverlight 1.0 ? I am a Silverlight newbie and need to get that skillset accquired.
Look at this table on the official site which compares every version of Silverlight.
Wow that is a loaded question. I would suggest that you do some reading or watch some videos. Here is a link to some Silverlight 4.0 videos that should get you going http://www.silverlight.net/learn/videos/silverlight-4-videos/. Silverlight has come a very long way since version 1.0. I started with version 1.0 and its awesome to see how far the platform has come in such a short period of time.
Good luck and happy programming.
I'd start at http://www.silverlight.net/
You'd also need to check out what was new in Silverlight 2 (Dr Dobbs article) and Silverlight 3 before checking out what's new in Silverlight 4 as each has built on the previous version

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version in Visual Studios Object Browser?
Well I can't claim to know the exact reason for this, you would need someone from the SL team to state the reason categorically and I haven't seen any blogs from them doing that.
However I strongly suspect this is related to the fact that there is still only one Silverlight plugin, that is to say when a user installs the Silverlight 4 plugin it replaces the existing one. The Silverlight 4 plugin will run not only Silverlight 4 apps but also Silverlight 3 and 2 apps. As a consequence Silverlight 2 apps will be looking for libraries and that certain issues are avoided if the later versions simply use the same version number.
Of course I could be way off and hope that if I am an MS geezer come and shoot this down, in the process of which giving us the real answer.
Because it needs to reference the System.Core
