I am Developing an OS, I wants to get EDID from monitor, I am found some asm code (https://wiki.osdev.org/EDID) to get edid in ES:DI registers,
mov ax, 0x4f15
mov bl, 0x01
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 0x10
;AL = 0x4F if function supported
;AH = status (0 is success, 1 is fail)
;ES:DI contains the EDID
How can I get AL, AH, and ES:DI values in C File?
Actually I am developing an 64 bit UEFI OS
lgdt [rdi]
mov ax, 0x10
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
pop rdi
mov rax, 0x08
push rax
push rdi
I am able to run these above asm code and get it in c using Global Functions in C,
That page on osdev.org contains code intended to be run when the CPU is in 16-bit real mode.
You can tell not only from the registers involved but also from the fact that int 10h is used.
This is a well-known BIOS interrupt service that is written in 16-bit real-mode code.
If you target UEFI, then your bootloader is actually an UEFI application, which is a PE32(+) image.
If the CPU is 64-bit capable, the firmware will switch into long mode (64-bit mode) and load your bootloader.
Otherwise, it will switch into protected mode (32-bit mode).
In any case, real mode is never used in UEFI.
You can call 16-bit code from protected/long mode with the use of a 16-bit code segment in the GDT/LDT but you cannot call real-mode code (i.e. code written to work with the real-mode segmentation) because segmentation works completely different between the modes.
Plus, in real mode the interrupts are dispatched through the IVT and not the IDT, you would need to get the original entry-point for interrupt 10h.
Luckily, UEFI has a replacement for most basic services offered by the legacy BIOS interface.
In this case, you can use the EFI_EDID_DISCOVERED_PROTOCOL and eventually apply any override from the platform firmware with the use of EFI_EDID_OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL.
The EFI_EDID_DISCOVERED_PROTOCOL is straightforward to use, it's just a (Size, Data) pair.
UINT32 SizeOfEdid;
UINT8 *Edid;
(from gnu-efi)
The format of the buffer Edid can be found in the VESA specification or even on Wikipedia.
As an example, I wrote a simple UEFI application with gnu-efi and x64_64-w64-mingw32 (a version of GCC and tools that target PEs).
I avoided using uefilib.h in order to use gnu-efi just for the definition of the structures related to EUFI.
The code sucks, it assumes at most 10 handles support the EDID protocol and I wrote only a partial structure for the EDID data (because I got bored).
But this should be enough the get the idea.
NOTE That my VM didn't return any EDID information, so the code is not completely tested!
#include <efi.h>
//You are better off using this lib
//#include <efilib.h>
typedef struct _EDID14 {
UINT8 Signature[8];
UINT16 ManufacturerID;
UINT16 ManufacturerCode;
UINT32 Serial;
UINT8 Week;
UINT8 Year;
UINT8 Major;
UINT8 Minor;
UINT32 InputParams;
UINT8 HSize;
UINT8 VSize;
UINT8 Gamma;
VOID Print(CHAR16* string)
gST->ConOut->OutputString(gST->ConOut, string);
VOID PrintHex(UINT64 number)
CHAR16* digits = L"0123456789abcdef";
CHAR16 buffer[2] = {0, 0};
for (INTN i = 64-4; i >= 0; i-=4)
buffer[0] = digits[(number >> i) & 0xf];
VOID PrintDec(UINT64 number)
CHAR16 buffer[21] = {0};
UINTN i = 19;
buffer[i--] = L'0' + (number % 10);
number = number / 10;
while (number && i >= 0);
Print(buffer + i + 1);
#define MANUFACTURER_DECODE_LETTER(x) ( L'A' + ( (x) & 0x1f ) - 1 )
EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* SystemTable)
UINTN Size = sizeof(EFI_HANDLE) * 10;
gST = SystemTable;
if ( EFI_ERROR( (Status = SystemTable->BootServices->LocateHandle(ByProtocol, &gEfiEdidDiscoveredProtocolGuid, NULL, &Size, EDIDHandles)) ) )
Print(L"Failed to get EDID handles: "); PrintHex(Status); Print(L"\r\n");
return Status;
for (INTN i = 0; i < Size/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE); i++)
if (EFI_ERROR( (SystemTable->BootServices->OpenProtocol(
EDIDHandles[i], &gEfiEdidDiscoveredProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&EDID, ImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL)) ) )
Print(L"Failed to get EDID info for handle "); PrintDec(i); Print(L": "); PrintHex(Status); Print(L"\r\n");
return Status;
if (EDID->SizeOfEdid == 0 || EDID->Edid == NULL)
Print(L"No EDID data for handle "); PrintDec(i); Print(L"\r\n");
! ! ! D O N O T U S E ! ! !
EDID14_RAW* EdidData = (EDID14_RAW*)EDID->Edid;
CHAR16 Manufacturer[4] = {0};
Manufacturer[0] = MANUFACTURER_DECODE_LETTER(EdidData->ManufacturerID >> 10);
Manufacturer[1] = MANUFACTURER_DECODE_LETTER(EdidData->ManufacturerID >> 5);
Manufacturer[2] = MANUFACTURER_DECODE_LETTER(EdidData->ManufacturerID);
Print(L"Manufacturer ID: "); Print(Manufacturer); Print(L"\r\n");
Print(L"Resolution: "); PrintDec(EdidData->HSize); Print(L"X"); PrintDec(EdidData->VSize); Print(L"\r\n");
return Status;
If you don't want to use these UEFI protocols you can use ACPI. Each display output device has a _DDC method that is documented in the ACPI specification and can be used to return the EDID data (either as a buffer of 128 or 256 bytes).
This method is conceptually simple but in practice it requires writing a full-blown ACPI parser (including the AML VM) which is a lot of work.
However, ACPI is necessary for modern OSes and so you can use it, later on, to get the EDID data without having to worry about UEFI protocols.
I'm trying to call assembler procedure which is supposed to calculate CRC32 checksum for file from C app.
C code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
extern unsigned long __stdcall CRC32(size_t sizeOfFile, char buffer[]);
int fsize(char* file) {
int size;
FILE* fh;
fopen_s(&fh, file, "rb" );
if(fh != NULL){
if( fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END) ){
return -1;
size = ftell(fh);
return size;
return -1; //error
void calculateChecksum(char * filename, char * checksum){
FILE *file = NULL;
unsigned long crc32;
char hex[10];
fopen_s(&file, filename, "rb" );
size_t size = fsize(filename);
char *buffer=(char*)malloc(size);
int n = sprintf_s(hex,"%x",crc32);
for (int i=0;i<8;i++){
file = NULL;
int main(){
char checksum[8];
char hex[10];
for (int i=0;i<8;i++){
return 0;
Assember code:
.model flat, stdcall
CRC32 proc sizeOfFile:DWORD, file:DWORD
push esi
push ecx
push edx
mov esi, file
xor edx, edx
or eax, -1
mov ecx, sizeOfFile
mov dl, byte ptr [esi]
xor dl, al
shr eax, 8
xor eax, dword ptr [crc32_table + 4*edx]
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz CRC32_loop
not eax
pop edx
pop ecx
pop esi
CRC32 endp
crc32_table dd 000000000h, 077073096h, 0EE0E612Ch, 0990951BAh, 0076DC419h, 0706AF48Fh, 0E963A535h, 09E6495A3h, 00EDB8832h, 079DCB8A4h
dd 0E0D5E91Eh, 097D2D988h, 009B64C2Bh, 07EB17CBDh, 0E7B82D07h, 090BF1D91h, 01DB71064h, 06AB020F2h, 0F3B97148h, 084BE41DEh
dd 01ADAD47Dh, 06DDDE4EBh, 0F4D4B551h, 083D385C7h, 0136C9856h, 0646BA8C0h, 0FD62F97Ah, 08A65C9ECh, 014015C4Fh, 063066CD9h
dd 0FA0F3D63h, 08D080DF5h, 03B6E20C8h, 04C69105Eh, 0D56041E4h, 0A2677172h, 03C03E4D1h, 04B04D447h, 0D20D85FDh, 0A50AB56Bh
dd 035B5A8FAh, 042B2986Ch, 0DBBBC9D6h, 0ACBCF940h, 032D86CE3h, 045DF5C75h, 0DCD60DCFh, 0ABD13D59h, 026D930ACh, 051DE003Ah
