Not able to attach database in SQL Server 2008R2 - sql-server

I have SQL Server 2008R2 on my laptop, with a number of databases on it.
I detached one of my development databases today (I wanted to take a copy) using SSMS, and now I can't re-attach it. Whenever I try I get the following error
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105) while attempting to open or create the physical file
I have seen numerous similar questions on this, and they always seem to suggest the database being attached to another SQL Server instance. I have checked as to whether I have another SQL Server instance running, can't see anything even remotely like in Task manager. I even restarted the computer to clear any if they were there - no joy.
I read somewhere that if I change the Log On checkbox on the SQL Server Services properties Log On tab to Local System Account that should do it; it didn't.
I am at a complete loss as to where to go next.
Any ideas anyone?

Error 5 is Access Denied. It is a permissions issue. You do not have permissions to write to that location. You probably should be an Administrator on that machine.


Load trace file into SQL Server - Access is Denied

So at work I've been given a 500MB trace file to try and diagnose some issues. We've found a few culprits I think are the problems but they want me to run some queries against the data to prove my hypothesis. I installed SQL Server 2017 Developer locally so I could have a local database to mess with and can't get it to work.
SELECT * INTO TraceTemp FROM::fn_trace_gettable('C:\Users\chalewis\Desktop\sql.trc',default);
I keep getting the following error. File 'C:\Users\chalewis\Desktop\sql.trc' either does not exist or there was an error opening the file. Error = '5(Access is denied.)'.
Database and file are on same machine so the path should be correct (used copy as path windows function to get it).
I'm logged in using Windows Authentication and can load the file into
SQL Server Profiler just fine.
The trace was captured by SQL Server Profiler.
I have given permission to my desktop to {ComputerName}/MSSQLSERVER
Anything else I can possibly do?
The access to the folder/file is normally done with the user your Sql Server service is running (check via services.msc) and give this user access rights to the folder (I guess it's NT Service\MSSQLSERVER in your case).

Cannot bulk load. Operating system error code 5 (Access is denied.)

For some weird reason I'm having problems executing a bulk insert.
BULK INSERT customer_stg
FROM 'C:\Users\Michael\workspace\pydb\data\andrew.out.txt'
I'm confident after reading this that I've setup my user role correctly, as it states...
Members of the bulkadmin fixed server role can run the BULK INSERT statement.
I have set the Login Properties for the Windows Authentication correctly (as seen below).. to grant server-wide permissions on bulkadmin
And the command EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'bulkadmin' tells me that the information above was successful, and the current user Michael-PC\Michael has bulkadmin permissions.
But even though I've set everything up correctly as far as I know, I'm still getting the error. executing the bulk insert directly from SQL Server Management Studio.
Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot bulk load because the file "C:\Users\Michael\workspace\pydb\data\andrew.out.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
which doesn't make sense because apparently bulkadmins can run the statement, am I meant to reconfigure how the bulkadmin works? (I'm so lost). Any ideas on how to fix it?
This error appears when you are using SQL Server Authentication and SQL Server is not allowed to access the bulk load folder.
So giving SQL server access to the folder will solve the issue.
Here is how to:
Go to the folder right click ->properties->Security tab->Edit->Add(on the new window) ->Advanced -> Find Now. Under the users list in the search results, find something like SQLServerMSSQLUser$UserName$SQLExpress and click ok, to all the dialogs opened.
I don't think reinstalling SQL Server is going to fix this, it's just going to kill some time.
Confirm that your user account has read privileges to the folder in question.
Use a tool like Process Monitor to see what user is actually trying to access the file.
My guess is that it is not Michael-PC\Michael that is trying to access the file, but rather the SQL Server service account. If this is the case, then you have at least three options (but probably others):
a. Set the SQL Server service to run as you.
b. Grant the SQL Server service account explicit access to that folder.
c. Put the files somewhere more logical where SQL Server has access, or can be made to have access (e.g. C:\bulk\).
I suggest these things assuming that this is a contained, local workstation. There are definitely more serious security concerns around local filesystem access from SQL Server when we're talking about a production machine, of course this can still be largely mitigated by using c. above - and only giving the service account access to the folders you want it to be able to touch.
I had the same problem SSIS 2012 and the solution was to use Windows Authentication. I was using SQL authentication with the sa user.
Go to start run=>services.msc=>SQL SERVER(MSSQLSERVER) stop the service
Right click on SQL SERVER(MSSQLSERVER)=> properties=>LogOn Tab=>Local System Account=>OK
Restart the SQL server Management Studio.
Try giving the folder(s) containing the CSV and Format File read permissions for ‘MSSQLSERVER’ user (or whatever user the SQL Server service is set to Log On As in Windows Services)
This is what worked for me:
Log on SSIS with Windows authentication.
1. Open services and find MSSQL NT Service account name and copy it:
2. Open folder from which SQL server should read from. Security - Group or user names tab - Add and paste there copied account:**
You will probably get "Multiple names found error", just select MSSQL user:
Your BULK INSERT query should run fine now.
If problem persists try adding SQL Server Agent account to folder permissions in same way.
Make sure you restart MSSQL server in services after you are done.
This is quite simple the way I resolved this problem:
open SQL Server
right click on database (you want to be backup)
select properties
select permissions
select your database role (local or cloud)
in the you bottom you will see explicit permissions table
find " backup database " permission and click Grant permission .
your problem is resolved .
sometimes this can be a bogus error message, tried opening the file with the same account that it is running the process. I had the same issue in my environment and when I did open the file (with the same credentials running the process), it said that it must be associated with a known program, after I did that I was able to open it and run the process without any errors.
Make sure the file you're using ('C:\Users\Michael\workspace\pydb\data\andrew.out.txt') is on the SQL server machine and not the client machine running MSSMS.
1) Open SQL
2) In Task Manager, you can check which account is running the SQL - it is probably not Michael-PC\Michael as Jan wrote.
The account that runs SQL need access to the shared folder.
I have come to similar question when I execute the bulk insert in SSMS it's working but it failed and returned with "Operation system failure code 5" when converting the task into SQL Server Agent.
After browsing lots of solutions posted previously, this way solved my problem by granting the NT SERVER/SQLSERVERAGENT with the 'full control" access right to the source folder.
Hope it would bring some light to these people who are still struggling with the error message.
In our case it ended up being a Kerberos issue. I followed the steps in this article to resolve the issue:
It came down to configuring delegation on the machine account of the SQL Server where the BULK INSERT statement is running. The machine account needs to be able to delegate via the "cifs" service to the file server where the files are located. If you are using constrained delegation make sure to specify "Use any authenication protocol".
If DFS is involved you can execute the following Powershell command to get the name of the file server:
Get-DfsnFolderTarget -Path "\\dfsnamespace\share"

