App Engine Application ID for custom ssl setup - google-app-engine

I have one domain( I added cname as login then url becomes as
I want to add ssl for custom url. I went to admin console security->ssl for customs domain.
There i need to add "App Engine Application ID", I am trying to add app engine application id, but it is not working. It is redirecting to admin console of that domain.
Billing is already enabled.
I am not getting what is going wrong here.
can anyone guide me ? is any steps i missed out..?

In order to use SSL for custom domains, you need to follow these instructions:


Need to change appspot subdomain to custom domain

i want to change to a custom domain for my google app engine website.
I know already that i need to setup my records to CNAME at my domain provider for my already registered domain,
but i cannot find at the google app engine website where i can add a domain alias for my app.
thanks in advance!
Go to your google cloud account, click on your project, then go to compute, then app engine, then settings, then custom domains, then click 'add a custom domain', and here is where you can add an alias or subdomain to a domain you have already verified.

Can't assign SSL certificate to Google App Engine app

I've gone through all the steps of setting up an SSL certificate on a Google App Engine app with custom domain. It worked for our test app (URL: Now I'm went through the exact same process with our demo site (URL: Google is not letting me assign the URL to the certificate.
Figured this out. This posting was most helpful: How do I enable SSL for custom domains on appengine?.
In short, first add the custom domain in the Google Apps admin. Don't add it to the Google App Engine Console. Then in the Google Apps Security settings upload the certificate and assign the URL to the certificate. Adding the custom domain to Google Apps Console after doing this.
Having the custom domain defined in GAE admin console first, produces the error, "We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000)".

Forward naked domains

I recently purchased a domain with Yahoo Domains for my GAE app. Where I managed to get the domain mapped into my GAE account.
Now, since GAE does not support naked domains, I just placed the CNAME for www to point to Google App Engine.
Everything works fine now, i.e. my app can be accessed through
The problem is with naked domain (with Yahoo), I am trying to forward the naked domain to however, the domain manager is complaining that the forward is not possible.
What could be the problem that forward is not possible? Also, is there a way to solve this in GAE management console, since Yahoo domain manager seems to not able to handle this.
Hi Please try to do the following changes from your Google Apps Admin Console.
Go to this URL for Domain Management Settings in Google Apps Console.
Under the Domain Management. Click on change redirect and add Also check the attached screenshot for the same.
Also follow the instructions provided in the URL change A record below change redirect url.
After making these changes you will see the URL will get redirected automatically.

Unable to add custom Domain w/ Google App Engine

I'm unable to map a custom domain to my Google App Engine app. The steps I've already taken are:
I'm the admin of the Google Apps account
I'm the owner of the Google App Engine Account
I've added the domain to the "Domains" section of Google Apps
I've verified ownership of the domain within Google Apps
I've correctly setup the MX records of the domain
I've checked that the domain was correctly setup using:
However, for the last 3 days in the Domains section of Google Apps it says "MX records setup validation in progress".
Additionally, when I go to add the domain within the Application settings of the Google App Engine account I get redirected to a sign in page (despite already being signed in, and an admin within Google Apps, and the owner of the Google App Engine app). Either way when I go to sign in again I just get redirected back to the signin page and I'm not able to get any farther.
Also, I have billing enabled for the App Engine account. I've configured app engine domains numerous times before and never had these issues. Any help would be appreciated.
Following #presveva's suggestion I setup a new Google Apps account (despite already having an existing one) and the first page after creating a new Google App was a server error. After refreshing the page and verifying ownership of the domain I went to add the domain to App Engine.
On the "Please accept the Google App Engine terms and conditions to continue" page, first of all no terms even showed (numerous XMLHttpRequest errors on the page), and after submitting "I accept. Continue to add this service" the next page stated "An error occurred while trying to install this application. Please try again later."
This process is horribly broke and would be great if Google addressed this.
I know this this post is old but I ran into the same issue.
All ready running Google Apps for my primary domain.
Created a new app and registered a new domain name for that.
Don't want to get a new payed Google Apps account for the app domain.
#presveva is right but there is one way around it.
Use your current Google Apps account and add the app domain as a alias for your primary domain.
Make the admin account of your Google Apps domain owner of the Google App Engine (GAE) application.
Add the GAE app to your Google Apps account via the Google Apps admin interface.
Setup a custom domain name for the domain alias, your new app domain.
Note: If you use Google Sites for your domain you can't use www. Disable sites if you want to use GAE.
For now, the only one way for using custom domain in GAE is signup a Google Apps account (domains article).
Notice that the domain need to be the primary domain of account, a new account for domain.
The docs I have linked mentions a free single-user account but it has been replaced by a 50$ credit for a business Google Apps account (forum annunce)

how to serve apps on custom domain?

I have an application I have purchased a domain called jobs4j.
I added domain using application settings in app engine console and also made necessory
CNAME changes in godaddy DNS managing console.
Now when I type in browser it simply ridirects to
I want my application to be served under sub-domain and not just redirection to
appspot domain. what configuration I am missing?
thanks for your time.
In the application dashboard, under administration / application settings, you have a section titled "Domain setup". In it you can configure domains to be used for this application.
The process will require you to set up a "google apps" account (don't worry, a single-user domain is free), then transfer the domain(s) you want to be managed by Google apps by setting up a CNAME entry in your domain zone file. The instructions show you how to do it. Of course, where the instructions recommend you define your CNAME subdomain as "www", you will want your subdomain to be called "in".
Unfortunately, Google has ended the option to have a free Google Apps account, sigh!
However, we could still point the GAE app from a custom domain (non-Google apps owned).
Step 1 : Go to Application Settings in the GAE dashboard and add a
custom domain. You will be asked to verify the domain during which
Google would basically create a TXT record in your DNS zone file.
Step 2 : Once the 3rd party domain is verified, add the custom domain
for the app ( It shows instructions
on how to add the CNAME entry for the domain.
Hope this helps!
