SQL Server - data is not written in to the correct schema - sql-server

In my database I have two schema - default .dbo and another called .ptx
Almost all tables in the two schema are identical. We need two schema to handle data separately for two different products. How I switch between these two schema is by changing the SQL server login user from application level. i.e., we have two SQL users ANF_DEFAULT and ANF_PTX. If the product is default the user is ANF_DEFAULT and if the product is PTX, I switch the user to ANF_PTX and create the SqlConnection accordingly.
Everything has been working good so far, the two schema were populated correctly. But suddenly after we move in to a new production environment, the PTX product data goes in to the .dbo schema instead of the .ptx schema. This is still working fine in my local environment but the issue is visible in production. The only visible change is that I use SQL Server 2008, where as the production runs SQL Server 2012, but I think this is hardly the issue. I also checked the properties of the ANF_PTX user:
/****** Object: User [ANF_PTX] Script Date: 8/27/2014 5:29:04 AM ******/
Please help me figure out the issue here.

I figured out the reason for this issue. Apparently, in the new deployment, the _CMS user looked fine, with its default schema being pointed to .cms. However, the problem was with the login FMSI_APP_CMS in the SQL Server. In this login, the FMSI_APP_CMS user was assigned to the super admin role. When the user is a super admin, its default schema is ignored and it always points to the .dbo schema. When the superadmin role was removed from the login, the schema switch was working fine again. More information about this can be found in the following:
Here it says:
"he value of DEFAULT_SCHEMA is ignored if the user is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. All members of the sysadmin fixed server role have a default schema of dbo."


Is there a way for EF to use database without permission to VIEW ANY DATABASE?

The problem is our user cannot be granted permission to VIEW ANY DATABASE, nor CREATE DATABASE. So we've setup an account that is db_owner of the database and created blank database to fill.
Tested locally, above works only when we GRANT user to VIEW ANY DATABASE so won't apply in our target environment. My assumption was that EF is trying to establish whether database is already there, but since it cannot see any it'll always try to create one. Is there any way around it? Ideally - is there a setting that will tell EF that DB is there and there's no need to look for it?
This is a bug in EF6. The code makes the incorrect assumption that db_id('dbname') works without VIEW ANY DATABASE. It only works if the login running the query is the database owner. Not a mere member of the DB_OWNER fixed database role. I've reported it, and suggesed an improvement. But I'm not sure it will get fixed.
As a workaround just make the app user the real database owner. That won't prevent sysadmins from connecting as dbo. eg
alter authorization on database::AppDatabase to Appuser
You'll have to drop the database user before making the login the owner.

The need of user with out log in SQL Server

what is the need of user with out log in in SQL Server?
There is a contained database. I have created a user who can log into the contained database.
How to port the database to another server without additional user configuration?
Is the "user with out log" is going to help in this context?
Want to know more about users with out log in
Experts..please share your views
Users that don't have a login are users that exist only at the database level and therefore you cannot log in to the server with them.
They can however be assigned permissions and can be used to sign modules within those databases.
The most common uses I see for them during my day to day work are either loginless users that are created from a certificate which is then used to sign stored procedures, this means that the user actually logging in to SQL server requires very few permissions in the database and all the work is done in the context of the loginless user, helping to increase security.
I also see loginless users that are not created from certificates, but are made owners of schemas or procedures which then execute as owner, similar to the above, this means that the user lgging in only needs execute rights on the procedure, no table access at all.