"Cannot open user default database. Login failed." after installing SQL Server Management Studio Express

I have a database in a local file that is used by a program. The program has limited functionality and I needed to run some quick queries. I installed SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 (SSMSE), connected to the SQL Server instance, attached the database file, and ran the queries. Now the original program will no longer connect to the database. I receive the error:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'MyComputer\MyUserName'.
I've gone back into SSMSE and tried to set the default database. I've opened up Security, Logins, BUILTIN\Administrators and BUILTIN\Users. Under General, I have set the default database to the program's database. Under User Mappings, I made sure the database is ticked and that db_datareader and db_datawriter are ticked.
The program uses the connection string:
Server=(local)\Instance; AttachDbFilename=C:\PathToDatabase\Database.mdf; Integrated Security=True; User Instance=True;
I know jack-all about database administration. What else am I missing?
This may not be answering your question specifically, but it may help others with similar issue caused by different problem
In my case the problem was my user is defaulted to a database which is not accessible for any reason (can be renamed, removed, corrupted or ...)
To solve the issue just follow the following instruction
Try to login again on the login page there is other tabs select
"Connection Properties".
under the tab locate "Connect to database" and select an existing database you have access to like tempdb or master
Once you are connected to the SQL Server Instance execute the below TSQL to assign the login a new default database.
Use master
Alternatively once you connected change your default database name to master via UI
Article taken from :
This problem manifested for me when I took my default db offline. Next thing I know I couldn't login. Switching to the Connection Properties tab and selecting the drop down to change the database I want to connect to also failed.
It let me in right away once I manually typed master as the db I wanted to connect to (on the Connection Properties tab).
First, try to isolate your problem:
Take a backup of the file! Some of the steps below can, apparently, in some circumstances cause the file to vanish.
Are you sure you are connecting to the same instance through Management Studio as the program is?
If possible, try to shut down the instance that you are not expecting to use.
Set the user's default database to master and try to make the program logon.
Try to login as the user through Management Studio - since you have integrated security, you should open Management Studio as the program's user.
Are you using "User instances" - perhaps without knowing it? If so, this may be helpful:
I haven't worked much with files being attached in the way your program does - but you write that you attached the DB in the Management Studio as well. Have you tried detaching it there before running your program? Perhaps you are seeing the Management Studio and your program competing for exclusive access to the MDF-file?
EDIT: I added point 6 above - this is new in my own list of TODOs when troubleshooting this type of Login failed. But it does sound a lot like what you're experiencing.
EDIT2: In the first edit, new item was added to the list. So the numbers in the comments doesn't correspond with the numbers in the answer.
I finally figured this out, and my situation is different than every other I've read about tonight.
I had restored my database from a backup. I knew that there was a particular login user that I had been using, so I created that user in SSMS. However, there was already a user by that name under the database that had come in with the backup.
Since I had screwed around so much trying to fix this, I wasn't able to delete the user under the DB easily. I deleted the database and restored again. Then:
Delete the user under the Databases->[my database]->Users
Create the user again in Security->Logins (not under your DB, although that probably works too.
Go to the newly created user. Select properties. Then under User Mappings, tell it to make your database the default. Give it read and write access.
Summary: I had two users. One that came with the DB, and one that I had created. Remove the one that came with the DB and create your own.
First click on Option>> Button of “Connect to Server” Prompt.
Now change the connect to database to any existing database on your server like master or msdb.
More Details
I've also had this same problem, it turned out that I was trying to access the built in membership classes (in a view), and that .Net was trying to create the database in the App_Data folder:
This will trigger the system to try and create a database based in the built in membership system, which may not be the way your system is setup.
I had a similar problem had to simply download SQL Express Utility that is capable of starting User Instances. SSEUtil is a tool written by the Visual Studio team to help troubleshoot User Instance issues, you can read more about it in the read me file that is installed with the utility.
Hope this will help.
In my case I had to set "connect to any database" right path:
On your instance, go to Security , then to Logins.
Right Click on there, you will see properties and you should click on Securables.
There it give possibility to connect to any database.

