Something I don't get about C strings - c

A few questions regarding C strings:
both char* and char[] are pointers?
I've learned about pointers and I can tell that char* is a pointer, but why is it automatically a string and not just a char pointer that points to 1 char; why can it hold strings?
Why, unlike other pointers, when you assign a new value to the char* pointer you are actually allocating new space in memory to store the new value and, unlike other pointers, you just replace the value stored in the memory address the pointer is pointing at?

A pointer is not a string.
A string is a constant object having type array of char and, also, it has the property that the last element of the array is the null character '\0' which, in turn, is an int value (converted to char type) having the integer value 0.
char* is a pointer, but char[] is not. The type char[] is not a "real" type, but an incomplete type. The C language is specified in such a way that, in the moment that you define a concrete variable (object) having array of char type, the size of the array is well determined in some way or another. Thus, none variable has type char[] because this is not a type (for a given object).
However, automatically every object having type array of N objects of type char is promoted to char *, that is, a pointer to char pointing to the initial object of the array.
On the other hand, this promotion is not always performed. For example, the operator sizeof() will give different results for char* than for an array of N chars. In the former case, the size of a pointer to char is given (which is in general the same amount for every pointer...), and in the last case gives you the value N, that is, the size of the array.
The behaviour is differente when you declare function arguments as char* and char[]. Since the function cannot know the size of the array, you can think of both declarations as equivalent.
Actually, you are right here: char * is a pointer to just 1 character object. However, it can be used to access strings, as I will explain you now: In the paragraph 1. I showed you that the strings are considered objects in memory having type array of N chars for some N. This value N is big enough to allow an ending null character (as all "string" is supposed to be in C).
So, what's the deal here?
The key point to understand this issues is the concept of object (in memory).
When you have a string or, more generally, an array of char, this means that you have figured out some manner to hold an array object in memory.
This object determines a portion of RAM memory that you can access safely, because C has assigned enough memory for it.
Thus, when you point to the first byte of this object with a char* variable, actually you have guaranteed access to all the adjacent elements to the "right" of that memory place, because those places are well defined by C as having the bytes of the array above.
Briefly: the adjacent (to the right) bytes of the byte pointed by a char* variable can be accessed, they are valid places to access, so the pointer can be "iterated" to walk through these bytes, up to the end of the string, without "risks", since all the bytes in an array are contiguous well defined positions in memory.
This is a complicated question, but it reveals that you are not understanding the relationship between pointers, arrays, and string literals in C.
A pointer is just a variable pointing to a position in memory.
A pòinter to char points to just 1 object having type char.
If the adjacent bytes of the pointed position correspond to an array of chars, they will be accessible by the pointer, so the pointer can "walk on" the memory bytes occupied by the array object.
A string literal is considered as an array of char object, which implictely add an ending byte with value 0 (the null character).
In any case, an array of T object has a well defined "size".
A string literal has an additional property: it's a constant object.
Try to fit and gather these concepts in your mind to figure out what's going on.
And ask me for clarification.
Consider the following piece of code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *s1 = "not modifiable";
char s2[] = "modifiable";
printf("%s ---- %s\n\n", s1, s2);
printf("Size of array s2: %d\n\n", (int)sizeof(s2));
s2[1] = '0', s2[3] = s2[5] = '1', s2[4] = '7',
s2[6] = '4', s2[7] = '8', s2[9] = '3';
printf("New value of s2: %s\n\n",s2);
//s1[0] = 'X'; // Attempting to modify s1
In the definition and initialization of s1 we have the string literal "not modifiable", which has constant content and constant address. Its address is assigned to the pointer s1 as initialization.
Any attempt to modify the bytes of the string will give some kind of error, because the array content is read-only.
In the definition and initialization of s2, we have the string literal "modifiable", which has, again, constant content and constant address. However, what happens now is that, as part of the initialization, the content of the string is copied to the array of char s2. The size of the array s2 is not specified (the declaration char s2[] gives an incomplete type), but after initialization the size of the array is well determined and defined as the exact size of the copied string (plus 1 character used to hold the null character, or end-of-string mark).
So, the string literal "modifiable" is used to initialize the bytes of the array s2, which is modifiable.
The right manner to do that is by changing a character at the time.