SQL server Login and User

I am confused with Login and User. I found following in articles :
A "Login" grants the principal entry into the SERVER.
A "User" grants a login entry into a single DATABASE.
One "Login" can be associated with many users (one per database).
I can understand it theoretically. But, I think I might not have understood this practically.
I created a Login in my SQL server 2008 management studio by right clicking SERVERNAME=>SECURITY=>LOGIN. The default database was "master". Now, I can log into sql server with this login name and password. I noticed that if I change the default database in Login properties to a specific database, I cannot login again with this credential. I reverted back to "master" and it works. What happened here?
Also, why do we need users? I created a user by right clicking DATABASENAME=>SECURITY=>USERS. I cannot relogin with this user credential. So, what is the purpose we need this for. I can understand the theory of this answer but I need little more explanations to make sense.
Also, I am a .net developer, so I would like to know, what are the credentials provided in sql connection strings. Are they login or user or can be any of these?
The simplest explanation is that the SQL Server login gets you into the server, and the settings on that login control how it works in each database.
Don't worry about the database logins for the moment. You already went to SERVERNAME=>SECURITY=>LOGIN. Let's look at what you do with this login - right click and go into properties if you already created the login. Look under Roles - there are a number of different ones with different purposes on the server. But for an app, generally speaking, the average user should only have the Public role.
As far as the Database login, you go to the Mapping section to point your login to whichever databases it needs access to. When you map the login to the database, this CREATES the database login you saw under DATABASENAME=>SECURITY=>USERS if it does not already exist. The mapping is the most important part though, it's what literally gives the login the ability to see data in the database.
For applications, you're using the server login. If you set up the links to the databases you need in mapping, you don't really need to think about the database level login info.
The login only exists at the server level, which is why it maps automatically to the master database.
Users control access to individual databases. When you create a user, you can map it to a login (see Create User on MSDN for the syntax). If you create a user mapped to the login in the database, you can set it as the default and log in.
One reason this is done is to allow multi-tenant environments where a single server hosts many databases that not everyone who can access the server should be able to access. For example, say we provide services to Company A and Company B, and we host the database for each on the same server. We don't want someone from Company A (or, more importantly, someone who has compromised the credentials of someone from Company A) to be able to access the data for Company B, so we only create a user for the Company A login in the Company A database. Here's a brief code setup for you to experiment with:
-- This script assumes whoever is running it has sysadmin permissions on the instance of
-- SQL Server on which it is running. Do not run this on a production instance.
-- Create a database for each company on the server instance.
create database CompanyA;
create database CompanyB;
-- Create a login for each company on the server instance.
-- SQL Server integrated security has it's issues, but it's useful for an example like this.
create login CompanyA_Login with password = 'pa55wOrd1', default_database = CompanyA;
create login CompanyB_Login with password = 'pa55wOrd2', default_database = CompanyB;
-- Create a user in the appropriate database for each login.
-- We need to tell the server that we want to use a specific database
use CompanyA;
create user CompanyA_User for login CompanyA_Login;
-- We're granting it dbo for the purposes of our example here;
-- a broad permission set like that is a bad practice.
alter role db_owner add member CompanyA_User;
-- Repeat the process...
use CompanyB;
create user CompanyB_User for login CompanyB_Login;
alter role db_owner add member CompanyB_User;
-- Create a table in each database and populate it with some data.
use CompanyA;
create table dbo.sensitiveInformation
sensitiveInformation NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
insert dbo.sensitiveInformation (sensitiveInformation)
values ('Oh man, it would be bad if this got out!');
use CompanyB;
create table dbo.sensitiveInformation
sensitiveInformation NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
insert dbo.sensitiveInformation (sensitiveInformation)
values ('Oh man, it would be even worse if THIS got out!');
-- Now, feel free to log in as either user and see what you can and can't do.
-- You will find that the CompanyA_Login will never be able to access CompanyB's
-- data and vice versa. This allows for secure multi-tenant environments.
-- Once you're done playing around, we'll clean up our samples.
use CompanyB;
drop table dbo.sensitiveInformation;
drop user CompanyB_User;
use CompanyA;
drop table dbo.sensitiveInformation;
drop user CompanyA_User;
use master;
drop login CompanyB_Login;
drop login CompanyA_Login;
drop database CompanyB;
drop database CompanyA;
If you need separate, discrete security/permission sets, and you need one user to have more than one of these sets, you want to use database roles. This article from Tech Republic gives a decent gloss of the benefits of roles, though I'd recommend checking MSDN for the most current ways of creating them.

