I'm trying to redirect unauthorized people when they first enter my website via a url;
eg: example.com/#/order should be redirected to example.com/#/auth, this includes when they first visit the webpage and also navigating inbetween states.
Currently I have an abstract parent state of /order and /auth which have resolves that check for authentication and redirect otherwise. I also have a watch on the $stateChangeStart event to do the same thing.
The code for when you initially load the page works correctly, it will redirect if you visit /order/restaurant without being logged in, however if I'm on the url /auth/login I can change my url to /order/resturant and it will redirect me successful but the view will not update. I will still be able to see the /order/resturant page but the resolve and page changes were hit. Why does this happen? I've attempted to use $rootScope.$apply() without success as well.
My code is as follows for the parent states:
// Authentication Urls
.state('auth', {
url: '/auth',
templateUrl: 'modules/auth/auth.html',
abstract: true
// Order Urls
.state('order', {
url: '/order',
templateUrl: 'modules/order/order.html',
abstract: true
and my code to watch the stateChange
.run(['$rootScope', '$location', 'Auth', function($rootScope, $state, Auth) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState) {
var stateName = toState.name
console.log('State start')
if (!stateName.match(/auth/) && !Auth.isLoggedIn) {
console.log('User is not visiting auth and isn\'t logged in, redirecting....')
} else if (Auth.isLoggedIn && stateName.match(/auth/)) {
console.log('User is logged in and is on the auth page, redirecting....')
Looking at the documentation here (http://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki#state-change-events) you should cancel the navigation by calling event.preventDefault() before performing your new transition.
I have email verification state defined as below, which redirects the state to account if the user is logged in and otherwise it opens up, but the thing is with dynamic params of verification url.
.state('verification', {
url: '/verification/:email/:token',
templateUrl: 'verification/verification.tpl.html',
controller: 'VerificationCtrl',
title: 'Verification',
resolve: {
UnauthenticatedUser: ['$q', '$state', 'securityAuthorization', function($q, $state, securityAuthorization){
var promise = securityAuthorization.requireUnauthenticatedUser()
// user is authenticated, redirect
return $q.reject();
return promise;
In this case it should redirect to account.dashboard(/account/dashboard), but it bounce back to this url(/verification/:email/:token) after that.
But if I put the url as /verification only then it works normally the way it is supposed to and redirect to account.dashboard.
Can someone suggest where I am going wrong
Just started using angular and I'm trying to learn as fast as I can. I'm relatively new to SPA's so please bear with me and feel free to tell me if what I want to do is not feasible. What I'm currently stuck on now, is how do I protect my routes when using the ui-router?
What do I want to do?
There are routes that I don't want non-logged in users to access.
For example, /home and /login are okay for anonymous users.
/dashboard should only be for those that are logged in.
I want it so if a user tries to access /dashboard in the future without being logged in, they are not able to.
What have I already tried?
I have tried using the angular-permission module found here: https://github.com/Narzerus/angular-permission
The problem is..I'm not quite sure how to use it (nor if I'm using it properly).
What is currently happening?
In my login controller, once a user submits their username and password it makes a /POST to my web-sever. Once it gets the result, (regardless of what it is for the moment) I've got it redirecting to /dashboard.
Right now nothing should be getting to the /dashboard because no permissions have been set, yet I am (incorrectly) allowed to see the dashboard. I can both (1) successfully be redirected to the dashboard without permission and (2) access /dashboard without permission.
What does my code look like right now?
var controllers = angular.module('controllers',[])
// Login Controller -- This handles the login page that the user can enter
// enter his username & password.
controllers.controller('loginController', function($scope, $state,$location, LoginService){
$scope.email = "";
$scope.password = ""
$scope.login = function(){
var data = ({email:"test", password: "ayylmao"})
//Definition: The parent module
var myApp = angular.module('clipboardApp', ['services','controllers', 'permission','ui.router']);
//Code below taken from the angular-permission docs.
.module('fooModule', ['permission', 'user'])
.run(function (PermissionStore, User) {
// Define anonymous permission)
.definePermission('anonymous', function (stateParams) {
// If the returned value is *truthy* then the user has the permission, otherwise they don't.
//True indicates anonymous.
//Always returning true to indicate that it's anonymous
return true;
//This will be serving as the router.
myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
//By default go
//Views are
.state('home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
.state('login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
controller: 'loginController'
.state('dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'views/dashboard.html',
controller: 'dashboardController',
data: {
permissions: {
except: ['anonymous'],
redirectTo: 'login'
Here is a working example with secured routes. In this example any state start with app. will go via the auth interceptor. $transitions.onBefore hook can be use as follows to satisfy your requirement.
.run(($transitions, $state, $injector) => {
to: 'app.**'
}, () => {
const $window = $injector.get('$window');
if (!$window.sessionStorage.getItem('user')) {
return $state.target('login', $state.transition.params());
return true
In my angular app, when a user visits the "home" state (I am using ui-router), he gets a welcome message.
When pressing a login button, a overlay appears and the user can authenticate.
Upon a successful authentication, I want to do some API calls and display stuff on the template.
All of this in code, looks like this:
.config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('home', {
url: "/",
templateUrl: "app/sections/home/homeTpl.html",
controller: 'HomeCtrl'
.controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', 'Session', 'MoviesService', function ($scope, Session, MoviesService) {
if (Session.getUserRole() === 'USER') {
// Add a movie.
$scope.newMovie = {
name: 'I am the new movie'
When the users authenticates, the controller check's the user role and if he is a "USER" do stuff....
Now, in order for everything to work, I need Angular ui-router to refresh the state, after logging in:
$state.transitionTo($state.current, {}, {
reload: true,
inherit: false,
notify: true
While it works, I am not sure this is the way to go regarding best practices...
Any ideas?
I don't know if you really need notify but you can use $state.reload that an alias for transitionTo. $state doc
After I think your are right, I do the same for my app.
I am trying to create a route that clears the users session and redirects them back to the root homepage.
.config(function config( $routeProvider, $stateProvider ) {
when('/logout', {resolve: {redirect: function(Session){
return "/home";
I'm obviously doing something wrong here, as calling
... ignores the function and redirects back to the default route. I've tried adding console.log statements to the function to see if it is being called.
Am I using the redirect function incorrectly?
Have you considered putting your logout logic in a separate controller? Would be a little cleaner, more robust, & make redirection more straightforward. Like so:
function LogoutController($location) {
The your route is:
when('/logout', {
template: '', //A template or templateUrl is required by AngularJS, even if your controller always redirects.
controller: 'LogoutController'
I had the same issue and what I did instead was create a logout function in my navigationController that gets hit when the URL is clicked
<li>Log Out</li>
And in my navigationController:
$scope.logout = function () {
window.location = '/logout';
I'm running ASP.NET behind Angular so I needed the browser (not angular) to route to /logout which is mapped in ASP.NET config (does a few other session clean ups and redirects to authentication app)
Hope this helps
just store the $sessionStorage (username) then delete the the $sessionStorage (username) ..
$scope.logout = function(){
delete $sessionStorage.sessname; //sessname is get sessionStorage username
help me for this link:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36056745/angularjs-click-logout-button-to-clear-sessionstorage-again-and-again-go-back-to
I use this approach
.when('/logout', {
resolve: {
logout: ['authService', function (authService) {
I use angularjs with ui-router library. Lets say I have some routes for admin and some routes for user. If admin or user is logged in I want to show some page for them (admin.html for admin and user.html for user, for example), otherwise login.html
On the backend I have a special url, like /auth/status/, which gives me information about the user (if he's logged and which role he has)
There are some situations I can't figure out how to handle:
I go to '/' url. The application loads. I have a run method for my app module. But how can I check if the user is logged in, when it happens asynchronously? Well, I have this and it works somehow, but I'm not sure if this is a good solution:
app.config(['$stateProvider', '$routeProvider',
function($stateProvider, $routeProvider) {
.state('admin', {
abstract: true,
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'templates/admin.html'
.state('admin.desktop', {
url: 'desktop',
templateUrl: 'templates/desktop.html'
function($http, $rootScope, $location, $state, userRoles) {
var DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE = 'admin.desktop';
var promise = $http.get('/auth/status/');
promise.then(function(response) {
$rootScope.isLogged = response.data.logged;
$rootScope.userRole = userRoles[response.data.role];
if (!$rootScope.isLogged) {
} else {
switch (response.data.role) {
case 'admin': $state.transitionTo(DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE); break;
}, function(response) {
Though I don't understand: if I go to / url I should get an error because it's abstract. Instead when $http.get request is resolved (I put 2 seconds sleep in backend to check that) I transition to admin.desktop state. I'm confused what happens in which order: state loads template or app.run function with some ajax requests...
The main question is, when I go to /#/desktop how can I first check if user is logged (send a request to /admin/auth/ and check what it returns) and only then decide what to do (transition to login or desktop state)?
I found Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker this, but again still a little fuzzy for me. Resolve property seems like a solution when I want to load a list of entities and then show the template. But I want to have some "before" function for ALL states which just checks if user is logged and has a correspond role (one moment: I do not want to use /admin/entites or /user/entities urls, want to have just /entitites. As I get it several states may have the same url). So basically it looks like if I go to /someurl I want to run method wait until it gets ajax response and after that transition to some state. Instead the state corresponding to /someurl load a template...
Also I found an article about authentication in angular but author uses cookies which is not async thing
Update: when I use cookies for checking if user is logged and I go to /#/desktop I still have it rendered, and $state.transitionTo doesn't work..
You should check it before page load:
I cannot write full example now, but in common you should do like this:
.run([ ..., function(....) {
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, current) {
... check cookie here ...