For more handy ways of modifying and assigning strings, it has to be used the standard header <string.h>.

char *s is a pointer, char s[] is an array of characters. Ex.
char *s = "hello";
char c[] = "world";
s = c; //Legal
c = address of some other string //Illegal
char *s is not a string; it points to an address. Ex
char c[] = "hello";
char *s = &c[3];
Assigning a pointer is not creating memory; you are pointing to memory. Ex.
char *s = "hello";
In this example when you type "hello" you are creating special memory to hold the string "hello" but that has nothing to do with the pointer, the pointer simply points to that spot.


The array expression is not converted into a pointer When a string literal is used to initialize an array of characters

From C in a Nutshell:
In most cases, the compiler implicitly converts an expression
with an array type, such as the name of an array, into a pointer to
the array’s first element.
The array expression is not converted into a pointer only in the
following cases:
• When the array is the operand of the sizeof operator
• When the array is the operand of the address operator &
• When a string literal is used to initialize an array of char ,
wchar_t , char16_t , or char32_t
Could you explain what the last bullet means with some positive and
negative examples? I don't find an example in the book for the last
Also why is an array of characters, not other element types?
char *ptr = "Hello OP!!";
ptr is an pointer to first char of the string literal stored in the RODATA segment. When you dereference it you can only read but not write values as string literals are constant char arrays.
char arr[] = "Hello OP!! How are you my friend?";
In this case:
Is allocated space for the arr array of the length of size literal including the trailing zero.
String literal is copied into the space allocated for the arr array
In this case arr is used as place in the memory where the string literal is copied.
You can read and write as the arr elements are read & write
And now answering the question
sizeof of an array is the size in bytes if all array elements. If the array was converted to pointer - the size would be the size of the pointer which is obviously wrong in this case
Array is only the continuous space in the memory accommodating all its elements. So the address of the array is always the address of this memory location
Third case i have explained above
you can see the code
** Note to TIM ** String literals are not converted to anything. String literal is only stored as a char (wchar_t ....) array with NUL (NOT NULL) teriminator at the end, in the RO memory.
Why is an array of characters, not other element types?
Its becouse string literals have static storage duration, and thus exist in memory for the life of the program.
Attempting to modify a string literal(with pointer to literal) results in undefined behavior: they may be stored in read-only storage (such as .rodata) or combined with other string literals.
Any of other constants arent stored like this, so this is why only array of characters (literals).
Could you explain what the last bullet means with some positive and
negative examples? I don't find an example in the book for the last
String literal initialization looks like this:
char ptr[] = "Hello world!"; // This is char[]
char ptr[] = L"Hello world!"; // This is wchar_t[]
char ptr[] = u8"Hello world!"; // This is char[]
char ptr[] = u"Hello world!"; // This is char16_t[]
char ptr[] = U"Hello world!"; // This is char32_t[]
The string literal is copied from static storage duration to automatic storage duration and its possible to modify him.
char ptr[] = {'H','e','l','l',o',' ','w','o','r','l','d','\0'};
wont be string literal and wont have static duration storage.

In C, why can't an integer value be assigned to an int* the same way a string value can be assigned to a char*?

I've been looking through the site but haven't found an answer to this one yet.
It is easiest (for me at least) to explain this question with an example.
I don't understand why this is valid:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char *mystr = "hello";
But this produces a compiler warning ("initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast"):
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int *myint = 5;
My understanding of the first program is that creates a variable called mystr of type pointer-to-char, the value of which is the address of the first char ('h') of the string literal "hello". In other words with this initialization you not only get the pointer, but also define the object ("hello" in this case) which the pointer points to.
Why, then, does int *myint = 5; seemingly not achieve something analogous to this, i.e. create a variable called myint of type pointer-to-int, the value of which is the address of the value '5'? Why doesn't this initialization both give me the pointer and also define the object which the pointer points to?
In fact, you can do so using a compound literal, a feature added to the language by the 1999 ISO C standard.
A string literal is of type char[N], where N is the length of the string plus 1. Like any array expression, it's implicitly converted, in most but not all contexts, to a pointer to the array's first element. So this:
char *mystr = "hello";
assigns to the pointer mystr the address of the initial element of an array whose contents are "hello" (followed by a terminating '\0' null character).
Incidentally, it's safer to write:
const char *mystr = "hello";
There are no such implicit conversions for integers -- but you can do this:
int *ptr = &(int){42};
(int){42} is a compound literal, which creates an anonymous int object initialized to 42; & takes the address of that object.
But be careful: The array created by a string literal always has static storage duration, but the object created by a compound literal can have either static or automatic storage duration, depending on where it appears. That means that if the value of ptr is returned from a function, the object with the value 42 will cease to exist while the pointer still points to it.
As for:
int *myint = 5;
that attempts to assign the value 5 to an object of type int*. (Strictly speaking it's an initialization rather than an assignment, but the effect is the same). Since there's no implicit conversion from int to int* (other than the special case of 0 being treated as a null pointer constant), this is invalid.
When you do char* mystr = "foo";, the compiler will create the string "foo" in a special read-only portion of your executable, and effectively rewrite the statement as char* mystr = address_of_that_string;
The same is not implemented for any other type, including integers. int* myint = 5; will set myint to point to address 5.
i'll split my answer to two parts:
1st, why char* str = "hello"; is valid:
char* str declare a space for a pointer (number that represents a memory address on the current architecture)
when you write "hello" you actually fill the stack with 6 bytes of data
(don't forget the null termination) lets say at address 0x1000 - 0x1005.
str="hello" assigns the start address of that 5 bytes (0x1000) to the *str
so what we have is :
1. str, which takes 4 bytes in memory, holds the number 0x1000 (points to the first char only!)
2. 6 bytes 'h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' '\0'
2st, why int* ptr = 0x105A4DD9; isn't valid:
well, this is not entirely true!
as said before, a Pointer is a number that represent an address,
so why cant i assign that number ?
it is not common because mostly you extract addresses of data and not enter the address manually.
but you can if you need !!!...
because it isn't something that is commonly done,
the compiler want to make sure you do so in propose, and not by mistake and forces you to CAST your data as
int* ptr = (int*)0x105A4DD9;
(used mostly for Memory mapped hardware resources)
Hope this clear things out.
"In C, why can't an integer value be assigned to an int* the same way a string value can be assigned to a char*?"
Because it's not even a similar situation, let alone "the same way".
A string literal is an array of chars which – being an array – can be implicitly converted to a pointer to its first element. Said pointer is a char *.
But an int is not either a pointer in itself, nor an array, nor anything else implicitly convertible to a pointer. These two scenarios just don't have anything in common.
The problem is that you are trying to assign the address 5 to the pointer. Here you are not dereferencing the pointer, you are declaring it as a pointer and initializing it to the value 5 (as an address which surely is not what you intend to do). You could do the following.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int *myint, b;
b = 5;
myint = &b;

character pointer takes the address of what

I read that:
char a[] = "string";
is a: "string"
char *ptr = "string"
is ptr: [__] ---> "string"
I am little confused. One thing I know is that pointers always store the address. In case of character pointer what address does it store? What does this block represent (block which I made pointing to string). Is it the starting address of the "string".
And in case of array? How can I clearly differentiate between char pointer and char array?
Diagrams may help.
char *ptr = "string";
+-------+ +----------------------------+
| ptr |--------->| s | t | r | i | n | g | \0 |
+-------+ +----------------------------+
char a[] = "string";
| s | t | r | i | n | g | \0 |
Here, ptr is a variable that holds a pointer to some (constant) data. You can subsequently change the memory address that it points at by assigning a new value to ptr, such as ptr = "alternative"; — but you cannot legitimately change the contents of the array holding "string" (it is officially readonly or const, and trying to modify it may well crash your program, or otherwise break things unexpectedly).
By contrast, a is the constant address of the first byte of the 7 bytes of data that is initialized with the value "string". I've not shown any storage for the address because, unlike a pointer variable, there isn't a piece of changeable storage that holds the address. You cannot change the memory address that a points to; it always points to the same space. But you can change the contents of the array (for example, strcpy(a, "select");).
When you call a function, the difference disappears:
if (strcmp(ptr, a) == 0)
…string is equal to string…
The strcmp() function takes two pointers to constant char data (so it doesn't modify what it is given to scrutinize), and both ptr and a are passed as pointer values. There's a strong case for saying that only pointers are passed to functions — never arrays — even if the function is written using array notation.
Nevertheless, and this is crucial, arrays (outside of paramter lists) are not pointers. Amongst other reasons for asserting that:
sizeof(a) == 7
sizeof(ptr) == 8 (for 64-bit) or sizeof(ptr) == 4 (32-bit).
In case of character pointer what address does it store? What does this block represent (block which I made pointing to string). Is it the starting address of the "string".
This blocks represents a WORD or DWORD (achitecture dependant), the content of this block is a memory address, a random location defined at compile time. That memory address is the address of first character of the string.
In practice, the difference is how much stack memory it uses.
For example when programming for microcontrollers where very little memory for the stack is allocated, makes a big difference.
char a[] = "string"; // the compiler puts {'s','t','r','i','n','g', 0} onto STACK
char *b = "string"; // the compiler puts just the pointer onto STACK
// and {'s','t','r','i','n','g',0} in static memory area.
Maybe this will help you understand.
assert(a[0] == 's'); // no error.
assert(b[0] == 's'); // no error.
assert(*b == 's'); // no error.
b++; // increment the memory address, so points to 't'
assert(*b == 's'); // assertion failed
assert(*b == 't'); // no error.
char a[] = "string"; initializes the value of the array of chars called a with the value string. And the size of a.
char *a = "string"; creates an unnamed static array of chars somewhere in memory and return the address of the first element of this unnamed array to a.
In the first one, a stores the address of the first element of the array. So when we index something like a[4], this means 'take' the 4th element after the begin of the object named a.
In the second, a[4] means 'take' the 4th element after the object that a points to.
And for your last question:
A char array is a 'block' of contiguous elements of type char. A char pointer is a reference to an element of the type char.
Due to pointer arithmetics, a pointer can be used to simulate (and access) an array.
Maybe those 3 links help make the difference more clear:
You may find it useful to think of:
char * a = "string";
as the same as:
char SomeHiddenNameYouWillNeverKnowOrSee[] = "string"; /* may be in ReadOnly memory! */
char * a = &SomeHiddenNameYouWillNeverKnowOrSee[0];
Did you ever tried to open some executabe file with a text editor ? It appears merely as garbage, but in the middle of the garbage you can see some readable strings. These are all the litteral strings defined in you program.
printf("my literal text");
char * c = "another literal text"; // should be const char *, see below
If your program contains the above code you may be able to find my literal textand another literal text in program's binary (actually it depends on the details of the binary format, but it often works). If you are Linux/Unix user you can also use the strings command for that.
By the way, if you write the above code, C++ compilers will emit some warning (g++ say: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ because such strings are not of type char * but const char [] (const char array) which decay to const char * when assigned to a pointer.
This also is the case with C compilers, but the above error is so very common that this warning is usually disabled. gcc does not even include in -Wall, you have to explicitely enable it through -Wwrite-strings. The warning is warning: initialization discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type.
It merely reminds that you are theoretically not allowed to change the literal texts through pointers.
The executable may loads such strings in a read only part of Data segment memory. If you try to change the content of string it can raise a memory error. Also the compiler is allowed to optimise literal text storage by merging identical strings for instance. The pointer just contains the address in (read only) memory where the literal strings will be loaded.
On the other hand
char c[] = "string"; is mere syntaxic sugar for char c[7] = {'s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', 0}; If you do sizeof(c) in your code it will be 7 bytes (the size of the array, not the size of a pointer). This is an array on stack with an initialiser. Internally the compiler can do wathever it likes to initialize the array. It can be characters constants loaded one by one in the array, or it can involved a memcpy of some hiden string literal. The thing is that you have no way to tell the difference from your program and find out where the data comes from. Only the result matters.
By the way a thing that is slightly confusing is that if you define some function parameter of the type char c[], then it won't be an array but an alternative syntax for char * c.
In your example, ptr contains the address of the first char in the string.
As for the difference between a char array and a string, in C terms there is no difference other than the fact that by convention what we call "string" is a char array where the final char is a NULL, to terminate the string.
i.e. even if we have an array of char with 256 potential elements, if the first (0th) char is null (0) then the length of the string is 0.