Cannot Find Stored Procedure Error

I recently did an import of database from a sql server 2000 database to a sql server 2005 database. I've gone through and setup what I thought were the same login credentials and owner permissions that I had previously setup in my old database.
All of the code base I'm working has stored procedures listed simply by stored procedure name.
In order to make sure I have the proper logins created, I am logging into the SQL Server Management studio with the connection information my application is using (i.e. using the username "licensemgr" and it's associated password). I can see all the tables, stored procedures, etc... in my database when I log in with combination. When I try to run a stored procedure, Sql Server Management Studio uses the following syntax to execute it:
EXEC: #return_value = [licensemgr].[Stored_Procedure_Name]
and it executes without error.
If I try to remove the [licensemgr]. from before the [Stored_Procedure_Name], however I get the error "Cannot find stored procedure: Stored_Procedure_Name". This is the same error I get when running my application off this database. I changed one stored procedure call in my application to have "licensemgr." in front of the stored procedure name and that seemed to correct the problem, however, I don't want to do that for each and every stored procedure call in my application. I am therefore wondering what type of setup / permissions type issue I might be missing in my SQL Server instance so that even when I'm logged into the database as licensemgr, I cannot see the stored procedure which is in the schema "licensemgr".
In SQL server 2000 the [licensemgr] referred to the owner of the table. So when you are logged in as [licensemgr] you do not need the prefix.
In SQL Server 2005 this has been changed to the schema, therefore it must be specified. See:
There are two things that you need to watch out for:
If the user is in the sysadmin role, he will always default to the dbo schema, therefore you need to prefix
If your user needs to run code that is in different schemas you will need to prefix
If none of the two above it should work by setting the default schema for the user
When you created your user, did you specify DEFAULT_SCHEMA?
If not, you may need to use ALTER USER to fix this for your user in the new system.

Hide SQL database from Management Studio

How can you hide databases you do not have access rights to when logging into SQL Server 2005 / 2008?
Currently if a user connects, they see all the databases on the server, meaning they have to scan though the list to find their database.
After hours of trying to figure out how to create a user account which only has access to 1 DB, and can only see that DB. I think i figured it out!!!!
Create a user account ( make sure its not mapped to any Database, otherwise you will get the final error Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1 and note proposed solution)
USE [master]
Right Click on the upper section of the SQL (SQLSERVER Name)>Properties>Permissions>Click on the user account, and select Deny to view databases.
use [master]
Right Click on the newly created DB, Properties,Files, and change the Owner to the newly created account.(important note: ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER [us4] does not work)
USE [dbname]
EXEC dbo.sp_changedbowner #loginame = N'us4', #map = false
At this point, once the user logs in he will see the Master,tempdb and will also see the new DB which he is a DB Owner of..You may want to go to Tools>Option and enabled the option to hide system objects so that you don't show the master,tempdb,etc. You may also need SP1 if this option does not work
Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The proposed new database owner is already a user or aliased in the database.
proposed solution to Msg 15110: to resolve above error simply delete the user from database security node and try again
Hope that helps...
This actually won't work the way that makes sense or that you might expect that it would.
You REVOKE VIEW ANY DATABASE from the public role, but then the user has to be the database owner of the database or it can't be seen, but it still can be accessed.
The problem is a Database Engine Security shortcoming and not likely to be fixed in the current or future release of SQL Server.
Erland Sommarskog opened the following connect item for this a while ago, and it recently was discussed on twitter and with Microsoft by the SQL MVP's.
Vote for the connect and help make it more of a priority for Microsoft to fix:
Connect Feedback
Basically the permissions are stored at the database level, so it would require enumerating each database to determine if the user has connect rights to display the database in the object explorer, which is an expensive task to perform and how the older EM used to do things.
The proposes solution is for this information to be maintained at the server level as well, which is a major change.
You would need to revoke the permission 'VIEW ANY DATABASE' from the role PUBLIC (SQL SERVER 2005 onwards)
Add user to DB as Db owner after removing VIEW ANY DATABASE rights
This will show only the database owned by the login in SSMS.
USE master; GO
USE [your db]; GO
DROP USER [loginname]; GO
USE master; GO
Note: this requires the login to exists already
There appears to be a server-side setting on MS SQL 2005 and 2008 to restrict the databases a user may see. I found the following text at sql-server-performance.com
In SQL Server 2005 it is possible with a new server side role that has been created. VIEW ANY DATABASE permission is a new, server-level permission. A login that is granted with this permission can see metadata that describes all databases, regardless of whether the login owns or can actually use a particular database. Please note By default, the VIEW ANY DATABASE permission is granted to the public role. Therefore, by default, every user that connects to an instance of SQL Server 2005 can see all databases in the instance.
