What is the iteration error in the loop? - loops

if rising_edge (CLOCK) then
fcounter := fcounter+1;
end if;
A<=fcounter(6); --fa=fclock/2^6
if rising_edge (A) then
counter_A:= counter_A+1;
end if;
CIKIS<=A; --40 consecutive "1" consignment to DIN for STARTUP RESET
exit when counter_A=101000; --40
end loop;
ISE gives "ERROR:Xst:1312 - Loop has iterated 64 times. Use "set -loop_iteration_limit XX" to iterate more." What does that mean and what should i do to get rid of it?

Unbounded loops are not generally synthesizable outside of generating constants. The error is telling you that the loop has iterated beyond the preset limit that guards against infinite loops. Increasing the limit will not fix anything because what you have described doesn't map naturally to hardware with the current crop of synthesis tools.
You need to restructure your logic to inhibit that block of code with an enable that is deactivated when the counter reaches its terminal value rather than use a loop.

Synthesizable constructs can't have compile time unbounded loops like this, they are only to be used in testbench code. The reason is that when they expand into hardware, something like this would require infinite resources (which you don't have). You seem to be trying to write this like a piece of software. When using a HDL, you need to be thinking of how it translates into hardware (assuming you plan to synthesize). Instead you might look at using a process where all activity happens inside an "if rising_edge(clock)", and use signals to explicitly use flip flops as opposed to variables which could go either way. It isn't entirely clear to me if you're trying to count when your fcounter rolls over 40 times (what you currently do) or when your fcounter exceeds 0111111 for 40 clock cycles, but you can use a signal indicating the state for either case instead of an exit statement, and an if/elsif statement on that signal to do something else when you don't want to have process counting. Sorry for the poor formatting, short on time.


What do "single-entry" and "single-exit" mean for a statement?

From An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering
By Pankaj Jalote
Clearly, no meaningful program can be written as a sequence of simple
statements without any branching or repetition (which also involves
branching). So, how is the objective of linearizing the control flow
to be achieved? By making use of structured constructs. In
structured programming, a statement is not a simple assignment
statement, it is a structured statement. The key property of a
structured statement is that it has a single-entry and a
single-exit. That is, during execution, the execution of the (structured) statement starts from one defined point and the execution
terminates at one defined point. With single-entry and single-exit
statements, we can view a program as a sequence of (structured)
statements. And if all statements are structured statements, then
during execution, the sequence of execution of these statements will
be the same as the sequence in the program text. Hence, by using
single-entry and single-exit statements, the correspondence between
the static and dynamic structures can be obtained.
The most commonly used single-entry and single-exit statements are
Selection: if B then S1 else S2
if B then S1
Iteration: While B do S
repeat S until B
Sequencing: S1; S2; S3;...
What do "single-entry" and "single-exit" mean in a structured statement?
Why are statements listed at the end are single-entry and single-exit?
For example, in if B then S1 else S2, why is it single exit, given it can terminates at either S1 or S2?
Can you give a statement which is not single entry?
Can you given a statement which is not single exit?
In many languages, the only statements that do not have a single entry are those which happen to contain labels for use with goto or switch statements located outside them, and the only statements that do not have a single exit are those which contain a goto to an outside location, trigger an exception, or otherwise force stack unwinding. Note that for any particular call of a function, the only "normal" exit point will be the code immediately following that call.
The notion of single entry/single exit may be unclear to those who have never worked with code that didn't use such an approach. Examples of the latter may be found when writing code for the platforms like the Atari 2600 where RAM space is often at an absolute premium. If a piece of code will be invoked from the code that shows the title screen, or from within the game logic, and there one can't afford the two bytes of stack space necessary for a subroutine-call instruction, it would not be uncommon to jump to the code (rather than using a "JSR" [jump to subroutine] instruction), and have the code exit by checking whether a game is in progress and jumping back to the appropriate spot in the "show title screen" or "perform game logic" code. Such a design may be awkward to maintain if it becomes necessary to invoke it from more places in the code, but such techniques may be necessary if RAM is really tight (e.g. one only has 128 bytes total, as on the Atari 2600).

While loop using turtle graphic defined function

I'm using a while loop with user-defined functions to make drawings in turtle graphics based on a number of different conditions. For some reason, the while loop completely ignores the iterator making it an infinite loop when it shouldn't be. If you take out the functions that make the graphics, the loop works the way it should. Why doesn't the loop work with the functions for the graphics?
I need to see your code to have a better understanding of what's happening. Other than that, have you given your loop an end case that will keep it from looping? for example
while i<10:
the i variable is incremented at the end of every loop, the loop stops once it exceeds 10.
My guess is that the functions you have that make your graphics are not connected to your while loops stoping case.ex:
while continue==True:
if #user action == desired output:
#insert graphic function
#enter whatever default action you'd like

Is it possible to index using a variable of the for/loop in vhdl?