Consider a variable str which is a char array of 5 chars, containing the string 'foo'.
*ptr => str[0] 'f'
str[1] 'o'
str[2] 'o'
str[3] \0
str[4] ..
A char *ptr to this array would reference the first element (index = 0) and the 4th element (index = 3) would be null, marking the end of the 'string'. The 5th element (index = 4) will be ignored by string handling routines which respect the null terminator.
If you are asking what a contains in each case then:
char a[] = "string";
// a is a pointer.
// It contains the address of the first element of the array.
char *a = "string";
// Once again a is a pointer containing address of first element.
As rnrneverdies has explained in his answer, the difference is in where the elements are stored.

C strings pointer vs. arrays [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between char s[] and char *s in C?
Why is:
char *ptr = "Hello!"
different than:
char ptr[] = "Hello!"
Specifically, I don't see why you can use (*ptr)++ to change the value of 'H' in the array, but not the pointer.
You can (in general) use the expression (*ptr)++ to change the value that ptr points to when ptr is a pointer and not an array (ie., if ptr is declared as char* ptr).
However, in your first example:
char *ptr = "Hello!"
ptr is pointing to a literal string, and literal strings are not permitted to be modified (they may actually be stored in memory area which are not writable, such as ROM or memory pages marked as read-only).
In your second example,
char ptr[] = "Hello!";
The array is declared and the initialization actually copies the data in the string literal into the allocated array memory. That array memory is modifiable, so (*ptr)++ works.
Note: for your second declaration, the ptr identifier itself is an array identifier, not a pointer and is not an 'lvalue' so it can't be modified (even though it converts readily to a pointer in most situations). For example, the expression ++ptr would be invalid. I think this is the point that some other answers are trying to make.
When pointing to a string literal, you should not declare the chars to be modifiable, and some compilers will warn you for this:
char *ptr = "Hello!" /* WRONG, missing const! */
The reason is as noted by others that string literals may be stored in an immutable part of the program's memory.
The correct "annotation" for you is to make sure you have a pointer to constant char:
const char *ptr = "Hello!"
And now you see directly that you can't modify the text stored at the pointer.
Arrays automatically allocate space and they can't be relocated or resized while pointers are explicitly assigned to point to allocated space and can be relocated.
Array names are read only!
If You use a string literal "Hello!", the literal itself becomes an array of 7 characters and gets stored somewhere in a data memory. That memory may be read only.
The statement
char *ptr = "Hello!";
defines a pointer to char and initializes it, by storing the address of the beginning of the literal (that array of 7 characters mentioned earlier) in it. Changing contents of the memory pointed to by ptr is illegal.
The statement
char ptr[] = "Hello!";
defines a char array (char ptr[7]) and initializes it, by copying characters from the literal to the array. The array can be modified.
in C strings are arrays of characters.
A pointer is a variable that contains the memory location of another variable.
An array is a set of ordered data items.
when you put (*ptr)++ you are getting Segmentation Fault with the pointer.
Maybe you are adding 1 to the whole string (with the pointer), instead of adding 1 to the first character of the variable (with the array).

C strings confusion

I'm learning C right now and got a bit confused with character arrays - strings.
char name[15]="Fortran";
No problem with this - its an array that can hold (up to?) 15 chars
char name[]="Fortran";
C counts the number of characters for me so I don't have to - neat!
char* name;
Okay. What now? All I know is that this can hold an big number of characters that are assigned later (e.g.: via user input), but
Why do they call this a char pointer? I know of pointers as references to variables
Is this an "excuse"? Does this find any other use than in char*?
What is this actually? Is it a pointer? How do you use it correctly?
thanks in advance,
I think this can be explained this way, since a picture is worth a thousand words...
We'll start off with char name[] = "Fortran", which is an array of chars, the length is known at compile time, 7 to be exact, right? Wrong! it is 8, since a '\0' is a nul terminating character, all strings have to have that.
char name[] = "Fortran";
+======+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+
|0x1234| |F|o|r|t|r|a|n|\0|
+======+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+
At link time, the compiler and linker gave the symbol name a memory address of 0x1234.