dd 0C8D75180h, 0BFD06116h, 021B4F4B5h, 056B3C423h, 0CFBA9599h, 0B8BDA50Fh, 02802B89Eh, 05F058808h, 0C60CD9B2h, 0B10BE924h
dd 02F6F7C87h, 058684C11h, 0C1611DABh, 0B6662D3Dh, 076DC4190h, 001DB7106h, 098D220BCh, 0EFD5102Ah, 071B18589h, 006B6B51Fh
dd 09FBFE4A5h, 0E8B8D433h, 07807C9A2h, 00F00F934h, 09609A88Eh, 0E10E9818h, 07F6A0DBBh, 0086D3D2Dh, 091646C97h, 0E6635C01h
dd 06B6B51F4h, 01C6C6162h, 0856530D8h, 0F262004Eh, 06C0695EDh, 01B01A57Bh, 08208F4C1h, 0F50FC457h, 065B0D9C6h, 012B7E950h
dd 08BBEB8EAh, 0FCB9887Ch, 062DD1DDFh, 015DA2D49h, 08CD37CF3h, 0FBD44C65h, 04DB26158h, 03AB551CEh, 0A3BC0074h, 0D4BB30E2h
dd 04ADFA541h, 03DD895D7h, 0A4D1C46Dh, 0D3D6F4FBh, 04369E96Ah, 0346ED9FCh, 0AD678846h, 0DA60B8D0h, 044042D73h, 033031DE5h
dd 0AA0A4C5Fh, 0DD0D7CC9h, 05005713Ch, 0270241AAh, 0BE0B1010h, 0C90C2086h, 05768B525h, 0206F85B3h, 0B966D409h, 0CE61E49Fh
dd 05EDEF90Eh, 029D9C998h, 0B0D09822h, 0C7D7A8B4h, 059B33D17h, 02EB40D81h, 0B7BD5C3Bh, 0C0BA6CADh, 0EDB88320h, 09ABFB3B6h
dd 003B6E20Ch, 074B1D29Ah, 0EAD54739h, 09DD277AFh, 004DB2615h, 073DC1683h, 0E3630B12h, 094643B84h, 00D6D6A3Eh, 07A6A5AA8h
dd 0E40ECF0Bh, 09309FF9Dh, 00A00AE27h, 07D079EB1h, 0F00F9344h, 08708A3D2h, 01E01F268h, 06906C2FEh, 0F762575Dh, 0806567CBh
dd 0196C3671h, 06E6B06E7h, 0FED41B76h, 089D32BE0h, 010DA7A5Ah, 067DD4ACCh, 0F9B9DF6Fh, 08EBEEFF9h, 017B7BE43h, 060B08ED5h
dd 0D6D6A3E8h, 0A1D1937Eh, 038D8C2C4h, 04FDFF252h, 0D1BB67F1h, 0A6BC5767h, 03FB506DDh, 048B2364Bh, 0D80D2BDAh, 0AF0A1B4Ch
dd 036034AF6h, 041047A60h, 0DF60EFC3h, 0A867DF55h, 0316E8EEFh, 04669BE79h, 0CB61B38Ch, 0BC66831Ah, 0256FD2A0h, 05268E236h
dd 0CC0C7795h, 0BB0B4703h, 0220216B9h, 05505262Fh, 0C5BA3BBEh, 0B2BD0B28h, 02BB45A92h, 05CB36A04h, 0C2D7FFA7h, 0B5D0CF31h
dd 02CD99E8Bh, 05BDEAE1Dh, 09B64C2B0h, 0EC63F226h, 0756AA39Ch, 0026D930Ah, 09C0906A9h, 0EB0E363Fh, 072076785h, 005005713h
dd 095BF4A82h, 0E2B87A14h, 07BB12BAEh, 00CB61B38h, 092D28E9Bh, 0E5D5BE0Dh, 07CDCEFB7h, 00BDBDF21h, 086D3D2D4h, 0F1D4E242h
dd 068DDB3F8h, 01FDA836Eh, 081BE16CDh, 0F6B9265Bh, 06FB077E1h, 018B74777h, 088085AE6h, 0FF0F6A70h, 066063BCAh, 011010B5Ch
dd 08F659EFFh, 0F862AE69h, 0616BFFD3h, 0166CCF45h, 0A00AE278h, 0D70DD2EEh, 04E048354h, 03903B3C2h, 0A7672661h, 0D06016F7h
dd 04969474Dh, 03E6E77DBh, 0AED16A4Ah, 0D9D65ADCh, 040DF0B66h, 037D83BF0h, 0A9BCAE53h, 0DEBB9EC5h, 047B2CF7Fh, 030B5FFE9h
dd 0BDBDF21Ch, 0CABAC28Ah, 053B39330h, 024B4A3A6h, 0BAD03605h, 0CDD70693h, 054DE5729h, 023D967BFh, 0B3667A2Eh, 0C4614AB8h
dd 05D681B02h, 02A6F2B94h, 0B40BBE37h, 0C30C8EA1h, 05A05DF1Bh, 02D02EF8Dh
While bulding, I'm getting those three errors:
1>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication5, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> Assembling C:\Users\sliwkacz\Desktop\New folder\crc32.asm...