I'm a novice of VHDL code.
I would like to index a shared variable using the variable defined in the for/loop. It seems to work in simulation although the compiler tells me there are some warning:
(ID: 13024). Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work on board as expected from the warning.
I want to use for/loop because they seem good to reduce the complexity of the "total combinational functions" used, so I want to index in a stupid way, my shared variable.
This is an extract of my code:
for I in I_top to I_top loop
for J in J_top to J_top loop
if type = 1 then
matrix(I,J) := "110";
vector(I) := vector(I) + 1;
end := true;
elsif type = 2 then
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
I think I have found a way to solve this problem.
My understanding is that using 10x10 variables in VHDL introduces a lot of complexity because the compiler allocates all the resources they can need for them.
If you want to use a space to save your variables you can use something like a ram chip:
Then, you need to manage address cycles and reading/writing cycles, but the previous complexity seems to disappear.

Why is for(;;) used?

I have seen code (in C) which contains something similar to:
How would this work, and why is it used in any instance?
It is the idiomatic way to have an infinite loop.
In the C Programming Language book, by Kernighan & Ritchie book it was introduced in section 3.5:
for (;;) {
is an infinite loop, presumably to be broken by other means, such as a break or return.
is an infinite loop something like
This is equivalent to an infinite loop, as many other have explained. However, few of them explained why this executes as an infinite loop.
A for loop can be broken down into three parts:
for(initialization(s); condition(s); looping command(s))
None of these fields are actually required. Without a condition provided, there's nothing to stop the command from running. This is because the for loop looks for a false statement. Without conditions provided, nothing is false, therefore the loop runs indefinitely.
Therefore to cause a for loop to be infinite, all you need is to not provide a condition. This means that this is also a valid infinite loop:
for(int i = 0;; i++)
printf("Iteration: %i\n", i);
For readability, and to make sure that the second semi-colon isn't a typo, some programmers might put a space between them, or put true as the condition.
Honestly, I prefer while(true), as this is a clear infinite loop. Using while(1) works as well, but '1' is an integer, not a boolean. While it is equivalent to true, it does not always mean true.
Between these three types of infinite loops, for(;;) has the fewest characters (7). while(1) comes second at 8 characters, and while(true) at 11.
I suppose that certain programmers prefer a low byte count over a readable program, but I wouldn't recommend using for(;;). While equivalent, I believe that using while(true) is better practice.
A for loop needs three expressions, which are separated by semicolons, and are completely optional:
An initialization (e.g. int i=0)
A condition (e.g. i < 10)
An afterthought (e.g. i++)
In this case, the three expressions are empty, and thus there's no condition that will make the loop stop, thus creating an infinite loop, unless a flow control instruction like break (which will exit the loop) or return is used.
Its an infinite loop. Its equivalent to:
while (true) {
The C# compiler directly translates for (; ;) into the exact same construct as while (true).
Infinite loop
same as
the code for(;;){} or while(true){} or while(1){} all represent infinite loops.
An infinite loop is something to be expected in a software system that is expected to run and "unlimited" amount of time. Every OS has at least one - it's how a background task or idle task is implemented.
Real Time systems use infinite loops as well because the system has to handle events which are asynchronous;
Basically anything that runs software uses infinite loops in one way or another.
I don't know why no one answered why people do this instead of while(true): It's because while(true) will often generate a compilation warning that the condition of the loop is constant.
This kind of infinite loop can be used in microcontroleurs. In your main function, you initialize the basic functions of your microcontroleur, then put a while (1).
void MAIN(void)
The microcontroleur will then do nothing but wait for interrupts of internal or external devices (like a timer overflow, or UART data ready to be read), and react to these interrupts.

Using FOR loop in VHDL with a variable

Is there any possible way to create a for loop in the form:
for i in 0 to some_var loop
// blah,blah
end loop;
If not, is there any alternative way to create the same loop? Since While loops allows to use variable as the limit, but they are not synthesizeable in my project.
Thanks in Advance,
Bojan Matovski
The variable works just fine for testbench applications.
For synthesis you can get the same effect by using a static range and an exit condition. Set the range to be the maximum you will need.
for i in 0 to MAX_VALUE loop
exit when i = some_var ;
// blah,blah
end loop;
If your synthesis tool chokes on this, file a bug report. Both 1076.6-1999 and 1076.6-2004 (VHDL RTL Synthesis Standards) indicate that exit conditions are supported for "for" loops with a static range. You may find support issues with respect to using a loop label (1076.6-1999) indicates it is not supported.
If you find a bug (or lack of support) and do not report it, your vendor will think it is a feature you don't care about, and hence, will not invest in changing their tool.
Only loop parameters with static range are synthesizable.
You can implement a FSM(finite state machine) if some_var has a discrete range. Then write a specific loop for each state.