Using the subscript operator, i.e. name[1] for example, the compiler knows how to calculate where in memory is the character at offset, 0x1234 + 1 = 0x1235, and it is indeed 'o'. That is simple enough, furthermore, with the ANSI C standard, the size of a char data type is 1 byte, which can explain how the runtime can obtain the value of this semantic name[cnt++], assuming cnt is an integer and has a value of 3 for example, the runtime steps up by one automatically, and counting from zero, the value of the offset is 't'. This is simple so far so good.
What happens if name[12] was executed? Well, the code will either crash, or you will get garbage, since the boundary of the array is from index/offset 0 (0x1234) up to 8 (0x123B). Anything after that does not belong to name variable, that would be called a buffer overflow!
The address of name in memory is 0x1234, as in the example, if you were to do this:
printf("The address of name is %p\n", &name);
Output would be:
The address of name is 0x00001234
For the sake of brevity and keeping with the example, the memory addresses are 32bit, hence you see the extra 0's. Fair enough? Right, let's move on.
Now on to pointers...
char *name is a pointer to type of char....
And we initialize it to NULL as shown Thanks Dan for pointing out the little error...
char *name = (char*)NULL;
+======+ +======+
|0x5678| -> |0x0000| -> NULL
+======+ +======+
At compile/link time, the name does not point to anything, but has a compile/link time address for the symbol name (0x5678), in fact it is NULL, the pointer address of name is unknown hence 0x0000.
Now, remember, this is crucial, the address of the symbol is known at compile/link time, but the pointer address is unknown, when dealing with pointers of any type
Suppose we do this:
name = (char *)malloc((20 * sizeof(char)) + 1);
strcpy(name, "Fortran");
We called malloc to allocate a memory block for 20 bytes, no, it is not 21, the reason I added 1 on to the size is for the '\0' nul terminating character. Suppose at runtime, the address given was 0x9876,
char *name;
+======+ +======+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+
|0x5678| -> |0x9876| -> |F|o|r|t|r|a|n|\0|
+======+ +======+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+
So when you do this:
printf("The address of name is %p\n", name);
printf("The address of name is %p\n", &name);
Output would be:
The address of name is 0x00005678
The address of name is 0x00009876
Now, this is where the illusion that 'arrays and pointers are the same comes into play here'
When we do this:
char ch = name[1];
What happens at runtime is this:
The address of symbol name is looked up
Fetch the memory address of that symbol, i.e. 0x5678.
At that address, contains another address, a pointer address to memory and fetch it, i.e. 0x9876
Get the offset based on the subscript value of 1 and add it onto the pointer address, i.e. 0x9877 to retrieve the value at that memory address, i.e. 'o' and is assigned to ch.
That above is crucial to understanding this distinction, the difference between arrays and pointers is how the runtime fetches the data, with pointers, there is an extra indirection of fetching.
Remember, an array of type T will always decay into a pointer of the first element of type T.
When we do this:
char ch = *(name + 5);
The address of symbol name is looked up
Fetch the memory address of that symbol, i.e. 0x5678.
At that address, contains another address, a pointer address to memory and fetch it, i.e. 0x9876
Get the offset based on the value of 5 and add it onto the pointer address, i.e. 0x987A to retrieve the value at that memory address, i.e. 'r' and is assigned to ch.
Incidentally, you can also do that to the array of chars also...
Further more, by using subscript operators in the context of an array i.e. char name[] = "..."; and name[subscript_value] is really the same as *(name + subscript_value).
name[3] is the same as *(name + 3)
And since the expression *(name + subscript_value) is commutative, that is in the reverse,
*(subscript_value + name) is the same as *(name + subscript_value)
Hence, this explains why in one of the answers above you can write it like this (despite it, the practice is not recommended even though it is quite legitimate!)
Ok, how do I get the value of the pointer?
That is what the * is used for,
Suppose the pointer name has that pointer memory address of 0x9878, again, referring to the above example, this is how it is achieved:
char ch = *name;
This means, obtain the value that is pointed to by the memory address of 0x9878, now ch will have the value of 'r'. This is called dereferencing. We just dereferenced a name pointer to obtain the value and assign it to ch.
Also, the compiler knows that a sizeof(char) is 1, hence you can do pointer increment/decrement operations like this
The pointer automatically steps up/down as a result by one.
