Joining 3 tables in Cakephp - cakephp

Using Cakephp 2.5.3 ... I have the following tables:
transactions (belongs to methods and deliveries)
methods (has many transactions)
deliveries (has many transactions)
In my delivery view I would like to see the method name for each delivery.
foreach ($deliveries as $delivery) {
echo $method['name'];
( a similar unanswered question is
I am (obv.) very new to Cakephp, What approach should I take to go about this? Thanks!
I ended up adding methods to the deliveries controller
$this->set('methods', $this->Method->find('all', array('recursive' => -1)));
And looped through the methods in my (read only) view :
//filtered method array for
$method['id'] == $delivery['Transaction']['0']['method_id'])
// got method name
$button_text = $method['name'];
It works fine but can anyone tell me if this may cause problems for me down the line?

use has many assotiations in Transaction model as -
public $hasMny = array('Method', 'Delivery');
then fetch them -
$this->Method->find('all', array('contain' => array('Method', 'Delivery')))
you will get all the related result together.


Laravel relationship : relationship that does not return me what I ask

rI am new to laravel 7 and I still have a few small difficulties.
I have two tables: users and services. These two tables have a relation to retrieve a user's service.
$users= User::with('poseur')->get();
It returns all users even those who do not meet the conditions of my relationship.
I use scope in service model:
public function scopePoseurs(){
return $query->whereRaw('slug','pos')
And i use belongsTo relation in user model :
public function poseur(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Service')->poseurs();
Exemple: we hase 2 users:
first: Daniel have service slug = 'pos',
second: Patrick have service slug ='dev'
When i use $users=User::with('poseur')->get();, i see Daniel and Patrick.
While there should be only Daniel.
Can you help me understand ?
Thanks !
with() is for eager loading. That basically means, along the main model, Laravel will preload the relationship(s) you specify. This is especially helpful if you have a collection of models.
If you want to return all user, that has relation with poseur only, then use has() method :
$users= User::has('poseur')->get();
Ther is also a method called whereHas(), which allows you to specify additional filters for the related model to check :
$users = User::whereHas('poseur', function($q){
$q->where('created_at', '>=', '2020-01-01 00:00:00');

How to create a lookup in CakePHP

I'm in the process of converting a 10 year old PHP application. After my boss hired a php consultant, he has set up a CakePHP application environment and we are learning as we go. (fun, I know). Also, I come from a javascript/sharepoint background and have not had a lot of php experience.
As a test, I created a basic address table with these fields: firstname, lastname, state, phonenumber. I've been using justice league members as names and other test data to populate my table. Baked it just fine, default bootstrap pages are working.
I decided I wanted to add a dropdown field called current status, and for now just to keep it simple I wanted the choices: alive, dead.I created the column in my address table.
I created a second table called statuses and pointed the status column in my first table to the status table, using the status id as the foriegn key.
Baked my new table and rebaked my old one.
The status drop down does not give my choices of dead or alive, If I click in the field I get an up or down arrow, and based on which one you click, it either increments or decrements by 1. So the first time I click it inserts a 0. If I go up or down, it adds or takes away one.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I'm guessing there is some additional code I need to add to the MVC?
ok, if this works, then a lot is working :-). Now to the following: set in the Status Model a query like this:
public function getStatus()
$opt = $this->Status->find('list', array(...));
return $opt;
Then get the list over to the Adress Controller like this:
$opt => $this->Status->getStatus();
$this->set('opt', $opt);
Now you are able to access the $opt in the view file.
Just delete this line in the view:
$opts = array('0' => __('dead'), '1' => __('alive'));
And it should work.
Keep it simple. Ad to your table this row (only to understand how it works): 'status' as typ "tinyint(1)". Then set this in your view file:
$opts = array('0' => __('dead'), '1' => __('alive'));
When you create the inputfield, do it like that:
echo $this->Form->input('Address.status', array('options' => $opts, 'label'
=> __('Status')));
This should work.

cakephp saving data for a related model's related model (not typo)