1>C:\Users\sliwkacz\Desktop\New folder\crc32.asm(7): error A2206: missing operator in expression
1>C:\Users\sliwkacz\Desktop\New folder\crc32.asm(12): error A2006: undefined symbol : file
1>C:\Users\sliwkacz\Desktop\New folder\crc32.asm(15): error A2081: missing operand after unary operator
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\BuildCustomizations\masm.targets(49,5): error MSB3721: The command "ml.exe /c /nologo /Zi /Fo"Debug\crc32.obj" /W3 /errorReport:prompt /Ta"C:\Users\sliwkacz\Desktop\New folder\crc32.asm"" exited with code 1.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I'll be very greatful for any hint that can helps.
size is a reserved word in MASM assembly, so you'll have to come up with a different name for your parameter.
You're also missing a CRC32 ENDP after the ret.
And you might have to change the function declaration in your C file to extern unsigned long __stdcall CRC32(size_t *bufLen, FILE *file);
By the looks of it, your CRC32 function is using its arguments in an incorrect manner. The size argument is a pointer to the size, but you're using it as if it was the size itself. And it seems like you try to read from a FILE* as if was a pointer to the data in the file, but I'm pretty sure a FILE* is just a pointer to a struct containing information about an opened file. To access the data in the file you should use fread to read chunks of data into a buffer.
I have a task to do and I'm asking for some help. (on simple c lang')
What I need to do?
I need to check every command on the main c program (using interrupt num 1) and printing a message only if the next command is the same procedure that was sent earlier to the stack, by some other procedure.
What I want to do?
I want to take info from the stack, using inline assembley, and put it on a variable that can be compare on c program itself after returnning to c. (volatile)
This is the program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef void (*FUN_PTR)(void);
void interrupt (*Int1Save) (void); //pointer to interrupt num 1//
volatile FUN_PTR our_func;
char *str2;
void interrupt my_inter (void) //New interrupt//
{volatile FUN_PTR next_command;
asm { PUSH BP
MOV word ptr next_command,AX
pop BP}
if (our_func==next_command) printf("procedure %s has been called\n",str2);}
void animate(int *iptr,char str[],void (*funptr)(), char fstr[])
Int1Save = getvect(1); // save old interrupt//
asm { pushf //TF is ON//
pop ax
or ax,100000000B
push ax
void unanimate()
{asm { pushf //TF is OFF//
pop ax
and ax,1111111011111111B
push ax
setvect (1,Int1Save); //restore old interrupt//}
void main(void)
{int i;
int f1 = 1;
int f2 = 1;
int fibo = 1;
animate(&fibo, "fibo", sleep, "sleep");
for(i=0; i < 8; i++)
f1 = f2;
f2 = fibo;
fibo = f1 + f2;} // for//
unanimate();} // main//
My question...
Off course the problem is at "my inter" on the inline assembly. but can't figure it out.
What am I doing wrong? (please take a look at the code above)
I wanted to save the address of the pointer for the specific procedure (sleep) in the volatile our_func. then take the info (address to each next command) from the stack to volatile next_command and then finaly returnning to c and make the compare each time. If the same value (address) is on both variables then to print a specific message.
Hope I'm clear..