When we do this, assuming the pointer memory address of 0x9878:
char ch = *name++;
What is the value of *name and what is the address, the answer is, the *name will now contain 't' and assign it to ch, and the pointer memory address is 0x9879.
This where you have to be careful also, in the same principle and spirit as to what was stated earlier in relation to the memory boundaries in the very first part (see 'What happens if name[12] was executed' in the above) the results will be the same, i.e. code crashes and burns!
Now, what happens if we deallocate the block of memory pointed to by name by calling the C function free with name as the parameter, i.e. free(name):
+======+ +======+
|0x5678| -> |0x0000| -> NULL
+======+ +======+
Yes, the block of memory is freed up and handed back to the runtime environment for use by another upcoming code execution of malloc.
Now, this is where the common notation of Segmentation fault comes into play, since name does not point to anything, what happens when we dereference it i.e.
char ch = *name;
Yes, the code will crash and burn with a 'Segmentation fault', this is common under Unix/Linux. Under windows, a dialog box will appear along the lines of 'Unrecoverable error' or 'An error has occurred with the application, do you wish to send the report to Microsoft?'....if the pointer has not been mallocd and any attempt to dereference it, is guaranteed to crash and burn.
Also: remember this, for every malloc there is a corresponding free, if there is no corresponding free, you have a memory leak in which memory is allocated but not freed up.
And there you have it, that is how pointers work and how arrays are different to pointers, if you are reading a textbook that says they are the same, tear out that page and rip it up! :)
I hope this is of help to you in understanding pointers.
That is a pointer. Which means it is a variable that holds an address in memory. It "points" to another variable.
It actually cannot - by itself - hold large amounts of characters. By itself, it can hold only one address in memory. If you assign characters to it at creation it will allocate space for those characters, and then point to that address. You can do it like this:
char* name = "Mr. Anderson";
That is actually pretty much the same as this:
char name[] = "Mr. Anderson";
The place where character pointers come in handy is dynamic memory. You can assign a string of any length to a char pointer at any time in the program by doing something like this:
char *name;
name = malloc(256*sizeof(char));
strcpy(name, "This is less than 256 characters, so this is fine.");
Alternately, you can assign to it using the strdup() function, like this:
char *name;
name = strdup("This can be as long or short as I want. The function will allocate enough space for the string and assign return a pointer to it. Which then gets assigned to name");
If you use a character pointer this way - and assign memory to it, you have to free the memory contained in name before reassigning it. Like this:
name = 0;
Make sure to check that name is, in fact, a valid point before trying to free its memory. That's what the if statement does.
The reason you see character pointers get used a whole lot in C is because they allow you to reassign the string with a string of a different size. Static character arrays don't do that. They're also easier to pass around.
Also, character pointers are handy because they can be used to point to different statically allocated character arrays. Like this:
char *name;
char joe[] = "joe";
char bob[] = "bob";
name = joe;
printf("%s", name);
name = bob;
printf("%s", name);
This is what often happens when you pass a statically allocated array to a function taking a character pointer. For instance:
void strcpy(char *str1, char *str2);
If you then pass that:
char buffer[256];
strcpy(buffer, "This is a string, less than 256 characters.");
It will manipulate both of those through str1 and str2 which are just pointers that point to where buffer and the string literal are stored in memory.
Something to keep in mind when working in a function. If you have a function that returns a character pointer, don't return a pointer to a static character array allocated in the function. It will go out of scope and you'll have issues. Repeat, don't do this:
char *myFunc() {
char myBuf[64];
strcpy(myBuf, "hi");
return myBuf;
That won't work. You have to use a pointer and allocate memory (like shown earlier) in that case. The memory allocated will persist then, even when you pass out of the functions scope. Just don't forget to free it as previously mentioned.
This ended up a bit more encyclopedic than I'd intended, hope its helpful.
Editted to remove C++ code. I mix the two so often, I sometimes forget.
char* name is just a pointer. Somewhere along the line memory has to be allocated and the address of that memory stored in name.
It could point to a single byte of memory and be a "true" pointer to a single char.
It could point to a contiguous area of memory which holds a number of characters.