I've run into a bit of a problem saving data in cake php.
here are the models/relationships.
District hasMany Departments
Department hasMany Groups
I am in a view for creating new district, in which I've allowed the user to create multiple new departments. while creating each department, the user may create multiple groups for that dept. Now the trouble is I'm unsure of how to save the group data.
for each department that is created on the fly, im using the multiple index method for the inputs (i.e. "", Department.0.type) so this will be a cinch to save using the saveAll method. However, for each group that is created, i will need a department_id, and since none of the District's departments have yet been saved, they don't have an id. how can i save this new district's data, saving the new departments, and their associated new created groups? is there a way that i can address the name attribute of the group inputs that will create the proper association, something like "", for instance?
Thanks in advance!!! if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to say so, I'll be glad to rephrase.
What does your POST data array look like?
If it is not in the correct format, the associated models won't get saved.. Cake knows to grab the "lastInsertId()" of the models which haven't been saved yet, so you don't have to worry about those... What i'm not sure about, and the docs don't really go into, is how deep the save goes. The example provided is as follows:
$this->data =
[Article] => Array
[title] => My first article
[Comment] => Array
[0] => Array
[comment] => Comment 1
[user_id] => 1
[1] => Array
[comment] => Comment 2
[user_id] => 2
This is the correct structure (cakephp 1.3) for saving associated models of a 'hasMany' relationship, but i'm not sure if it goes any deeper than one child.
One thing that comes to my mind is to build the array according to the format above, but leave the parent model out. Then manually save the parent model data, grab the ::getLastInsertId(); then do a saveAll on departments and groups.
I just tested your theory and it will work the way you intend.
echo $this->Form->input('');
Will produce:
<input name="data[Department][0][Group][0][name]" type="text" id="Department0Group0name">
I did some exploring in lib/Cake/Model/Model.php and found this:
public function saveAssociated($data = null, $options = array()) {
... // code omitted.
if ($options['deep']) { // This will recurse infinitely through all associations
$saved = $this->{$association}->saveAssociated($values, array_merge($options, array('atomic' => false)));
... // code omitted.

OOP, MVC - Models and Objects

I'm building a site with CodeIgniter, and my I have a model called Blog_model.
Within Blog_model, there are methods to pull a list of posts for a specific topic, for example, getPopularPosts().
getPopularPosts() queries the posts table for a list of posts with a topic_id matching the one specified and sorts them by popularity. So, that's one query against the entire table of posts (let's assume this will be very large eventually) to find all posts with topic_id x.
Then, foreach result as an individual post id, it creates a new Post object. The Post class constructs a post by setting the field id.
To return the contents of a Post, I assign $post->getPost();, which queries the posts table again to return the entire row for the given id.
This organization (AFAIK) follows a nice object oriented principle. But now, for every posts (again, let's assume thousands, millions, whatever...), I have to first query for a list of ids and then again to get each post's content. If I'm returning 30 posts, that means 31 separate queries.
Alternatively, I could break the object oriented pattern and pull * for each post in posts where topic_id = x. Then, I have one query that returns all 30 posts, but now I don't feel so object oriented.
What to do?
There is no reason to have that many queries. You're basically just looking for X number of posts that are from a particular topic ID... you should return this as one object and then iterate through the result in PHP because it is significantly faster to do it that way once you get to the point of having millions of rows
You should go about it more like this:
class blog_model extends CI_Model {
function __construct(){
function getPopularPosts($cat_id){
/* Using method chaining here since you sound like you
really want to utilize everything OO CI has to offer */
$posts = $this->db->select('id, title, post_info')
->where('topic_id', $topic_id)
if($posts->num_rows() > 0){
return $posts;
return FALSE;
Then your controller would look like this:
class blog extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
function blog_posts($popular_post_id) {
$posts = $this->blog_model->getPopularPosts($popular_post_id);
foreach($posts as $post){
echo $post->id;
echo $post->title;
echo $post->post_info;
echo 'There are no posts';
There is no benefit (and actually a big problem) with generating a ton of queries in the fashion that you currently have it set up, vs generating one object from the query and iterating through each of the rows in the controller and doing whatever you need with the data.

What is the equivalent to getLastInsertId() in Cakephp?

