while i am passing cmis://http://mydocs.mic.com?username=admin&password=#d&!n2010) is the url. but its showing
Failed to resolve endpoint: cmis://http://mydocs.mic.com?%21n2010%29&password=%40d&username=admin due to: Parsing exception!
camel is converting # to %40 and ! to %21. Could you please help. how camel will retain the # and ! symbles?
Thanks in adance
The Camel documentation explains about this
See this page, how to configure endpoints and about passwords
I try to use the PahoEndpointBuilder
PahoEndpointBuilder endpoint = paho (topic).brokerUrl (brokerUrl);
but starting the route based on that endpoint always leads to an exception.
Caused by: org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException: Failed to resolve endpoint: paho:myTestTopicMandant9?brokerUrl=tcp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A1883 due to: There are 1 parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint. Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint. Unknown parameters=[{brokerUrl=tcp://localhost:1883}]
at org.apache.camel.support.DefaultComponent.validateParameters(DefaultComponent.java:351)
at org.apache.camel.support.DefaultComponent.createEndpoint(DefaultComponent.java:169)
at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.doGetEndpoint(AbstractCamelContext.java:952)
Is this a bug?
Its a bug in Camel 3.2 that has been logged in JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-14921
I am using pike release of openstack and ceilometer version 2.9.0 and keystone v3.
$ceilometer meter-list gives HTTP 404 Not Found error
$gnocchi metric list --> HTTP 401
$openstack metric list ---> lists the meters (works) . However in yaml file(for autoscaling) I am unable to get metrics using type OS:Ceilometer::Alarm
How to go about it, please guide. Is there any workaround for the issue I am facing?
I am deploying a jar in karaf .
My jar consists of a camel route
Copyin only the route part :
.log("#########The Camel Header before loading into kafka topic ######## :${headers}")
.log("#########The Camel Body before loading into kafka topic ######## :${body}")
/* .to("kafka:${kafkaserver}?topic=DataStream&zookeeperHost=${zookeeperHost}&zookeeperPort=${zookeeperport}&serializerClass=kafka.serializer.StringEncoder")*/
.log("########The exception message is ####### :${exception.message}")
.log("########The stack trace of the exception is ####### :${exception.stacktrace}")
.log("############### End of Voice Cdr to Kafka Topic Route ################")
Currently ,I am hard coding the kafka server credentials but i want to make this property file driven.
Read about Camel's property placeholder where you can externalize configuration and refer to them from your Camel routes: http://camel.apache.org/using-propertyplaceholder.html
I am using solr 6.4.1 and using the below to crawl a url
Below is how I am crawling a URL:
java -Ddata=web -Dc=corename -jar post.jar (urlname )
I am getting the below issue:
The URL (urlname) caused a redirect to (urlname)/us/
SimplePostTool: WARNING: The URL (urlname) returned a HTTP result status of 301
0 web pages indexed.
How do I resolve this ?
The URL that you are providing has been permanently redirected as seen by the HTTP 301 Status Code. You need to change the URL that you are providing to be the new one that is being reported back. In your case shown above it would be (urlname)/us/
So you need to change the value of the urlname to include the trailing /us/ in the command you are calling.
So if you have a urlname value of http://thecoolsite.com/ you now need to use http://thecoolsite.com/us/
Hope this helps.
I am following the Quickstart for Cloud Endpoints Frameworks on App Engine in standard environment. I have deployed the sample API. When I open https://[my-project].appspot.com/ I get the error message:
Error: Not Found. The Requested URL / was not found on this server
The logs show the message:
No Handlers matched this url
The app.yaml handlers are the what came with the endpoints-frameworks-v2/echo sample:
# The endpoints handler must be mapped to /_ah/api.
- url: /_ah/api/.*
script: main.api
I was having great difficulty generating the OpenAPI configuration file in a previous step of the quickstart. I got it to work by updating the system variable path for the SDK but I did get this error:
No handlers could be found for logger "endpoints.apiserving"
WARNING:root:Method echo.echo_path_parameter specifies path parameters buy you are
not using a ResourceContainer. This will fail in future releases; please
switch to using ResourceContainer as soon as possible.
I have no idea if this error is relavant to the current problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Regarding the "No handlers could be found for logger..." you need to do this:
The other issue is a known issue:
What are ResourceContainers and how to use them for Cloud Endpoints?
You need a url handler for / if that is a valid url:
# The endpoints handler must be mapped to /_ah/api.
- url: /_ah/api/.*
script: main.api
- url: /.* # catchall for all other urls
script: main.api # or wherever you handle the request for `/` and others