open(create) non existing file in lua - file

I'm trying to save a configtable(parsed to string) to a file wich is created just in time.
local cfg_string = table.tostring(cfg_table)
local file_name = ""
local cfg_file = ""
file_name = com:line(nil) -- reads a line of input from user via terminal
file_name = string.format("some_prefix-%s-some_suffix.lua",file_name)
-- file does NOT exist at this line
cfg_file ="/dir/subdir/"..file_name,"w")
-- file now should exist
os.syslog(type(file_name)) -> string
os.syslog(type(cfg_file)) -> nil
os.syslog(type(cfg_string)) -> string
cfg_file:write(cfg_string) throws "attempt to call "write" a nil value".
So hu,.. cfg_file is nil I know, but why? I also tried to with "a" flag, but this doesn't work too. The directory exists!
Thanks for your help.

Actually, my code is working. The error is thrown because missig write-permission to dir.
Everyone with such Errors should try
handle_name, err =,"w")


Lua Script error: bad argument #2 'to open' (invalid mode)

I am trying to create a file or read a already existing file but I keep getting the same error: bad argument #2 'to open' (invalid mode)
player_pos = player.pposition()
world_nam = server.worldName()
attribs = player.attributes()
xp =
timesavename = world_nam .. player_pos .. xp
f =, ".txt", "r")
if f ~= nil then
resultstart = f:read("*line")
resultstop = f:read("*line")
Using , in a function will make it think its another argument, like in the comment you got you should concat the strings with ..

Error loading physionet ECG database on MATLAB

I'm using this code to load the ECG-ID database into MATLAB:
%% Initialization
clear all; close all; clc
%% read files from folder A
% Specify the folder where the files live.
myFolder = 'Databases\ECG_ID';
% Check to make sure that folder actually exists. Warn user if it doesn't.
if ~isfolder(myFolder)
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: The following folder does not exist:\n%s\nPlease specify a new folder.', myFolder;)
myFolder = uigetdir(; % Ask for a new one.)
if myFolder == 0
% User clicked Cancel
% Get a list of all files in the folder with the desired file name pattern.
filePattern = fullfile(myFolder, '**/rec_*'; % Change to whatever pattern you need.)
theFiles = dir(filePattern;)
for k = 1 : length(theFiles)
baseFileName = theFiles(;)
fullFileName = fullfile(theFiles(k.folder, baseFileName);)
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName;)
% Now do whatever you want with this file name,
% such as reading it in as an image array with imread()
[sig, Fs, tm] = rdsamp(fullFileName, [1],[],[],[],1;)
But I keep getting this error message:
Now reading C:\Users\******\Documents\MATLAB\Databases\ECG_ID\Person_01\rec_1.atr
Error using rdsamp (line 203)
Could not find record: C:\Users\******\Documents\MATLAB\Databases\ECG_ID\Person_01\rec_1.atr. Search path is set to: '.
I can successfully load one signal at a time (but I can't load the entire database using the above code) using this command:
[sig, Fs, tm] = rdsamp('Databases\ECG_ID\Person_01\rec_1');
How do I solve this problem? How can I load all the files in MATLAB?
Thanks in advance.

winerror32 python renaming file

Im using FTP connection, after closing connection, i need to work with file. How can I do that?
import ftplib, os, time
host = "ftp_host"
ftp_user = "ftp_user"
ftp_password = "ftp_pass"
filename = "Mon.xlsx"
filename2 = "Monitor9564.xlsx"
os.rename(filename, filename2)
con = ftplib.FTP(host, ftp_user, ftp_password)
f = open(filename2, "rb")
send = con.storbinary("STOR " + filename2, f)
os.rename(filename2, filename)
But im getting an error
PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'Monitor9564.xlsx' -> 'Mon.xlsx'
You didn't close your file handle before attempting to rename your file. You can issue f.close() before your second rename method, or you can let Python deal with proper file handle scopes for you:
# code...
with open(filename2, "rb") as f:
send = con.storbinary("STOR " + filename2, f)
os.rename(filename2, filename)
Also, why are you renaming your file only to rename it back to its original name?

storing data into a file rather than returning to the terminal

i have this function: write_reversed_file(input_filename, output_filename) that writes to the given output file the contents of the given input file with the lines in reversed order. i just need the output to be written to the file (output_filename) rather than to the terminal (python shell).
the only part im missing is to store the output into the file.
i successfully managed to complete the reversing lines part.
def write_reversed_file(input_filename, output_filename):
for line in reversed(list(open(filename))):
def write_reversed_file(input_filename, output_filename):
s = ""
f = open(input_filename,"r")
lines ="\n")
for line in reversed(lines):
f = open(outPutFile.txt,"w")
It is good practice to use 'with open as' format when working with files since it is automatically closing the file for us. (as recommended in
def write_reversed_file(input_filename, output_filename):
with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
with open(input_filename, 'r') as r:
for line in reversed(list(
write_reversed_file("inputfile.txt", "outputfile.txt")

Groovy - create file issue: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect

I'm running a script made in Groovy from Soap UI and the script needs to generate lots of files.
Those files have also in the name two numbers from a list (all the combinations in that list are different), and there are 1303 combinations
available and the script generates just 1235 files.
A part of the code is:
filename = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\" + "$file"+"_OK.txt";
targetFile = new File(filename);
where $file is actually that part of the file name which include those 2 combinations from that list:
file = "abc" + "-$firstNumer"+"_$secondNumber"
For those file which are not created is a message returned:"The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect".
I've tried puting another path:
filename = "D:\\rez\\" + "\\" + "$file"+"_OK.txt";
targetFile = new File(filename);
and also:
File parentFolder = new File("D:\\rez\\");
File targetFile = new File(parentFolder, "$file"+"_OK.txt");
(which I've found here: What are possible reasons for "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect")
but nothing worked.
I have no ideea where the problem is. Is strange that 1235 files are created ok, and the rest of them, 68 aren't created at all.
My guess is that some of the files have illegal characters in their paths. Exactly which characters are illegal is platform specific, e.g. on Windows they are
\ / : * ? " < > |
Why don't you log the full path of the file before targetFile.createNewFile(); is called and also log whether this method succeeded or not, e.g.
filename = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\" + "$file"+"_OK.txt";
targetFile = new File(filename);
println "attempting to create file: $targetFile"
if (targetFile.createNewFile()) {
println "Successfully created file $targetFile"
} else {
println "Failed to create file $targetFile"
When the process is finished, check the logs and I suspect you'll see a common pattern in the ""Failed to create file...." messages
File.createNewFile() returns false when a file or directory with that name already exists. In all other failure cases (security, I/O) it throws an exception.
Evaluate createNewFile()'s return value or, additionally, use the File.exists() method:
File file = new File("foo")
// works the first time
// prints an error message
void createNewFile(File file) {
if (!file.createNewFile()) {
assert file.exists()
println file.getPath() + " already exists."