If I do getLastInsertId() immediately after a save(), it works, but otherwise it does not. This is demonstrated in my controller:
function designpage() {
//to create a form Untitled
$this->Form->saveField('name','Untitled Form');
echo $this->Form->getLastInsertId(); //here it works
function insertformname() {
echo $this->Form->getLastInsertId(); //this doesnt echo at all
Please suggest a way to get the functionality I want.
CakePHP has two methods for getting the last inserted id: Model::getLastInsertID() and Model::getInsertID().
Actually these methods are identical so it really doesn't matter which method you use.
echo $this->ModelName->getInsertID();
echo $this->ModelName->getLastInsertID();
This methods can be found in cake/libs/model/model.php on line 2768
Just use:
In Cake, the last insert id is automatically saved in the id property of the model. So if you just inserted a user via the User model, the last insert id could be accessed via $User->id
id - Value of the primary key ID of
the record that this model is
currently pointing to. Automatically
set after database insertions.
Read more about model properties in the CakePHP API Docs:
Edit: I just realized that Model::getLastInsertID() is essentially the same thing as Model->id
After looking at your code more closely, it's hard to tell exactly what you're doing with the different functions and where they exist in the grand scheme of things. This may actually be more of a scope issue. Are you trying to access the last insert id in two different requests?
Can you explain the flow of your application and how it relates to your problem?
You'll need to do an insert (or update, I believe) in order for getLastInsertId() to return a value. Could you paste more code?
If you're calling that function from another controller function, you might also be able to use $this->Form->id to get the value that you want.
Try using this code in your model class (perhaps in AppModel):
function get_sql_insert_id() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
return $db->lastInsertId();
Caveat emptor: MySql's LAST_INSERT_ID() function only works on tables with an AUTO_INCREMENT field (otherwise it only returns 0). If your primary key does not have the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, that might be the cause of your problems.
this is best way to find out last inserted id.
other way is using
$this->ModelName->find('first',array('order'=>'id DESC'))
There are several methods to get last inserted primary key id while using save method
This will return last inserted id of the model current model
$this->Model-> getInsertID();
This will return last inserted id of model with given model name
This will return last inserted id of last loaded model
Try to use this code. try to set it to a variable so you can use it in other functions. :)
$variable = $this->ModelName->getLastInsertId();
in PHP native, try this.
$variable = mysqli_insert_id();
This will return last inserted id of last loaded model
This will return last inserted id of model with given model name
This will return last inserted id of the model current model
CakePHP has two methods for getting the last inserted id:
Model::getLastInsertID() and Model::getInsertID().
echo $this->ModelName->getInsertID();
echo $this->ModelName->getLastInsertID();
Below are the options:
echo $this->Registration->id;
echo $this->Registration->getInsertID();
echo $this->Registration->getLastInsertId();
Here, you can replace Registration with your model name.
Use this one
function designpage() {
//to create a form Untitled
$this->Form->saveField('name','Untitled Form');
echo $this->Form->id; //here it works
You can get last inseted id with many ways.Like Model name is User so best way to fetch the last inserted id is
$this->User->id; // For User Model
You can also use Model function but below code will return last inserted id of model with given model name for this example it will return User model data
When you use save(), the last insert ID is set to the model’s $id property. So:
if ($this->Model->save()) {
printf('Last insert ID was %s', $this->Model->id);
Each time a save method is called on a model, cake internally calls Model::getLastInsertId() and stores the result into model class attribute id, so after calling save() it is not necessary to call Model::getLastInsertId() or inserId(), as tha value can be directly accessed like this
$id = $this->id;// within a model
$id = $this->{$this->modelName}->id;// in a controller
After insertion of data, we can use following code to get recently added record's id:
each time you perform an insert operation on any model, cake internally fetchesthe last insert Id and Sets to Model->id attribute.
so one can access it directly by $Model->id;,
no need to query again for lastInsertId.
I think it works with getLastInsertId() if you use InnoDB Tables in your MySQL Database. You also can use $this->Model->id
$Machinedispatch =
$this->Machinedispatch->find('first',array('order'=>array(' DESC')));
Simplest way of finding last inserted row. For me getLastInsertId() this not works.
Actually you are using the getLastInsertId or getInsertId in a wrong manner.
getLastInsertId() is meant to work only after save() method.
It will even not work after a manual insert, as cake engine is storing the mysql_insert_id under $this->_insertID inside the save method which can be retrieved via the getLastInsertId or getInsertId.
Now in your case
$this->Model->find('first',array('order'=>'id DESC'))
Will do.
This is interesting, I also stumbled upon this issue. What you asked perhaps how to get the last ID of a certain model regardless of it's state, whether it's just been inserted or not. To further understand what getInsertID does, we need to take a look at the source:
Link 1:
public function getInsertID() {
return $this->_insertID
Yup, that's the only piece of code inside that function. It means that cakephp caches any last inserted ID, instead of retrieve it from the database. That's why you get nothing if you use that function when you haven't done any record creation on the model.
I made a small function to get the last ID of a certain table, but please note that this should not be used as a replacement of getLastID() or getLastInsertID(), since it has an entirely different purpose.
Add the function lastID() to the AppModel as shown below so that it can be used system wide. It has it's limit, which can't be used on model with composite primary key.
class AppModel extends Model {
public function lastID() {
$data = $this->find('first',
'order' => array($this->primaryKey . ' DESC'),
'fields' => array($this->primaryKey)
return $data[$this->name][$this->primaryKey];
Original Source : Class Model
In CakePHP you can get it by:
Model::getInsertID() //Returns the ID of the last record this model inserted.
Model::getLastInsertID() //Alias to getInsertID().
$this->Model->field('id', null, 'id DESC')
