vb6 draw.Circle equivalent in WPF vb.net - wpf

I am new in WPF. I am upgrading a software in which I have to draw a map road sketch, i already have the input values:
objdraw.Circle (CentreX, CentreY), radius, RGB(255, 0, 0), StartAngle, EndAngle, 1
I want to know if there is a way to use the same values but with the new drawing shapes in VB.NET.
I really appreciate any help with this.

If you're using WPF, there is a class called System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse.
Note that you don't quite "draw" with this. Instead, it's just another control that you would put into a panel. That control has properties to control things like it's position, size, stroke thickness, etc.
For general information on drawing in WPF, see the overview of drawing objects on MSDN.


Rectangular shaped Gradient Fill

I'm currently looking to achieve a gradient effect a bit like the rectangle in http://pjnicholson.com/Fireworks/fillgradients.htm
If I compromise a little I can get close to this using RadialGradientBrush... but is there any (not too painful) way to achieve the rectangular effect?
Use an ImageBrush instead and use this image (or a similar image generated using some image editor) for the background of your rectangle.
One solution a colleague and I came with was to derive a new Panel that used a WriteableBitmap as the source for its background.
The panel will give you the dimensions you need to make your WriteableBitmap. Using whatever algorithm you want you can fill it appropriately. In our case, we needed a radial or cone gradient, but the same concept applies.
Additionally, you can create several properties on your new control to specify the colors for the gradient. We adapted a LinearGradientBrush for our needs, but if you're working on just two colors, simple properties may suffice.
I don't have the code handy but will try to find it and post an update later. But the above should get you going.

Improving WPF Canvas performance

I am developing a Maps like application using WPF. I have ~10,000 PathGeometry, Shapes added to the canvas. I have added ScaleTransform and TranslateTransform for zooming and panning controls.
The problem I'm facing is, when I zoom or pan, there is slight lag. Is there a way to organize the data so that I handle only the Shapes that are visible?
Any hints on making it more efficient will be helpful and appreciated.
What kind f stuff are you putting on the canvas? If using pathGeometry, are you enclosing them in Path class? If so, Path has FrameworkElement in its superclass hierarchy, which is responsible for massive performance loss.
Take a look at my question here. Although it is about Shape class, but the reason of performance degradation is the same, FrameworkElement.
If you are doing so, the solution is to use PathGeometry instead, and enclose it in DrawingContext of a DrawingVisual using DrawingContext.DrawGeometry() method.
Here are some links that should help.
Path Geometry
Optimizing Performance: 2D Graphics and Imaging
And draw the shapes yourself, using combination of lines, and other things provided by classes derived from Geometry class (ArcGeometry, PathGeometry etc).
This should help.
If you want the ultimate in performance for immediate drawing in WPF, then check out WriteableBitmapEx. This is an excellent open source library, which I recently contributed to. it provides GDI-like drawing capabilities on WriteableBitmap and is compatible with Windows Phone, WPF and Silverlight. The API is simple, you get blitting, polygons, lines and simple shapes etc... You won't get datatemplates and gradient brushes however.

Change Alpha Blend Mode in WPF?

The System.Drawing.Graphics class has a property CompositionMode with two options: SourceOver (which, based on the alpha component, blends whatever is drawn with the background already existing) or SourceCopy which simply overwrites the background with whatever is being drawn.
Does something similar exist in WPF?
In WPF when i draw a PolyLine for example on top of another the new PolyLine always alphablends with the background. I think that is independent of the container being used. I am using a Canvas but could not find a blend mode property anywhere. What I want to do is what the SourceCopy compositionmode mentioned above does. I.e. the new PolyLine should simply overwrite whatever is already on the Canvas.
Is there a simple way to do that, short of using pixel shaders (which - as far as I understand - wouldn't work anyways because I don't have access to the Canvas backbuffer).
I am not stuck with a Canvas and would be happy to use any container that supports overwrite mode.
I currently have a solution based on a WriteableBitmap for which I obtain a System.Drawing.Graphics context and then manipulate the CompositionMode. It works but since my window is fullscreen that solution has serious performance impacts.
Clarification and example:
The WPF window is fully transparent and so is the Canvas (back ground color(0,0,0,0)). Now I draw a PolyLine with a Color.FromArgb(128,128,0,0). I now have a semi-transparent red polyline. Next I draw the same PolyLine with Color.FromArgb(0,0,0,0). The result is the same as before because of the alpha blending taking place. What I want, however, is that the red polyline is erased with the second polyline (which is exactly what the SourceCopy mode in the Graphics class does.
I think all you need to do is make sure that the brushes used to fill/stroke the PolyLine have fully opaque alpha values (i.e. 255). Then the background shouldn't be blended into it.
You could apply a Clipping Mask, this way you can provide the path to clip over the elements that are below it, but it might be tough to maintain after a lot elements are required to be clipped...