Nir B
Answered as a comment by the OP
I got the answer I wanted:
asm { MOV SI,[BP+18] //Taking the address of each command//
MOV DI,[BP+20]
MOV word ptr next_command+2,DI
MOV word ptr next_command,SI}
if ((*our_func)==(*next_command)) //Making the next_command compare//
printf("procedure %s has been called\n",str2);
I am looking for an extremely small way of turning a string like "123" into an integer like 123 and vice-versa.
I will be working in a freestanding environment. This is NOT a premature optimization. I am creating code that must fit in 512 bytes, so every byte does actually count. I will take both x86 assembly(16 bit) and C code though(as that is pretty easy to convert)
It does not need to do any sanity checks or anything..
I thought I had seen a very small C implementation implemented recursively, but I can't seem to find anything for size optimization..
So can anyone find me(or create) a very small atoi/itoa implementation? (it only needs to work with base 10 though)
Edit: (the answer) (edited again because the first code was actually wrong)
in case someone else comes upon this, this is the code I ended up creating. It could fit in 21 bytes!
;ds:bx is the input string. ax is the returned integer
xor ax,ax
imul ax, 10 ;ax serves as our temp var
mov cl,[bx]
mov ch,0
add ax,cx
sub ax,'0'
inc bx
cmp byte [bx],0
jnz .loop1
Ok, last edit I swear!
Version weighing in at 42 bytes with negative number support.. so if anyone wants to use these they can..
;ds:bx is the input string. ax is the returned integer
cmp byte [bx],'-'
je .negate
;rewrite to negate DX(just throw it away)
mov byte [.rewrite+1],0xDA
jmp .continue
mov byte [.rewrite+1],0xD8
inc bx
xor ax,ax
imul ax, 10 ;ax serves as our temp var
mov dl,[bx]
mov dh,0
add ax,dx
sub ax,'0'
inc bx
cmp byte [bx],0
jnz .loop1
neg ax ;this instruction gets rewritten to conditionally negate ax or dx
With no error checking, 'cause that's for wussies who have more than 512B to play with:
#include <ctype.h>
// alternative:
// #define isdigit(C) ((C) >= '0' && (C) <= '9')
unsigned long myatol(const char *s) {
unsigned long n = 0;
while (isdigit(*s)) n = 10 * n + *s++ - '0';
return n;
gcc -O2 compiles this into 47 bytes, but the external reference to __ctype_b_loc is probably more than you can afford...
I don't have an assembler on my laptop to check the size, but offhand, it seems like this should be shorter:
; input: zero-terminated string in DS:SI
; result: AX
atoi proc
xor cx, cx
mov ax, '0'
imul cx, 10
sub al, '0'
add cx, ax
jnz #b
xchg ax, cx
atoi endp
Write it yourself. Note that subtracting '0' from a digit gets the power-of-ten. So, you loop down the digits, and every time you multiply the value so far by 10, subtract '0' from the current character, and add it. Codable in assembly in no time flat.
register char *p;
register int n;
register int f;
n = 0;
f = 0;
for(;;p++) {
switch(*p) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '-':
case '+':
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
n = n*10 + *p++ - '0';
return(f? -n: n);
And here is another one without any checking. It assumes a null terminated string. As a bonus, it checks for a negative sign. This takes 593 bytes with a Microsoft compiler (cl /O1).
int myatoi( char* a )
int res = 0;
int neg = 0;
if ( *a == '-' )
neg = 1;
while ( *a )
res = res * 10 + ( *a - '0' );
if ( neg )
res *= -1;
return res;
Are any of the sizes smaller if you use -Os (optimize for space) instead of -O2 ?
You could try packing the string into BCD(0x1234) and then using x87 fbld and fist instructions for a 1980s solution but I am not sure that will be smaller at all as I don't remember there being any packing instruction.
How in the world are you people getting the executables so small?! This code generates a 316 byte .o file when compiled with gcc -Os -m32 -c -o atoi.o atoi.c and a 8488 byte executable when compiled and linked (with an empty int main(){} added) with gcc -Os -m32 -o atoi atoi.c. This is on Mac OS X Snow Leopard...
int myatoi(char *s)
short retval=0;
for(;*s!=0;s++) retval=retval*10+(*s-'0');
return retval;