If those characters happen to end with a null terminator, low and behold you have a pointer to a string.
char *name, on it's own, can't hold any characters. This is important.
char *name just declares that name is a pointer (that is, a variable whose value is an address) that will be used to store the address of one or more characters at some point later in the program. It does not, however, allocate any space in memory to actually hold those characters, nor does it guarantee that name even contains a valid address. In the same way, if you have a declaration like int number there is no way to know what the value of number is until you explicitly set it.
Just like after declaring the value of an integer, you might later set its value (number = 42), after declaring a pointer to char, you might later set its value to be a valid memory address that contains a character -- or sequence of characters -- that you are interested in.
It is confusing indeed. The important thing to understand and distinguish is that char name[] declares array and char* name declares pointer. The two are different animals.
However, array in C can be implicitly converted to pointer to its first element. This gives you ability to perform pointer arithmetic and iterate through array elements (it does not matter elements of what type, char or not). As #which mentioned, you can use both, indexing operator or pointer arithmetic to access array elements. In fact, indexing operator is just a syntactic sugar (another representation of the same expression) for pointer arithmetic.
It is important to distinguish difference between array and pointer to first element of array. It is possible to query size of array declared as char name[15] using sizeof operator:
char name[15] = { 0 };
size_t s = sizeof(name);
assert(s == 15);
but if you apply sizeof to char* name you will get size of pointer on your platform (i.e. 4 bytes):
char* name = 0;
size_t s = sizeof(name);
assert(s == 4); // assuming pointer is 4-bytes long on your compiler/machine
Also, the two forms of definitions of arrays of char elements are equivalent:
char letters1[5] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', '\0' };
char letters2[5] = "abcd"; /* 5th element implicitly gets value of 0 */
The dual nature of arrays, the implicit conversion of array to pointer to its first element, in C (and also C++) language, pointer can be used as iterator to walk through array elements:
/ *skip to 'd' letter */
char* it = letters1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
In C a string is actually just an array of characters, as you can see by the definition. However, superficially, any array is just a pointer to its first element, see below for the subtle intricacies. There is no range checking in C, the range you supply in the variable declaration has only meaning for the memory allocation for the variable.
a[x] is the same as *(a + x), i.e. dereference of the pointer a incremented by x.
if you used the following:
char foo[] = "foobar";
char bar = *foo;
bar will be set to 'f'
To stave of confusion and avoid misleading people, some extra words on the more intricate difference between pointers and arrays, thanks avakar:
In some cases a pointer is actually semantically different from an array, a (non-exhaustive) list of examples:
sizeof(char*) != sizeof(char[10])
char foo[] = "foobar";
char bar[] = "baz";
char* p;
foo = bar; // compile error, array is not an lvalue
p = bar; //just fine p now points to the array contents of bar
// multidimensional arrays
int baz[2][2];
int* q = baz; //compile error, multidimensional arrays can not decay into pointer
int* r = baz[0]; //just fine, r now points to the first element of the first "row" of baz
int x = baz[1][1];
int y = r[1][1]; //compile error, don't know dimensions of array, so subscripting is not possible
int z = r[1]: //just fine, z now holds the second element of the first "row" of baz
And finally a fun bit of trivia; since a[x] is equivalent to *(a + x) you can actually use e.g. '3[a]' to access the fourth element of array a. I.e. the following is perfectly legal code, and will print 'b' the fourth character of string foo.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char foo[] = "foobar";
printf("%c\n", 3[foo]);
return 0;
One is an actual array object and the other is a reference or pointer to such an array object.
The thing that can be confusing is that both have the address of the first character in them, but only because one address is the first character and the other address is a word in memory that contains the address of the character.
The difference can be seen in the value of &name. In the first two cases it is the same value as just name, but in the third case it is a different type called pointer to pointer to char, or **char, and it is the address of the pointer itself. That is, it is a double-indirect pointer.
#include <stdio.h>
char name1[] = "fortran";
char *name2 = "fortran";
int main(void) {
printf("%lx\n%lx %s\n", (long)name1, (long)&name1, name1);
printf("%lx\n%lx %s\n", (long)name2, (long)&name2, name2);
return 0;
Ross-Harveys-MacBook-Pro:so ross$ ./a.out
100001068 fortran
100001070 fortran