Drawing Basic Shapes in WPF InkCanvas

I am working on a paint like application in wpf.I want the users to be able to add some drawings over images or plain surfaces.Also i want to draw some basic shapes like line,ellipse or a rectangle.I am trying to work with an inkcanvas,where i can do freehand drawing,but i cant draw shapes like in paint.Can anyone guide me and provide some clues on how to do it.Please help me on this.Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
There are two sorts of collections in an InkCanvas:
Strokes, which are composed of StylusPoints and defined by DrawingAttributes. That's what the Ink is, as drawn by a mouse or stylus.
The other is Children, which can contain FrameworkElements. Ellipse, for instance, is a Shape is a FrameworkElement.
Try playing around with yourCanvas.Children.Add(ellipse) and see how you go. There is certainly no reason to shy away from the InkCanvas just because you also want to use predefined shapes.
It's worth pointing out, though, that the InkCanvas's little brother, the InkPresenter, does NOT have a Children property. And Silverlight only has that one.
WPF provides a Shape class that includes prebuilt methods that you can draw shapes with. Don't use the inkcanvas and instead draw directly to a canvas.
Here http://ciintelligence.blogspot.com/2011/07/silverlight-drawing-tool-silver-draw.html
you can find better control which improved SilverDraw control with extra features:
Freatures are:
* You can draw basic shapes and also can draw using freehand pencil.
* You can erase drawing.
* You can undo and redo drawing.
* Can save drawing as jpeg in server side.
Here is a simple implementation:
public void drawCircleAp(Double EHeight, Double EWidth, InkCanvas surface)
Ellipse e1 = new Ellipse();
e1.Width = EWidth;
e1.Height = EHeight;
var brush = new SolidColorBrush();
brush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0);
e1.Stroke = brush;
e1.StrokeThickness = 4;

How can I stretch bitmap in WPF without smoothing pixels

I'm working on SEM image processing application, written in WPF. I have an image display control, derived from Canvas, which displays image & overlays using DrawingVisuals (one for each "layer"). It also implements Zoom & Pan using scale & translate transform, applied on DrawingVisuals.
When I zoom in the image to see individual pixels, they are displayed smooth, evidently using bilinear filtering to stretch the bitmap (no surprise, as WPF is rendered through Direct3D). However, for my use case, I would rather see individual pixels as sharp boxes, as usual in any image editor like Photoshop. That's why user of my app zooms the image -> to be able to operate on pixel level.
Is there such option in WPF (other than manually stretching the bitmap before displaying it)? I was not able to find anything.
thanks in advance,
Zbynek Vrastil
Czech Republic
Finally found an answer, with some help from Experts Exchange. Class RenderOptions defines attached property BitmapScalingMode, which can be set to NearestNeighbor. So,
RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(imageDisplay, BitmapScalingMode.NearestNeighbor);
does the trick.
Zbynek Vrastil
Hate to put a dampener on things, but if NearestNeighbor works like GDI+, then this will give you a limited success. As you increase magnification in areas of high contrast you might not get the desired results. In GDI+ you find blacks becoming blue, and whites becoming red - again I stress in areas of high contrast! If this isn't the case in WPF, think yourself lucky!
Perhaps a WCF developer could confirm that?
I've found that there are more options to consider, but I can only speak for the GDI+ Graphics class, which might be useful to someone.
Graphics graph = e.Graphics;
graph.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
graph.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.AssumeLinear;
graph.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
This works for me. I think the SmoothingMode is the trick. Hope this helps someone else out there.