SQL Server Copy Database Issue

I'm running the copy database wizard on a 2008 R2 instance of SQL Server.
The database I want to copy is a SQL 2000 database.
I'm copy that database to another SQL SErver 2008 R2.
The wizard uses SQL authentication for both servers, and both are sysadmins.
When I run it, I get the following error (FYI I have tried both copying the logins and leaving them out):
Event Name: OnError
Message: ERROR : errorCode=-1073548784 description=Executing the query "sys.sp_addrolemember #rolename = N'RandomRoleName..." failed with the following error: "The role 'RandomRoleName' does not exist in the current database.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={C81DFC5A-3B22-4DA3-BD3B-10BF861A7F9C}
StackTrace: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dts.DtsTransferProvider.ExecuteTransfer()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Transfer.TransferData()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferObjectsTask.TransferObjectsTask.TransferDatabasesUsingSMOTransfer()
Any help would be appreciated!
My suggestion is dont use the copy database wizard. Create a full backup of the database on the 2000 server and then restore it on the 2008 server.
If you google "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dts.DtsTransferProvider.ExecuteTransfer Copy Database Wizard" you will find that many many people have gotten this same error or other nearly identical smo errors... no-one appears to have gotten past it.
That's isn't to say its impossible... just, restoring a backup is so much easier then the wizard or troubleshooting the wizard. Good luck.
The copy wizard had missed some security and IIRC it's caused by subtle differences in security tables, principals etc between the 2 versions.
Frankly, the easiest way is to do one of these two:
detach, copy, attach
If you don't have access to the O/S and can't get it, another option is to create the missing role(s) in the background as the copy runs. You have to catch it between the creation of the files and when it tries to reference the roles, but there are a few seconds in which to create them if you keep clicking execute - I managed to create 9 roles.
Unfortunately, you'll end up with the roles in another database too (while yours cannot be used) so those need to be deleted.
Of course, this is only an option when you really can't use the other method.
Though the answer which is using the backup technique solves the problem generally, after facing the same issue several times, I was able to trace down the root of the problem using the Event Viewer of Windows to that the Database Copy wizard, using the SQL Agent, will eventually create a Job for the agent to run, after which the Agent will run using its own credentials (i.e. the credentials that you can look up in Windows Services, in my case, NT Service\SQLAgent$SQL2014)
All you need to do is to go the folder where SQL Server creates DB files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQL2014\MSSQL\DATA by default for SQL 2014) and give the SQL Agent windows user write/read access on the folder.
The reason can be that a file with the new Database name already exist on the filesystem. We encountered this when we renamed Database X to X_Old, and tried to copy database Y to X. This cannot be done, because database X_Old is still associated with the filename X.
Either delete the conflicting database, or rename the file on the file system.

SQL Server 2008 database copy - file permissions

For SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition on Vista 64 bit:
I tried copying a database using a Vista admin account using the attach/detach method and it failed due to a file permission error so I gave the user that sql services are running as write and modify to the directory. The copy didn't work. I then gave it full control. The copy worked.
Does that make sense?
If I revoke full control from the user, will that cause problems?
The weird thing is that in an existing working database with files in a different directory, there are no special permissions on the directory and files for the database, so why does a copy require full control?
When you detach a DB, the MDF/LDF files may be set with more restricted perms than you expect, like exclusive to the principal that did the detach - maybe the SQL Server service account or the domain account of the user that performed the detach. I have in the past had to manually add back permissions on the files' Properties > Security tab for other users, or else the files act as if they are locked. See also
( thanks GrumpyOldDBA )
If the server and/or data you are working on does not require those restrictive permissions to be set, you can set a startup flag in SQL Server that will override this function. I understand what Microsoft is going for with this - they assume if you detach a DB they don't want just anyone to walk away with the file; however, I think keeping a good hacker from doing that is easier said than done, and encrypting the DB is the best method for safeguarding data.
Anyway, there is a "Trace Flag 1802" which is oddly named, since it's nothing to do with tracing. You'll want to add it to your SQL startup in SQL Configuration Manager if you want to keep this behavior.
I myself had the same issue and found the answer in StackExchange:
