MODx Revo: Empty comboboxes on the Admin Panel - combobox

I just installed a copy of MODX Revolution 2.3.1-pl.
And everything is fine, but comboboxes are empty. I can see that combobox data comes with JSON/AJAX and JSON is correct. But anyway I cannot see a proper values on the combo box.
What's wrong with that?

First create the imaevents.combo.js file here modxcloud\assets\components\yourcomponentFolder\js\mgr\widgets and add this code in imaevents.combo.js:
Imaevents.combo.Event_status = function(config) {
config = config || {};
store: new{
id: 0
,fields: ['event_status','display']
,data: [
['','Event Status']
,['Waiting list','Waiting list']
,mode: 'local'
,displayField: 'display'
,valueField: 'event_status'
Use this combo box by calling the xtype "imaevents-combo-event_status"
xtype: 'imaevents-combo-event_status'
,fieldLabel: _('imaevents.event_status')
,name: 'event_status'
,anchor: '100%'

Well, I found the problem is in unsupported experimental ES6 features (Chrome flag #enable-javascript-harmony) by the legacy ExtJS 3.X.
See also: Comboboxes are ed up in Chrome


Ext JS 6.2.0 localization overrides don't work

I'm working on Ext JS MVC app, that needs to be localized. Trying to reproduce official docs (
Locale file load correctly.
Console message:
[W] Overriding existing mapping: 'viewmodel.users' From
'clt.locale.en.view.users.UsersModel' to 'clt.view.users.UsersModel'.
Is this intentional?
but overriding values don't display (they should be grid columns headers.
Model looks like this:
Ext.define('clt.view.users.UsersModel', {
extend: '',
// something
// singleton: true,
data: {
key1: 'value1',
key2: 'value2',
keyN: 'valueN',
stores: {
// something
Values binding to view like this:
bind: { text: '{key1}' }
If I make this model singleton, localization starts working (grid headers displayed localized values), but grid data is empty.
So, what's the problem? Help me understanding it.
Update. Problem resolved. I found thread on Sencha forum with solution: add localized elements in config object in localization file. Example:
Ext.define('clt.locale.en.view.users.UsersModel', {
override: 'clt.view.users.UsersModel',
config: {
data: {
key1: 'value1',
// some other keys
Warnings are not a good sign. In your case, you don't apply an override like you should. The message
[W] Overriding existing mapping: 'viewmodel.users' From 'clt.locale.en.view.users.UsersModel' to 'clt.view.users.UsersModel'. Is this intentional?
says that first, clt.locale.en.view.users.UsersModel (your localized version) is loaded, and after that, clt.view.users.UsersModel (non-localized version) is loaded and completely replaces the localized version.
What you want to do is the following:
Ext.define('clt.view.users.UsersModel', {
extend: '', // <- EXTEND ViewModel class
// define your locale-agnostic user model here
Ext.define('clt.locale.en.view.users.UsersModel', {
override: 'clt.view.users.UsersModel', // <- OVERRIDE implementation in the overridden class
// define your localized properties here.
This should remove the warning. Then you can instantiate the UsersModel
Ext.create('clt.view.users.UsersModel', {
but you get a localized version of it.

customizing sencha yes no combo within a specific panel without affecting parent combo box

I need to customize the yes no combo within a specific panel, local to the panel without affecting the parent yesnocombo box configuration. Is there a way to do this?
I am referring to the form I posted earlier in another thread in the Sencha forums, but no one has answered. The url is:
I tried this:
var myNewStore =[
"", "Yes", "Revoke"];
if(comp.getVelue() == "" || comp.getVale() ==="&nbsp")
but this broke the format of the form.
Is there a way to create a local combo with custom variables like this:
var UserForm_BlahBlahBlah=Ext.create('YesNoCombo', {
values:" Yes" "Revoke",
I tried this but it will not work. But you get the idea- It is just creating a local extension within a specific panel with new values.
Is this possible? Or is there a better way that sencha implements customizing the combo box with out affecting the parent class?
umbre gachoong
You can easily extend Ext.form.ComboBox class and create your own combo box class. Then you can use your combobox in forms.
In the exmaple I create custom combobox by using its xtype which I defined by alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo'. You can also create instance of custom combobox by var combo = Ext.create('YesNoCombo');
alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo',
store: ["No", "Yes", "Revoke"],
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'yesNoCombo',
fieldLabel:'Yes No Label',
name: 'combo',
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Another field',
name: 'anotherField',
See this fiddle

Problems setting up Extensible calendar

I'm trying to set up an Extensible Calendar Pro in my ExtJs 4.1 application, but I still get a name is undefined error.
I solved the original problem, but directly went in another.
Updated code:
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
id : 'zeusMainPanel',
alias : 'widget.zeus',
requires : [
autoShow : true,
layout : 'border',
border : false,
initComponent : function(){
this.items = [{
* Some other Ext Elements
}, {
region : 'east',
xtype : 'extensible.calendarpanel',
name : 'zeus-calendar',
width : 500,
eventStore: Ext.create('', {
data: Ext.create('',{
StartDate: '2101-01-12 12:00:00',
EndDate: '2101-01-12 13:30:00',
Title: 'My cool event',
Notes: 'Some notes'
Now it loads all classes correctly when the Extensible singleton is included, but nothing works. I just have a white screen and no functions in the controller or anywhere else are called. When I remove it from the requires list it comes up with this error: Extensible.log is not a function
Do I use the plugin at all right?
Any advice?
Extensible.log is defined on the Extensible singleton, so it should always be available if your dependencies and includes are set up correctly. You really should post in the Extensible forums with additonal details (Ext version, Extensible version, script include markup) as this is basically a product support question.
EDIT: By the way, there is no such thing as Extensible.Extensible, which might be part of your problem. Also you cannot use wildcard requires statements for non-Sencha classes. You might try getting a basic example working first before trying to create a complex layout with it.

How do I programmatically set the hidden property for a Tab (button)

I have an Ext TabPanel, and I am trying to set the hidden property for one of the Tabs, programmatically. I am able to select the object and call methods such as disable() and enable() but so far have been unable to find a means by which I can manipulate the Tab's 'hidden' property.
The Tab is defined as
id: "view-task",
hidden: false,
title: "View"
and the code attempting to manipulate it
twin = ( Ext.getCmp('view-task'));
The above call to disable works, so the component is being correctly selected but I do not know how to manipulate the hidden property.
Any assistance will be much appreciated.
N. Euzebe
Try this:
var tabs = Ext.createWidget('tabpanel', {
items: [{
itemId: 'home',
title: 'Short Text',
closable: true
You can find this code in examples on the API page
You haven't explained which version of ExtJS you're using. But in version 3.x you can do the following (I don't know, but it might also work in ExtJS 4.x):
var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp('myTabPanel');
var tabToHide = Ext.getCmp('myTab');
To show the tab again:
Hope this helps you :)

how to delete or add column in grid panel

grid.getcolumnModel().setHidden(0,true) will be effected for column menu
and not grid panel. In column menu u can enable or disable the column. How do we add or remove the column in grid panel dynamically?
I think this is what you are looking for
Make sure you look at post #37 in the thread as well.
For those who reach this question looking for a solution for Ext.js 4.2 and avobe.
I use "reconfigure" method to dynamically change the grid columns:!/api/Ext.grid.Panel-method-reconfigure
Here is a nice example:
You may have to refresh the Ext.grid.GridView in order for the column change to show.
grid.getView().refresh(true) // true to refresh HeadersToo
In ExtJs 3.x this piece of code can help:
Note: I have used checkbox, as the first column. Please remove that line if you don't need it.
var newColModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [
header: 'New column 1'
}, {
header: 'New column 2'
defaults: {
sortable: false
}); = new{
root: 'items',
totalProperty: 'count',
fields: [
// Please provide new array of fields here
grid.reconfigure(, newColModel);
The reconfigure function might not work well with plugins. Especially if you have something like FilterBar.
If you only need to do this once, based on some global settings that use can use initComponent and change your initial config. Be sure to make all changes to the config before calling this.callParent();
Tested with ExtJS 6.2 (but should also work for ExtJS 4 and 5)
initComponent: function() {
// less columns for this setting
if (!app.Settings.dontUseFruits()) {
var newColumns = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.columns.items.length; i++) {
var column = this.columns.items[i];
// remove (don't add) columns for which `dataIndex` starts with "fruit"
if (^fruit/) < 0) {
this.columns.items = newColumns;
maybe try
or store.remove() and store.commitChanges()
